Hana to Hana by Imouto Kitten Hana was flying over a forest in the Majokai, enjoying the high of having just completed a Witch Apprentice Exam, and the freedom of being able to fly around without worrying about being seen by humans or being scolded by her mamas for being too reckless. Coming out of a series of loop-de-loops, a laughing Hana opens her eyes to discover that she's on a collision course with a tree. Swerving to avoid the tree, the young witch loses control of her broom and plummets into a downward spiral. As she comes in for a crash landing in a nearby clearing, Hana is lucky enough to fall on a giant flower that manages to cushion her landing enough to avoid any serious injury. Once the blonde has recovered from her brush with death, she slides off the flower onto the grassy ground around it while saying, "Thanks for breaking Hana-chan's fall, Mr. Flower!" As she dusts herself off, Hana is unaware of the vines creeping up behind her from the flower and lets out a surprised yell of "Wha!" as she is suddenly grabbed by the wrists and ankles and lifted into the air. Instinctually, the witch tries using magic to escape only to discover that her wristbands are completely drained and in need of charging. As the vines bring her towards the flower, Hana can see a gaping maw of a mouth open up in the middle of the bloom. Nearly peeing herself in fear, the young witch struggles against the plant's grip, screaming, "NO! Hana-chan doesn't want to be eaten! Please don't eat Hana-chan!" Fortunately for the young witch, this man-eating flower was a strict man-eater. That is, it would only eat men and boys that got caught in it's grasp. Unfortunately, or also fortunately depending on perspective, what it does to women and girls it captures is far more lewd. Suspended by vines over the flower's mouth, her arms held out straight, her legs held apart and bent at the hips and knees, Hana prepares herself for being stuffed into the gaping maw and never seeing daylight or her mamas again. A long, red tongue emerges from the plant's mouth and loops around the gusset of Hana's underwear before pulling, tearing the garment away to expose the young witch's virgin vulva. As the tongue probes the girl's now exposed privates, the plant's expression seems to shift from one of menace and hunger to one of joy and lust. Now, this plant, which was about to use Hana as an integral part of its reproductive cycle, didn't care about pleasuring its female captives for the sake of their pleasure, but still had many tricks to ensure the girls it ensnares enjoy themselves to the point of becoming addicted and actively seeking out the plant or another of its kind for future sessions. The first of these was its saliva, which contains a topical aphrodisiac along with chemicals to deaden pain receptors while making pleasure receptors far more sensitive. As the plant starts to lick Hana's vulva in earnest, liberally applying its saliva from the young witch's clit to her anus, the toddler-turned-preteenstarts to moan loudly and buck her hips, yelling, "YES! Lick Hana-chan more!" as fear of being eaten is forgotten and her body is overcome with the unfamiliar sensations of sexual arousal and stimulation. The heat spreading through Hana's body from her crotch erupts into a roaring fire as the tongue enters the young witch's virgin passage, slipping through an opening in the girl's hymen while being careful to preserve her maidenhead for the time being. As the fleshy, red appendage wriggles around deep within Hana coating every square inch of her vagina in the pain-removing, pleasure-intensifying saliva, touching the girl in places she didn't know she had, the young witch is completely incoherent as she writhes in the new found pleasure moaning loud enough to be heard far into the surrounding forest. It isn't long before Hana is overcome with the very first orgasm of her short life, blinding, white-hot pleasure exploding in her core and radiating outward to consume her entire being. Her love juices gush forward like a mighty waterfall, her every muscle locks up as her virgin pussy traps the tongue in a vice grip, and she lets out a scream of pure ecstacy as her vision and mind go blank. As Hana goes limp in the vines that suspend her, aftershocks of her first orgasm still rocking her young body, the plant removes its tongue from within her, deciding that she's properly warmed up and ready to be prepared for implantation. Feeling empty at the tongue's retreat, Hana protests weakly, "Please Mr. Flower, lick inside Hana-chan some more.", but her request falls on deaf ears. Instead, several additional vines of various shape and size emerge from the tangled undergrowth of the man-eating plant. Two vines similar to the ones holding Hana, but with wide-mouthed nozzles designed for sucking at their ends instead of a solid, pointed tip, wrap themselves around Hana's waist before spiraling up the girl's torso under her apprentice uniform and latching onto the small, but rock hard nipples of her budding breasts, the young witch moaning at yet another new sensation. The flower licks another sucker tipped vine, this one about half the girth of the ones servicing Hana's nipples until a meter of its length is dripping with saliva before gently slipping it into Hana's anus. Hana can feel bulges traveling along