Question: Ikumi Unagiya I've heard that your son Kaoru doesn't have a dad but in fact you are his dad and mom (Being you as a Futa) so who was the girl you impregnate and who are you seeing now? Kitten: I don't know these characters...
Question: Sakura, Ino, and Hinata how does it feel to be Tsunade's wives having her children, also since Tsunade doesn't remember how this all happen perhaps you three could fill in the gaps. Sakura: Well, it all started when Ino and I managed to convince Hinata to try some sake... turns out Hinata is a real lightweight and while drunk, she let slip that she's seen what most of Konoha's shinobi force look like under their clothes and that Tsunade-sensei is paccccccking the largest cock in the village. Ino: After that, we all decided we wanted some of that, waited until a day when Tsunade was particularly wiped out from paperwork and offered to take her drinking. Sakura: We were drinking as well to avoid suspicion, but I think we bet Tsunade she didn't have the stamina to satisfy a trio of teenaged kunoichi. Ino: And between the sake and her gambling addiction, it wasn't long before Tsunade was renting a room at the inn the bar we were at is connected to and screwing all of our brains out. Sakura: It was an unorthodox beginning to a relationship, but I can't complain about the results. *Rubs tummy, very round with child.* Ino: Got that right, sister. *Rubs own baby bump.* Don't you agree Hinata? Hinata: *Blush going from pink to crimson as Sakura and Ino tell the tale.* Um, well... *Places a hand on her own bump, a faint smile on her lips as she averts her gaze.*
Question: Chi Chi: I've heard you made a wish on the dragon to make you a Futa during the time Goku was dead and have been using it to have sex with multiple young women and the latest was Videl while training with Gohan before the Tournament! was the whole experience? Chichi: Its been quite nice... Goku is the only man I've ever loved, but getting to fuck cute girls is great for relieving the stresses of being a widowed mother... as for Videl, I hope Gohan keeps her around. She's one of the few girls who actually have the endurance and stamina to keep up with me. I'm not the battle maniac my husband is, and I'm not as fit as I was when we got married, but I'm still one of the world's strongest women and have left more than a few of my conquests unable to walk or with extensive bruising.
Question: Hinata, Ino and Sakura: Ino challenged Hinata and Sakura into sucking themselves in class without Iruka noticing. How long did it take you to finish and who won? Hinata: Um, well... *blushes furiously.* Sakura: Between how good it felt and having to split our focus between pleasuring ourselves and making sure Iruka-sensei hasn't caught on... Ino: None of us ever seem to notice when one of the others swallows her load... and we don't trust any of the male clan heirs to judge our contests. Sakura: And I'm the only student of civilian lineage who is actually capable of observing a classmate without tipping Iruka-sensei off.
Comment: Not sure if you're accepting these kink so let me know: CBT (cock and ball torture, castration ect.) and Urethral sounding/penetration. Kitten: I'm personally fine with cock and ball torture, castration/penectomy, and urethral insertion... as well as torture/removal/destruction of female sex organs, nipple/breast torture/piercing/removal and the like... That said, I'm not sure readers interested in the fluffier types of smut would be okay with having such mixed in here... perhaps I should create a separate Q&A dedicated to the more extreme kinks... what do the readers think?
Question: Sonoko, Ran, Kazuha, Ai, and Ayumi. How's your preparations for your Valentines day chocolates coming along? (Kaido for Sonoko, Heiji for Kazuha, Ran, Ai and Ayumi for Conan/Shinichi.) Sonoko: Kaido loved the copy of my cock I cast in the finest Belgium chocolate I could import. Kazuha: I went to all that trouble, but Heiji barely acknowledged the effort I put into his chocolate. Ran: Shinichi never showed up after promising to meet me on Valentines, so I ended up giving the Chocolate I made for him to Conan... and then chewed him out the next time we talked on the phone... I hope he's feeling jealous that I gave chocolate to a little boy instead of him. Ai: I used some of my food grade lab equipment and passed off my chocolate making as a chemistry experiment... the look on Conan's face when I presented him chocolate was priceless. Ayumi: It was my first time making chocolate, so I got Mama to help me... the chocolate hearts I madedid come out a bit lop-sided. Question: Conan, whose chocolate do you like best? Ran, Ai, or Ayumi? Conan: *Stuffs his mouth full of chocolate, looking as nervous as if he were facing down Gin as the girls look on expectantly.*
Question: Nami and Robin. Valentines day is coming up, have you thought of a special secret chocolates to give each other yet? Robin: We actually ended up with the same idea... and presented each other with chocolate casts of our respective breasts. Nami: It was tricky keeping Sanji out of the kitchen long enough to make them, especially with him trying to catch a glimpse of my bare chest as I made the mold.
