Content warnings specific to this chapter: Loli, Dragon, creative license with penis of a mythical creature, non-gory impalement, cum inflation that leads to non-gorey popping, egg-laying, ridiculous amounts of cum even by cum inflation standards. Author's notes: Okay, most lemons play loose with biology and what is realistic for sex scenes. This takes that up to eleven and then some and I'm justifying it by the fact the pairing involves a pair of Toon Monsters from Yu-Gi-Oh and how zany they were portrayed in the anime. Also, in case it isn't obvious, when Toon Dark Magician Girl talks about her big sister, she's referring to the normal Dark Magician Girl, which I thought was appropriate since Toon Dark Magician Girl's design is less super deformed and cartoony and more of a loli version of her non-Toon counterpart. A Girl and Her Toon Dragon by Imouto Kitten A very bored Toon Dark Magician Girl was flying around Toon World, trying to think of something with which to amuse herself. Seeing Blue Eyes Toon Dragon napping in a sunny spot of grass just ahead of her current flight path, the child-like spellcaster gets a mischievious smile on her face. Flying up to the sleeping dragon, completely disregarding that the snoozing beast before her is one of the most powerful inhabitants of Toon World, she raises her staff and bonks the reptile on the head. As the dragon stirs from her attack, she cheerfully declares, "TAG! Your it!" before flying off, giggling excitedly. Grumpy for having his nap interrupted, the toon dragon unfurls his wings and takes to the sky in order to give chase. Catching up to Toon Dark Magician Girl, Blue Eyes swipes his claws at her, only for the spellcaster to use her smaller size to nimbly avoid every strike. Frustrated by the cute, little annoyance, the toon dragon redoubles his efforts to knock her out of the sky, even shooting lightning from his mouth whenever she manages to put distance between them, but the little girl continues to be irritatingly hard to hit and is laughing all the while, seemingly unaware that the one she drafted to be her playmate is really trying to hurt her. Eventually, Blue Eyes Toon Dragon manages to close one of his clawed forepaws around one of Toon Dark Magician Girl's ankles, halting her momentum completely. As the diminutive spellcaster dangles by one leg while her captor catches his breath, she complains, "You aren't very good at this game. You're supposed to run away after tagging someone, not hold on to them." Ignoring her words and contemplating how to make an example of her for disturbing his sleep, Blue Eyes Toon Dragon catches a glimpse of what's up the girl's skirt, or rather what's not up her skirt. For you see, the little cutie isn't wearing any underwear, her bald pussy and tiny half moons on display for anyone with the right angle to see. Deciding there are more pleasant ways of punishing the impudent spellcaster, the toon dragon does his best to flash his prisoner a lecherous smile, though the expression is more goofy than menacing on the toon's muzzle. Landing in a secluded part of a forest, the dragon uses his claws to shred the girl's outfit, getting an indignant protest of, "HEY! That was my favorite dress!" from Toon Dark Magician Girl, who seems more upset by the destruction of her clothes than the fact that she is now naked except for her hat and boots. As the dragon's eyes roam over the naked, little girl dangling in his grasp, the spellcaster makes no effort to cover her nudity nor seems to be the least bit embarrassed as she puts her hands on her hips and does her best to put an angry pout on her face. Even if she was upright, clothed, and staring down someone she could take in a straight fight, her expression and posture would be more adorable than intimidating, but is downright comical given that she's hanging by one ankle, naked, staring down a being that could literally rip her limb from limb if he so chose, and seems completely oblivious to her current situation. Not the least bit intimidated by her misplaced bravado nor caving to her sheer cuteness, Blue Eyes Toon Dragon lays her on the ground before gripping her tightly around her torso, though being careful not to pierce her flesh with his razor sharp claws. Before she can question his actions, he is using his claws to scratch between her ribs with a featherlight touch. This has the toon girl in peels of laughter far greater than the giggles she let out during the earlier chase, the girl squirming futilely in his grip as she screams, "Please! TEE