this vine back to the plant as it starts to suck out the contents of her rectum, but it isn't satisfied there as it continues to inch deeper into the girl's colon with every mouthful of digestive refuse removed from the blonde's bowels. While Hana finds the idea disgusting, the effects of the saliva coating the vine result in the rather unusual colon cleanse being surprisingly pleasant. Numerous pencil-thin vines, most having finger-like protrusions at their tips, grab at Hana's labia and spread the girl's nether lips to fully expose the witch's clit and vaginal opening. The blonde lets out a shiver as a breeze passes through the clearing, the wind chilly against her exposed privates. Feeling something prodding where the plant's tongue had entered her earlier, Hana looks down to see a vine thicker than the ones holding her poking at her crotch. The first foot of this vine is quite rigid and resembles a human penis, albeit one with skin a vibrant green, not that Hana has any idea what a penis looks like. Excited at the prospect, Hana asks lustfully, "Is Mr. Flower going to stick that inside Hana-chan like when Mr. Flower licked inside Hana-chan? Will it feel as good?" As the girl speaks, the rest of the vine poised at her virgin opening coils up in preparation and the only response Hana recieves to her question is the vine suddenly uncoiling to bury the penis like tip deep in the witch's pussy, punching through her maidenhead as if it was made of tissue paper. Thanks to the plant's earlier preparations, Hana feels no pain at having her virginity torn away and as she needs no time to adjust to the intruder in her cunny, the penis-like vine wastes no time in rhythmically coiling and uncoiling to slide the phallic vine tip in and out of her no longer virgin passage. Two of the smaller vines wriggle out of the mass that holds Hana's labia apart, one slipping into the witch's peehole and acting as a catheter, draining the girl's bladder as the other latches a sucker onto Hana's clit. With Hana moaning loudly from all the different sensations, A second penis-like vine, this one thinner and with a more flexible tip, meets no resistence when it shoves itself into the girl's mouth and Hana starts sucking on it like she would a bottle if she were in her true form. Done devouring the contents of her colon, the vine in Hana's rear withdraws only to be replaced with another flexible, penis-tipped vine. With all three of her holes being fucked and both nipples and her clit being sucked, it isn't long before the blonde witch has another orgasm. With her internal walls clamping tightly around the thickest and most rigid of the penis vines, all three erupt with a thick, creamy liquid that superficially resembles human semen. The plant floods Hana's womb with a substance that helps the muscles relax and makes tissues more elastic, while both Hana's mouth and rear are the recipient of a nutrient-rich nectar that is as sweet as the finest honey. When Hana's womb and colon are completely filled and the girl has greedily guzzled down a quart of the sweet nectar, the three penis vines withdraw. Already addicted to the taste of the nectar, Hana yells, "That was better than pudding! Hana-chan wants more of Mr. Flower's cream!" After most of the nectar has trickled out of her cunny, the plant rams another, thicker penis vine deep into Hana's passage and offers her another vine to suck on, much to the girl's delight. This time, the vine in her mouth gives her some nectar with every suck and when the vine in her pussy erupts, it not only fills her womb, but stretches it a bit beyond that. Again, the plant vacates her pussy to let the nectar drain and again it replaces the vine with a thicker one that pumps more nectar into her womb than the previous one. Once Hana's stomach has been filled well past it's natural capacity with the sweet, nutrient-rich nectar and the plant has stretched the witch's womb and pussy with half a dozen progressively thicker vines and progressively larger loads of nectar, it withdraws all but the vines that restrain the girl, even the small ones attached to her labia and clitoris. Sounding disappointed, Hana askes, "Isn't Mr. Flower going to play with Hana-chan anymore?" The only response she gets is one last vine, this one with a tapered tip that looks to be split in several parts emerging from the underbrush. At first, Hana is excited as the vine enters her pussy, but it uses the needle-thin tip to penetrate the witch's cervix before spreading out, locking itself in place. Hana is confused by the lack of motion once the vine is inside her, but then notices something emerging from the plant's core at the base of the vine that is planted within her. Slowly creeping along the vine is a large, egg-shaped bulge, easily twice the diameter of the thickest of the vines that have fucked her. Horrofied upon realizing the bulge's probable destination and unaware of the extra elasticity afforded her by the plant's secretions, Hana starts to panic, thrashing against her bonds and yelling, "NO! Mr. Flower will rip Hana-chan apart if Mr. Flower puts that inside Hana-chan! Please, Mr. Flower, don't put that inside Hana-chan!" By the time the bulge's pointed tip is poking the girl's opening, Hana has exhausted herself and yelled herself hoarse. Not wanting to watch, the