A Girl and Her Pup by Imouto Kitten Velma Dinkley was a rather frustrated child genius. Despite being the shortest member of the Scooby Doo Detective Agency and even the shortest student in their whole school, a fact that made her appear younger than most of her age group, the bespectacled little girl was one of the most mature in her grade in more ways than one. Her intellect was the most obvious, but the short girl had also gotten an early start on puberty even if her short stature and petite frame didn't show it. Fortunately, her parents were rather forward thinking and made sure she had all the information she needed to manage her blossoming sexuality and the privacy to take care of things when the urge to pleasure herself struck, but Velma simply found that her tiny fingers simply weren't up to the task of satisfying the itch in her young girlhood. She knew the risks of intercourse, her parents made sure she was as far from ignorant on that subject as possible, but no matter how much Velma tried, she couldn't deny it, she needed to lose her virginity, to have a male's penis fill her most intimate reaches and stretch her insides, and the sooner, the better for the young girl's sanity. But most of the boys her own age wouldn't even give a shy, half-pint of a nerd the time of day, especially with a young beauty like Daphne around, and looking to the boys in the Scooby Doo Detective Agency... Fred's obcession with conspiracy theories made her cringe, and while Shaggy was cute enough, Velma knew, that despite her maturity, the possibility that the sandy-haired boy might already be producing sperm was one she couldn't risk. But then, the young girl shoots up in bed, a soft cry of "Jinkies!" falling from her lips as a certain fact from her biology reading provides a solution to her problem and a plan of action crystalizes in her brilliant brain. ### It took a week before the perfect opportunity for Velma to execute her plan came about. A week of bedtime masturbation that left her yearning for more. A week of fitful sleep as she dreamed of what she had planned. A week of waking up with soaked undies completely drenched in her sexual juices. A week that nearly drove her crazy with anticipation of finally getting the satisfaction her out of control hormones demanded. Observing the common room of the Treehouse that served as HQ for the Scooby Doo Detective Agency, Velma found Freddie engrossed in the latest National Exaggerator, Daphne lost in a fashion magazine, and Shaggy perusing the latest Commander Cool comic. With her three closest human friends preoccupied, Velma makes a beeline for her intended target, the only non-human member of the team and their official mascot. "Scooby," starts the girl in an even softer than usual tone, "would you mind helping me with something?" "Rure Ring Relma." replies the great dane puppy, following the small girl as she silently leads the canine from the common room and into one of the tree house's storage rooms. Once the two are alone, Velma turns to face Scooby, her heart skipping a beat and her panties moistening in anticipation of what she hopes is about to happen mixed with fear that one of the others will come looking for them before they've finished. Taking a deep breath, Velma asks, "Scooby, do you love me?" "Rof rouse Rye ro, Relma." replies the pup, giving Velma an affectionate lick from collar bone to temple, the contact making the young girl's arousal spike as surely as a kiss from a human boy would. Blushing like a stereotypical schoolgirl, Velma asks, "How much do you love me?" "Rots." answers Scooby, giving her another puppy kiss, this time on the opposite cheek. Gulping as if trying to swallow her fear and uncertainty, Velma drops to her knees and crawls under Scooby, rubbing her hand over his lower abdomen where her studies say his sheathed puppy prick should be. "Do...do you love me enough to let me play with this?" Scooby doesn't reply immediately, but as first a bright red tip emerges under her touch followed closely by a equally red shaft without the canine making any effort to cringe away from her hand, she takes the answer to be yes, and emboldened by Scooby's reaction, Velma rolls on her back and strokes the puppy to full erection. Lying beneath the great dane puppy and holding his doggy dick in her hands, Velma realizes just how much larger the canine is than herself. Though Scooby is but a puppy, he stands as tall, if not taller, on all fours than Velma does on two feet, and Velma is sure Scooby is at least twice her weight. It's clear to the little girl that she's playing with a magnificent beast that could dominate her utterly if he so chose, and the canine cock she now finds herself stroking is larger than she expected, easily as thick as her thigh, far too thick for her to encircle fully with her fingers and every bit as long as her arm. And yet, these facts don't intimidate her. If anything, they only increase her arousal and desire, and despite being smarter than most adults, Velma isn't sure if it's due to her raging hormones, knowing in