Momoko and Cats by Imouto Kitten Momoko and the other Ojamajo had taken on the form of ordinary housecats in order to more closely observe the residents of Misora Peace, the local retirement village. Momoko was wandering the grounds when she hears one of the old women living in the village call out, "Momo-chan!" Instinctively responding to the sound of her name, Momoko nearly blows her cover by running up and shouting, "Here I am!" Fortunately for Momoko, her shout comes out as a meow and the old lady shues her away while calling, "Where did you go? It's time to eat!' Momoko is initially confused, but her confusion clears up as a tom cat saunters up and the old lady places a bowl of sardines before the new arrival. Walking up to the other cat, Momoko asks, "Are you also Momo-chan?" Instead of giving her an answer, he places one of the sardines in front of Momoko and rubs his cheek against Momoko's, his whiskers tickling Momoko's nose. Her feline instincts kicking in, momoko can tell that this is a very romantic gesture for a cat and starts panicking, thinking 'Don't tell me he's proposing to me?' Flight-or-fight response reaching her paws, Momoko bolts, screaming, "I don't want to marry a cat! No! Noooo!" with the tom cat hot on her trail, his dinner forgotten. As she flees, Momoko trips over her front paws, landing face first in the dirt with her forelegs pinned beneath her and her butt high in the air. Her tail droops forward, leaving her cute little pussy pussy exposed to all with a cat's eye view to see. Before she can recover from her compromising position, Momoko's unwanted suitor has caught up with her. Rearing up, his kitty cock fully erect, he wraps his forelegs around Momoko's hips and prepares to penetrate the prone Ojamajo. Momoko screams, "NO! DON'T! I'm a virgin!", but her protests fall on deaf ears as the tom cat's tip finds her opening and he thrusts his hips forward. As he begins to buck his hips, momoko finds the strange mix of pleasure as he thrusts into her and pain as his barbs scrape her inner walls on withdrawal to be surprisingly enjoyable and she is soon howling the mating call of a cat in heat even as she thinks, 'I can't believe I'm being raped by a cat, and I'm actually enjoying it!' After several minutes of being mated against her will by the tom cat, he hilts himself within her and without warning, sinks his razor sharp teeth into her shoulder. Feeling something warm and sticky flowing from his tip, she thinks, "OH MY GOD! He's cumming in me!" but she dares not try to get away with him holding her by the shoulder with his fangs. The pleasure of being filled with her mate's seed, even involuntarily, coupled with the pain of the mating bite is enough to send Momoko over the edge herself, and she lets out the loudest howl yet as her very first orgasm rips through her. Several minutes later, satisfied that his seed has had sufficient time to soak into her womb, the tom cat releases his grip on Momoko and pulls out. With a canary eating grin of his face, the tom cat saunters away, leaving Momoko with blood dripping from the bite marks on her shoulder and kitty cum oozing from her pussy pussy. ### After that first encounter, Momoko becomes addicted to the sensations of feline sex and often spends her afternoons off from working at the MAHO-Dou prowling the streets of Misora in cat form looking for horny tom cats to fuck her. She soon becomes quite comfortable with the head to the ground, ass in the air position most toms take as the signal that a queen wants to be mounted as well as mastering the art of wagging her tail in just the right way to maximize how much of her enticing scent hits a tom straight in the muzzle and systematically marking territory to attract males. And she proves to be quite adept at attracting willing toms, sometimes even having to break up fights by promising that both cats can have a turn at her, though as her reputation as a feline whore spreads throughout Misora's stray cat population, she finds herself more likely to have toms lining-up rather than fighting over her. As for the puncture wounds that come from every tom biting into her shoulder as they cum inside her, they tend to be small pin pricks easily covered with band-aids and hidden by her shirt when she returns to human form, and most of the toms have a tendency of sinking their fangs into existing marks, so she only has a few persistant fang marks on a single shoulder rather than both shoulders being shredded by countless bites. With how easy the marks are to keep clean and concealed, Momoko thinks them a small price to pay for the pleasure she recieves everytime she goes whoreing herself out to the tom cats of Misora. ### It's nearly two months after her first sexual encounter