A Girl and her Werewolf by Imouto Kitten On the night of a full moon, Miyako awakes to the sound of howling outside her bedroom window. Transforming into Bubbles, she flys out her window in search of the noise. Flying over the woods near her house, Bubbles notices a loan figure standing in a clearing from whom the howling originates. Landing in a tree at the clearing's edge, she can make out the form of the beast her childhood crush was turned into by the black light. Suddenly, the branch the blonde is perched on gives way under her weight. Her superhuman reflexes allow her to safely land in a crouch on the grass at the clearing's edge, but the sound of snapping wood and rustling leaves is enough to capture the werewolf's attention. Halting mid-howl, the beast turns towards the source of the disturbance and stares straight at the young girl. Standing up, Bubbles locks eyes with the werewolf once known as Takaaki. He tenses up when she holds out her Bubble Wand in front of her, but relaxes slightly as she makes a show of dropping it on the ground. Leaving her weapon behind, the blonde slowly approaches the much taller creature, her arms held out wide as if about to hug someone. As the girl grows near, she doesn't break eye contact or show any signs of fear, not even as the werewolf bares his teeth and lets out a low growl. Once within arm's reach, Bubbles floats off the ground so she can hug the beast before her around his chest. Although this creature, which many would call a monster, is so tall that her head is below his chin even with her feet above his knees and has teeth and claws more than capable of ripping the young girl to shreds despite her superhuman abilities, she shows no fear as she presses her warm body against his. Speaking for the first time since finding Takaaki, Bubbles asks, "Were you howling at the moon out of loneliness?" He doesn't offer any response, but she continues, running her hands through the surprisingly soft fur covering his back, "It's okay, Taka-kun. I'll stay with you and keep you company." At her words, he relaxes into the hug and slowly wraps his own furry forelimbs around her as if he's afraid of crushing her if he's not careful. He lowers his muzzle to nuzzle her cheek before opening his mouth and licking her face. Giggling at recieving the canine equivalent of a kiss, she says, "That tickles!" before loossening her grip enough to place a quick peck on the end of his muzzle. Enjoying having the werewolf's powerful arms wrapped around her, Bubbles absentmindedly lets her hands roam accross Takaaki's furry body, every patch of fur her hands glide over being every bit as soft as the last. After several minutes of being held by and exploring the body of Takaaki, Bubbles can feel something warm and decidedly not furry poking between her thighs and gliding against her bare skin. Looking down, the full moon provides just enough illumination for Bubbles to see that the werewolf's penis has emerged from its sheath. Reaching down to wrap her hands around his shaft, Bubbles looks up and asks, "Does Taka-kun want me as his mate?" He doesn't reply, but offers up know resistance as she starts stroking him. His penis is quite large, at least a foot long and so thick she can barely encircle it with both hands. Before long, Bubbles can hear whimpering coming from his throat, but instead of the loneliness she heard in the howl that lead her to the clearing or the menace in his growl as she approached him after being discovered, these whimpers are filled with desire. Encouraged by his reaction, she increases the pace of her strokes while also closing her thighs around his member to increase stimulation. Soon enough, her own body heats up with arousal and she instinctually lowers herself until only the crotch of her leotard separates her virgin girlhood from his massive manhood as she grinds against him. Before long, Bubbles' efforts bring them to a shared climax, her juices soaking the crotch of her costume as a jet of his seed splashes onto the ground at his feet. Not yet satisfied and suspecting he isn't either, Bubbles leans back in his arms , and, hooking her legs over his hips, pulls her leotard to the side and lines up his tip with her virgin opening. In the cutest, most seductive tone she can muster, the blonde pleads, "Please, Taka-kun! Make me yours!" When he makes no move to impale the young girl upon his girth, she adds, "It's okay, Taka-kun! I've loved you for a long time, and I don't care that you've taken such a form. Even if everyone else thinks you've become a monster, I know you still have a good heart within, so please make love to me! And if you have trouble being gentle, I'm sure I can handle you being rough!" Her words penetrating him to his core, he lets go of the fear that he'll hurt the only person who neither runs in fear or attacks violently at his mere presence and lets his primal lust take over. Gripping her hips hard enough that she can feel his claws pricking her skin, but not hard enough to draw blood or rip fabric, he slams her down on his massive prick. Whereas a normal 13-year-old would be in agony as such a massive member shreds her insides, Bubbles's superhuman durability and toughness means she only feels a slight discomfort as he pierces her maidenhead and her passage is forcefully stretched to accomodate his length and girth. Still, his humanity manages to surface long enough to let her adjust to his size. As the discomfort fades and is replaced with pleasure, Bubbles declares, "Taka-kun's big thing feels so good inside me!" Resting her arms on his and firmly gripping a handful of upperarm fur in each hand, she adds, "I'm ready for Taka-kun to continue." Needing no further encouragement, the werewolf proceeds to thrust relentlessly into the young girl's willing passage, setting a pace that would leave a normal human in severe pain even if they could accomodate his girth, but leaves the blue powerpuff moaning in ecstasy and begging for more even as she uses her superhuman strength to hold on for dear life. After several minutes of animalistic rutting, he bottoms out within her with tremendous force, her cervix giving way to the pointed tip of his cock as the first shot of his seed spills forth and the base of his prick swells into a massive knot, locking them together. As their shared orgasms, much stronger than the ones from earlier, wash over them, they both throw their heads back, him letting out a howl as she screams her pleasure to the heavens. As he comes down from his orgasm, Takaaki collapses to the ground from the exertion, making sure to land on his backside to not crush his lover under his greater weight. While the first few spurts were by far the largest and most forceful, his prick continues to pump semen into her womb at a slow, but constant, rate. As she lays panting on top of her werewolf lover, Bubbles declares, "Th-That was incredible, Taka-kun!" Trying to lift her rear and realizing how uncomfortable it would be to try and extract his knot from within her, she adds in a gigly tone, "Not that I want to leave, but it looks like we're stuck together, Taka-kun." Snuggling into the soft fur of his stomach and chest, she lets out a yawn before saying, "I guess I'll just have to sleep here with Taka-kun tonight. Good night, Taka-kun." As she drifts off to sleep, he lays his arms over her to serve as a blanket, wishing he could speak in this form as he thinks, "Good Night, Miyako-chan." before letting sleep claim him as well.