Izumi and Ranamon by Imouto Kitten Orimoto Izumi had no idea why her self-proclaimed archnemesis Ranamon had ordered that the Legendary Warrior of Wind be separated from the other chosen imprisoned by Cherubimon's lackeys, much less why she had been taken to the Warrior of Water's bedchamber and chained to the wall overlooking the small pool that serves as the amphibian's bed. As she tries to think of a way to escape despite her D-scanner still being in the enemy's possession, Izumi's thoughts are interrupted by Ranamon's entrance, "Hey Sugar, I hope tha little fairy princess is enjoying her new accomodations." Scoffing, Izumi replies, "If you're trying to butter me up so I'll betray Takuya and Kouji, you're doing a terrible job." Gracefully diving into the pool and crossing its surface in a matter of seconds, Ranamon uses her hydrokinesis to stand on the pool's surface and bring herself eye-to-eye with her captive to cup the blonde's chin with a dainty hand as she replies, "While it would be much appreciated if ya would spill tha beans, honey, I have much more personal reasons ta separate ya from tha boys. Though I could probably make a fortune selling tha video, I don't particularly want anyone baring witness ta what I've in store for my new plaything." Whatever retort the Warrior of Wind has is cut off by Ranamon capturing Izumi's lips in a kiss, the blonde's eyes going wide in shock and too surprised to resist as the Warrior of Water's tongue invades the human's mouth. When Ranamon breaks the kiss, the grossed out and coughing Izumi chokes out, "You kissed me! Why did you kiss me?!" Licking her lips, Ranamon replies, "Ain't it obvious, Sugar? Ya ain't tha lovely, little lady I am, but yer quite pretty in yer own right, and as much as I just eat up having boys practically worshipping tha water I walk on, obeying my every whim, and showering me with presents, I much prefer ta play with girls in tha bedroom." With that, Ranamon steps back and snaps her fingers, summoning several of the disembodied hands she had earlier used to tickle torture the chosen, but instead of tickling the bound girl, the hands proceed to fondle her. Two hands slide up under Izumi's shirt to cup her breasts, and a second pair go up her skirt to grope her ass. Cupping her own chest with the hands attached to her body, Ranamon comments, "Oh sugar, yer breasts are actually a bit bigger than my own, and so soft. I'm actually a bit jealous, and such a naughty girl, wearing such a thin top without a bra! Not to mention that firm ass." Choking back her moans, not wanting to admit how much she's enjoying the Warrior of Water's touch, Izumi screams, "Get your hands off of me, you perverted toad!" "Now, that's just plain rude!" pouts the amphibious digimon, "Guess I need ta teach ya some respect." With a snap of her finger, a hand grips tightly to each of Izumi's forearms and legs, her chains coming undone as the hands pull her away from the wall and hold her reclined over the water's surface, her legs parted to let Ranamon look up her skirt. Seeing the white cotton, Ranamon comments, "What disappointingly plain panties." before silently commanding the hands fondling Izumi's ass and tits to push up her shirt and pull down her panties to give the Warrior of Water a better look. As soon as the panties are removed, a pair of hands remove Izumi's shoes and socks and starts to massage her feet as Ranamon sinks beneath the water's surface to admire the blonde's nether regions. "Oh my, what a pretty pussy ya have, honey." Thrashing in the grip of the disembodied hands, trying futilely to kick her captor in the face even as a few moans escape her throat, Izumi yells, "Let go of me, pervertita rospo!" "I'm not sure what you just said, but I'm sure it was something nasty." replies Ranamon, crossing her arms. "I was going to use my tongue ta prepare you, but since you insist on saying insulting things, I think I'll skip ta the main event." With that, two hands fly to the inside of Izumi's thighs, the thumbs spreading her labia as a disembodied penis, the tip green like Ranamon's skin and the shaft colored to match her outfit appears from thin air pointed straight at the blonde's exposed opening. Panicking, the suspended girl says, "What the hell is that?" "As you can see, sugar, hands ain't tha only body part I can summon and control." replies Ranamon, reaching down to rub herself through the crotch of her swimsuit. "I'm all lady, but I can summon as many hard cocks for fucking my chosen playthings as I want, and this way, I don't have to worry about laying a DigiEgg if my fun gets out of hand." As the floating phallus inches towards Izumi's opening, Ranamon pulling the crotch of her swimsuit aside to finger her pussy directly, the Warrior of Wind pleads in fear, "Ple-Please, don't do this... I'm still a virgin!" "Oh Goody!" replies Ranamon, her disembodied dick now pressed against Izumi's opening, "I love breaking in virgin pussies! Now, Sugar, time to say bye bye to tha pesky cherry!" Any further protests from the human girl are cut off as Ranamon wills her disembodied member to drive itself home in the warrior of wind's passage, ripping through Izumi's maidenhead as a scream of pain rips from her throat. Feeling the phallus engulfed in tight warmness as surely as if it were attached to her body, Ranamon lets out a moan, "Oh my, but ya've got such a nice, cozy cunny, sugar. So warm and tight, and those screams are music to my ears!" The disembodied penis withdraws partially from Izumi's no longer virgin