A Girl and Her Guardian Beast by Imouto Kitten Keroberos, Guardian Beast of the Seal of the Clow, well Seal of The Sakura now that a new master had been chosen and all the cards had been transformed, was frustrated. Instead of the usual frustrations of being denied sweets, losing at a challenging video game, putting up with that Li Brat, or having to pretend he's a stuffed animal, Kero's frustrations were sexual. Despite being a magical construct created by Clow reed and thus the only member of his species in existence, he was still blessed/cursed with the equipment for reproduction and the desire to use said equipment, and his hormones and instincts were presently screaming 'it's mating season!'. The closest thing to another of his kind he could take as a mate was Spinel Sun, but Kero didn't swing that way and prayed Eriol hadn't made the black panther attracted to the golden lion. And so, there Kero was, laying on Sakura's bed in his stuffed animal-like form, desperately trying to relieve his throbbing erection with his stubby paws. His penis wouldn't be anything worth commenting on it's own, but while small in overall size, it was huge in proportion to the guardian beast's small body, being about the same length and thickness as a roll of lifesavers. Kero knew he could more effectively pleasure himself by performing autofellatio in his true form, but Sakura's bedroom wasn't really roomy enough to let him stretch out properly in that form and he didn't like the idea of Sakura's brother or father catching him in the act, even if the Kinamoto men were now officially in the know about his true nature and Sakura's status as Mistress of the Cards. Kero was so focused on his task that he didn't notice Sakura entering the room in her school uniform and socked feet. Dropping her bag in shock at the sight before her, Sakura yells, "KERO! What are you doing!?" Snapping out of his concentration, but with his front paws still on his member, Kero looks up to make eye contact with his mistress and best friend, "Hey, Sakura! " realizing the compromising position he's been caught in, he adds, "Umm... I can explain..." Sakura replies, "I sure hope so!" After Kero is done explaining himself, an explanation that required the guardian beast to give her a shortened version of 'The Talk', a blushing Sakura asks, "So, it's very uncomfortable if you ignore your body's urges during your mating season?" A blushing Kero replies, "It's sometimes downright painful, and to make matters worse, I can't even effectively relieve myself in this body and my true form is too big for such a small house without risking your dad or brother catching me and wanting to skin me alive for doing something so perverted where you could see it." Giggling, Sakura replies, "Yeah, they can be a bit overprotective, especially Toya." Gazing at the still erect member between Kero's hind legs, she asks, "Is there anything I could do to help?" Kero is taken aback by the offer. On the one hand, he feels a bit guilty at the thought of taking advantage of Sakura's trusting nature. On the other hand, the thought of being pleasured by a female is enough to overwhelm his imagination. In the end, he decides he'll go slow and stop if she puts up any kind of objection. Nervously, he says, "Well... you could try taking me in your mouth and licking me like you would a lollipop..." Much to Kero's surprise, Sakura doesn't hesitate in the slightest as she embraces him in her hands and engulfs his member. The warm wetness of Sakura's mouth alone is enough to leave the guardian beast speechless with a blissful expression on his plushie face, but the sensations as Sakura starts sliding her tongue up and down his shaft leaves the stuffed animal look-alike moaning loud enough that Sakura hopes neither her brother or father come home early as Kero's tail thrashes in pleasure. Within a minute of the Cardcaptor starting her ministrations, Kero is shouting, "Sa-Sakura! I'm gonna cum!", but his warning comes too late as he's already flooding her mouth with his seed by the time he says her name, his tail becoming straight as a pole, and Sakura reflexively swallowing his cum. When Kero has finished cumming and Sakura has licked his now limp member clean, she pulls her head away from him as he lies limply in her hands. Smiling, Sakura declares, "Looks like you really enjoyed that, Kero-chan!" Panting heavily, Kero replies, "That... was... incredible!" Catching his