A Girl and Her Kit by Imouto Kitten Rin had a problem. She had been captured by one of Naraku's minions and was being held prisoner in order to bait her Lord Sesshoumaru into a trap. That in and of itself wouldn't have bothered the human child as she knew with all certainty that despite her lord's general distain for her kind, he would stop at nothing to rescue her and that no trap could hold him, that no opponent could hope to be a match for her Lord Sesshoumaru. She also needed to pee, and quite badly at that. Again, this normally wouldn't have bothered her as she was no stranger to having to hike up her kimono and squat down to do her business in the middle of the wilderness, sometimes a day's travel from the nearest village or shrine, at least by the meager pace she could manage under her own power, and though she was a prisoner, she wasn't bound and her cell was more than large enough for her to pee in the corner and then just ignore the evidence of her human body's weakness as she waits for her lord to come rescue her. No, what turned the minor annoyances of being captured and needing to answer the call of nature into a pressing problem was due to her not being alone, for in addition to the human girl, the cell currently housed the young fox cub, Shippo, the short boy having been captured to lure in her lord's mongrel half-brother and his allies. If she were alone, she could just squat in the corner, do her business, and then lay down in the straw provided and take a nap while waiting for her lord to come free her, but with someone else sharing her prison with her, and a boy at that... the thought of exposing herself to relieve the rather prominent pressure in her pelvis where another could hear or even see her was just too embarrassing to contemplate. And so, the raven-haired girl stands there, suffering in silence as her golden hot spring sloshes deep in her belly, so intent on maintaining the dignity a retainer of Lord Sesshoumaru should display that she doesn't even notice when she starts to fidget, her weight shifting back and forth from one dainty foot to the other, her small hands fisting in the folds of her kimono as she resists the urge to grab herself through the multiple layers. Eventually, Rin is pulled out of her tinkle tormented thoughts as the kit sharing her cell asks, "Are you okay, Rin?" "Huh?" is the girl's near startled reply, though she soon recovers, telling her cell mate a half truth, not wanting to even admit her weak, human body's need, "I'm fine, Shippo. Just Hoping Lord Sesshoumaru gets here soon." though she adds to herself the almost traitorous thought of, 'though, even Inu-Yasha saving us would be appreciated at this point.' But instead of accepting her words at face value, Shippo insists, "Are you sure? Because you're squirming like I do when I need to pee really bad. Kagome says it isn't healthy to force yourself to hold it, especially for young children like us." Whether due to his bluntness or that the kit saw through her so easily, Rin isn't sure, but she can feel her cheeks burning with a blush as, figuring there's no point in lying, she admits, "Well... I do need to... make water... but it's not like I have any choice but to hold it until we're rescued." "Why?" Asks the fox, "There's plenty of room for you to go without it causing problems." "But, you're a boy, and I'm a girl," retorts the raven haired girl, straightening up, pressing her thighs firmly together as she towers over her cell mate, "It just isn't proper for a lady to do such things in front of a gentleman." "But I bathe with Kagome and Sango pretty much everytime we come across a hot spring, and I bathed with both of my parents almost daily back when they were alive. How would it be any different if I saw you tinkle compared to seeing Kagome, Sango, and my mom in the bath?" "I just can't do it!" declares the human child with a pout, turning her back on the young youkai. Scampering around to stand in front of Rin once more, Shippo asks, "Would it help if I went first?" And before she can reply, the fox cub is undoing the front of his hakama and pulling out his miniscule member. The same part of Rin that refuses to relieve her throbbing, overtaxed tinkle tank in front of the young boy says she should be covering her eyes and turning her back to the young fox, but curiosity gets the better of Rin and she stares transfixed as Shippo lets go, a stream of golden liquid bursting forth from his tip. Rin had vague memories of her brothers being equally shameless in relieving themselves, so while she didn't like thinking back to the time before she met her Lord, much less back to the days prior to her family being massacred, this was far from her first time seeing a boy's privates, but the fox cub's tiny thing was so different from what her brother's had had. For starters, it was a bright red instead of being roughly the same color as the rest of the boy's skin, and instead of being roughly the same girth at both tip and base, it tapered to a point. Compared to these facts, it's small size barely registered to the young girl, and even if it did, she'd probably just attribute it to the fox's short stature. But the girl is snapped out of her trance as she feels a leak dampening the inside of her thighs, her face going pale as she realizes that between being transfixed by the little fox's cock and seeing another relieving their bladder, her own pounding piddle pot had pounced upon the opportunity. Throwing modesty to the winds, she hikes up her kimono and drops into a squat, getting her clothing out of the way in the nick of time as the