her heart of hearts that Scooby would never do anything to hurt her, or a combination of the two. Continuing to stroke Scooby's prodigious puppy prick with one hand, Velma's other hand shoots down to rub at her gushing girlhood through her now sodden panties as she sticks out her tongue to give the tip of the doggy dick an experimental lick. Finding the taste better than she expected, Velma starts swirling her tongue around Scooby's tip, making no effort to try and wrap her lips around the canine's cock head, sure that any attempt would be in vain and likely unpleasant for both of them. As his brain finally catches up with what the girl is doing, Scooby lets out a moan of pleasure as he comments, "Rat reels rood, Relma." "I'm glad you like it." replies Velma, but as her need grows, she halts her ministrations and crawls out from under Scooby. Before he can ask why she stopped, Velma has climbed to her feet, and bending over, she makes quick work of flipping up her skirt and yanking her soaked panties to her knees, exposing her gushing, glistening girlhood to Scooby's eyes and nose. Standing on Hands and feet and swaying her hips to show off her cute, little butt, Velma begs, "Please, Scooby... please make me your...make me your bitch!" Her face redder than her skirt both from being so exposed and the effort to overcome her adversion to using profanity, a task not made much easier by bitch being the proper term for a female dog and perfectly acceptable for the situation. Scooby is hit hard by the scent of Velma's arousal, and following his nose to her virgin opening, he gives her a long lick from mons to gluteal cleft, and while this sends pleasure shooting up Velma's spine, it's not what the little girl needs at the moment, her soft spoken nature giving way to feral desire as she cries out, "Scooby, I...I need that big, fat puppy prick in me...NOW!" Rearing up, Scooby drapes himself over Velma's much smaller form, nearly hiding Velma completely beneath him as the puppy bucks his hips, his tip grazing Velma's vulva, but missing its target several times. Realizing that Scooby is just as much a virgin as herself and probably much less well informed than her, she comments, "Let me help." before reaching between her own legs to guide the puppy's prick to her entrance, "Now, thrust it forward. Velma barely has time to brace herself by gripping Scooby's forelegs with her hands before the great dane buries his doggy dick to half mast in her depths, her eyes watering as the pain of having her hymen pierced proves greater than she expected. Not wanting to cry out and have Scooby stop out of fear he hurt her, Velma bites down on her lower lip, stopping just short of drawing blood as she does her best to stoically endure the pain of losing her virginity. Mercifully, the pain soon gives way to a sensation of incredible fullness and warmth deep in her core, and glancing back between her legs, Velma can see that she has quite a ways to go if she wants to take Scooby balls deep, estimating that the shaft visible between her pussy and Scooby's balls is at least as long as what's already inside her. Velma simply savors the sensations of having her snatch stretched snugly around Scooby's puppy prick for over a minute, long enough to make the canine query, "Are rou rokay, Relma? "I'm fine, Scooby," replies the bespectacled girl, "I was just enjoying how good it feels to be filled with that phenomenal puppy prick." Using her grip on Scooby's forelegs for leverage, Velma pushes back against the cock crammed in her cunny as she demands, "Now, hurry up and rut me like a proper bitch! Hurry up and mark me as yours!" "Rokay, Relma." replies Scooby pulling back until only his tip is still within Velma, and then driving his doggy dick within her once more, going maybe half-an-inch deeper as his tip slams into her cervix. Before long, Scooby has set a rather impressive pace, the puppy not seeming to know his own strength as Velma's slender arms struggle to keep her braced against the canine's forelegs,, but instead of protesting the rough treatment, Velma is loving every second of it, the usually soft-spoken girl crying her pleasure to the heavens. If she could think clearly at the moment, Velma might be worried that the soundproofing she had done to this storage room over the last week would prove insufficient to keep the others from overhearing, but at the moment, all Velma cared about was having her tiny twatty ravaged by Scooby's great dane dick. "YES!" cries the young genius at the top of her lungs, "Pound that prodigious puppy prick into my puny, preteen pussy! Drive that doggy dick to my deepest depths! Slam my snug, schoolgirl snatch! Thrash my tiny, toddler-tight twatty!" Scooby's tongue lulls out of his mouth as he pants with the exertion of trying to keep up with his little lover's demands, the tip of his puppy prick battering against the entrance to her young womb as he tries to cram all of his canine cock in the diminutive girl's cozy cunny. Eventually, Velma's cervix gives way, and as Scooby's prick pokes into