breath, he adds, "Sorry I didn't warn you in time that I was about to cum..." Brushing off his concerns, she replies, "That's okay, it was a bit salty, but you actually taste pretty good. Besides, it would've been a mess had you came on my school uniform or my sheets instead of me swallowing it." Deciding to press his luck, Kero asks, "Would you like me to return the favor?" Confused, Sakura replies, "Huh? But I don't have a penis." Emboldened by her reply, Kero states, "Boys aren't the only ones who can enjoy being licked down there." Curiosity piqued and remembering how much Kero seemed to like it when she sucked on his penis, she asks, "Huh, really?" Nodding vigorously, Kero answers, "Yeah, just lay on your bed and remove your underwear and I'll show you." Blushing, she asks, "Do I have to? Remove my underwear that is?" Kero replies, "I can't lick you down there if your underwear are in the way." Nervously, she replies, "I guess you're right..." before sitting on the edge of her bed, and reaching under her skirt to pull off her panties. Once naked under her skirt, she lays down, resting her head on her pillow, her legs straight, and her hands fidgeting over her chest. Flying over her crotch, Kero comments, "You need to spread your legs." As she parts her thighs by a few inches, blushing all the while, Kero retorts, "You need to spread them more than that!" Blushing more deeply and putting her hands over her face, Sakura spreads her legs wide, giving Kero plenty of room to access her most precious place. With her face still covered, Kero lands between Sakura's legs and gives Sakura's girlhood a sniff before reaching out his cat-like tongue and licking her outer folds. With her voice muffled by her hands, the cardcaptor says, "This is so embarrassing!" Smiling widely, Kero replies, "Don't worry, Sakura, soon you'll be feeling too good to feel embarrassed!" Before parting her folds with his front paws, burying his nose in the girl's girlhood and going to town with his tongue. Soon enough, Sakura's hands are clenched into fists in front of her chest and the cardcaptor is moaning loudly under Kero's ministrations. Inbetween moans of pleasure, Sakura manages to say, "Ke-Kero-chan... that.... feels... so... good!" Muffled by her crotch, Kero says, "And I haven't even touched your clit yet!" Though Sakura didn't hear and thus had no warning as the plush toy like creature places a paw on her clitoris and squeezes, the sudden surge in sensation triggering the young girl's very first orgasm, her body going into seizures as she not only drenches Kero's face in her girl juices, but suddenly looses bladder control, her golden liquid spraying all over the small creature. When she recovers from her mind blowing climax and notices the mess she made of the bed, Sakura scolds, "Kero! Look at the mess you made me make!" Waving a paw in the air, Kero says, "it's nothing Bubble couldn't fix in a jiffy." Noticing that he's hard again, he asks, "Want to try something we'll both enjoy?" Not sure she could withstand a repeat of what just happened, but too curious to stop, she asks, "What did you have in mind, Kero-chan?" Smiling, he replies, "I could try sticking my dick in your pussy." Confused, she replies, " Your dick? In my pussy? What are you talking about?" Realizing the source of her confusion, he answers, "Dick is another word for penis, and your pussy is that hole between your legs where I was licking. That's what a boy and girl do when they mate, the boy sticks his dick in the girl's pussy." Nervously, she replies, "But if we mate, couldn't I get pregnant? I'm not ready to be a mommy!" Reassuringly, Kero answers, "If you mated with a human boy such as that Li Brat..." "Hey, Syaoran isn't a brat!" She cuts him off. Ignoring her outburst, he repeats, "If you mated with a human, you might get pregnant, but it would take a lot of magic to concieve given that we're completely different species. So, want to give it a try?" Laying back down, she answers, "I guess, if you're sure I can't get pregnant." Doing a mid-air flip, Kero shouts, "Yahoo!" before flying down to Sakura's pussy and ramming his cock deep within her. Neither knew about hymens, but fortunately for the cardcaptor, her years of cheerleading practice had torn her barrier and Kero met no resistence as he sunk into her depths. Soon, the guardian beast was thrusting his tiny hips as fast as he could and the cardcaptor was moaning loudly. Feeling