Question: To the Tuber Trainer Class (Could feature multiple Tubers, including both female and male variants. For the females, I'd recommend some being futa while the rest are normal females): Have you ever ventured into a secluded little cove alongside the coastline, only to find yourselves right in the middle of a breeding ground for water-type Pokemon? Upon noticing just how fertile you were despite your young age, were the Pokemon eagerly presenting themselves ready to mate with you? Subsequently, did you gain any new-born additions to your Pokemon teams as a result of the encounter? Lola: Oh, I once stumbled into a pack of Marill who decided to gangbang me... by the time they were done, I was too out of it to try catching any of them, but my Azurill is my daughter from that incident... I hope she turns into a boy when she evolves so I can give her a little sister... Alexis: That's how I met my Staryu... and it feels really good when I stretch my hole on her spout and she turns my womb into a water balloon. Gwen: I wanna be tentacled by a tentacruel and shove my lolicock in its bell as it coils around me. Question: To the Pokekid Trainer Class (Gen 4, Futa is optional): In order to truly feel like a real Pokemon, is it true that you've been living amongst and even mating with various wild Pokemon whilst wearing costumes appropriate to their respective species? Has your numerous sexual escapades allowed you to perfectly mimic the mating behaviours of different Pokemon, as well as fluently understand and speak their language? And in addition, have you managed to produce any offspring with the Pokemon you've mated with? Ariel: *Crying in pleasure as a wild Pikachu uses agility to pound her pussy, her tongue hanging out of her mouth as she's plowed on all fours.* Danielle: cuddling a pichu as it nurses from her tiny titties, a male pikachu nearby guarding his mate and their child.* Meghan: *Ravishing a female pikachu with her lolicock.*
Question: Renamon: how did you get Impmon to use a digital modifier to switch genders and join you in getting fucked on Guilmons massive cock? Also how are your bodies hold up after finding out Guilmon has insane virility now that you two are carrying his children? Renamon: I hit Impmon where it hurt, his pride... barely had to insinuate he couldn't handle Guilmon and he was eager to prove me wrong... she's held up better than I expected, but she's been wobbly on her feet since she first showed signs of incubating a digiegg. *Rubs her own swollen belly.* Admittedly, I'd be walking funny too if not for my vulpine grace.
Question: Mewtwo: did you really change you gender so you can have Ash impregnate you or were you just really horny for him? Mewtwo: It was mostly out of curiosity to see if I was even capable of having children and wasn't rendered sterile by my genetics being spliced from multiple species... Only about 50% of my species specific genes are actually from mew, they had to fill in some gaps with Alakazam and human DNA. Question: Lugia, Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres: is it true you 4 had Ash knock you all up with his massive cock just as a thank you for saving the planet? Lugia: Ahem... I did it as a thank you... I had Ash knock up the others in hopes a clutch of chicks would help calm them down.
Question: Guilmon: Ever since you found that female version of yourself you have been fucking her nonstop maybe you should give her a break? *The female Guilmon can be seen riding the male guilmon just as aggressively as the male was plowing her when he was on top.* Digimon Frontier (a gay one if that's okay with you) Question: Takuya, what's it like getting fucked by tommy and your little brother Shinya. Do you ever feel self conscious knowing they have large dicks and you have a micro penis? *Takuya is too busy being spitroasted by hung shota to reply beyond flashing a thumbs up.* Question: Tommy, when your not a top, what's it like being a slutty bottom. How does it feel to be humiliated. Do you ever wish for someone to breed your boy pussy? Tommy: Oh, I love taking it from Shinya-kun as much as I like fucking his and Takuya-niichan's butts. Question: Shinya, how does it feel to be dominated by Tommy when your not being a top. Do you ever act your brother when he gets fucked or are you not as slutty? Shinya: Taking Tommy's cock is almost as good as fucking Tommy's butt or fucking Onii-chan.
Question:: (continuation of futa sabrina and leaf) Leaf how is Sabrina taking to being a parent? Is the child like you or her? Psychic or slut? Sabrina: Yes... Our little bud is both a powerful psychic and a lil slut who loves being plowed by her sire while plowing her mother. Futaba: *Fucking Leaf with her massive loli dong while being fucked by Sabrina, leaf being held in midair by the little girl's telekinesis.* Yes, Papa, put a baby in me as I put a baby in Mama! Question: Any other Futas of Kanto you would like to be part of your growing family? Lorelei? Misty? Erika? Your mother? Futaba: *Jacking off as she watches her mother being gangbanged.* Do it Aunt Misty, Aunt Erika, Aunt Lorelei! Fuck mama real hard! Leaf's Mom: What have I told you about such language, little lady? *Starts bouncing her grand daughter on her milf cock, holding Futaba's wrists to prevent her from jacking off.* Futaba: Yes Grandma! Punish Futaba's fucking cunt for Futaba's fucking potty mouth! Fuck Futaba's fucking cunt and wreck Futaba's fucking womb until Futaba is fucking preggo with Futaba's own fucking aunt! Question: (continuation of futa cynthia and dawn as her daughter) Cynthia theres a picture floating around of dawn naked, laying ontop of you, impaled on your cock, head between your breast, and your hugging her. Are you actually sweet on dawn? Being nice to her now that she knows her other mother and her alpha~ Cynthia: Of course I'm sweet on my baby girl.
