Juri and Leomon by Imouto Kitten As the sun sat and the moon rose over the digital world, Katou Juri and her digimon partner, Leomon snuck away from the other tamers and their digimon in search of somewhere private. Once the pair have found a secluded spot, Leomon leans against a wall of natural stone as Juri undoes the fly of his pants and frees the beast king's member from its cloth confines. Even flaccid, Leomon's digihood is longer and thicker than the human girl's forearm, the barbs encircling its base as big as one of her dainty fingers and only grows even more in length and girth as Juri uses her hand puppet, bare hand, and an alteration of kisses and licks upon the massive cock head, unable to stretch her lips around it, to bring her partner to an erect state. Placing her bare hand to her cheek as her puppet mimes licking up and down the digimon's length, Juri comments in an awed tone, "Leomon's digidick is absolutely magnificent!" Letting out a low growl of pleasure, Leomon replies, "So you've told me every time you've seen it. Now, my little queen, service your king in the way you are so good at." "Yes, Leomon!" cries Juri, returning her bare hand to his shaft and resuming her kisses upon his tip. As her hands work their way towards the base of the lion's shaft, she starts trailing kisses along the underside of the massive member, and reaching the beastman's balls, she takes one of the grapefruit-sized orbs in each hand, gently caressing the one with her bare hand as her hand puppet mimes sucking on the other. After several minutes of such treatment, Leomon announces, "Juri, I'm about to shoot my seed!" causing Juri to redouble her efforts even as she huddles between her digimon's legs to get out of the splash zone. When Leomon climaxes, it is like a firehose as his pearly white seed shoots forth, traveling several meters before splashing on the ground as the beast king throws back his head and lets out a roar of triumph. As her partner sprays his seed, Juri can only stare mesmerized by the sheer amount he puts out and can't help wondering what it would feel like if he erupted like that while inside her. As his climax comes to an end, one last perly drop drips from his tip, large enough to give Juri the mother of all facials if she was standing underneath and held by a thin thread. Reaching out her hand, Juri manages to fill her palm with Leomon's essence as the final drop grows too heavy and breaks its thread, most of it splashing on the ground in front of Juri's sneakers as she licks what she caught from her hand. Recovering from his climax, Leomon glances down to his tamer, chest swelling with pride at the sight of her licking his seed from her fingers as he asks, "Is my little queen ready for her reward?" "Yes, Leomon!" replies Juri, stepping out from under her digimon, his spilled seed squishing under her shoes as she holds up her arms. Being careful not to shred the garment with his claws or to cut his tamer, Leomon hooks his foreclaws under the straps of Juri's dress and pulls the green garment off the girl before dropping it on a clean bit of bedrock. Unbuttoning her shirt, Juri tosses it to join her dress. Now standing in only her pale, yellow panties, matching socks, and her sneakers, Juri holds out her arms and orders, "Take your queen!" "With pleasure." declares Leomon as he wraps one massive hand around Juri's chest and lifts her off the ground before using the foreclaw of his other hand to remove her underwear. Tossing the girl's legs over his broad shoulders and shifting his grip to support her weight with both hands, Leomon brings his tamer's gushing girlhood to his muzzle, her intoxicating scent nearly driving his inner beast mad. Opening his mawl, the digimon plunges his tongue, longer and thicker than any human penis deep inside his tamer, the tip caressing her cervix as he laps up the copious amounts of delectible nectar flooding her flower, making the girl squirm madly from mindblowing pleasure, her feet getting tangled in his mane as she hugs him tightly about the neck. Pressing his thumb claws into her nipples, he adds to her stimulation, loving how helpless she is within his grasp, her head hanging back as she mewls like a kitten lost in the lust of her first heat, her hands encircling his thumbs in a white knuckled grip barely registering to the beast king. When Leomon brings his little queen to climax, her girlhood gushing like never before even before her bladder decides to let out its own contribution, Juri's mind goes blank as she lets out a long cry, half scream of ecstasy, half her best impression of a lioness's roar. When she's done releasing her fluids and her passage has relaxed enough Leomon can extract his tongue without fear of turning his lover inside out, he cradles his lover in one arm, letting her bask in afterglow while laying against his bare chest as he sits cross-legged upon the bedrock. As her senses start to return to her, Juri nuzzles against the beard-like portion of Leomon's mane before looking up with half-litted eyes and a drowsy smile and declares, "That was amazing as always." Tilting his head down to nuzzle the top of her head, Leomon replies, "I'm glad you enjoyed it." Giving her a toothy smile, he asks, "Is my little queen ready for the next round?" "Yes, I am." repliesJuri, cuddling closer to Leomon's chest as she braces for what's to come. Careful not to injure his lover, Leomon slips the foreclaw of his free hand into