dam shatters and pee pours from her like a powerful waterfall, the girl sighing in relief. However, when her waters finally trickle to a halt more than a minute later, the girl is brought back to reality as Shippo exclaims, "Wow! You were holding a lot!" her cheeks flaming at the reminder she had an audience and the flames of embarrassment becoming all consuming when she opens her eyes to find Shippo on all fours in front of her, his paws mere inches from her puddle and his face roughly even with her exposed girlhood. Sniffing the air, the boy adds, "Hmmm, there's a sweet scent coming from you." and before the girl can regain her wits to shoo the fox away or to jump to her feet and restore her modesty, Shippo has closed the distance between his face and her hidden treasure, and given her a lick right between her petals. Rin has never felt such all consuming embarrassment before, certain her whole body must now be as red as the fire rat kimono her Lord's mutt of a half-brother wears, and yet, Shippo's tongue upon her tender nethers is the most pleasant thing she can recall ever feeling, and as Shippo gives her a second lick, the pleasure over rides her shame. Not wanting him to stop, but also feeling her legs starting to ache from holding her squat and feeling weak from the pleasure shooting up her spine, she fists one of her tiny hands in his hair as she declares, "Shippo, that feels amazing, but would you mind letting me lay down?" "Sure," replies the fox, pulling away from the human's privates, his tail wagging like an excited puppy. Climbing to shakey feet, Rin finds the place in their cell where the straw is thickest and as far as possible from where the kids had relieved themselves, and once she's made herself comfortable, she undoes her kimono, exposing not only her pussy to the fox cub's gaze, but every thing from her collar bone to her slender hips, the orange and yellow checkerboard spread out beneath her. Scampering over, Shippo comments, "You have a realy tasty peach!" beforenuzzling his nose against her crotch. The last coherent thought to go through the girl's head is 'It does look like a peach, doesn't it?' before the fox cub resumes his licking, and with the more favorable angle this position provides, almost immediately finding a hole Rin herself hadn't been aware was down there, her mind flooded with pleasure as the fox's tongue burrows deep within her most precious place. The pleasure is overwhelming, Rin having to grab a fistful of straw through her kimono to avoid thrashing under Shippo's ministrations, her cries of ecstasy filling the small chamber and something soon starting to coil deep in her belly. However, as suddenly as the new found sensations had driven all thought from her, they are brought to a halt, the tightness in her tummy loosening in a way she finds most unsatisfactory as she props herself up on her elbows and whines, "Shippo! Why did you stop!" The fox cub is sitting on her kimono between her legs and pointing at his member, which looks a bit bigger than before and an even brighter red. "My thingy got all hard and achey, far worse than when I have to pee really bad, and since I just went, I know I don't have to go." "So?" Asks the girl, the longing in her own immature loins suppressing her usually sympathetic demeanor. "I think its because I was licking your peach... and I kind of wonder if it'll fit in that hole I had my tongue in." replies the fox. Part of her knows she should find the idea disgusting, after all, a boy just suggested putting the thing he pees with inside her, and yet, she can't help wondering what it would feel like as she replies, "We can give it a try... but if I don't like it, will you lick me some more?" "Sure!" replies the cub, bounding forward to kneel at her pussy as Rin lays back once more. Lining up his tip, he stabs his immature prick into her equally immature pussy, and while neither child had ever heard of a hymen, fortunately for both of them, Rin's active, and somewhat dangerous, lifestyle had torn her barrier some time ago, and much to Rin's surprise, having Shippo's cock inside her feels even better than having his tongue inside her, and if the way he starts to frantically hump her are any indicator, he rather enjoys it as well. Feeling her tummy tightening once more, Rin does her best to hug her diminutive lover, running her fingers through his tail fur to encourage him to keep doing what he's doing when he gives her another surprise when he stretches his neck to wrap his lips around one of her nipples. Neither having any prior experience, it isn't long before Rin can feel the thightness in her tummy reach a peak before exploding like fireworks, Shippo soon joining her, the way her climaxing cunny clenches around him too much for the young fox to handle, the cub's very first load of semen spraying the inside of the human's snug snatch. When they come down from their first orgasms, Rin comments, "That was wonderful, Shippo... we should do this again after we've been rescued." "Yeah, that was pretty cool." replies the fox, trying to pull out, only for his small knot to be more than Rin's opening can stretch around. "Huh, I seem to be stuck." "Huh, but we can't stay like this!" comments Rin. "Don't worry," replies Shippo calmingly, "I'm sure Kagome will know how to get us unstuck." "And Lord Sessshoumaru will probably know as well." Adds Rin, stifling a yawn. "In the meantime, we might as well cuddle up for a nap." replies Shippo with a yawn of his own, and before long, the pair of young lovers are fast asleep, Rin's Kimono wrapped around them both like a blanket.