witch squeezes her eyes shut as the vine starts to slowly push the bulge into the young girl's passage. Instead of intense pain as her insides are ripped asunder, Hana feels an extreme fullness and intense pleasure as her passage stretches to accomodate the intrusion. As the object that formed the bulge starts to emerge within Hana's womb, the young witch has one last orgasm, her internal muscles contracting in a way to force the object fully into her womb before she passes out from exhaustion. ### When Hana finally rejoins the waking world, she finds herself on an examination table, the stern face of Majoheart looking down on the blonde's naked body. The doctor starts to speak, the other Ojamajo wondering if Hana is okay, "She's perfectly healthy, just tired, which isn't unexpected since she's showing all the symptoms of having been impregnated by a man-eating plant, and there aren't many with enough stamina to last through those things mating ritual." Wide-eyed, Doremi asks, "Hana-chan is pregnant? With a plant?" The healer replies, "Basically. Technically, the plants insert their massive, egg-like seeds within the womb of a female they've caught and the seed will germminate within its host's womb until it's ready to take root." Hazuki asks, "Is there a way to get rid of the seed?" The doctor responds, "Even with magic, that would be extremely risky to the host and would kill the seed, which would violate the Majokai's laws for the protection of endangered magical species." Seeing the worried faces on the Ojamajo, the doctor continues, "Fortunately, the effects of the nectar the flowers use to ensure their targets can survive being implanted with the seed will last long enough to ensure a painless birth, this type of pregnancy lacks most of the unpleasant side-effects that come with a witch baring a human child, and the seed only needs to germinate for 4 weeks before it's ready to come out." Finally announcing that she's awake, Hana asks, "So Mr. Flower put a giant seed in Hana-chan's belly and it's going to come out in 4 weeks? Does this mean Hana-chan is going to be a mama to a flower?" The doctor replies, "Basically. As I was about to say, it isn't uncommon for the girls who play host to a man-eater's seed to develop a maternal bond with the plant, especially if the female is of a species that normally rears its young." Walking over to a bookcase, the doctor pulls down a book and hands it to Hana. "This book will tell you everything you need to know about hosting and birthing one of these seeds and how to care for the young man-eater once it takes root." With that, the stern witch leaves the examination room, silently dismissing her patient and the girls said patient calls mama. ### Over the next month, Hana spends a lot of time reading the book Majoheart gave her, and starts thinking of the seed germinating in her womb as her baby and herself as its mother. The young witch has taken to wearing a loose-fitting white sundress to conceal her baby bump, and aside from increased appetite, which the book explains as a side-effect of the nectar that ensures the mother is getting enough nutrients to properly protect and care for the young plant, and needing to pee far more frequently than she's used to on account of the seed weighing down on her bladder, the toddler turned preteen experiences few notable side effects to being pregnant with a plant's baby. As she enters the final week of her pregnancy, Hana stops wearing underwear on account of the book warning that the roots tend to shred any undergarments the mother is wearing when the birth starts. Hana has prepared a large terra cotta flower pot, at least a foot deep and two feet in diameter with a sturdy rim strong enough to support the girl's weight and wide enough for her to stand on without fear of slipping. The blonde fills the pot with top soil and fertilizes it with her own pee as the book says that not only is urine a good fertilizer for the man-eating plants, but being planted in soil that has been fertilized with the mother's pee helps the young plant to imprint upon its mother. Hana is sitting at the desk in her bedroom doing homework when it happens. She feels something long and thin wriggle into her vagina from above followed a minute or two later by her first contraction. A megawatt smile on her face, Hana exclaims, "YAY! It's almost time for Hana-chan to meet Hana-chan's baby face-to-face!" Standing up, the witch walks over to the flower pot and steps up onto its rim. Lifting the hemn of her dress and leaning forward to see past the American-football-sized protrusion in her lower abdomen, Hana can see three foot long roots emerging from her pussy, each one wriggling around in search of dirt to burrow into. The roots resemble the vines the father had used to restrain Hana, but are much thinner and instead of having a smooth, green skin, the roots are brown and slightly rough. Holding up her dress with one hand and caressing her protruding belly with the other, Hana speaks softly in a motherly tone, "Don't worry baby, soon you'll be able to stretch out in your new home and mama will be there to take care of you." After her speech, Hana squats on top of the dirt, the soft soil squishing between the toes of her bare feet as she decides the rim is too wide for comfortably squatting on. As soon as