Puppy Love by Imouto Kitten "Okay, Hana-chan, you be a good girl while I take a bath!" declares Nishizawa-sensei excitedly as she sits Hana down on the floor, the young witch currently transformed into a puppy with comically long, floppy ears that drag the ground. Hana lets out a yip of agreement while wagging her tail, but the transformed girl's eyes widen as the older woman starts to strip in front of the puppy without a care. As the teacher's mature curves are exposed to Hana, including a nice pair of breasts, a firm rear, and a slender waist, the transformed girl feels something stirring between her hind legs. Not long after her wish to go to school with her Mamas had transformed her body from that of a toddler into that of a preteen, Hana had learned about the differences between boys and girls and the fun they could have playing with each other's private parts, which had lead to Hana using magic to give herself a boy's thingy, and with her incredible magic power, her spell had been effectively permanent, and now an unforeseen consequence of layering multiple transformations was rearing its head. Namely, that while Hana's puppy prick had been properly hidden in its sheath before, the boner she had gotten from the teacher's unintentional strip show was every bit as big as the erections the young witch got in human form. As a result, Hana now had a bright red doggy dick longer than her entire body, perhaps even longer than her ears, throbbing in need as it dragged the floor and protruded between her forepaws. Paws that were completely unsuited to jacking off. Hana tried humping the floor, desperate for any friction as her thingy ached for attention, and she tried licking it, only to realize immediately that she couldn't reach her tip to suckle on it and that what she could reach without rolling over to expose the problem to Nishizawa-sensei was rather limited. As Hana tried and failed to relieve her throbbing erection, she couldn't help letting out a canine whimper, which quickly draws Nishizawa's attention, the older woman turning around and bending over, her bare breasts dangling and framed by her upper arms as she asks, "Is everything okay, Hana-chan?" only for the teacher's eyes to go wide as saucers at the sight before her, "Oh my, I thought Hana-chan was a girl puppy! That looks like it hurts..." Leaning over further to pick the whining puppy up, Nishizawa adds, "Come on, lets take a bath together!" and cradling Hana in one arm and giving the puppy's bright red prick a few strokes with her other hand, the woman adds, "Besides, helping out Hana-chan should be good practice for when I hit it off with the guy from the pet store." Carrying Hana into the bathroom, Nishizawa starts the tub to filling as she unpacks a bag of grooming supplies upon her counter top, and once the bath is ready, she grabs a bottle of puppy shampoo and gently lowers herself into the water, careful not to drop, squish, or drown the ball of fluff cradled in her arms. Relaxing in the bath and settling Hana atop her stomach, Nishizawa cups some of the water in her hands and carefully pours it over Hana, wetting the witch turned puppy's fur before squirting some of the puppy shampoo into her palms and starting to massage the lather into Hana's creme-colored fur. Though being so close to the older woman's breasts does nothing to help relieve Hana's horniness, the puppy's whimpers give way to soft panting under the teacher's gentle ministrations, but for how relaxing, and eveen nostalgic it is for Hana to be washed by someone so much larger than her current form, what has her wagging her tail and letting out a yip of delight is when Nishizawa finishes shampooing her torso, feet, tail, and ears and wraps a soapy hand around her pulsing puppy prick and starts jacking it off in earnest. Before long, Hana is bucking her hips in time with Nishizawa's strokes, the toddler turned puppy's tiny tongue hanging out of her mouth as she basks in the euphoria of the teacher's touch. "Do you like it, Hana-chan?" asks the teacher, stroking one of the girl turned dog's long ears with her free hand. Wishing she could cry out in delight at how good it feels, Hana opens her eyes to try and lock on Nishizawa's, but instead of meeting the older woman's gaze, the sight that greets Hana is that of the teacher's twin peaks rising and falling with her breathing and the very inviting looking valley between them. In fact, that valley looks so inviting that Hana is unable to hold herself back, lunging forward to bury her bone between those big, beautiful breasts, the witch turned puppy resting atop Nishizawa's boobs as she starts to hump like crazy. "Oh my, Hana-chan sure is full of spunk!" Declares Nishizawa, unaware of her unintentional innuendo, even as she lets out a gasp as one of Hana's paws grazes her nipple. As Nishizawa watches the bright red tip of Hana's puppy prick emerge from her cleavage only to vanish back within over and over, the teacher can't help but grow aroused as well, one hand finding its way under the water to caress her petals even as the other finds its way to Hana's back, the young woman petting the puppy humping her boobs as she starts to pet her own kitty. Soon, the bathroom is filled with moans and pants as both puppy and teacher chase the high of sexual pleasure, and when Hana thrusts her tiny, canine hips forward one last time, Nishizawa is surprised as the first rope of Hana's seed shoots forth to splatter her face, some of it landing in the teacher's mouth, but instead of flinching away, the teacher enjoys the taste so much that she lifts her head and kisses Hana's tip just in time to catch the second spurt. As Hana continues to spray rope after hot, sticky rope of her seed into the teacher's mouth, Nishizawa brings herself to climax, and the pair lay in the tub for several minutes afterward, basking in mutual afterglow. When Nishizawa regains her senses, she comments, "Well, that was a fun, if unexpected, experience!" Hana