HEE! Stop! TEE HEE! That! TEE HEE! Tickles! TEE HEE!" As the dragon enjoys watching his naked prisoner kick and screaming with no chance of escaping her tickle torture, tears squeezing out through her closed eyes, he can feel his arousal growing as his member exits its sheath. Once fully erect, the ridged penis, it's tip looking as sharp as a claw tip, stands more than a foot from base to tip and is significantly greater in girth than the girl's smooth, pale thigh, the crimson scales of the sex organ standing in sharp contrast with the blueish-white scales that form the beast's natural armor. Halting the movement of his claws, the Dragon allows his captive to catch her breath. Upon opening her eyes, her gaze locks upon the dragon's member as she exclaims, "WOW! Bluey has a huge cock! Can I touch it!" Somewhat surprised, but also pleased by her apparent enthusiasm, the dragon releases his grip on the girl, and getting on her hands and knees, she crawls up to his member for a better look. Running a finger along one of the ridges that encircle his shaft, eliciting a shiver of pleasure from the dragon in the process, Toon Dark Magician Girl comments, "Bluey's cock looks so different from the pictures Dark Magician Sensei showed me as part of sex ed, and as much as big sister likes to brag about how big Dark Magician Sensei's cock is, I know he's downright tiny compared to Bluey from the glimpses I've gotten spying on him and big sister, though I've never gotten to see a cock this close before because big sister and Dark Magician Sensei always throw me out telling me I'm too young whenever they catch me spying on their private lessons." Putting a finger to her chin and scrunching up her face in thought, she adds, "Now, what did those lessons I spyed on says a girl was supposed to do to make a man feel good?" Snapping her fingers, "That's right, I'm supposed to lick it and suck on it like a lollipop!" With that, she wraps both of her small hands around Blue Eyes Toon Dragon's shaft, unable to touch thumbs and middle fingers tip to tip thanks to his girth and pulls it down until the tip is at the same level as her mouth. Sticking out her tongue, she licks a bead of precum from the tip before kissing it and then opens her mouth to start taking in the dragon's dick. She starts to take in the massive phallus inch-by-inch, and by the time her lips reach the first ridge, her lips and jaws have already stretched to an extent that would do irreparable harm to a non-toon, but she continues her progress, her throat bulging noticeably as she starts to swallow the dragon cock, neither gagging or choking thanks to how toons can ignore the rules of biology and the laws of physics. By the time her nose makes contact with pale blue scales, Blue Eyes's tip has reached Toon Dark Magician Girl's stomach. As she starts to hum one of her favorite songs, the dragon rumbles in pleasure, and deciding to return the favor, he grabs her hips, lifts her rear in the air and turns her around with his cock still buried stomach deep in her throat before prying her thighs apart and burying his tongue in her creamy cunny. As he laps up her juices, his tongue reaching all the way to her cervix, Toon Dark Magician Girl pulls her mouth off his member to exclaim, "YES! Lick my little, loli lovehole!" Earning a growl from the dragon for halting her blowjob. "Okay, okay, Mister grumpy dragon. I'll get back to sucky sucky, but please keep up the licky licky!" She then reswallows the dragon's dick, Blue Eyes pleased when she starts to moan around his shaft. Being inexperienced at recieving cunnilingus, it isn't long before Toon Dark Magician Girl is cumming hard, her passage constricting around Blue Eyes Toon Dragon's tongue, but her muffled screams aren't enough to bring the dragon to climax. Eyeing the staff the girl dropped on the ground, the dragon's grin widens before grasping the weapon in his talon, and lining the butt end up with Toon Dark Magician Girl's opening, rams the tool deep in its wielder's depths, forcing it through her cervix with a single thrust, stopping only when the staff's bulbous head is nestled against her nether lips. Though such a impalement would seriously injure, if not kill any normal creature, her nature as a Toon allows the girl's insides to stretch and be pushed out of the way without even a tiny tear or bruise. Grasping the head of the staff in one clawed forepaw, the toon dragon pulls the weapon about halfway out of it's owner before driving it back in and is soon using it very