Question: (digimon, angewomon is a futa, end of digimon adventure 1) angewomon so where did you get all those digi-eggs? Perhaps Kari I assume? Gatomon: We didn't know if we would ever see each other again, so when Gennai told us the portal was about to close forever, I decided to fuck Kari as many times as I could in the time we had left... With the digital world rebooting, there were tons of digisouls waiting to be reborn and Kari's womb was open for business... So now, I've got enough children to start a Nyaromon village once they're ready to leave Primary Village.
Question: Cynthia: When you got turned back into a kid was it your de-aged body that made you crush on Ash, or did you already have feelings for him, and being a kid again just gave you an excuse to act on them? And what's your favorite thing to do with him? Cynthia: Oh, I was planning to have my way with him before, but being lolified means I don't have to worry as much about being caught... And of course, my favorite thing to do is to milk his shota cock with my loli pussy and incubate his seed in my womb. *Smiles as she rubs the beginnings of a baby bump.* Question: Jessie: Is it true that you once tried the seduction method for stealing Pikachu, only to be surprised by how good Ash was for a boy his age? *Jessie is preoccupied with being plowed by ash, her uniform having been modified to turn the R into an A, show more skin, and be even tighter.* Question: Nurse Joy, as a medical professional, what advice do you have to give to all the young trainers attempting the Rapidash Challenge (the new viral sensation of filming oneself taking a Rapidsh's cock all the way to the base, typically in the ass)? Joy: My professional opinion is that such is very dangerous and should not be attempted by anyone... But since anyone stupid, crazy, or slutty enough to give it a try is unlikely to be dissuaded by sound medical advice... *The Camera pulls back to reveal Joy isn't wearing the skirt of her uniform and is bent over as she takes a rapidash stallion like a pro.* I recommend working up to it slowly, start with letting a small canine or vulpine pokemon knot you, then gradually work on stretching yourself around the knot until you can effortlessly pop a knot in and out, then repeat with a larger canine pokemon smaller than arcanine, then try letting a paralyzed ponyta use your hole... Only when you've worked up to letting a ponyta go full speed without so much as friction burn would I suggest even trying the tip of a rapidash... I also recommend a diet high in Chansey eggs and Moomoo Milk due to their healing properties. Question: Officer Jenny, how did you and your squad finally manage to subdue that runaway Arcanine who ran across half of Kanto with his trainer stuck on his knot? Jenny: We had to call in help from Leader Misty and Elite Lorelei and it took their fastest Starmie working in Tandum to box in and subdue the runaway fire-type. Question: And Leaf, what did we learn about giving Arcanine "special Rare Candies" you bought from a shady vendor in Viridian City? Leaf: I need to visit that vendor again... though perhaps I should invest in setting up a secret base Arcanine is too big to leave without being in a pokeball. Question: Blue/Gary (whichever you prefer) how do you feel about your rival making news headlines in such an embarrassing way? Blue: I'm impressed her arcanine took some of the best trained Starmie in the region to slow down... Question: Ash, since you are now finally a Pokemon Master, I heard you were convinced to try being a Pokemon Ranger for a while? Are you having fun with that "friendship lasso" that they use to control wild pokemon? Heard they can make any pokemon docile and obedient if you are skilled enough. How did you take to your new duty of using it to help avoid any of them becoming endangered by breeding as many that you can of the the female ones you meet? And... don't these curvy pokemon that you keep meeting remind you a bit too much of your older traveling companions, almost as if they were just the girls wearing costumes? Did you ever meet the girls recently to compare them? Ash: Honestly, I don't even need to use the styler on most of the female pokemon I meet... and now that you mention it, I should probably visit my old friends sometime...