they contact the dirt, the roots start burrowing in rooting Hana to the spot until the birth is done, a few inches of still exposed root connecting her pussy to the soil. Soon after the young plant takes root, Hana feels her second contraction as her cervix starts to dilate and the seed's main body drops by an inch. Bunching her dress in one arm, Hana reaches down with her free hand to stroke her clit to encourage the production of her own juices to help lubricate the seed's progress down her birth canal and is moaning in ecstasy by the time her third contraction hits. Hana's bladder, which has been asking to be emptied since before Hana started her homework, screams for relief as it is crushed between the seed and the girl's pubic bone, being squeezed tighter with every contraction. Around about the sixth or seventh contraction, the coil snaps and the dams break, Hana letting out a scream of pleasure as she drenches her hand and the exposed roots in both her love juices and her pee. As all tension goes out of the witch's pelvic floor as her orgasm subsides and her bladder releases the last of its golden cargo, there is little to slow the seed's progress and it only takes a couple more contractions to push it down far enough for gravity to take over. Shortly after the seed slips from Hana's passage, there are two plops, one of the seed itself landing in the damp soil, the remaining roots quickly disappearing below the surface, and a second as Hana's legs give out and she lands with her naked butt sitting in mud and her legs encircling the seed. The seed itself looks more like an egg, a bit larger than that of an ostrich, but its shell is a woody brown and very smooth. It almost looks like a giant pecan still in its shell except the top is more pointed and there are four ridges running up the sides to divide it into quadrants. Hana hears a loud cracking sound coming from the seed and looking closely sees the shell starting to split along the ridges starting at the tip and slowly moving toward the roots. After several minutes, the shell falls away in four pieces and the young plant stretches its vines as the flower blooms. Whereas the mature man-eater had a bloom big as a person sitting atop a thick mass of vines, the newly hatched plant is much smaller resembling an ordinary sunflower except for two thin vines spiraling around its stem. Remembering what the book said about feeding the newly hatched plant, Hana lifts her soiled dress up to her shoulders and gently guides the suckers tipping the vines to her nipples. Though they haven't grown much during her pregnancy, still not even a proper A-cup, Hana's tiny breasts are now filled with the same nutrient-rich nectar the elder plant had fed her during the mating ritual, nectar that her new sprout greedily guzzles down. As the plant breastfeeds and with a motherly smile on her face, Hana cradles the bloom in both palms before declaring, "Hana-chan will call her little one Hana-kun!" ### Hana wakes up one morning, her bladder aching for her to take her morning pee. Stripping out of her pajama bottoms and panties, the witch walks over to where Hana-kun is basking in the morning sun. A megawatt smile on her face, the half-naked witch greets the flower sweetly, "Good morning, Hana-kun! Ready for Mama to feed you breakfast?" At the sound of Hana's voice, the flower turns towards the blonde it recognizes as its mother, its gaping maw in its best approximation of a human smile. Hana barely has time to plant her barefeet on the dirt of the planter before the flower, which now stands as tall as Hana's waist above the soil, is reaching its tongue out for the witch's exposed pussy. Moaning softly as the slippery, wet appendage probes her passage, Hana coos, "Hana-chan's little one is impatient this morning... Hana-kun must be really hungry! Don't worry, Mama has plenty of your favorite food for you this morning!" Wiggling her toes in the muddy topsoil and stroking the petals of the flower that is now big enough to serve as a stool for sitting if it could support a person's weight, Hana offers no resistence as the wriggling tongue slides into her passage. Although the book she got from Majoheart had detailed the man-eating plant's quick growth, Hana is still surprised by how big the plant has gotten in the month since she gave birth to the seed from which it hatched. Feeling one of the plant's now numerous vines caressing her butt, Hana leans forward and uses her hands to spread her half-moons to grant the vine easy access to her back door. As she feels the vine wriggling around inside her, sucking out her digestive waste as it goes deeper, the witch exclaims, "YES! Keep licking inside your Mama's cunny and wriggling inside your Mama's ass, Hana-kun! Suck out all of your Mama's poop that Hana-kun finds so yummy!" Although part of the blonde is still disgusted that the plant's diet includes human excrement, she can't deny how much pleasure she derives from letting the flower feed from her butt and drink her pee and at least this part of keeping the plant's appetite satisfied doesn't require her to get her hands dirty like when she feeds it dead rodents from the pet shop to calm its carnevorous tendencies. Feeling her orgasm nearing and knowing her bladder is filled well past the point she can maintain bladder control through