Ruki and Renamon by Imouto Kitten Makino Ruki sits in her bedroom, one leg crossed over the other as she calls for her partner digimon, "Renamon!" Seeming to appear out of nowhere, the yellow-furred vulpine is immediately before Ruki, kneeling in supplication to her tamer, "Yes, Mistress?" Crossing her arms, Ruki addresses her digimon, "While we were training today, you seemed distracted." Bowing her head, Renamon replies, "My apologies, mistress." "It didn't matter today, since all of your opponents were weaklings barely worth loading, but I want to know why you were distracted so I can help you avoid such a mistake if we ever find a decent opponent." Blushing, Renamon replies, "It's... a bit embarrassing, Mistress." "I don't care!" snaps Ruki, "Just tell me what the problem is!" Standing, Renamon says, "It might help if I show you." With that, the vulpine digimon reaches a gloved paw for her crotch and starts rubbing. When Renamon pulls her hand away, she reveals a long, slender penis protruding from the sheath that Renamon's white fur had concealed. Living in an all female household and attending an all-girls school, Ruki has never seen an actual dick before, but while the blood red and pointed vulpine phallus jutting out proudly from Renamon's lithe form looks quite different from the illustrations the Digimon Queen has seen in biology textbooks, the young woman immediately identifies the sex organ before her for what it is. The sight alone is enough to make Ruki's girlhood grow damp, and unbeknownst to either occupant of the room, Renamon is putting out a pheromone that is having an aphrodisiac effect on the tamer. Trying to ignore her arousal and making sure her facade of cold stoicism remains in tact, Ruki addresses her partner, "I thought digimon didn't have sexes, and even if they did, I would've sworn you were a girl." "Digimon do have sexes, and I am a girl, but..." Renamon trails off. "Spit it out!" yells Ruki, irritated at Renamon's unusually bashful behavior. Taking a deep breath, Renamon explains, "I am a girl, but we've been fighting mostly male opponents, and while loading their data has made me stronger, it has had side-effects." Gesturing to her cock, Renamon adds, "Such as making me transition from being female to being a hermaphrodite, and, increasing my sex drive. That swarm we fought earlier today was all female, and it took all of my discipline to fight them and load their data instead of pinning them to the ground, one-by-one, and..." Renamon can't bring herself to finish her statement, but Ruki fills in the blanks with images of her partner raping their opponents from earlier that day so hard they shatter into data. Struggling to conceal her arousal, Ruki asks, pretending to make the offer solely for Renamon's benefit, "Would it help you focus in battle if I let you... breed with me?" Renamon can hear the undertone of hesitation in Ruki's words and can smell her tamer's arousal, but decides to keep secret that she's noticed cracks in Ruki's mask of indifference as she replies, "It might." Standing up, Ruki slowly pulls her broken heart t-shirt over her head, trying not to seem too eager to not only lose her virginity, but to lose it to a creature from another world. Unbuttoning and unzipping her fly, Ruki lets her jeans drop to the floor and steps out of them, leaving the preteen in nothing but a matching set of powder blue socks, panties, and a strappless training bra. Seeing Renamon's digi dick twitch at the sight of the tamer in her underwear, Ruki barely manages to not smile as she asks, "What should I do to help you, Renamon?" Fighting the urge to tackle her tamer to the ground, Renamon says, "Would you mind getting on your hands and knees, mistress?" Ruki drops to her hands and knees, facing away from Renamon and can't help wiggling her panty-clad butt in her partner's direction. Pretending not to have noticed, Renamon kneels behind her tamer and pulls Ruki's panties to the preteen's knees. Lining the pointed tip of her digihood up with her tamer's opening and grasping the girl's hips, Renamon thrusts her own hips forward as she pulls Ruki back, hilting her vulpine cock within the preteen in a single stroke. As she's impaled upon her digimon's hot meat, Ruki lets out a scream that would bring her mother and grandmother running if they were home as the preteen was unaware of the existence of her hymen and thus unprepared for it to be torn asunder. Renamon glances down to where she is joined with her tamer to see Ruki's virgin blood seeping out around the digimon's member and asks, "Did I hurt you mistress?" Acting tough despite the pain of her shredded