letting out a happy yip in agreement. Noticing herself starting to prune, Nishizawa makes quick work of rinsing off both herself and Hana before draining the tub and towelling off first the puppy and then herself, and once wrapped in a fluffy towel, the teacher grabs a pet brush and blow dryer from among the pet supplies and gets to work brushing out Hana's coat. Once Hana's fur is fully dried and fluffed, Nishizawa scoops up the puppy and asks, "Would Hana-chan like to sleep with me tonight?" and at the excited yip she gets in reply, the teacher heads for her bedroom, letting her towel fall before sitting Hana on the bed and retrieving a nightgown. Though, as it turns out, watching the teacher dress for bed has about the same effect on Hana as watching her undress for her bath, and when Nishizawa turns back around, she spots the puppy's prodigious prick once more at full mast. "Oh my!" exclaims the teacher, bringing a hand to her mouth, "Does Hana-chan need more attention?" and at the whimper she recieves, Nishizawa kneels next to her bed and rolls Hana on her back, the pillar of puppy prick proudly pointing to the ceiling as she gives it a few strokes. "I've never done this before, but I've read men really like it, so I hope Hana-chan enjoys it as well." declares the older woman once sure the doggy dick is fully erect before opening her mouth and swallowing the pointed tip, reducing Hana to a panting mess upon the bedspread. As her tongue twirls about the tip of the toddler turned puppy's prick, the teacher feels a tingling in her own twat and is soon masturbating once more, but unlike in the bath, were she was content to pet the kitty as Hana used her breasts, Nishizawa's fingers only seem to further enflame her nethers instead of satisfying the itch, and only growing worse as she manages to take each additional inch of Hana's hard on in her mouth. Before long, Nishizawa's frustrations reach the boiling point and she abruptly halts in her blowjob, Hana whining at the loss of stimulation. Trying to do the canine equivalent of propping herself up on her elbows, Haana opens her eyes to see Nishizawa sit on the bed, reclining against her headboard and spreading her legs, exposing her mature muff to the young girl's big, brown eyes. "Hey, Hana-chan, mind licking me down there as well?" and though she has some difficulty on account of her oversized for her current body cock, Hana manages to crawl between the older woman's thighs, lodging the head of her puppy prick far enough into the gap between Nishizawa's half-moons and the mattress to let the transformed girl place her paws upon the oldr woman's thighs and stick out her tongue to give the teacher a lick from taint to clit, the puppy soon lapping up Nishizawa's love juices like a dehydrated dog at her water bowl. At the same time, Hana starts humping the gap between Nishizawa's butt and the bed, but it isn't nearly enough stimulation for the puppy's pulsing prick, and as yummy as the older woman's cunny is, it doesn't take long for the transformed girl to desire more. Reaching her breaking point, Hana pulls back a bit, the tip of her puppy prick sliding across Nishizawa's taint, the skin slick with saliva and pussy juice, and before Nishizawa can ask why Hana stopped licking, the witch turned puppy has lunged forward, hilting herself in the teacher's twat, the older woman letting out a cry of pain as she loses her virginity to a dog. Not that Hana gives Nishizawa any time to reflect on that fact, the puppy soon humping like mad, that bright red cock sliding in and out of the older woman's passage with far more energy than when Hana fucked her breasts in the bath. As the pain of her deflowering gives way to the pleasure of being fucked properly for the first time in her life, Nishizawa can't help but moan at the top of her lungs and encourage her canine lover, "YES! That's a good doggie! Keep sliding that hard thing in and out of me!" Hana more than happy to comply as she places her forepaws on the teacher's tummy. Reaching a hand down to cup Hana's rear, Nishizawa expects to find the puppy's balls, only to find a tiny hole leaking like a faucet, and too lost in pleasure to question the strange situation, she starts fingering Hana's puppy pussy as she uses her hand to further encourage Hana's thrusting. Being a virgin and with Hana's enthusiasm, it isn't long before Nishizawa is careening over the edge into her first climax triggered via penile penetration, her cunny clamping down on the puppy prick within, and with the teacher's internal muscles milking her massive member for all its worth, it isn't long before Hana joins the older woman in climax, pearly white seed shooting forth from Hana's tip, blasting through Nishizawa's cervix to paint the walls of her womb white. After several minutes of basking in afterglow, Nishizawa pushes herself up on her elbows as she comments, "Wow, that was incredible, Hana-chan! Was it good for you too?" Tail wagging, Hana lets out a happy yip in confirmation before trying to pull out, only to meet resistence and Nishizawa to let out a gasp. As both glance down to their union, they spot something neither had noticed when Hana had erupted between the grown woman's tits, namely that the base of Hana's puppy prick has swollen up, and any attempt by the witch turned puppy to tug on it just results in the teacher's nether lips stretching as the knot bulges out, but not nearly enough to dislodge it. "I didn't know Hana-chan's thing would swell up like that." comments the teacher as she stifles a yawn. "Guess I'm sleeping with Hana-chan inside me tonight." With that, Nishizawa carefully slides down until she's fully laying on her back before helping Hana find a comfortable position laying on her belly, and deciding she doesn't want to risk smothering her little lover, she adds, "I guess it's warm enough to go without covers tonight... Good night, Hana-chan." before closing her eyes and letting sleep claim her, Hana not far behind.