Comment: I think torture and body harm is on a whole other level and think it should be on another Q&A entirely. If one has to exist at all, that is. But not nipple piercing. That's quite moderate. Kitten: Yeah, based on this and a few other comments, I've decided to make a "Perilously Perverted" Q&A for the really extreme stuff, but yeah, most piercings and the lighter BDSM stuff seems appropriate for all Q&As... So pierced nipples and pinching or tugging on them is fine, but save the slicing/ripping them off for the Perilously Perverted thread...
Question: Ai, Conan. Is it true that you two spent the entire weekend fucking each other because the recent antidote Ai created had a aphrodisiac side effects that made you two horny and constantly erect? Conan: Um.. well... *blushes furiously.* Ai: Come on, Shin-chan, no need to be shy about having a natural reaction to essentially getting an entire adolescents worth of teen hormones in a single weekend... Or enjoying taking it up the butt as much, perhaps even more, than pounding my pussy. Question: Sonoko, your secret relationship with Kaito has been going on for a year. And it seems there's also romantic connection between you along with the original sexual one. Do you allow him to top you time to time, or do you still fuck him in his tight rosebud? Sonoko: Oh, I'm always on top... though I do occasionally ride his cock in addition to riding his ass... though naturally, I have to cage him if he ever comes before me. Question: Kaito, how do you stay so collected while doing your Phantom thief Kid activities when you have a dildo butt plug modeled after Sonokos' dick up your ass all night? You've jizzed with every step when it was first inserted up your ass. Kaito: Oh, it took me months to train my poker face to withstand my Lady's gift... and I've had to resort to wearing condoms at all times to cut down on the cost of removing cum stains from my dress pants and shirts. Comment: About the Valentine question... It was supposed to be connected to the question about Ran knowing Conan was Shinichi... Can you write that version, just with Ran? Thank you for your concern. Kitten: I figured that was probably the case, but reverted to canon when I couldn't think of what Ran would do in that situation... but since you asked nicely, I gave it another shot. Ran: After that stunt he tried pulling with keeping me in the dark despite being able to handle myself in a fight better than he could before getting shrunk, I was tempted to deny him chocolate... then I caught wind of Ayumi and Ai making him chocolate and wasn't about to let a couple of little girls try to tempt my little boy slut away from me... Did decide to add some of my own cream to the mix though.
Question: Toph, you're a master Earthbender. Which means that you've got a huge cock that you can lick the tip off and huge musky balls with fertile seed constantly churning inside. You usually keep them locked up in your self-made chastity cage to keep your 'assets' hindering with your everyday life. So, how did Azula and her crew react when they captured you and found out about your "bitch-breaker?" Did they submit instantly and begged to be bred? Toph: Genki Girl practically jumped my bones and was my cock addicted slut almost before I could even think about breaking those Fire Nation bitches... and Miss sunshine was actually showing some emotion and screaming her head off by the time I was done with her... Princess was a harder nut to crack, but with her two main floosies switching sides, I had her kneeling before me, deep throating my cock and calling me her queen whenever I let her breath by the time Twinkletoes and the others showed up to "rescue" me. Question: Azula, is it true that you only tormented Zuko as a child just so Ursa would punish you with her 'birch rod?' And Ursa, how did you educate your over-arrogant daughter and her friends, the stoic emotionless Mai and hyperactive Ty lee into being the number one cum addicted prostitutes in the capital red light district? Azula: Oh, that wasn't the only reason I tormented my brother, though Mother's idea of "rough love" was a nice fringe benefit... Not sure she ever realized how much me and my friends enjoyed the way she would play with us... Shame father had to exile her, most of those pansies in the Red Light district aren't quite ballsy enough to take their princess seriously when she orders them to treat her like a whore.
Question: Princess Yue, you've been shy about sex your whole life even though you have the biggest cock in all of North pole. You've worn conservative clothing and kept away from talks of sex. All that changed when your current girlfriend, Katara arrived in the North pole with team Avatar. How did she turn you from a shy conservative virgin into a confident sex addicted slut? Yue: The reason I kept myself so reserved was out of fear of hurting some poor girl... The expression "hung like a walrus yak" is a bit more literal in my case than with most... Everyone in the Northern Water Tribe respected my boundaries, so it was easy to suppress my urges... but Katara didn't hesitate to try and seduce me, just as she didn't hesitate to challenge a water bending master for the right to learn the combative side of water bending... It was more than I could take and once the sea beast was released, there was no going back.
Question: Videl, is it true that Gohan is not Pan's real farther....but Chi-Chi? Videl: Yeah, Pan is 100% human. She still has one of the finest pedigrees of any martial artist and being trained by Goku has helped her surpass her mothers for strongest baseline human woman, but she doesn't have the monstrous potential a Saiyan or Demi-saiyan has... Actually, I'm not sure Gohan even has viable sperm since hybrids among animals tend to be sterile.