maidenhead, Ruki replies, "I'm fine. I was just surprised by your girth. Just give me a minute to adjust." After the longest minute of Renamon's life, Ruki adds, "You may proceed." Renamon pulls back until only her tip is still within her tamer before thrusting forward once again, the motion sending jolts of pleasure up the spines of both human and digimon. The vulpine repeats this action several times, and seeing no further signs of discomfort from her tamer decides to pick up the pace. As her partner starts rutting her in earnest, Ruki bites down on her lower lip to avoid moaning in pleasure, unwilling to admit how good Renamon is making her feel, but the tamer can't resist the urge to push her own hips back against the vulpine cock within her in time with Renamon's own thrusts. Sensing her tamer's unwillingness to admit her true feelings regarding the situation, Renamon uses her claws to unclasp Ruki's bra, the garment falling to the floor as the fox leans over the preteen, soft white fur rubbing against silky, pale skin and reaching under Ruki to gently pinch at her nipples. At the same time, Renamon adjusts the angle of her thrusts to graze Ruki's g-spot as she whispers in her tamer's ear, "It's okay to enjoy this, my mistress." the sultry tone in the digimon's voice making the Digimon Queen shiver involuntarily. Ruki continues to stubbornly do her best to remain calm under the assault Renamon's fox cock is waging on the girl's nether regions, but her stoic exterior is showing signs of cracking. When Renamon suddenly increases her pace without warning, the overwhelming pleasure in Ruki's loins is too much for the tamer's resolve and a loud moan of pleasure finally escapes Ruki's lips as her frosty exterior shatters under the pleasurable assault. No longer trying to hold back, Ruki exclaims, "YES! Fuck your tamer!", which only encourages Renamon further. After a few more minutes of frantic fucking, Renamon announces, "Mistress, I'm about to...!" "It's okay, cum inside me!" Shouts Ruki, cutting off her partner digimon. Renamon straightens up and grabs hold of Ruki's wrists as she thrusts furiously into her tamer's pussy, the pointed tip of the vixen's vulpine member pounding against Ruki's cervix. Then, with one final thrust, both more powerful and more precise than any previous, Renamon pierces Ruki's innermost barrier, the preteens cervix forming a tight seal around the neck of the digimon's digihood as warm digiseed floods Ruki's young womb. At the same time, the base of the vulpine member swells, trapping Renamon within her tamer's depths. The combination of being knotted and inseminated is more than Ruki can take as she experiences her very first orgasm and would collapse to the tatami if not for her partner's strong grip on her wrists. Exhausted herself and seeing no other option, Renamon hugs Ruki to her chest before moving to lay down on Ruki's futon, the preteen curling into a fetal position and drifting off to sleep as soon as her body touches the mattress, Renamon curling protectively around her tamer, her lover? Renamon tries to watch over Ruki's sleeping form, but it isn't long before sleep claims the fox as well, the pair still tied together at the crotch. ### Several days later, Ruki summons Renamon to her room again, the digimon noticing immediately that, instead of her usual attire, Ruki is wearing only a pair of side tie panties and a thin, nearly see through middriff top with spaghetti straps, both in the same powder blue as her undergarments from the other day. With one bare leg crossed over the other as if to display her bare foot, Ruki says, in a much more cheerful tone than Renamon is use to hearing, "I've been very pleased with your performance over the last few days... but there is one thing I've been wondering." "What's that, mistress?" Asks Renamon from her kneeling position. Standing up, Ruki approaches her partner, and placing a hand under the fox's chin prompts her to stand. Looking the fox straight in the eye, not with the cold stare of the Digimon Queen, but with the warm affection of a lover, Ruki asks, "Why haven't you come to me for another special session?" Renamon is confused until Ruki starts rubbing at the digimon's crotch, drawing the thick, red vulpine cock from its sheath. Pressing the member between her thighs and grinding her panty-clad vulva against it, Ruki asks lustfully, "Was I not a satisfactory lover?" "It isn't that, Mistress..." Cutting her partner off with a finger to the lips, Ruki declares, "When we're together like this, you can address me by name." "Yes, mis...I mean, Ruki." Blushing the digimon continues, "I didn't want