Question: Medusa how does it feel to be under Arachne's feet? Does this remind you of your childhood. Kitten: Okay, got to confess, I only read up to the point Asura was freed before I went blind and only saw bits and pieces of the anime, mostly via AMVs and YouTube Parodies/highlights, so I don't really know the other Gorgon sisters well enough to write them.
Question: Toph is it true you almost didn't go with the Avatar cause you were too addicted to rimming your own mom? Toph: Who told you that pile of Appa droppings? If I'm going to be involved in any rimming, it's going to be me on the recieving end.
Question: Boa how did you end up beaten by that tiny girl? Does it have anything to do with the girl's smelly armpits? Random Loli: *Giggles as Boa licks her armpits.* The former queen is too busy licking the royal armpits to do much of anything.
Question: Hey, Azula. Rumor around the Fire Nation is that you're "barely a futa" with a micropenis smaller than most girls' clits. Is your abnormally tiny dick the reason you're such an over achiever? Are you jealous of your brother for being bigger than you (if he is any bigger than you, that is)? How do you beat off with such a small cock, and have you ever gotten off to the thought of people making fun of your little dick? Azula: Sounds like some of my old playthings have been spreading gossip they shouldn't... I really ought to track them down and show them what happens when you betray a Royal's trust... this better not interfere with my hobby of seducing the maids and other girls on the palace staff, making them think they're being honored as a same-sex consort to their princess, only to see the look of devastation when they end up carrying my bastard, having never realized I left more than just pussy juice behind when I grinded myself to orgasm against their lowly cunts.
Question: Hello. I hope you are having a good day. I have some questions about the question ranges in some fandoms. Question: 1. Up to which story Arc do you cover in [One piece]? That is to say, did you cover up to the Punk Hazard Arc, or below or up above? I want to know which female characters I can ask. Kitten: Okay, my exposure to One Piece has been a bit fragmented, but, going in series order: -I've read the first volume of Viz's translation of the manga. -I've seen most of what 4Kids dubbed of the anime. -I've read Viz's serialization of the manga in their version of Shonen Jump fromsome point in the Baratie Arc until the end of Alabasta. -I've seen bits and pieces of Funimation's dub of Skypeia from when it aired on Cartoon Network shortly after they took over dubbing from 4Kids. -I was going blind by the time One Piece started airing on New Toonami, but I've listened to much of the Davy Back and Water 7 arcs. -I've read Viz's serialization from the beginning of Impel Down until they discontinued the print edition of their version of Shonen Jump early during Fishman Island. -I started reading scanlations late during Fishman Island, and went blind shortly after Law showed up on Punk Hazard. -I've been reading chapter summaries on the One Piece Wiki as new chapters come out since going blind. 2. I know there are many Arcs in [Detective Conan/Case closed!] comics. And that you would naturally only take main characters as a character in your Q&A. But do you remember the Moonlit Sonata Murder Case from book #7? I like to ask a question about Seiji Asoh. The cross-dressing male doctor was the murderer from the Story Arc. Can I include him in the questions? Kitten: I remember that case in broad strokes from the Anime's brief stint on Adult-Swim(damn shame the anime never took off state side), but totally can't put a face to the name. 3. Do you take questions that do not follow the main storyline precisely? Like Bellmere from one piece having sexual activities with adult Nami and such? Kitten: Canon Divergence is fine, as is going full alternate universe(and when I say alternate universe, I mean alternate universe, such as plopping One Piece characters into a setting close to the real world, and not the same setting as canon but with a few changes to the rules or with different expanded lore than what's presented in official supplementary material that so often gets mislabelled as AU).
Question: To Bulma. Did you really only offered Goku a glance of your panties, to make him give you his Dragon Ball? Bluma: With how little reaction I got out of the clueless kid by offering to flash him, I knew any attempt at further seduction would be lost on the boy. Question: What did Yamcha saw when he started peeping on you through the windows of Oolong's van? Bulma: Wait, Yamcha was spying on me? *Blushing and dropping to a mutter.* No wonder he didn't seem surprised when I finally let him see what I'm hiding in my panties...
Question: To Toph. Would you tell us about your life changing field trip with Zuko? You ruined other girls for him, didn't you? Toph: Oh yeah, after my tight twat, any other girl is going to feel as wide open as the desert by comparison... not that I mind him coming back for more. He's downright puny compared to the bitch breaker I have swinging between my legs, but he really knows how to work a girl's g-spot and prostate with little Zuko... plus, he doesn't whine and moan like a sissy at the prospect of letting me sheath my mighty rod in his ass...