Question: Toph, Katara, and Azula. You three futa gals are in avid relationship with Aang. (Although Azula, you're in a secret relationship with him being your 'enemy' in all that.) What made you three fall for Aang in the first place? Toph: What can I say, Twinkle toes is a good fuck... and I love the sound of his girlish moans... Also, since he never got the hang of seismic sense, it's a lot of fun blindfolding him... Katara: I have a thing for cute, little boys... and with how the war decimated the southern water tribe, most of the boys back home were cousins and not one of them is a bender. Azula: The Avatar is one of the most powerful people in the world. What better way to illustrate my superiority than to make the avatar my personal cum bucket? Now I just need to convince him to abandon the water tribe bitch and the little, earth kingdom tart.
Question: Robin, you've been setting up secret informants all around the world by fucking various women into your cock addicted sex slaves. In the Marines, Pirates, the Revolutionary Army... Who's your most memorable conquest? And are you still running your Network even after you 'joined' the Straw hat pirates? Robin: One-on-one, it was probably Ms. Golden week. She's just the most adorable thing... though the time I had an orgy with all of the female half of Baroque Works administration was quite nice as well... Little secret, I mainly duplicate my arms in battle... but I can also use my powers on my cock... and have rewarded several of my girls by leaving them one or two to use as dildos. Question: So, Nami. I heard you've been acquainted with Nico Robin before Whiskey Peak... as her secret sex slave/spy. And your Belly hoarding personality came from being her funds operative along with Bell-mere and Nojiko. So, how did you two meet? Nami: It wasn't long after Arlong gave me that bogus offer to free my village if I paid him 100 million. Robin offered me a rather nice commission for my work as her main operative in East Blue... Plus there are some rather nice fringe benefits... * Nami slides a very realistic looking dildo in and out of her sopping pussy.* Question: Vivi, you are the latest sex slave/spy to Nico Robin. How did she react when she found out you were more then just Miss Wednesday, but the Princess of Alabasta? And how did your relationship with Nami changed when you found out she was your fellow spy? Vivi: She was quite interested in forging ties to a Royal Family associated with the World Government. *Rubs the rather obvious baby bump she's sporting.* I only found out after Crocodile was arrested, but Robin succeeded in siring the next heir to the throne... and once my Father thinks I'm ready to step up as queen, I intend to declare Robin my official consort... though she's the one that holds the real power in our relationship.
Question: Toph: "Hey, Toph, since your Earth-Bending Sight gives you an intimately detailed map of your surroundings, I have to ask. How much is everyone on Team Avatar packing? "And when you four stop in different towns on your travels, who's getting the most pussy? Toph: Katara's a respectible 10 inches, Sokka's a bit shrimpy at 4, twinkle toes is on par with most of the grown men at 6 inches... Momo's actually packing quite a bit for such a little guy... I'd say he actually has Sokka beat... and I'm packing a full foot myself... Appa's got us all beat though, his cock is as long as I am tall... As for who's getting the most pussy... Sokka thinks he's suave, but most of the girls turn him down... and Twinkle toes is too much of a pansy totry hooking up with the local girls and Katara is too uptight... Downside to being so big, the most Appa can get are girls willing to cuddle his giant dong... I'm not sure who's getting more, me or momo... I'm a pro at pretending to be the vulnerable, little blind girl to lure in women who like to prey on little girls only to fuck them silly, but Momo is a master at charming little girls into giving him their cherries.
Question: Ty Lee & Mai: "Hey! Real quick, while Azula's busy. Any truth to those rumors about her having a super small dick? She got any skills to compensate for her size, or is she as bad in bed as everyone thinks? Mai: She's barely a futa... I've seen normal girls with clits bigger than Azula's dick... Thankfully, with how deadpan I am all of the time, she's yet to figure out that I simply get nothing out of our sexual interactions and just thinks I'm a quiet lover. Ty lee: Oh, I've lost count of how many times I've had to fake orgasms to avoid getting burned for bruising her pride. Oh, how greatful I am that I can eat my own pussy, I would have gone crazy with sexual frustration a long time ago from how much she works me up without providing any satisfaction if I had to rely on my fingers once she's done squirting her water thin thimble of jizz.