his orgasm approach, and not wanting to cum too quickly, Kero pauses in his thrusts and comments, "Sakura, you have a really nice pussy, it's all I can do to hold off my orgasm." Her voice full of lust, Sakura replies, "Your dick feels really good too, Kero-chan! It's much better than when you licked me!" Shifting to a whine, she continues, "But please, Kero-chan! I need to feel you moving inside me! Cum in me as many times as you like, but please, just keep moving inside me!" Hearing the desperation in her voice, Kero resumes his thrusting, trying his best to rub his belly fur against her clit and hit her g-spot on every thrust, doing his damnest to bring his mistress to the release her body was obviously craving, her ever louder moans serving to encourage him further. Before long, Sakura's body is once again trembling in orgasm, the cardcaptor screaming her pleasure to the heavens. Feeling his mistress's passage clamp down around his member is more than the plush-looking guardian can take, his tail becoming straight and rigid as he unloads another batch of semen, this time within the cardcaptor's cunny. As they come down from their shared climax, Sakura is the first to speak, "That was incredible, Kero-chan! If you ever need to relieve yourself again, I'd be more than happy to help you out!" Deciding to go for broke and wanting to try one more thing, Kero asks, "Do you think you're up for one more round?" Sakura replies, "I'm kind of tired, but I think I could manage once more before taking a good rest." As Kero pulls out, she whines, "Why are you taking it out?" Kero answers, "Would you mind getting on your hands and knees? I'd like to try a different position." Not sure why Kero made the request, but being eager to feel the plush's cock inside her again, she complies before asking, "Like this?" Excited, Kero replies, "That's perfect!" before flying up behind his mistress and flipping up the skirt of her uniform to expose her butt and girlhood. Lining up his member with her opening, he slides within her once again. Once seated fully within Sakura's pussy, Kero's Wings expand to envelop him and he starts to glow and increase in size. As the guardian beast returns to his true form, his member elongates and thickens within Sakura's passage, ultimately becoming more than a foot long and as big around as the girl's thigh. While a normal 12-year-old would be torn to shreds if stretched to such an extent so quickly, being the most powerful sorceress in the world, Sakura's magic reacts instinctively to protect her, letting her insides stretch to accomodate Kero's unexpected transformation. Though unhurt, Sakura still screams from the shock of feeling the small cock within her swelling to monstrous proportions within a matter of seconds. Craning her neck to look up at the massive winged lion that is Keroberos's true form, she yells, "Kero! Why didn't you warn me you were going to transform!? And why did you transform while inside me!?" His voice now much deeper, Keroberos replies, "I was afraid you'd refuse to mate with me in my true form if I asked..." Outraged, his mistress replies, "Of course I would have refused! Your dick is frickin' huge! I'm surprised you didn't rip me apart!" Feeling abashed at Sakura's tone, especially with the uncharacteristic near-swear, Keroberos replies, "I'm sorry, we can stop if you want..." As he makes to pull out, a jolt of electricity shoots up Sakura's spine and her arms give out as she lets out a pleasured scream into her pillow. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" shouts keroberos, worried by her reaction. She utters a reply, but is muffled by her pillow. Still worried and too afraid of hurting Sakura to move, he asks, "What was that? I couldn't hear you." Lifting her head off the pillow enough to be heard and speaking in a commanding voice laced with lust, she yelss, "I said, mate me you big furry idiot! Mate me to your heart's content!" Needing no further encouragement, Keroberos pulls back until only the head of his massive cock is still within the cardcaptor before slamming back in, causing Sakura to once again scream into her pillow in pleasure. Bracing his forepaws against the wall, Keroberos starts to fuck the much smaller girl in earnest, his powerful thrusts causing the entire bed to shake with each impact of his pubic bone against Sakura's rear end. Once she's had time to adjust to the force of Keroberos's thrusts, Sakura manages