Question: Dragonball: Pan how does it feel knowing that your Grandmother is your dad? Pan: I was shocked the first time I walked in on Grandma plowing Mama... but when they let slip that Grandma was my actual father, it made so much sense... Sure, being the child of two of the world's strongest women and trained by one of the strongest men in the universe helps explain my strength, but I always wondered why I never managed to achieve Super Saiyan... Finding out I'm pure human was actually a bit of a relief in that regard.
Question: Yu Yu Hakusho: Hey Keiko is it true while Yusuke was dead you visited his mother and accidentally got drunk along with her and the two of you had sex? Keiko: Not my proudest moment... sure, I was grieving and was half convinced he was in a permanent coma, but still... And the worse part, neither me or Atsuko are sure how to tell Yusuke he has a little sister on the way... Or that I'm the father...
Question: Yu-Gi-OH: Hey Tea I heard Mai took you and Serenity to an all girls night club to party.....How long did it take you to notice that this club was a brothel and that all the older women were Futas, and then what happened? Mai: Serenity was still recovering from her surgery, so I think she figured it out about the time she stuck out her tongue to lick the balls of what she thought was a male stripper only to find pussy instead... Anzu caught on much faster, but I convinced one of my fellow regulars to stuff a cock down her throat before she could ruin the surprise... Naturally, by the end of the evening, none of us knew where our panties had gotten off to, all three of us were overflowing with cum from all three holes, and our rumpled clothes were barely in tact enough to provide modesty on the way home... Anzu and Serenity are quite eager for our next girls' night out and have agreed to help me convince that uptight Hawkings girl to join us.
Question: Conan, is it true that Ran locked your tiny penis inside a chastity cage as a punishment for not telling her the truth? And Ran, is it true that Conan's going crazy from not being able to touch his leaking cocklet while being fucked in the ass with your massive girlcock? Is this a part of the punishment? Ran: Oh, Conan has been begging me to unlock his cage and let him cum for nearly a week solid at this point... He's even making the kind of deductive mistakes I've come to expect from my dad, that's how out of sorts he is from the near chronic blue balls.
Question: Ayumi. Is it true that you enjoy teasing Conan for having a more miniature dick compared to you? And you remind him of that fact constantly with your daily frotting with him in the sports storage room? I heard that he squirts from his cock every time your cock frot against his. Ayumi: Oh yeah, Conan-chan is practically a dickless girl, his thingy is so tiny! and it's like he has a glued shut kitty with a pair of peas trapped inside with how tight his sack is...
Question: Ran and Sonoko. Is it true that Shinichi used to be a confident, hung Shota, even larger than you? And that you two fucked him in the ass constantly and secretly fed him pills to stunt his penile growth and make him smaller? And also making him into a submissive yet still relatively hung anal faggot? Sonoko: Oh yes, he use to be a rather cocky, snot-nosed brat back in Kindergarten... good thing you can get some interesting things from untraceable black markets when you've got the kind of money my family has... not just drugs to turn boys into gay sissies, but ones to make mono girls grow cocks and make futas even more virile than we are naturally.
Question: So, Ai and Ran. You two are main rivals after Shinichi/Conan's heart. (We all know Ayumi can't be a Now that Ran knows everything.) You two met in Shinichi's house to settle the score. Conan/Shinichi came along as a mediator. Ai and Conan even turned back into Shiho and Shinichi just for this meeting. The meeting was tense. And then some Long Island Ice Teas(A type of cocktail) got mixed in, tensions dropped, and some sloppy spit-roasting and futanari on futanari action. And the next thing you know, it was morning, and you three were sleeping on the master bed. Shinichi was hotdogged between you, two cocks up his ass. So, did you make up and decide to share him? Ai: Yeah, ran-san and I decided our little feud was pointless... we're even thinking of inviting Ayumi and Sonoko to our next little sex party... and I've started working on some drugs to help spice things up even further.
Question: (Futa Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai were captured as spies trying to infiltrate the Dai Li, but they don't know it's them. Just some low-class Fire Nation Spies. And Yue is part of Team Avatar.) You are the one in charge of the brainwashing procedure, correct? How is the conversion of the three spies into Joo Dee going? Did you face any resistance? They are supposed to be shipped off to Ba Sing Se in a week. They'll be working as the team Avatar's guide and sex toys! Brain washing technician: Things are going quite well, the three subjects have already forgotten they are Fire Nation scum instead of upstanding Earth Kingdom citizens... still working on adjusting their attitudes from acting like nobles to acting like proper servants though...
