A girl and her Dekus by Imouto Kitten Saria could barely contain her excitement as she strolls through The Lost Woods, effortlessly navigating the secret path to the Sacred Forest Meadow. She loved the bonding time she has with her sisters and Link back in the Kokiri Village whenever Mido wasn't butting in, but it was nice to get away from her fellow Kokiri every now and then, and besides, out here, she had friends that could show her a good time unlike anything she could get in the village. As she enters the Meadow, she smiles at seeing that her friends were waiting for her as she had hoped, a trio of Deku scrubs popping out of the ground and running up to her in greeting, their hair like leaves fluttering in the gentle breeze. Dropping to her knees and sitting on her heels, Saria accepts their greetings with open arms, the trio of plant creatures encircling her in a group hug as she exclaims, "I'm glad to see you too!" "Sweet Saria!" cries one of the Dekus. "Splendid, serene Saria!" adds the second. "More beautiful than any flower in the forest!" concludes the third. Her cheeks turning a lovely pink to contrast with her verdant locks, Saria strokes the leaves of two of the scrubs as she replies, "Oh, you three really know how to flatter a girl. If Mido was half the gentleman you three are, I might not be so annoyed by his attitude." Reaching the roots of the leaves she's stroking, her hands continue on to the slightly rough, bark-like skin covering the two scrubs' bodies, the pair letting out low moans of contentment at the eternally young girl's touch. Not wanting to ignore the middle scrub, she bows her head to plant a kiss on the rim of the knot hole that doubles as his mouth and primary weapon, her gentle breath tickling the insides of what passes for the creature's mouth. As her hands glide along the bodies of the two Dekus, Saria trails kisses along the underside of the middle Deku's woody muzzle, and reaching its body continues downward. Before too long, Saria is practically on all fours and has reach the crotches of the plant creatures, happy to see that all three are already erect without her having to remove her clothes or stimulate their genitals directly. Like the rest of their bodies, their members look to be made of wood, resembling branches that had been sawed off cleanly a hand's breath or two from the trunk. Unlike the rest of their bodies, however, the bark on their cocks was smooth and slick, resembling the texture of highly polished wood you'd be hard pressed to find outside of Hyrule Castle rather than that of a living tree. As for size, though unimpressive by the standardsss of Hylian men, not that Saria had ever seen a Hylian man without his trousers, all three of the scrubs were as long as any Kokiri boy and twice as thick! Or at least, any Kokiri boy aside from Link seeing as how Mido had never given her enough time alone with the Fairiless boy to find out what he had in his shorts. Licking her lips, Saria comments, "Now remember the rules, boys. Whoever lasts longest without shooting his sap gets to be the first to pollinate my flower." Before wrapping a dainty hand around the Deku to either side and opening wide to take the center scrub into her warm, wet, wonderful mouth. As she bobs her head upon the woody member, she starts humming the song she had composed, the same song that had first drawn these creatures to her secret hideaway as her hands pump the other two Dekus' woods in time to the music. Naturally, the scrub in her mouth is the first to reach completion, the verdette's eyes closing as the scrub's seed floods her mouth. Whereas the boys back in the village all had incredibly salty seed that Saria couldn't force herself to swallow no matter how hard she tries, the Deku's release is quite sweet, sweeter than any of the fruit that could be found foraging in the forest and second only to the honey the bees produced when the wildflowers were in the peak of bloom. So Saria eagerly swallowed the scrub's sweet seed and greedily sucked, wanting to coax out as much of the intoxicating nectar as she possibly can. As Saria pulls her mouth away from the member she was sucking on, licking the last drops from its tip and then her lips, the Deku comments, "Deku women can't compare to sweet Saria's skill." Making the girl smile as she increases the pace at which she strokes the other two. Before long, the other two erupt within seconds of each other, revealing another difference in the releases of Kokiri and Deku males. While both produced seed that was thick and sticky, Kokiri males produced an opaque, milky white seed while Deku seed was more of a translucent, golden brown, and even stickier than what Kokiri boys produced in their balls. With her hands now sticky with the syrupy sweet seed of the two Dekus, Saria leaves a handprint on the belly of the one who lasted a few seconds longer to