Question: Joanna is a Futanari.) Miss Joanna, Barry is hung as a Rapidash, and the only person who could beat him in size is probably Dawn. But he only bottoms for male trainers and pokemon cocks. Did you train him into being a bottom-addicted sissy for pokemon cocks, or was he a gay pokephile to begin with? Johanna: That boy is a natural bottom bitch for pokedick. Question: Dawn is a Futanari.) Barry, you keep challenging Dawn to who can take much pokemon cock down your throat or in your ass. You've been doing that since you were kids, running around naked around lake Verity. What's your current score? Barry: Dawn currently has me beat 50-49, but I'm not going to let my rival keep the lead! Question: Cynthia and Joanna are a Futanari.) Miss Joanna. You first met Cynthia when she was a young trainer trying out for her first Rapidash cock deep-throating contest. And you were the judge of the said contest. When you first saw her, did you expect her to become a prominent pokephile figure in the pokephilia community/Sinnoh region champion she is today? Johanna: Oh, from her debut performance with rapidash cock, it was clear she was a natural and would go far among pokephilia circles... I don't really know much about competitive Pokemon battles, so I couldn't have judged one way or the other what her chances of becoming champion were. Question: Cynthia and Dawn are Futanari.) Dawn, between Barry and Cynthia, whose hole is a better fuck? Dawn: Definitely Cynthia. Barry's got youthful enthusiasm, but Cynthia really knows how to milk a cock with her internal muscles. Question: Misty, when you fell in love with Ash, you wanted him to pound you in your Pussy with his enormous cock. How did you feel when you found out Ash was a bottom bitch for Futanari cocks and wanted you to fuck him in his well-stretched femboy asshole? Misty: I was a bit disappointed at first... but it didn't take long to train him so that if he wants me to wreck his ass, he knows he has to wreck my womb to earn the privilege. Question: (Sexually Aware Ash) Ash, you seem to have a thing for hung Futanari chicks. Like Misty, May, Dawn, etc. Does it have to do with the fact that your mom is a hung futanari beauty as well? Did she have any role in shaping your sexuality? Delia: Oh, I trained my baby well... He knows full well the only girls worth dropping his pants for are ones with cocks at least twice as big as his. Question: (Misty is a Futanari.) Misty, as a Water-type gym leader, you regularly swim and occasionally gulp water from pools tainted with Water-type pokemon jizz and sperm. Does it have any effect on you at all? Misty: Oh, I do always feel a bit hornier after a swim in one of the breeding pools...
Question: Kirlia, what's it like having a big, jiggly body like May's after being such a petite Pokemon for your entire life? How have you been enjoying life in May's body ever since your minds inexplicably switched? Kirlia: *Squeezing her breasts.* I'll admit, having these weighing on my chest took some getting used to... as did suddenly being so much taller. Question: May, how does it feel to see your Kirlia handling your body the way she does? What's it like getting to finally understand all your Pokemon's speech, even if it lead to you finding out that Kirlia was apparently your team's bicycle that everyone gets their turn to ride? May: I miss being tall and busty... and I never realized how horny my team is behind my back... Question: Machamp, what's it like being on the receiving end of your own super-powered thrusts? Would you say getting your minds swapped by Manaphy has has given you a newfound appreciation for the strength of Leaf's tiny body? And most importantly, do you think she's a better lover than you? *Machamp is passed out in Leaf's body, too overwhelmed by the role-reversal.* Question: Leaf, what's it like getting to experience your own pussy wrapped around Machamp's giant dick? Are you a little jealous of him for getting to experience this so often, or would you say the receiving end is still better? And most importantly, do you think you're a better lover than him? Leaf: Yeah, my pussy's so fucking tight, no wonder Machamp loved fucking me silly so often. Question: Lopunny, Dawn may be a bit of a slut, but her body's still not hard-wired as an insatiable breeding machine like yours was. How does it feel to actually be able to control your own sex drive, for once? Lopunny: Feels weird to be able to think of something other than cock... Question: Dawn, how are you handling the intense new urges that come with Lopunny's bunny biology? Dawn: *Humping her bunny cunny against the corner of the picnic table, too lost in lust to hear the question.* Question: Manaphy, are you ever going to stop switching trainers' and Pokemon's minds for fun? For that matter, are you ever going to switch them back? Manaphy: *Looking around for more pairs of pokemon and their trainers to heart swap.*
Question: To Ai and Mako Hey little guys! How are you doing? So i was wondering how you two both discovered sex at such a young age? What was it like seeing each other naked for the first time? And besides the sex, I bet you just love playing with your brothers little dicky, don't ya Ai? Ai: We've taken baths together since we were babies, so we can't remember the first time we saw each other naked. Mako: We first became curious about how my pee pee is different from Ai's pee pee around the time Mama let us start wearing big kid undies. Ai: Mako liked it when I touched his pee pee, so I let him touch my pee pee, and it felt really good, especially once he found my hole and started tickling my insides. Mako: Since Ai has an innie pee pee and I have an outie pee pee, we decided to try sticking my pee pee in Ai's pee pee. Ai: It hurt a lot at first, and I hugged Mako really tight with both my arms and legs because it felt like he was going to turn my pee pee inside out if he pulled out, but after a while, it started feeling really good and now I have trouble getting to sleep without having Mako's pee pee in my pee pee. Mako: I also sometimes use Ai's pee pee as my potty. Ai: Oh yes, being Mako's potty feels amazing!