Question: Hey Robin, ever thought about having kids? If so, would you carry them or have someone else carry them, and who? Robin: I wouldn't mind carryng a child myself... thugh, I confess, there's a certain eroticism to the thought of gathering up several women, handing them each a cock wrapped in a tied off condom and telling them whoever takes the longest to make me cum has to take my load bareback... and has the contents of the other condoms dumped inside her... Or telling them those are the rules, but all the condoms are sabotaged and almost guaranteed to break... Wouldn't mind playing such a game with Nami, Vivi, Boa... and perhaps joining in myself.
Question: Robin, have you ever felt like closing Nami into a box and then filling it with your boobs, asses, pussys, cocks and mouths untill it overflows? If you already did, how was the experience for Nami? Robin: Oh, I do it almost every night. My Dear Nami is so used to sleeping with several of my cocks in all of her holes, with my mouths kissing and licking all over her, and my breasts and buttocks as pillows that she has trouble sleeping in a normal bed and Chopper has to sedate her whenever he orders her on bedrest in the ship's infirmary.
Question: Boa Hancock, everyone agrees that you are the most voluptuous woman in all four Blues and the Grand line. So, how big is your member? And how much do you ejaculate when having an orgasm? Boa: Oh, I'm only about 13 inches long, which I understand is far from the largest even for normal sized humans... though I do take after my namesake and have two of them... I'd say I average at least a quart from each cock in a typical ejaculation, though I've been known to fill entire barrels when I get pent up.
Question: Robin, you've been in various odd jobs during time on the run. Assassin, Black market trafficker etc. But is it true that your were once the most famous futanari pole dancer in Sabaody archipelago? And did you teach Nami the trade, as she was also a famous for her pole dancing in Logue town? Robin: Oh, my pole dancing is still the stuff of legends in Sabaody, and Nami is easily my star student. Honestly, I'm kind of afraid we'll kill some poor smuck via nosebleed if we ever take the stage together.
Question: Boa Hancock, being one of the Seven pirate lords, you are one of Robin's most valuable informants. But you are also her lover. For more then ten years now, in fact. So how did you, a futanari slave girl who escaped from captivity who became a bitchy pirate empree fall in love with the most wanted futanari fugitive? Boa: Well, she actually helped me escape slavery in the first place... plus, she's one of the few women actually willing to talk to me as an equal instead as a subject would speak to her queen. Question: Robin, how did your lover Boa Hancock take the news you having Nami as your new lover? Are they getting along well? Robin: Oh, Boa was a bit jealous at first, but it didn't take long for the pair to go from catty remarks to putting on a show for their girlfriend when I offered them the chance to work things out.
Question: Nami, is it true that you've had your Clima-Tact modified so that it can be a portable pole-dancing pole? And that you've been learning how to pole-dance as a new way to please Robin in your sexual life? Have you gotten her hard or gotten a cum shower from her yet? Nami: Pleasing Robin was my main reason for learning how to pole dancing and for adding the clima-pole mode... though it's also a great way to distract opponents in battle or to earn some extra pocket money.Oh, and Robin loves to give me a one woman bukkake whenever I do well at a private performance.
Question: Nami, I heard you use yours and Robin's cum and piss as fertilizer for your Tangerine grove. Does it taste any better? And when did you start doing that? Does it have to do with you and Robin having secret public nudity kinks? Nami: I think they taste better, but I'm not sure anyone else has noticed a difference... Been using my own cum and piss for as long as I can remember, and Robin started making contributions to the potted trees I keep on the ship not long after joining the crew.
Comment: I like extreme content, but you should put it in it's own, so you don't have to worry about people who don't like the extreme stuff going after you. What other extreme stuff you are willing to do? And what one's are you not willing to do? Kitten: Well, I think you already noticed the perilously perverted Q&A, so I'll mostly leave this question for how that one develops...
Question: Azula, you keep your cock in a cage making it micro, is this because you think small stuff is cute? Or simple because you like small cocks? And is it true that you are a grower, with a world record size? Azula: Who told you about my secret kink for cute things? Because I think someone's ass or cunt has a date with my trouser dragon!
Question: Toph heard that your cock is still a virgin, while your pussy is well used, is this because whenever you get a chance to lose that virginity you cum at the thought and go flaccid for a day? Toph: Of... of course not! Who's been spreading such slander, because I think they need a steel spike rammed up their ass courtesy of he world's first metal bender!
Question: Videl is it true that you are cheating on Gohan with both his father and mother? And that even those Gohan is a great lover, the reason why you are cheating is because it's your main kink? Videl: Yeah, Chichi is just as good a lover as her son, but its the fact she's my mother-in-law that really gets me going.