with a cat that an unforeseen consequence of Momoko's activities makes itself known. Momoko is sitting at the MAHO-Dou's loom when she feels a cramp in her lower abdomen. At first, she disregards it as an unusually strong pre-menstrual cramp as her period is overdue and tries to continue working, but as the cramps become more frequent, Momoko finds it hard to concentrate. She finally gives up and asks to go lye down when a sudden discharge far to massive and far too watery to be her menses erupts from her girlhood, soaking not only her panties and skirt, but the chair she was sitting in and making a large, mostly clear puddle on the floor. As she stands, Momoko looses her balance and would've hit the floor if she hadn't been caught by Aiko and Hana. Helping the apparrently ill girl up the stairs to Hana's bedroom, Aiko and Hana help Momoko out of her soaked clothes and dry her thighs before helping the bilingual girl into Hana's bed. Aiko asks, "Need anything before we let you rest?" Momoko replies, "I think I'll be fine." With that, the two leave Momoko to rest. The cramps continue, but seem easier to deal with now that she's not trying to concentrate on the loom, though Momoko still has no idea why she's having so many cramps until she feels something wet and furry slide down her birth canal. Lifting the sheets to look between her legs, Momoko discovers a tiny kitten, its fur wet and matted, and all the little clues she hadn't noticed fall into place: her period being a few weeks late, her recent cravings for sushi in large amounts, gaining several pounds and a few inches around the waist in human form while becoming downright fat in cat form. These weren't menstrual cramps, they were contractions, and that copious, watery discharge downstairs was her water breaking. She had been pregnant with kittens without knowing it and was now in the process of birthing those kittens. Though none fully understand what is being said, all of the Ojamajo rush for Hana's bedroom as Momoko's scream of, "[OH MY GOD! I'm giving birth to kittens!]" Echoes throughout the MAHO-Dou. The others arrive in Hana's bedroom just in time to witness the second kitten slide from Momoko's passage. As Doremi, Hazuki, Aiko, and Onpu stand there in shock, Hana asks the obvious question, "Why are there kittens coming out of Momo-mama's peepee?" Blushing deeply, momoko tells about her escapades, trying to give enough detail so her fellow pre-teens can understand without cluing in the two-year-old disguised as a pre-teen. As she tells her story, momoko feels the third and fourth kittens wriggle their way out of her as the first two start crying out of hunger. Fortunately, due to their much smaller size, Momoko doesn't feel much pain from birthing the kittens, her cervix only dilated to 3 or 4 cm compared to the 10 cm or more that would be needed to birth a human baby, but as maternal instincts kick in, she starts to worry about her crying newborns. Before Momoko can ask for advice, Hazuki speaks up, "I think they are hungry," pointing out damp spots on Momoko's shirt, she continues, "and you appear to be lactating." Doremi and Onpu step forth without being asked and help to remove Momoko's shirt before placing a kitten to each of her nipples. By the time the first two kittens have had their fill, numbers 3 and 4 have started crying and numbers 5 and 6 have been born. Once the seventh and final kitten has been born and the afterbirth dispelled, Momoko asks to be turned into a cat. Once in feline form, Momoko starts to groom her kittens that have already been fed as the youngest littermates latch on to her feline nipples. Once all seven have been fed and groomed, their fur now fluffy and downy, Momoko curls up around her children for a much deserved rest. ### Momoko refrains from any further sexwith the tom cats of Misora while she is nursing her first litter, which she keeps at the MAHO-Dou to keep her parents from getting suspiscious, but once she has weaned them and they are capable of eating solid foods, she feels the need to resume her previous activities and even talks the other Ojamajo into giving it a try. By the time of the Ojamajo graduating from Misora First Elementary, Momoko has had three litters and the rest have had at least one litter a piece. Although it pains them to part with their children, even if they aren't human, the Ojamajo place most of their children with good families, mostly those of their classmates, keeping only their eldest sons with themselves. Even once they lose their magic and the ability to turn into cats with it, most of the Ojamajo continue to have sex with their eldest sons on a somewhat regular basis, though they never get pregnant from having sex with a cat while in human form.