Onpu and the Symbiote by Imouto Kitten The Ojamajo are flying over a forest in the Majokai, having just completed Hana's latest health exam. Among the quartet, a certain purple-haired apprentice was flying slower than usual. Onpu had needed to pee for quite a while, and the stern Majoheart, the Doctor in charge of the health exams, was not the kind of woman one was willing to ask where the bathroom was. It was becoming apparent to the purple apprentice that she wouldn't make it back to the MAHO-Dou, much less her home with dry panties if she didn't make a pitstop, and while squating in the woods repulsed the child idol, the thought of having an accident, especially where the other girls could see, repulsed her more. Doing her best to maintain composure, Onpu shouts to the Ojamajo flying in front of her, "The rest of you go ahead, there's something I need to take care of." Before the others have a chance to ask her what she needs to take care of, the purple-haired girl zips off towards the forest below. Finding a spot with little undergrowth and enough canopy she can't be seen from the air, Onpu lands and discards her broom. Throwing all attempts to remain lady-like to the wind, she reaches under the petal skirt of her apprentice uniform, yanks her panties down to her knees, and squats over the bare ground just as her dam breaks, a powerful torrent of hot pee jetting from between her legs to puddle on the ground beneath her. Letting the relief of releasing her pent up urine wash over her, Onpu closes her eyes and lets out a sigh of contentment as she tunes out everything around her except for the pitter patter of her pee against the soil. After more than a minute, her stream finally slows to a trickle before stopping completely. She starts to wonder how she's going to dry herself, but such thoughts are driven from her mind when she opens her eyes to see a strange creature lapping at her frothy puddle. The creature has the general body shape of a scorpion, but instead of the armored exoskeleton or shell of an arthopod, it appears to be covered in pale skin that is scaley like a reptile, the fore limbs are tipped with suction cups rather than pincers, and instead of a venomous stinger, it's tail bares an unsettling resemblance to a penis. Seeing the creature, Onpu screams and crab walks backwards until she bumps into a tree. Before the purple-haired girl can make another escape attempt, the creature charges her with speed that a cheetah would be jealous of. Before she can react, the creature has climbed up under her uniform, latched it's suction cups on to the nipples of her budding breasts, and sunk the needle sharp tips of it's remaining legs into her flesh. Onpu's panic and fear subside as the creature uses one of it's needle-like feet to inject a calming hormone to counteract the purple-haired girl's adrenaline. With it's new host sedated, it flexes its tail to position the tip at her virgin opening and before Onpu can gather her thoughts enough to realize what the creature is doing, it plunges its tail deep into her pussy, the tip piercing her maidenhead and coming to rest against her cervix. Thanks to secretions from the creature that deaden pain and boost pleasure, the scream that escapes Onpu's throat at suddenly having her virginity stolen from her is one of pleasure rather than pain. With its host making no effort to continue struggling, the creature withdraws it's tail until only the tip is still within her before plunging it in once again. As the creature starts to fuck the child idol in earnest, Onpu starts to moan in pleasure, the knowledge that she's being raped by something found nowhere in the human world lost within her ecstasy. She even starts to gently stroke the creature through her clothes, whispering encouragements such as "That feels good!" "Fuck me harder!", and "YES! That's the spot!". Before long, the pair reach a shared climax, Onpu's pussy clamping down on the creature's tail as something spews from the tip of its tail to fill the witch apprentice's womb. Compared to human semen, the creature's ejaculate is much cooler and far thicker. Exhausted from the ordeal, Onpu wraps her arms around the creature before falling asleep, her back against a tree,, her panties still around her knees, and the creature still attached to her, it's tail buried in her pussy, it's foremost limbs sucking on her breasts, and it's other limbs injecting various substances into the sleeping girl. ### When the other Ojamajo find Onpu, she's still unconscious with her panties down and the rest of her clothes askew enough for them to see the creature's tailed buried within her. Not knowing what the creature is or if it's safe to approach, the girls use magic to levitate the unconscious girl and return to Majoheart's clinic to ask the stern witch elder for help. ### "She's fine, but there's nothing I can do about removing the symbiote." Says the frowning witch doctor as she looks over her patient, the purple-haired girl now laying naked on an exam table, the pale skin of the creature laying on her abdomen nearly matching the unconscious girl's. Continueing, Majoheart explains, "These symbiotes are all male and require a female host of another species in order to reproduce. They're generally harmless, pleasuring cooperative hosts sexually and giving them regular doses of pleasure hormones and all they really ask for in return is that their host's womb serve as an incubator for a larva, that the host produces milk to nourish the symbiote, and that the host defends the symbiote from attack. They are rather nasty in that the initial implantation is usually rape by human standards and they are nearly impossible to remove without seriously injuring the host. If it felt threatened, it would give her a dose of something that would have her awake and ready for fight or flight almost immediately, and even if we succeeded in sneaking up on it, those needle-like legs tend to leave nasty wounds if ripped out and it would never give us the time needed to remove them surgically." Hazuki asks, "So, is Onpu-chan stuck with that thing forever?" Majoheart replies, "They tend to detach of their own accord when the larva is