to take advantage of you, so I figured I wouldn't ask and wait for you to offer again." Giggling in a way that has Renamon wondering what's gotten into her tamer, Ruki replies, "Don't be silly! I'd be glad to help you anytime." Increasing her grinding, Ruki wraps her arms around Renamon's neck and pulls the fox's lips against her own. When Ruki finally breaks the kiss, panting for breath, she declares, "I love you, Renamon!" Hesitantly, Renamon replies, "I...I love you too, Ruki." Smiling wider than Renamon has ever seen before, Ruki grabs one of the digimon's paws and places it on her panty-clad rear, "Go ahead, give your tamer's butt a squeeze." As Renamon fondle's her tamer's rear, Ruki goes in for another passionate kiss, grinding more incessantly against the digidick between her thighs. When she comes up for air again, Ruki whines needily, "Renamon, I can't wait anymore! I want, no I need you inside me!" Needing no further encouragement, Renamon pulls at the ties on Ruki's panties, which come undone easily. Discarding that fabric barrier, Renamon lifts Ruki off the floor by the hips, lines her tip up with her tamer's opening and impales the preteen upon her member. Gasping in pleasure at the sudden intrusion, Ruki wraps her legs around Renamon's slender waist, the preteen crossing her ankles right above the fox's tail. As Ruki goes in for another kiss, Renamon grips her tamer's half moons and gives a few experimental thrusts, this position unfamiliar to the digital fox's instincts. Breaking the kiss and leaning back, her hands clasped behind her digimon's head, Ruki shouts, no longer caring if her mother or grandmother overhear, "YES! Fuck me fuck me fuck me FUCK ME! For the love of kami, fuck me!" Renamon increases her pace, trying to give her tamer the hard pounding she so clearly desires, and before long, Ruki is crashing her lips upon Renamon's muzzle once again, the preteens tight passage clenching around the digimon's vulpine prick in orgasm, but despite the preteen's best efforts to milk the fox's cock, Renamon manages to hold off her own climax for the time being. When Ruki recovers enough to speak, she exclaims, "That was incredible!" Her mood dampening some, she adds, "But you didn't cum with me..." Clenching around the cock within her, the tamer half requests, half commands, "Please lay down so I can ride that big, thick, digital dick." With her tamer still wrapped around her and impaled on her member, Renamon walks over to the futon before sitting down with Ruki in her lap. After giving Ruki time to unwrap her legs from around the digimon's waist, Renamon lays back. Discarding her top, Ruki begins sliding up and down Renamon's member and before long the tamer is bouncing at a pace Renamon didn't think possible for a human and that she would suspect would leave Ruki a blur to someone without the digimon's sharp eyes. So lost in admiring her tamer's physical beauty, Renamon is caught off guard when Ruki places the digimon's forepaws upon the preteen's undeveloped chest. In a tender tone that still sounds alien to Renamon's ears coming from her tamer's throat, Ruki says softly, "Go ahead, play with my itty-bitty titties." As Renamon complies, Ruki continues riding the digimon like a woman possessed, but the preteen also starts running her hands through the soft, white fur of Renamon's belly. Feeling her climax approaching and half-forgetting her tamer's earlier command, Renamon exclaims, "Mis... Ruki! I'm going to...!" Panting heavily and not slowing down, Ruki replies, "Go ahead! I want to feel that big, wonderful knot stretching my insides to the brink of tearing and trapping you inside me! I want to feel that hot, thick digiseed flooding my insides and searing my innermost depths!" Ruki's words of encouragement are more than Renamon can take as digimon thrusts up into her tamer at the same time that tamer crashes down on her digimon, their pubic bones grinding together as both climax in unison, Renamon's knot swelling as Ruki's walls grip it tightly, Renamon's tip piercing Ruki's cervix just as the first spurt of semen erupts forth. As Renamon pumps her tamer full of digiseed, filling every nook and cranny of the preteen's reproductive tract, Ruki collapses on her digimon's belly, exhausted yet euphoric as she basks in afterglow. Too tired to speak, Ruki runs her fingers through the tuff of fur on Renamon's chest, and finding one of the fox's breasts, begins suckling like a newborn kit as sleep claims her. Running a paw through her tamer's hair, Renamon whispers a soft, "Good night." before pulling a blanket over the pair and joining her human lover in slumberland.