pussy, Ranamon smiling at the sight of the blonde's virgin blood smeared on the phallus. As Ranamon summons two more pairs of disembodied hands with which to fondle her own tiny titties and half moons, she reaches her other hand down to her crotch, the fingers of one hand furiously finger fucking her own pussy as the other hand takes her clit between thumb and forefinger. As the Warrior of Water proceeds to masturbate shamelessly, she orders her cock to start pistoning in and out of her captive's tight twat. Between her rapist giving her no time to recover from her deflowering and having not been prepared for penetration by any means, Izumi cries out in pain, "Oh mia dio! Fa male! Fa male! Take it out! Take it out! As she struggles futilely against the hands holding her, her cries and struggles only seeming to encourage Ranamon as she increases the pace at which she fingers herself and at which she pounds Izumi's pussy. Fortunately for the Warrior of Wind, her passage eventually starts producing enough of its own lubrication to allow the intruding phallus to slide in and out smoothly and the pain from her torn hymen gives way to pleasure, albeit unwanted and tainted by the way the green-skinned girl has sexually assaulted the human girl. However, despite not wanting to give Ranamon the satisfaction of knowing her victim is starting to enjoy her mistreatment, Izumi is unable to suppress the moans that come unbidden from her dry, scratchy throat, sore from her earlier cries of outrage and pain. "Wha happened to all tha fight ya had in ya earlier, Sugar?" Asks the amphibious digimon, not sure whether to be disappointed that her new plaything has stopped struggling or delighted that she seems to be starting to enjoy being fucked by the Warrior of Water's disembodied cock. "Have my rushing waters extinguished all tha fire ya had already? Oh well, even if ya just lay thar and take it, cummin' in yer cozy, little cunny is gonna be no less delightful, honey. I wonder if ya will lay a DigiEgg like most of the digimon I've invited to my bed chamber do or if ya will end up with my tadpole growin in yer belly like I hear human babies do." Starting to hump the water in time with the movements of her floating phallus, Ranamon adds, "Oh well, only one way ta find out!" As Ranamon's words penetrate Izumi's sex fogged mind, her struggles renew as she yells, "NO! Don't cum inside! Pull out! Pull out! I'm too young to have a baby, and I definitely don't want to have a toad's baby!" With a lecherous expression on her face, Ranamon replies, "Sorry sugar, but with a pussy that feels as good as yers, thar's only one real option. Ta drive deep inside and let it all out!" With this Ranamon picks up pace once more, close to climax of both the male and female varieties. Struggling against her fate, Izumi cries out, "NO! NO! NO! Nonononono! Don't cum! Don't cum!" But her pleas fall on deaf ears as the phallus, with one last, powerful thrust, buries itself completely within Izumi, the tail end vanishing between her nether lips and the tip slamming into her cervix just as it erupts, Ranamon trembling in double climax as her hands are coated in copious amounts of pussy juice as she floods her captive's unprotected womb. Feeling her rapist's digiseed shooting into her, the Warrior of Wind lets out a howl of "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" as her own climax rips through her, her traitorous body working to milk Ranamon's member for all the digimon is worth and sucking all that potent digiseed right in to the blonde's uterus, the last place she wants even a drop of it to go. When Ranamon catches her breath after her dual climax has subsided, she declares, "Wow! Tha was amazin, Sugar! before opening her eyes to take in her victim hanging limply in the disembodied hands holding her and with tears streaming from her eyes. Not yet done with her fun, Ranamon takes advantage of her captive's near catatonic state to finish undressing the blonde before splashing Izumi in the face with cold water, "Wakey wakey, fairy princess." calls the amphibious digimon as the warrior of wind splutters from her rude awakening. "I've still got lots in store for ya, sugar." says the Warrior of Water with a sadistic grin as she has her disembodied hands shift Izumi so her pussy is pointing towards the ceiling before easing the cock from the blonde's passage, "Wouldn't want any of my digiseed ta leak out." comments Ranamon as Izumi stares at the phallus stained with the warrior of wind's blood and both Legendary Warriors' sexual juices. As Ranamon uses her hydrokinesis to form a throne of water for her to sit on, her toes barely dipping below the surface of the pool, the hands fondling Izumi's rear pull the blonde's buttocks apart and the slippery phallus presses itself against the Warrior of Wind's backdoor. "Time ta deflower this hole as well!" Announces the green-skinned girl as she tilts her head to rest on her fist. "Please!" pleads the panicking human, "Not my butt! Anything but..." the rest of the blonde's protest is cut off by a gasp of pain as the disembodied cock, well lubricated from raping her pussy pushes itself past her anal sphincter. Moaning from the sensations she's feeling, Ranamon grips the armrests of her aquatic throne as she exclaims, "Oh my, yer ass is even tighter and hotter than yer pussy! Not that I have any intention of letting tha sweet, little snatch of yers rest fer much longer." With that, Ranamon conjures another cock, this one nearly twice the length and diameter of the