Question: Sora (Adventure 1) - How much have you been able to milk from Tai and Matt at once? Do you like to mix them together in a giant container and pour it all into your pussy so they can continue their rivalry even inside your womb? Sora: I think the most I've managed to milk from them into a container was about enough to fill a coffee mug between the two of them. *Rubs her slightly bulging belly.* And yeah, I stirred that mug really well before using a turkey baster to suck it up and squirt it into my womb... we've decided to wait until after the birth to find out who poached my egg.
Question: Officer Jenny - How often do you see public displays of affection between trainers of all ages and groups? Do you join in or resist the urges? Jenny: Oh, seldom a day goes by I don't have an opportunity to write someone a ticket for public indecency... Though, I often let hung shotas off with a warning if they can satisfy a mature cunt... And my twin sister has a soft spot for eating loli cunny.
Question: TK (Adventure 2) - How tough is it fathering so many kids at once? Do your friends know how many times you knocked up Sora, Mimi and Kari? Or is it still your little secret between the girls? (Hope they all take after their mothers physically in that case) TK: Oh, it's not that hard...
Question: Nurse Joy speaking* "It's ok girls, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's perfectly normal for hormonal, newly ovulating young trainers to get pregnant after experimenting with their own pokemon or getting caught by wild pokemon who smell their fertility. Besides, you all look adorable with your big bellies! Now, I'd like all three of you to break the ice by describing exactly how you were knocked up with pokebabies. Molly Hale: Well, I had just started my journey and it was my first night camping out in the wild with my Teddiursa, Teddy. I fell asleep with him cuddled against my chest in my sleeping bag... Not sure what got into him, but for some reason, I awoke to him lapping at my honeypot like I've only seen him do with actual honey before... I wasn't sure why he was doing it, but it felt nice and he has a timid nature, so I pretended to be asleep to see what he would do next... next thing I knew, he was standing on his hind legs and his honey stirrer had emerged from its sheath, something I had only seen before when Teddy needed to go potty... and well, he stuck his honey stirrer in my honeypot and started stirring. That felt so good I couldn't feign sleep any more and I was soon hugging Teddy to my tummy and bucking against his honey stirrer...I felt something warm and gooey squirt into my honeypot, but I didn't give any thought to it until I started feeling queasy in the morning a few weeks later, and I had been letting Teddy stir my honeypot every night since that first time. Leaf: I hadn't long left Pallet with my bulbasaur and was wandering through Viridian forest when I spotted a Pikachu... The little stinker lead me on a merry chase that ended with me trying to squeeze into the hollow of a massive tree, only to get stuck. The pikaperv then walked up behind me, giggling his head off before chewing through my panties and starting to lick my skitty. I tried to get away, but he pressed his cheek to mine and paralyzed me with a point blank thunderwave before having his way with me. He did stick around until the paralysis wore off and let me catch him, but the only way I can get him to do anything is to let him perv on me... and if I refuse to put out, he just thunderwaves me, takes what he wants, and then refuses to obey... Maylene: I was out training and encountered a wild Machop... thinking I could take him, I challenged him to a fight... and got my ass handed to me... He then decided I would make a good mate or something, tore open the crotch of my yoga pants and pounded my pussy into submission... We spar almost daily now, but fucking me is still his favorite prize when he wins our sparres...