Juri's passage, her insides still sensitive from his earlier ministrations and gently scratches at her g-spot, causing the tired tamer to tremble terribly from the jolts of electricity this sends shooting up her spine. After a minute or two, he slowly slides deeper into the preteen's pussy, slowly stretching her walls, causing her to moan into his mane. Reaching her cervix, he carefully pushes his claw through that final barrier and into her innermost sanctum as his massive digit fills her pussy completely. As he continues to finger her pussy and claw her cervix, gently scratching her uterine lining similarly to how his barbs would scrape the insides of a Leowomon's passage to stimulate ovulation during mating, Leomon comments, "My little queen is loosening up quite nicely." Letting out her best impression of a cat purring, Juri asks, "Do you think you'll finally be able to mate me properly?" "Only one way to find out." Replies Leomon, carefully pulling his finger from Juri's passage and again shifting his grip on the human girl, this time to hold her upright in front of him, both hands wrapped around her torso as he lowers her until her opening is kissing the tip of his member. Slowly, he lets her fall, ready to lift her off him at the first sign of discomfort as she sinks on to his member, her lips stretching to an extent that would normally only happen as a newborn is crowning. "It's going in!" cries the girl in excitement. "Leomon's magnificent manhood is actually going inside me!" Growling as her warm, wet tightness engulfes him for the first time, Leomon replies, "Yes, my little queen is finally stretching enough to take her king inside her small body." Inch-by-inch, Juri continues to slowly sink onto the beast king's massive member, taking a little over half his length by the time his tip is pressed against her cervix, the human girl panting as her insides adjust to having Leomon within her. After several minutes of sitting in her partner's lap, half of his digidick buried in her pussy, Juri announces, "I think I'm ready for you to start the mating." Giving his tamer a toothy grin, Leomon tightens his grip before lifting Juri most of the way off his member before pushing her back down, slowly increasing speed when her reactions indicate that she is feeling only pleasure and no pain. Fisting her hands in his mane, she cries out in ecstasy, "YES! Mate me with that Magnificent member! Pound my pussy until no other cock can satisfy me!" "As you wish, my little queen." replies Leomon, pistoning his tamer up and down on his digihood as quickly as he dares, much to the human girl's delight. Glancing down to where they are joined and noticing that there's still about a third of Leomon's cock exposed, Juri exclaims, "Please, Leomon! Give it all to me!" "Are you sure?" asks the Lion, not slowing in the least. "YES! I want to feel your spines scraping my insides like they would a proper mate!" cries the girl, conviction in her voice and facial expression. "As you wish." replies Leomon, pushing down, trying to force himself balls deep into his tamer's tight twatty, her passage quite tiny compared to the giant beast man. It takes some time and several repeats of Juri insisting, "I can take it." but eventually, the human girl's cervix gives way, Leomon's cock head thrusting into her womb as Leomon fully hilts himself in his tamer, Juri gasping as her innermost sanctum is violated. "Are you okay?" asks Leomon, worried that he hurt his tamer. "I'm fine, it just surprised me." replies Juri, "Now continue mating me!" Doing as she demands, Leomon's chest swells with pride as his tamer seems to lose herself in pleasure even more now that he's fucking her balls deep, and before long, the king of beasts can feel his grapefruit-sized balls tightening up in preparation to unleash another massive load. "Juri, I'm going to cum again!" cries Leomon. "Do it! Shoot all of your hot, gooey seed in my belly!" cries Juri in reply. With a few more thrusts, Leomon hilts himself in Juri, his barbs digging deep into her flesh as he erupts deep in her womb. No less massive then the load he shot earlier, Leomon's seed soon fills Juri's womb to capacity, forcibly stretching the hollow organ and making her stomach swell, forcing her to lean back as she holds on to Leomon's mane to avoid smashing her skull on the bedrock as her own climax rips through her small body, both lovers tossing their heads back and roaring their pleasure to the heavens. Once done cumming, Leomon makes to lift Juri off his member, but at her cry of, "I want to sleep with Leomon inside me tonight." he settles for turning her around so she can lay against his chest without her cum inflated belly getting in the way. Getting a good look at herself, Juri comments, "Wow, you pumped me so full of cum that I look pregnant...Hmm, I wonder if digimon can get humans pregnant." "I don't know." replies Leomon before asking, "Would my little queen be bothered if I got her pregnant?" After a silence that stretches so long that Leomon wonders if Juri fell asleep, the human girl finally replies, "I think I'd be happy to bare Leomon's child, whether I end up pregnant or laying a digi-egg." His chest swelling with pride once more, "I'm happy that my little queen is willing to go that far in being my mate." With that, the happy couple drift off to sleep, both wondering if their mating will produce a child and both unaware of the tragedy that will soon befall them.