Velma's innermost sanctum, it gains just enough room to allow the puppy's next thrust to drive his doggy dick balls deep in the little girl. This proves more than Velma can handle, and with a loud cry of "JINKIES!" her first orgasm induced by a penis instead of her fingers tears through her, far more intense than any climax she's experienced before, her whole body trembling and her passage rippling along Scooby's length. This proves too much for the puppy's prick, and before Scooby can even attempt his first withdrawal from being balls deep within Velma's warm, wet, wonderful walls, his knot swells up, trapping him inside her as his creamy, canine cum erupts from his tip, filling Velma's womb like a water balloon. Velma knew about male ejaculation and the canine bulbus glandis on an academic level, but that did little to prepare her for actually being on the recieving end of such as her already severely stretch snatch struggles to accomodate the seemingly grapefruit-sized knot and her belly bulges out as warmth blooms in her womb, Velma letting out another cry of "JINKIES!" this one just as much from pain and surprise as from pleasure as a second powerful climax overtakes her before the first has fully faded. As girl and dog come down from their respective climaxes, Scooby makes to turn around as dogs are want to do after properly knotting a bitch, but Velma tightens her grip on the puppy's forelimbs as she begs, "Please Scooby, hold still." Not wanting to be pulled around by the cock tied in her young hole.. "Rokay, Relma." replies Scooby, fighting his instincts to stay atop the tiny girl. Once her stretched snatch has had time to adjust to Scooby's knot, Velma starts to turn over underneath the much larger canine, pulling in one leg to make sure she doesn't kick Scooby in the gut. Shoulders on the floor and her rear elevated thanks to still having puppy prick knotted in her tiny twatty, Velma wraps her legs around her puppy lover's waist best she can as she gathers her thoughts and finally speaks, "That was amazing, Scooby!" her magnified eyes filled with admiration to the beast looming over her small form. "Rad rou renjoyed rit, Relma." replies the puppy before bowing his head to give the little girl another lick from collar bone to temple. However, before Scooby can withdraw his tongue, Velmagently grabs it with her tiny hands, and parting her lips, starts sucking on the tip, her own tongue soon tangoing with the much larger appendage. Follwoing Velma's lead, Scooby brings his muzzle close to Velma's face and soon human and dog are french kissing as well as their differing facial structures will allow. By the time the pair come up for air, Scooby's knot has deflated enough to let Velma slide to the floor, though the puppy's prick proves long enough that this isn't enough to make it slide out of her completely. Looking up at Scooby, Velma asks, "Scooby, would you like to try doing it like I would with a human boy?" "Ruh, rure rhing, Relma." replies the puppy before asking, "Row Ro Re Ro Rat?" Spreading her limbs out, Velma replies, "Well, I'm already in the right position, you just need to lay on top of me like I were a pillow and start humping." Bending knees and Elbows, Scooby lowers himself atop Velma's tiny body, the action pushing his puppy prick back into her depths. "Ri'm rot roo reavy ram Ri?" Asks the puppy, not wanting to crush his little, human lover. Wrapping her arms and legs around Scooby's neck and waist, Velma replies, "I'm fine Scooby, It's like being wrapped up by a warm, furry blanket." With that she startsworking her hips against his doggy dick, begging, "Now, give it to me like before!" Needing no further encouragement, Scooby is soon rutting his little lover once more, the child genius crying out in pleasure as her preteen pussy is ravaged once more by canine cock. As Scooby's tongue lulls out once more, Velma resumes their earlier kiss, sucking greedily on Scooby's sensory organ as her snug snatches sucks greedily on his reproductive organ. As her womb opens up to Scooby's puppy prick once more, Velma swallows Scooby's tongue, enjoying the way it riggles deep in her throat and far too lost in pleasure to care if the light headedness coming over her is from insufficient airflow or overwhelming pleasure. This time, the pair come in unison, Velma's snatch squeezing Scooby's knot repeatedly as the puppy unloads a fresh load of canine cum into her waiting womb. When Scooby comes down from the ecstacy of cumming in a female for the second time in his short life and withdraws his tongue from his little lover's mouth, he discovers that Velma is out cold, clearly exhausted from their exertions. Taking the smile on her face and her even breathing as signs he didn't hurt her, Scooby uses a paw to gently remove and fold her glasses before sitting them on the floor, and letting out a yawn, the puppy curls up protectively atop his little lover, his canine cock still crammed knot deep in her cozy cunny as he whispers, "Ri rove rou, Relma." in her ear before joining the little girl in slumber.