Question: Ranamon: How'd it feel to fuck and possibly knock up Zoe before forcing her to be yours forever? Heard you got to plow her as Kazemon, and Zephyrmon too. Ranamon: Felt damn good ta put the uppity fairy princess in her place and now she's my little sugah fairy for life. Question: Zoe: How are you doing carrying Ranamon's child, and what was it like being fucked by her? Including of course when you were Kazemon and Zephyrmon. Also how did she knock you up (if she is) when your human? How do you feel essentially being Ranamon's lover/wife? Zoey: Felt weird at first, us both being girls and all, but I soon came to love it. *Rubs her baby bump.* No idea how interspecies pregnancy works, but I'm not going to complain...
question: So, Professor Ivy, I hear you've discovered that Pokemon eggs conceived between a human and Pokemon have a 30% higher chance of hatching a Shiny than those conceived normally between two Pokemon. How, exactly, did you go about making this discovery, and how have your three assistants been helping you with this research? Ivy: Well naturally, my assistants and I have been letting the lab pokemon breed us as much as possible and laying as many eggs as possible and comparing the number of shinies among our children to data from local breeding centers. We do need to find more women willing to offer their wombs for science to confirm it's a general effect and not something specific to the four of us, but the preliminary results are promising. Question: Brock, does the previously-mentioned research have anything to do with why you left You-Know-Who's (Ivy's) lab? Brock: *Fetal position* I'd rather not talk about it.
Question: To angewomon x antibody how does It feel to be fucked everyday by your futa loli tamer that you been side by side since the day of birth of both of you since you looked at her as your sister but discovered she always got extremely hard everytime you digivolved to that form Also where did ALL those digi eggs filling the house come from? Angewomon: *Face down, bottom up as she gets fucked.* Yes, Imouto-sama! fill my slutty angelic womb with your seed and make me lay another digi-egg! Question: Ophanimon x and ladydevimon x is It true that after you both achieved the x forms your tamer a futa loli got so much horny that she raped both for days and making you both give birth to hundreds of digi eggs Also ophanimon are you worried about falling because you surrendered to a human. *The two digimon are making out passionately as their new tamer alternates between their pussies, neither in any condition to care what this means for their standing among the angelic and demonic hosts.* Question: To sakuyamon x and kuzuhamon How does It feel to give birth to so many digi eggs by a futa loli after she turned you both into her digi-partners and wifes. *The twin miko bow before their mistress's cock, both digimon properly worshiping the magnificent lolidong as they lay the latest in a long string of digi-eggs, both of them drenching the eggs in a deluge of femcum.* Question: Izumi (after the ending of the anime and movie) How are you doing now that you are not only in a Digimon world from another dimension stuck on your fairymon transformation there is also another you from other dimension in her shutumon form and now you two became the digiwifes of a futa loli tamer with calamaramon and How she reacted? Also How you two fell about giving birth to so many eggs since you guys wanted your First time to be with one of your friends? *Shutumon is riding her tamer's lolicock as Fairymon is being eaten out, the twin warriors of wind making out, their tummies touching from the soon to be laid eggs bulging them. Nearby, Karimaramon lays passed out.* Question: Kari, do you regret abandoning Gatomon for BlackGatomon after learning that LadyDevimon has a much bigger cock than Angewomon? Oh who am I kidding...of course you don't. Kari: Oh, I had no regrets... though I did show Gatomon some pity once I realized I could get Angewomon and Ladydevimon to play nice and work together to please me. *Is sandwiched between the angel and devil, getting both her ass and pussy demolished by prodigious digi-dick.*
Question: Erika, it is no secret that under that kimono hides the biggest pair of boobs in all of Kanto, but is it true that you also have the largest bitch breaker in Kanto, and that you use it on all the girls that come to challenge you? How many girls have had to give up their Pokemon journey because you pounded them so hard, and did anyone stay in Celadon so that they could keep doing it with you? Erika: Not only is it true, but every girl who has been on the recieving end of my mighty oak has joined my gym. Really, my gym is really just my harem. Question: Ash, during your pokemon journey, have you ever fucked a tighter hole than your mother, Delia? I heard she let you fuck her day and night to train your machamp-sized cock of yours from when you are young. Ash: Most of the girls I meet are tighter than my mom the first time I fuck them, though I do tend to loosen them up to the point they can't