A Boy and His Cat by Imouto Kitten Luna was having a very bad month. First she had awoken in a time and place on Earth completely foreign to the Silver Millenium of the long destroyed Moon Kingdom, a time and place where she had to pretend to be a dumb animal for intelligent cats were unknown to the people of the present day. Then she had spent days living on the streets, surviving on scraps she could salvage from trash bins or steal from street vendors, and had more than once fallen victim to bullying by local children who would no doubt grow up to be delinquents and criminals. Luna had thought things might finally be looking up when she was rescued from one group of bullies by a teenaged girl who turned out to be Sailor Moon, but Luna finding the reincarnated guardian had happened just in time for the Dark Kingdom to resume their nefarious plots, and Luna now found herself advisor, scratch that, babysitter to an immature, ditzy, and unmotivated crybaby who cared more about stuffing her face and reading manga than her studies or training for the fights ahead... and Luna's search for the Moon Princess and the other Guardians had stalled since meeting Usagi and adopting her cover as the Tsukino Family's pet cat. But if all that wasn't bad enough, Luna found herself in heat, the one time in which the intelligent cats from the planet Mau struggled to rise above primitive instinct. Her feminine feline folds were on fire, and while Luna was more than flexible enough to perform auto-cunnilingus, she knew from experience that her tongue, more than capable of scratching the sexual itch at any other time, would prove inadequate now and would likely only make her need that more intolerable. To make matters worse, assuming Artemis, one of the other few survivors of Mau's destruction had also survived the Dark Kingdom's final assault on the Moon Kingdom, Luna had no way of telling if he had awoken yet or where to find him, and lowering herself to mate with one of the dumb cats that infested Tokyo meant risking falling into the clutches of human bullies once more, and even if she was the only one Luna could currently confide in, Usagi was the last person the talking cat wanted to go to for advice on such an intimate subject. And so, Luna suffered in silence, or as close as silence as she could manage with how her hormones insisted she let out the occasional mating call when she knew there would be no response, and as embarrassing as it felt when her body, seemingly of it's own volition, adopted the head down, bottom up posture of a queen waiting to be mounted by a Tom, her tail raised high and her butt swaying side-to-side with her enflamed, feline femininity on full display, she could only hope her behavior was similar enough to common housecats that the Tsukino Family would just ignore her. However, things came to a head when, halfway through her heat, Luna found herself home alone with Usagi's little brother, Shingo. Things had started innocently enough. Wanting something, anything to distract her from the burning between her hind legs, Luna had wandered into Shingo's bedroom, where the preteen boy was sitting on his bed, reading manga, and had started rubbing her face against the back of his hand, a gesture she had learned many of the earth cats did to show affection or mark ownership of humans they were fond of. Next thing Luna knew, Shingo had put down his manga and laid her across his lap in sphinx position, the cat purring loudly as the boy gently ran his hand from the crown of her head, down her spine, and up to the tip of her raised tail before repeating the motion, petting her far more gently than Usagi ever did, not that the blonde ever volunteered to pet the alien cat unless she came out and asked for it. "You're a very pretty kitty." commented Shingo, giving Luna a scratch between the ears before tracing his fingers around her neck to give the underside of her chin a one finger massage, "Don't know how you can stand spending so much time around my sister." The intellectual part of Luna wishes she could speak in front of the boy so they could properly commiserate about Usagi's many shortcomings, but at that moment, the cat's primal urges take advantage of how much Shingo's ministrations have relaxed the stressed royal advisor, and crawling out of the boy's lap, Luna once more, as if her body isn't hers to command, adopts the mating pose she finds so humiliating. Had she had a clear enough mind to notice her surroundings, Luna might've noticed Shingo tenting his shorts, but the unquenchable heat in her feline folds is all consuming, and before she realizes the boy has had any reaction to her display, she's lying on her back, cradled in one of his arms while his free hand rubs her belly, his finger tips grazing her currently hypersensitive nipples. "Is kitty horny?" Asks the boy, smiling