to push herself up on to her elbows and looking back she can see not only the rather prominent bulge the guardian beast's penis is forming on her tummy, even with her disheveled uniform partially obscuring her view, but the sack containing a pair of grapefruit sized orbs hanging between his legs. In between the moans that escape her throat everytime Keroberos rams his cock home within her, Sakura manages to ask, "What... are... those... things... between... your... legs?" Not slowing at all in his thrusts, he replies, "Those are my testicles. They're too small to see in my borrowed form, but that's where my body makes sperm, the part of semen that makes females pregnant." "They... are... so... big!" pants the cardcaptor Smiling best he can with his lion-like muzzle, Keroberos replies, "Well, I produce a lot more cum in this form, so they need to be big. Also, I think I'm almost there!" After a few more thrusts, Keroberos buries himself as deeply as possible within Sakura as a torrent of his seed erupts right up against her cervix. This sends her over the edge as well, her internal walls rippling along his length, trying to milk the beast for all he's worth. Her womb is quickly filled to capacity and then begins to stretch as the fit of his cock within her passage is too snug to allow it to leak out. Even as her pussy continues to orgasm around his spewing prick, Sakura sits up best she can and clutches at her rapidly expanding belly as she yells in fear, "Kero! You need to stop cumming!" But the guardian seems too lost in his orgasm to hear her, and despite her vocal protests, Sakura's body is actually trying to push her further down onto his shaft. By the time Keroberos is done cumming, Sakura looks 9 months pregnant from the semen trapped in her womb, and breathing a sigh of relief that she's not going to pop like a balloon, she collapses to the bed in exhaustion, the prick still buried within her the only thing holding her up and lets herself enjoy the rather pleasant sensation of being so full of her lover's cum. Once he's come down from the high of his latest climax, Keroberos pulls his prick from Sakura's passage, a deluge of semen following as her reproductive tract is unplugged. He licks up his spilled seed from her legs, thighs, and pussy, even licking her as deeply as her cervix before using a forepaw to roll her over on her back and nuzzling her cheek. Tiredly, she says in a near whisper, "That was even better than when we mated with you in your stuffed animal form." Laying a forepaw protectively over her chest, he replies, "Sorry if I was too rough, I don't have much experience being with an actual female..." Lifting her hand to rub the side of his muzzle, she replies, "It's okay, I really enjoyed myself as well. Just warn me next time you want to mate me in your true form, okay?" Thinking a bit, she asks, "How did you handle your mating season when Clow Reed was around?" Scratching the side of his head, he replies, "I tried to convince him to create another of my kind to serve as my mate, but the best he was ever willing to give me was a construct forged with The Create." Sakura replies, "Do you think my powers have grown enough for me to create a mate for you?" Thinking a bit, he replies, "Probably, and Eriol could probably give you advice since he was able to create Spinel Sun and Ruby Moon, but as long as your willing to be my mate, I don't need another of my kind." Giggling, she says teasingly, "Even if I can't give you any cubs?" Blushing, he stutters, "Uh... well...that's" Deciding to have mercy on the embarrassed beast, she says, "It's okay, I'd be glad to be your mate for as long as you like, or at least until Syaoran can return from Hong Kong, and I'd be glad to create another of your kind whenever you decide you want someone of your own kind to bare you children, or even figure out how to let me concieve a child with you if you so desire." He stutters, "You...You don't need to go that far for my sake."hearing her giggle, he decides to change the subject, "Shouldn't you use Bubble to clean up the mess we made?" Yawning, she replies, "I'll do it in a little bit, right now, I think I'll take a little nap." before dozing off. With some difficulty, Keroberos manages to pull the comforter out from under Sakura without waking her and drape it over the card captor's sleeping form before returning to his plush-like formand cuddling up next to her before dozing off himself.