even feel it when other guys fuck them... I think Molly was the tightest before I got hold of her... Question: (follow-up) Misty, May, Dawn and Iris. Is it true you four couldn't make Ash exhausted even you four decided to give Ash a Fivesome to tire him out? Misty: Not only did he fuck the four of us under the table, but he also did it to all three of my sisters. May: and my mom. Dawn: and my mom and Zoey. Iris: and Professor Juniper... all in one night... and even though him fucking all the other girls gave us time to rest, all of us going a second round didn't wear him out... Question: Ash, is it true people in Pallet town rarely wear clothes and venture around town completely naked? How did you feel about wearing clothes when you first set off in your pokemon journey? I bet it was pretty uncomfortable. Ash: Yeah, it was pretty uncomfortable and rather confining... I can kind of get it in places colder than Pallet Town, but people's hang-ups about nudity seem rather silly... Question: Ash, how did your past travel companions(Brock, Misty, May, Max, Dawn, and Iris) react when they first visited Pallet town to discover the practice of pokephila, Also known as pokemon fucking was a common practice, and some were married to a pokemon? Were shocked to see a toxicroak fucking a woman in broad daylight? Ash: most of them were pretty shocked... except Iris, apparently pokephilia is normal in the Village of Dragons as well. Question: Delia, everyone says Ash's father was a random pokemon trainer who wandered through pallet town one day - one night fling, they said. But is it true that Ash's real father was that trainer's machamp? Judging from the size of Ash's dick, I think I believe that rumor. Delia: Oh, it was actually a threesome with that man and his machamp, but indeed, it was the machamp's sperm who won the race to my egg. Question: (follow-up) Delia, is it true you recently reunited with your long-lost love, machamp and is now happily married? How did Ash react when he saw his father for the first time and heard the news you were getting married? Are you planning to give Ash a sibling yet? Delia: My baby fainted, though I'm not sure if it was from meeting his father, finding out his father is a machamp, or the news of the wedding. *Places a hand over her still trim tummy.* I haven't told him yet, and I'm thinking of waiting until I start showing, but I'm already pregnant. Question: (follow-up) Delia, when your son brought female companions(Misty, May, Dawn and Iris) to Pallet town, did you train them to love pokemon cock and nudity so they can fit in with the atmosphere of Pallet town? I think I heard several girls moaning down in your pleasure chamber... I mean basement. Did they want to leave Pallet town once your were done with them? Do you think they will make a perfect harem for Ash? Delia: Oh, it took quite a bit of training down in the sex dungeon Machamp helped me build to break them in, but I think they'll all do nicely as daughters-in-law. Question: (Futanari Delia) Delia, is it true you used to be a member of team rocket? Fucking spies and traitors with your big cock until they became a broken slut, a loyal pawn for team rocket? Delia: Oh yes, I was one of Madam Boss's best agents and chief of reeducation for grunts who got cold feet... I did retire about the time her son took over, though I did train this girl named Domino to be my replacement. Question: (follow-up) I heard you caught two no-good team rocket members, Jessie and James lurking in your backyard. They were trying to steal Ash's pikachu? You were always good with turning your enemies into submissive sluts. How long did it take before they broke in your basement "conformatorium" before they became subservient house maids, serving breakfast and sucking your morning wood? Delia: Oh James was bending over and presenting his bussy the moment I lifted my skirt. Jessie was a tougher nut to crack, but it took me just one night to break her.
Question:Gatomon, after learning of an Impmon that had been raping every Digimon you came across, you set out to stop him. You thought you’d just turn into Ophanimon and intimidate him into stopping. You didn’t expect him to evolve into Beelzemon and fuck you stupid. Is it true that you enjoyed the experience so much that you convinced him to take you as his “girlfriend” and have joined him on his travels? Beelzemon: Yeah, my new Hell's Angel didn't see it coming, but she's one of the best fucks I've had, and I got to say, she looks good in the bike leathers I talked her into trading that armor for, especially straddling behemoth's bitch seat. Question: Gatomon, your old boyfriend Patamon came to "rescue" you. Was it hot to watch Beelzemon completely demolish Seraphimon and then fuck his ass senseless? Was it even hotter when you turned into Ophanimon and had victory sex with him right in front of your ex? Ophanimon: Oh yeah, I'm not sure which was more priceless, the look on that dork's face when my new mon knocked his helmet off, or the look of betrayal on the flying hamster as I jumped my demon king's bones.