orgasm, Hana exclaims, "Yes, Hana-kun! Make your mama cum! Make your mama spray her golden liquid all over Hana-kun's tongue!" Just then, the plant's wriggling tongue sends the young witch over the edge, her bladder releasing its cargo as orgasm rocks her body. When the plant is done consuming the girl's bodily wastes and withdraws its appendages, Hana steps down from the flower pot, wiping her muddy feet on a nearby mat to avoid tracking dirt everywhere. As she does so, Hana notices a prominent bulge within the mass of vines making up the plant's body and a short ovipositor vine poking out from the tangle, clear indicators that the plant is nearly ready to put its own seed in a female's womb. The book had informed Hana that plants generally wouldn't try to impregnate their mothers unless she deliberately mounted the plant's ovipositor, and while the blonde is tempted to do just that, she decides that she wants others to experience the pleasure of being impregnated by a plant and giving birth to its offspring. Patting the flower, Hana says soothingly, "Don't worry Hana-kun, mama will find you a suitable mate." before scurrying off to get ready for school. ### That afternoon, Hana asks Doremi up to the witch's bedroom. As the redhead enters the room, the blonde, waiting in her apprentice uniform, shuts the door, the lock clicking before shouting a spell, "Pororin Pyuarin Hana Hana Pi! Make Hana-chan and Doremi-mama naked!" Before the pink apprentice can react to her clothes vanishing in a puff of magic, she can feel her adopted daughter pressing against her back as the blonde wraps her arms around the older girl. Recovering from her shock, Doremi asks, "What are you doing, Hana-chan?" The younger girl, having used magic to augment her strength before Doremi arrived, places a hand under each of the redhead's knees and lifts the odango-headed girl off the floor and starts walking towards Hana-kun's planter as she answers, "Hana-kun is ready to plant his first seed in a girl's womb, and Hana-chan wanted to share the pleasure with Doremi-mama!" Struggling in Hana's grip, Doremi shouts, "NO! I don't want to have a plant's..." but her protests are cut off as her exposed cunny comes within range of the plant's slobbering tongue and the redhead is overcome with the pleasure of something wriggling deep into her most intimate places, a loud moan escaping the pink apprentice's throat. Immobilized by Hana's grip and paralyzed with pleasure, Doremi offers no protest as a vine slides into her ass and starts to suck out her intestinal contents. Although Hana is content with watching the plant prepare Doremi to recieve its seed, the blonde's son chooses not to ignore her as it reaches out a pair of vines to fuck its mother's ass and pussy. Throwing both of the redhead's legs over one arm, Hana uses her freed hand to tilt Doremi's head so the two girls are making eye contact. Staring into her adoptive mother's pleasure glazed eyes, Hana asks, "Is Doremi-mama enjoying herself?" Panting heavily, Doremi replies, "It. Feels. Incredible!" Happy at the response, the blonde captures the redhead's lips in a passionate kiss. As they explore each other's mouths, neither girl really notices as the plant withdraws its tongue and uses a vine to tear through the redhead's maidenhead. The two girls break their kiss just in time to see the vine withdrawing after coating Doremi's womb in the nectar that will allow the pink apprentice to accept the seed without being torn apart. Wasting no time, Hana impales Doremi upon the plant's ovipositor. As doremi's pubic bone is nearly in contact with the plant's trunk, the redhead can feel the seed starting to stretch her passage almost immediately. While Hana-kun is too young to be capable of the thorough preparation its sire gave Hana, this abridged version of the man-eater's mating ritual was still enough to allow Doremi to accept the seed without pain and Doremi even orgasms as the seed slides into her womb. Still holding the now exhausted odango-headed girl, Hana gently rubs the bulge in Doremi's abdomen from the newly implanted seed as the redhead drifts off to sleep in the blonde's arms. ### After that, Hana-kun produced a new seed about once every 2 weeks, and Doremi and Hana managed to talk the other Ojamajo into helping the seeds come to fruition. Within a few short months, all of the Ojamajo had given birth to at least one of the fully gestated seeds, most enjoyed the feeling of having the seeds inside them so much that they let themselves be impregnated by one of the plants almost immediately after laying, and they had even invited several of their female classmates to join in with helping boost the numbers of these endangered plants. Eventually, a large greenhouse was built along side the MAHO-Dou to serve as a nursery for these plants, and while there were initial worries among the Ojamajo that one of their male classmates would get too close to Hana-kun or the other elder plants as they neared full-size, they proved unfounded as it turned out that the plants, given regular attention from willing females and fed a regular diet of rodents and small birds were quite content to ignore human males, and it was ultimately concluded that the man-eating tendencies the plants had been named for was a sign of starvation and sexual frustration.