one she just buried in her victim's bowels. Twirling a finger in the air, Izumi is turned around and her upper body is dropped, the blonde's long tresses plunging beneath the water as her head comes to rest at Ranamon's feet, the Warrior of Wind's butt high in the air and her legs spread wide, leaving her completely exposed to her tormentor's perverted gaze. Glancing down, the Warrior of Water savors the look of terror on the Warrior of Wind's face as a pair of hands stretch her labia apart and the new, more massive member nestles against her opening, "NO! There's no way that will fit! You'll rip me apart if you stick that in me!" cries the human girl. Loving the power rush of having her hated nemesis at her mercy, Ranamon reaches out to stroke her newest toy, shivering from her own touch, "Quite impressive, isn't it? I like ta call this one the pussy pulverizin phallus. Most of my past playthangs I've used this one on lost the ability ta enjoy normal-sized cocks on human-type digimon and either became addicted ta being fucked by beast-type digimon or became my mindless sex slaves. Tha's assumin, of course, tha they didn't just shatter inta a bunch of digicode by the time I was done with them." Pausing to let her words sink in, Ranamon continues, "But since I'm such a gracious mistress, I'll give ya a chance ta avoid thar fate." Bringing one of her wet, barefeet to Izumi's mouth, the amphibian starts by declaring, "For starters, ya can lick yer mistress's feet, Sugar." Turning her head to avoid kissing her captor's foot while also trying to avoid dunking her face below the pool's surface, Izumi protests, "I'll never do such a disgust-" Only to cringe mid word as she feels the monster member menacingly pushing against her opening threatening to tear her twatty to shreds if she doesn't comply. Squeezing her eyes shut, Izumi sticks out her tongue, fighting down bile as she gets her first taste of digimon toes. That Ranamon seems to keep her feet very clean does little to reduce the blonde's revulsion at what she's being made to do, but her body does relax slightly in her captor's grip as the pressure against her pussy subsides, the pussy pulverizing phallus backing off from its attempt to penetrate her, but remaining poised to do just that. "Not bad." comments Ranamon when she finally pulls her feet away from Izumi's mouth. As her swimsuit dissolves into seafoam to leave the amphibious digimon naked except for her helmet and gauntlets, Ranamon slips off her water throne to straddle the human's neck, commenting, "I hope yer as good at licking pussy as ya are at licking feet, Sugar." before sitting on her captive's face. When the Warrior of Wind fails to immediately start servicing her mistress's girlhood, Ranamon reaches out, using one hand to pinch her plaything's clitoris as hard as possible and give the little nub a painful twist, and the other to manually prod the massive member at the prone girl's pussy. Getting the point, Izumi buries her tongue in her tormentor's folds and starts vigorously licking, making the Warrior of Water let out several moans as she exclaims, "Now, tha's more like it, honey!" As the green-skinned girl rubs her nipples between her thumbs and forefingers. Despite having cummed from fingering herself once already, it isn't long before Ranamon is soaking Izumi's face in her juices, commenting, "Ya ain't half-bad at lickin' pussy, Sugar." Using hydrokinesis, Ranamon returns to her water throne as she announces, "Well, time ta pulverize that pussy of yers!" Eyes going big as saucers, Izumi cries out, "But I thought you were going to spare me if I did a good job servicing you!" "Did ya really think I'd spare ya after all the trouble ya put me through?" replies Ranamon with a sadistic smile as she snaps her fingers, making the massive member push insistantly against Izumi's battered opening. Ever so slowly, Izumi's opening stretches to accomodate the massive member, the blonde gritting her teeth and squeezing her eyes shut in pain as inch-by-agonizing-inch of Ranamon's ultimate weapon of sexual sadism pushes into the Warrior of Wind's passage. Enjoying the sight of her nemesis in such exquisite torment, Ranamon sits back on her water throne savoring the sensations of being slowly engulfed by her prisoner's flesh, pushing deeper and subtlely adjusting the thickness of her disembodied cock to maximize her plaything's agony without doing irreparable harm. After what seems like an eternity to Izumi, the pussy pulverizing phallus is fully seated within her, stretching the blond'es passage to an extent that would normally occur only during childbirth. Just as Ranamon is about to withdraw to start fucking her victim properly, the entirety of the complex that serves as the headquarters for the Evil Legendary Warriors starts to shake violently, breaking Ranamon's concentration. As her constructs fail, dropping Izumi into the pool, the cool water somewhat soothing the warrior of wind's now empty but gaping pussy, Ranamon exclaims, "For crying out loud! What tha' hell is going on!?" As Ranamon tries to regain her equilibrium, Izumi grabs for her clothes, not caring that they're now soaked from her tormentor carelessly dropping them in the pool as she tries to cover her nudity, and not a moment too soon as Kouji, Spirit Evolved into Wolfmon breaks down the door, and tosses the Warrior of Wind her D-scanner. As soon as the digital device is back in its owner's hands, Izumi wastes no time in spirit evolving herself, intent on dealing out some major payback.