down at the prone feline in his arms. Luna wants to scream, 'YES! And I need to be mated, right here, right now, and until I pass out from sensory overload!' but needing to maintain her cover as a normal housecat, she simply lets out a mew that she isn't sure whether she hopes it comes across as a yes or no. After a bit more belly rubbing, Shingo's hand ventures towards Luna's nether regions and the human boy slides the tip of his middle finger into the pussy's pussy, the feline letting out a mewl of pleasure as the digit stretches her enflamed insides. Taking her reaction as encouraging, Shingo sinks his finger to the second joint and starts sliding it in and out, the cat cradled in his arms squirming under his ministrations and letting out loud howls that would have him trying to muffle her if his parents and sister weren't currently out of the house. As she lets the human boy finger fuck her, the foreign intruder in her feline folds doing more to relieve her heat than hours of lapping away at her enflamed feline femininity, , Luna can feel her orgasm building, and when she climaxes, she lets out an animalistic cry that, had she been thinking clearly, she'd be fearful the neighbors overheard as her passage pulses powerfully around shingo's finger, her juices soaking the boy's hand as Luna goes limp in his arms. While she's Still recovering from her first satisfying climax since her heat started, the boy lays Luna upon his bedspread and licks his hand clean of the cat's pussy juice before unzipping his shorts and rolling Luna on her stomach, her hindquarters facing the boy. Kneeling behind the prone feline, Shingo places the tip of his boyhood, barely four inches long and half-an-inch across to the opening of the kitty's kitty. Feeling something prodding her entrance and regaining her senses after a much needed climax, Luna glances over her shoulder to spot Shingo's preteen prick. Though fairly small by human standards, the boy's cock can only invoke one thought in the alien cat's brain, 'Oh sweet Serenity! That thing's huge! He'll tear me apart if he mates me with that!' Luna struggles to stand up and ready herself to flee from the human poised to mate her, but her body has other ideas, only her hindlegs agreeing to push her up, her tail raising to give Shingo better access and her butt swaying to further intice the male, not that the boy really needs it. Before Luna can convince her muscles to ignore hormones and listen to reason, Shingo grips her firmly by the hips and pulls her back, impaling the cat on his immature cock. Luna lets out a howl of mixed pain and pleasure as Shingo's girth stretches her insides to an extent likely to only be surpassed if she ever has kittens, her entire body trembling from the sensations shooting up her spine from her feline folds. Fortunately, the boy has enough sense to give her a minute or so to adjust before pulling most of the way out of her tight passage and pushing back in, but before too long, the boy is pistoning his prick in and out of Luna's most intimate place, the cat howling as she's mated in a way she's never been mated before. Though Shingo is much thicker than any normal cat, his lack of penile barbs actually make the experience more comfortable for Luna than being mated by a tom would be, and despite his inexperience, Shingo also lasts quite a bit longer than any male cat would. However, the boy is still a virgin, and pounding a pussy far tighter than any girl his age would be, and within a few minutes, Shingo forces himself balls deep in Luna's depths and unleashes his seed, not only filling Luna's small belly, but making the feline from space swell noticeably even as a second climax, this one even stronger than the one she had around the boy's finger washes over her, her walls contracting rhythmically to milk him of every last drop his young balls have to offer. Done spilling his seed, Shingo rolls onto his back to avoid crushing his much smaller lover, yanking his now wilting boyhood from Luna's lovehole, human semen and feline lubricants pouring forth from the gaping opening and onto the bedding. Feeling dirty, Luna curls up, licking the remnants of both their releases from her nethers before lapping up the puddle she made on the bedspread and padding over to lick her mate clean as well. Though her ministrations bring him back to full erection, Shingo pants out, "Th-That was incredible, and I'd love to go another round, but I'm wiped out." Accepting his words, and feeling that her heat has been satisfied for the time being, Luna climbs up on the boy's chest and gently claws at his t-shirt before curling up atop her new mate, purring softly as Shingo raises a hand to gently pet her some more. Before long, the odd couple are fast asleep, one lulled to slumber by the other's heartbeat and the other by the first's purring.