roughly as a makeshift dildo. This causes Toon Dark Magician Girl to moan louder around the dragon's member and he is soon depositing his seed in her stomach. As a bulge forms just below her sternum, Blue Eyes slowly pulls his cock from her throat, the last glob of his seed landing on her tongue. As the dragon sits her down on shakey legs, Toon Dark Magician Girl swallows the last of his seed and licks her lips before commenting, "Bluey's seed is really tastey!" Looking down to the head of her staff sandwiched between her thighs, she adds, "WOW! You really jammed it in there!" Reaching for the staff's head, she tries to pull it out, complicated by the fact that the staff is inflexible and keeps her spine ramrod straight. She eventually figures out how to slowly slide it out inch-by-inch and when she's finally gotten it out she discards the staff, covered in her juices on the ground to turn her attention back to the dragon. Eyeing the dragon's dick hungrily, Toon Dark Magician Girl licks her lips before turning her back to the more powerful being, and leaning forward enough to expose her cozy little cunny, she gives her butt a smack and wiggles her hips as she says, "Come on, Bluey, stuff that great big dragon dick in my little, loli lovehole!" Needing no further encouragement, Blue Eyes Toon Dragon grabs her hips, lines his tip up with her opening, and impales her on his length. Though shorter than her staff and having some give due to being fleshy rather than wooden, his girth is sufficient to stretch her insides to an extent she had never imagined possible. Although he gives her no time to adjust and the little spellcaster is a virgin, there is no pain as he starts using her like a cock sleeve, and in fact, she is soon moaning in ecstacy from the rough fucking. She especially enjoys the way the ridges along his length rake against her walls on each outstroke, and in particular when they are pulled out of her womb. She doesn't even mind that his claws are pressing into her skin just short of piercing her flesh. Moaning loud enough to be heard throughout the woods, she screams, "YES! Fuck my little loli lovehole! Fuck it hard and fast! Fuck it so hard I won't be able to walk straight for weeks!" As she continues these encouragements, all the while subconsciously using her magic to enhance the experience for both of them, it isn't long before the Dragon starts to erupt in her womb, quickly filling the hollow organ and causing it to expand. As her belly balloons to the size of a basketball with no signs of slowing, she cries out, "Bluey, you need to stop cumming or I'm going to pop like a balloon!", but the dragon ignores her protesssssts, holding her in place with a grip she has no chance of breaking as he continues to pour impossible quantities of cum into the spellcaster's distended uterus. As her bloated belly surpasses her height in diameter, her belly button, long since turn from an innie to an outie, pops like a cork as a torrent of cum erupts from the newly made spout. By the time the dragon has finished cumming, most of the clearing has an inch of cum puddling on the ground. As he pulls out of the little spellcaster, her belly shrunken to the point she only looks nine months pregnant, she grabs her staff from the cum pool, turns to face the dragon with a cute pout on her face, ready to scold him and bop him for not listening when a contraction in her womb causes her to drop her weapon and clutch her swollen belly. As additional contractions rock her body, each accompanied by a wave of intense pleasure rather than pain, Toon Dark Magician Girl is forced to spread her legs as something large, round and solid is forced out of her little cunny, multiple orgasms washing over her in the process. When the laying is complete and she's had time to recover from the overwhelming experience, she examines the object that came out of her and discovers it to be a large egg, the shell of which is primarily the same blueish white as the father's scales and decorated in spiral patterns that match the pink from her costume. "Looks like we're going to be parents, Bluey!" exclaims the girl before curling protectively around the egg and letting sleep claim her as the exhaustion of tag, sex, and laying catch up with her. Still finding the girl a bit annoying, but hoping to fuck her again and wondering what will hatch from the egg they produced, the dragon lays down as well, curling protectively around both the egg and its mother and resuming the nap the girl had not long ago disturbed.