ready to be born, but they'll usually employ their current host in finding a new host and the newborn usually attaches to the one that served as its mother and repeats the process. However, they do tend to prefer juvenile hosts and many times, the sexual maturity of a host will cause the newborns to seek out a new host instead of attaching to their mothers.. I'm afraid the best I can offer is wait until Onpu finishes puberty, the last symbiote she birthes decides she's no longer a suitable host, and hopes the withdrawal from the symbiote's secretions isn't too terrible." ### Once Onpu had awoken, the Ojamajo shared with the purple-haired girl what Majoheart had told them, with Onpu seeming rather glad at the prospect of carrying around the symbiote for the month until the larva in her womb would be ready to be born. ### Despite playing host to a creature not native to the human world, life continued fairly normally for the purple-haired idol, or at least as normal as life gets for a child idol who is secretly a witch apprentice and one of the foster mothers of a witch infant. The symbiote didn't protrude very far from Onpu's skin, making it easy to conceal under even form fitting clothing, and it normally spent the day sleeping while Onpu went about her routine of school, idol work, and work at the MAHO-Dou. The most noticeable difference to those who didn't know about magic is that Onpu's appetite had increased due to the girl needing to nourish not only herself, but the symbiote living on her abdomen and the larva living in her womb, not that anyone other than the Ojamajo would've ever suspected such. The most noticeable change for the idol herself was that her passenger would, every night when Onpu was ready for bed, use it's tail penis to give the idol several orgasms, something that Onpu came to anticipate. ### Onpu was on cleaning duty with Doremi when her passenger injected her with the chemicals to induce her to locate a suitable host it could transfer to so their child could nurse from it's mother. With Doremi as the only young female in the vicinity, the child idol was soon pinning the redhead to the chalkboard, their lips meeting and Onpu's hand going down the front of Doremi's shorts. Having forgotten about the symbiote on account of how unintrusive it had been in Onpu's life and the general shock of being kissed and fingered by one of her closest friends, Doremi makes no attempt to escape at first. Breaking the kiss, Onpu declares, "My passenger thinks you'd make an excellent mother for baring my first child's brother." before yanking the redhead's shorts and panties to her knees. Starting to panic, Doremi asks, "What are you talking..." but is cut off as Onpu drops her own shorts to reveal her passenger's tail penis, free of Onpu's cunny for the first time since attaching to the idol. Realization dawning on her, Doremi tries to flee the room, but Onpu, fuelled by adrenaline provided by her passenger, manages to trip up the odango-headed girl and pin the redhead to the floor. Straddling Doremi's waist and gripping the redhead's wrists as the older girl thrashes, Onpu says calmly, "Calm down, Doremi-chan. He's quite a skilled lover and I'm sure you'll just love the way he'll make you feel!" Unable to break Onpu's grip, Doremi watches helplessly as the symbiote crawls down from under Onpu's shirt and crawls up the redhead's. Doremi can feel the symbiote latching onto her nipples and her terror starts to receed as it's needle-like feet pierce her flesh. Before Onpu can witness her former passenger taking her friend's virginity, she feels her own womb contract, the first sign that the larva within her is ready to be born. As the elder symbiote begins to give Doremi the pleasure that will make her servile to the symbiote and it's descendants, the younger symbiote within Onpu starts to force the child idol's cervix open. Thanks to how the elder symbiote's regular injections have altered the tissues of her reproductive tract, instead of the agony of normal human child birth, Onpu experiences intense pleasure as her child slithers it's way down her birth canal. As soon as it's head and suckers emerge from her pussy, the younger symbiote starts to climb it's way up Onpu's body to nurse at her still small breasts and sink its pointed, but not yet sharp, feet into the punctures left by it's father. The birth concludes when only the tail of the newborn is still within it's mother, at which point it proceeds to fuck the pussy it just emerged from, fully intent to reimpregnate its own mother even as its father is busy impregnating its mother's friend. ### When it's time for Doremi to give birth for the first time and Onpu the second, the purple and pink apprentices easily subdue the orange and blue apprentices. Hazuki was the first to go down, and while Aiko put up a fight, she was still outmatched by Onpu and Doremi working in tandem and enhanced by the drugs the symbiotes injected. Next, the other girls in Grade 4 at Misora First Elementary became hosts to the symbiotes and they soon spread to the other years, though many of the sixth graders had been determined to be too old to be suitable hosts for the symbiotes. By the time Yuki-sensei discovered the extent of the infestation, it was too late for the incognito Witch Queen to prevent every girl in the school from becoming a host for the creatures. When Poppu graduated from Sonatine Kindergarten, she an the other new first graders were initiated by Doremi and the other now fifth graders, Doremi herself passing on a symbiote to her sister while Reika welcomed her cousin Erika into the fold. When Momoko transferred, the symbiotes hosted by Hazuki, Aiko, and Onpu fought among themselves for the honor of impregnating the blonde apprentice. With the entire school, or at least the female half, either hosting a symbiote or deemed unsuitable as a host, the oldest symbiotes started becoming unbonded when their hosts gave birth, some escaping into the wild in the human world, but most being gathered and returned to the wilds of the Witch world, but it was obvious that getting rid of them in the human world would be nearly impossible by any reasonable means.