mark him before bringing her hands to her mouth and thoroughly licking them, moaning in pleasure from the taste of her favorite treat. Once her hands are as clean as she can get them with just licking, Saria crawls over to a nearby pond to wash them properly. Once satisfied that her clothes won't get stained by her sticky hands, she removes her boots followed quickly by her shirt and shorts, folding the clothes and sitting them out of the way. With underclothes practically unknown to the Kokiri, the eternal maiden is in all her nubile glory, her small breasts and plump, little rump on full display as she returns to her arboreal lovers. Spotting the one she placed a hand print on, Saria crawls in front of him before turning her rear to him and backing up on all fours until she feels his cock bump against her rump, swaying her hips as she does so. Reaching between her parted thighs, she guides the flat tip of his woody member to her entrance before turning up the charm and begging in her sweetest voice, "Please, oh noble plant blessed by the Great Deku Tree, my flower is running over with nectar and burning with passion! Please, pierce my flower with your mighty Deku stick!" Saria isn't sure if its just her imagination or reality, but the woody cock in her grasp seems to grow even harder as if petrifying as she strokes the scrub's ego with her lustful words. Needing no further encouragement, the Deku places his rough, bark covered hands upon Saria's supple half-moons, giving the fleshy orbs a gentle squeeze that draws an almost purr like moan from the kokiri. When she removes her hand, the Deku thrusts his hips forward, burying his smallest branch deep in her youthful flower. It isn't Saria's first time being penetrated, or even her first time being stretched by a deku's girth, far from it, and yet, the sensations as her petals are parted and her tiny twatty is stretched taut around a thick, woody shaft to make any Kokiri boy green as his tunic with envy was nearly overwhelming to the green-haired girl, making her let out a long moan of pleasure as her hands dig into the soft ground, nearly pulling out fistfuls of the meadow's grass. When the deku scrub starts pistoning his woody member in and out of her pussy, going at a pace that had left her insides bruised the first time she had let one of the plant-like beings fuck her, Saria can't help screaming her pleasure, "YES! Ravage my flower! Ravage it until you spray my belly full of your sticky sap!" At that moment, the other scrub she had stroked presents his own cock in front of her mouth, and without so much as a word from the deku, she opens wide to suck on the plant's prick, still sweet with the remnants of the scrubs last release. As Saria loses herself in the pleasure of being fucked by one deku while she sucks another, her two lovers grab her limbs with their branch-like arms and encourage her to wrap her arms and legs around their respective waists. Off to the side, beyond the kokiri's area of attention, the deku who had been first to shoot his load down the girl's eager throat sits on the grass, his twiggy fingers curled around his shaft as he slowly strokes himself to the sight of his fellows spitroasting the lovely, little nymphet they share. Saria is the first to reach climax, but between her cunny convulsing around one and her throat vibrating in a muffled scream of ecstacy around the other, the pair of deku scrubs aren't far behind as they shoot their loads up the youthful girl's pussy and down her throat, the sensations of being filled and another taste of sweet syrup making her eyes roll back and her toes curl as she has a second orgasm on the heels of her first. the scrubs withdraw, their last spurts spraying on Saria's face and rear as her two arboreal lovers lower her to the meadow's grassy carpet. Once she's recovered enough to move, Saria pushes herself up to her hands and knees before wiping the sap from her face and licking the sweet, sticky scrub essence from her fingers. Her hunger not yet satisfied, her hand reaches for her pussy as she sits upright, her fingers scooping deku sap from her cunny as it drips out, occasionally lifting her hand to her mouth to lick her fingers while her other hand heads south to catch more of the intoxicatingly sweet and addictive extract, the trio of deku scrubs enjoying the erotic show the kokiri girl is giving them in her lust fueled haze. Eventually, the scrub that had sat out the spitroast steps forward, nudging one of her breasts, barely budding by Hylian standards, but as large as they'll ever get given her eternal youth with his woody muzzle. "Oh, do you want a turn ravaging my flower?" Asks the verdette, snapping out of her lusty trance momentarily. At the deku's nod and reply of "Yes, sweet Saria.", the girl sits on her heels and then leans back, landing on her elbows and pulling her legs out from