Question: (Follow-up question. Azula as JD1, Mai as JD2, and Ty Lee will be JD3.) So, Joo Dees. How's your mission on sexually servicing Team Avatar to distract them from meeting the Earth King going? I heard the Yue, Katara, and Toph are hung as studs. Toph actually has a horse cock! And the Avatar and Sokka have big bubble butts, tight assholes, and cute cocks! Azula: It has been an honor to service the Avatar's Waterbending mistress...especially with the way she uses her bending to reach places no cock ever could... and the Avatar himself is adorably naive and a delight to tease... Mai: The Princess is a delightful lover... Sokka has proved a bit too serious and mission focused, but lady Yue has been happy to help me help him relax. Ty Lee: Toph has easily the biggest bitch breaker I have ever seen... and she's quite impressed that I can take her shaft all the way t o the hilt and still be flexible enough to lick her pussy at the same time... and there's something exciting about being blindfolded in the present of someone who can forge any sex toy she can imagine from the ground beneath us.
Question: (Follow-up question.) Well, Azula Ty Lee, and Mai. Ba Sing Se has fallen to the Fire Nation thanks to Long Feng's betrayal. And your brainwashing has been undone thanks to Azula unconsciously using Lightning to save Aang's life. It turned her brain back with Ty Lee and Mai. Now you can reveal how Long Feng betrayed you and return to the Fire Nation. But you didn't. You decided to stay with Team Avatar and help them save the world. Why? Did you get addicted to their cocks and ass? Or because they felt more like home than your real homes back in Fire Nation? Azula: What can I say, Aang and katara are a lot of fun to play with once you get to know them... Besides, there's quite a bit of prestigue in training an Avatar... and the little cutie still needs to learn firebending. Mai: Being sandwiched between Yue and Sokka is one of the most comfortable places I've been. Ty Lee: After being contorted around Toph's cock, I don't think anything else less than a Sky Bison could come close to filling me properly... and since Appa is the last of the Sky Bison, leaving Team Avatar would probably mean a lifetime of sexual frustration.
Question: Avatar Kyoshi, is it true that all the current generation of the Kyoshi warriors are descended from you? And that's why Suki looks a lot like you and has the same bitch-breaker as you? Kyoshi: *Speaking through Aang.* Yes, I can sense my own bloodline in all of them, and especially Suki. I'd say they've all done my legacy proud...
Question: Robin, is it true that you weren't born a futanari, but became one as a side affect of eating the flower flower devil fruit? Robin, how was your first male masturbation was like? Robin: Oh yes, it's one of my fruit's lesser known properties... and it was a rather, life changingly intense event when I first experimented with my extra anatomy.
Question: Miss Tashigi, is it true that you like 'female swords' as much as real swords? What did you think of Nico Robin's 'sword' when you encountered her in Alabasta? Tashigi: *Blushing* Ye-yes... and I would love to build a crew ofSwordswomen large enough to have a different trio of swords sheathed in me each night... As for Nico Robin... her sword is certaintly worthy of being ranked among the Supreme Grade swords...
question: Inuyasha: Rin tell me when did this whole relationship between you and (Futa) Lady Kaede start? Rin: *Blushing furiously.* Well... Keade, as part of my training to help her and Kagome perform midwifery for the women throughout the nearby villages... she was... teaching me about how babies are made... and of some of the herbs married couples sometimes use in the bedroom... and well... we were foraging when she got a faceful of pollen from a rare flower... diluted, it helps improve a man's virility... I think Lady Keade was surprised as I was with how it gave her more stamina than she's had in decades and the way it transformerd her... the lessons about how babies are made became quite a bit more hands on ever since...
Kitten: Okay, sorry this took so long to get out... also, I hit quite a bit of fatigue on Avatar going through this batch so there were a number of questions I tossed out for that reason... Also, I'm pretty sure I've got enough comments to make another compilation for this Q&A that landed in my inbox between when I downloaded and compiled this batch of questions and now. I'll try to catch up this week while the weather is showing me some mercy(It's only May, but my neck of the words has already had several days in the 90s, I have no air conditioning in my bedroom/office, and even 70 is a bit warm for my liking... I'm dreading the coming summer to the point I wish I could just hibernate through the hottest part of the year and wake up when comfortably cool weather returns), but I make no promises.