under herself. Grasping her calves with his woody fingers, the scrub points her toes to the sky as he plunges his member into her waiting flower, both deku and kokiri letting out moans of pleasure at their joining. As Saria lowers her head and shoulders to the grass, the scrub who had already had his turn to pollinate her stands astride her head, leaning forward to point his cock, still slick with her juices at her open mouth and she puts up no resistence as he drops to his knees and thrusts his member down her throat as he lays his branch-like hands upon her tiny titties. As the pair of scrubs roughly fuck Saria's throat and twat, her tiny frame trembles from head to toe in pleasure, and it isn't long before they bring her to another climax, followed shortly by both her upper and lower tummies being flooded with deku sap once more. As the dekus withdraw, leaving spurts on her face and on her belly, the scrub who has yet to have a turn to fill her womb with his seed wastes no time, plopping down between the prone girl's sprawled legs and pulling her on to his lap, his woody muzzle resting on her shoulder as he embraces her small body with his branchy arms, his fellow's sap smearing between them. As he starts lifting and lowering the kokiri girl on his shaft, Saria throws her arms around the deku's neck and moans into his shoulder, her snug snatch hypersensitive from the repeted fucking by cocks thicker than what her body was meant to take, but too lost in her lust to tell the scrub to stop. When the deku lowers his hands to Saria's half-moons for better leverage, he inadvertantly exposes her rosebud to the eyes of his fellows, and growing bold, one of them walks up and kneels behind Saria, pressing the tip of his woody shaft at her back door and asking, "Sweet Saria, may I partake of this hole?" Had she been the one in control, Saria would've froze at that moment. Not even Mido, by far the pushiest boy in the Kokiri's village had ever made such a proposition, and as much as Saria and her sisters enjoyed exploring each other, there bottoms had always been an unspoken taboo. Thinking quickly, Saria tries to think of an excuse before replying, "But that hole is dirty! It's where my body expels its waste earth." "But, serene Saria, the waste earth the kokiri and the various beasts of the forest produce is some of the most fertile earth for us Deku and our less blessed plant brethren to grow in." Realizing she should've known that, and not wanting to offend her friend, she nervously replies, "Of course... I guess its okay, but be gentle, I've never used that hole except for expelling my waste earth." As the deku behind her slips past her virgin anal spincter, Saria sinks her teeth into the bark of the deku in front of her's shoulder as tears squeeze out between closed eyelids, her bottom stretching painfully to accomodate the woody intruder. Fortunately for the scrub repeatedly impaling her cunny on his shaft, her teeth are incapable of cutting deep enough to cause pain, much less do actual damage, and fortunately for the kokiri herself, her anus quickly adjusts to the new sensations and before long, the mixture of pain and pleasure gives way to just pleasure as the scrubs get into a rhythm of one driving deep inside her just as the other is withdrawing, their woody members rubbing against each other within her depths. Eventually, the dekus both hilt themselves in Saria's holes, flooding her womb and bowels with their sap as Saria experiences a climax stronger than any she can remember. The pair of scrubs eventually pull out of Saria's ass and pussy and lay the exhausted girl upon the lush grass to rest, and knowing how much their kokiri lover loves their sap, the trio stand over her prone form, twiggy fingers wrapped around their shafts and stroke themselves until they shower her in their sweet syrup only for the girl to react by using her hands to quietly rub the sticky sap all over her petite body, her soft moans barely audible over the breeze blowing through the Sacred Forest Meadow. Fully satisfied, the trio of deku scrubs stand watch over their dazed lover, ready to protect her if any of the beasts that call the forest home decide a barely conscious Kokiri would make a good snack. When Saria finally recovers enough to move under her own volition, she crawls to the pond and slides under the water, the scrubs watching as she washes herself of their sap to ensure she doesn't drown due to the way they wore her out. Once clean, the Kokiri girl sunbathes on a section of grass untouched by their little orgy to dry her skin before putting her clothes back on. Once again presentable, Saria places a chaste kiss on each of their muzzles, declaring, "I had a lot of fun with the three of you today." Before leaving the meadow on her way back to the Kokiri Village, her steps much more leisurely, but a satisfied smile on her face.