Question: Well, Poke-porn fans, we WERE going to interview May, the up-and-coming star from the Hoenn Region, but, she seems to be, um... currently occupied, at the moment. By which I mean, she's getting fucked into an incoherent mess on top of my desk by her Blaziken. So, we're just going to boot up the ol' Poke-speech translator and direct all questions to him. Is that okay with you, Mister Blaziken? Blaziken: Ask away, hot stuff. Question: Well, I WAS planning on asking May about why she considers you to be HER master, rather than the other way around, but clearly that's been answered. Instead, why don't you tell us a bit on how and when this power imbalance between you started? And when did you decide you wanted to enter the porno business? Blaziken: Well it started when I evolved into a Blaziken... This slut, *He gestures to May as she lays on the desk, drooling onto the desktop as she's being fucked.* Mistook me for a girl as Torchic and Combusken, like many avian pokemon, don't have cocks and we only grow them as we evolve into Blaziken and gain a more humanoid form, and I decided to show her just how much of a man I am, the hard way. Question: You've got quite the infamous reputation as a bit of a "Rookie Killer" in the industry, with several of your past partners quitting to find other work after claiming a single shoot with you "broke them." How does May deal with you on such a regular basis, and still find the time to work with other partners? Blaziken: I own her, she can't just walk away from me like the other bitches do. Question: On a more personal note, Mister Blaziken, the only past film that didn't see you as an absolute dom was "Hoenn Heat," where you and Flannery pretty consistently wrestled control away from each other throughout the movie's climax. How did it feel to finally fuck a partner that could keep pace with you? Blaziken: Now that Flannery is a woman and a real firecracker. Not sure things could get any hotter short of fucking Lady Moltres herself. Question: Seems like after tonight's show, you'll be flying out to Sinnoh to play the new anti-hero Blazin'-Cock in the next Lady Lopunny film. How are you looking forward to co-starring alongside the famous Dawn? And what can you say about the rumors and theories circulating that your character could secretly be the movie's villain? Blaziken, Well, I'm certainly looking forward to working with the girl that put slut in slutbunny... as for potential plot twists, sorry, but I'm not going to just spoil things. Question: Well, seems like May's officially tapped out. How is it that you're still hard after all that, Mister Blaziken?... And, why are you looking at my tits like that?... And why are you coming around the desk like you want to- Oh, Arceus... Blaziken: Oh, you'll be swearing by my name instead of the Llama with the golden ring before the night is out. *Pounces lustifully at the interviewer.*
Question: Officer Jenny & NurseJoy. Since you all look so similar, do all Jenny's and all Joy's have the same sized cocks? And are Jenny's or Joy's better in bed? Jenny: Yes, we're all packing pretty much the same thing. Joy: and the same is true of my family. Jenny: as for who's better in bed, it depends on what our partners are in to. We Jennies are naturals at bondage and domination, especially when handcuffs, batons, and interrogations are involved. Joy: We Joys are talented at playing caregiver roles for our partners, especially when it comes to sexual therapy...
Question: Is it true that out of all the male digidestin TK is by far the biggest where it counts? Sora: Not just the biggest, but bigger than the other four guys combined. If he wasn't a grower, TK would need a third pants leg for it. Question: Sora How did you and the other girls find out about TK's not so little secret? Sora: I insisted that, since he's the youngest, I should act like a surrogate mother and make sure he's bathing properly... and well, when he grew to over a foot long and as thick as my thigh when I tried washing him down there... and I had to tell Mimi to avoid going crazy not talking about it. Question: Hikari Are you OK with all the older girls sharing your hung shota studmuffin of a boyfriend? Hikari: If anything, I need to thank Sora and Mimi. If they hadn't taught TK about sex, I might still be a virgin instead of getting stuffed to my limit everytime TK and I have a playdate. Question: Mimi What was Izie's reaction when you told him you were pregnant, and did you bother to tell him that he wasn't the baby daddy? Mimi: He fainted... and he's convinced he's the dad, even though I've never let his dicklet near my pussy... He may be a genius at technology, but he clearly has no idea how reproduction works. Question: All of the female Digidestined Are your significant others all fine with you having TK's babies, or are you just insisting all the blonde hair is a coincidence? Sora: Matt thinks the blonde hair is from him. Mimi: Izzy thinks the lightness is from my natural tone... though I might have told him I use to darken my hair before going pink. Question: For the digimilfs With so many of your kids and their friends getting knocked up by the same boy, is there any correlation between that and you ladies getting more buns in the oven? *Mrs Yagami, Ms. Takeshi, Mrs Takenochi, Mrs Izumi, and Mrs. Tachikawa try to avoid glancing at TK as they rub their big bellies.*
Question: Whitney (Pokemon): Is true that the milk from the farm don't come only from Miltank but from voluntary trainers that train in the farm? Whitney: Yes, though for best results, the Humiltank need to be bred by the ranche's Tauros. *Braces herself on a breeding bench, her miltank costume leaving her pussy exposed as a Tauros steps up to give her a load of pokeseed to keep her udders producing premium milk.* Question: Eureka/Bonney (Futa-Pokemon): Do you want your big brother to find a lady because you are tired of using him? Bonnie: Yeah, I want a sister-in-law so I can cuck my pathetic big bro.
Question: Impmon: Is true that the reason why you left Ai and Makoto was because they could not satisfy you? Impmon: Actually... I couldn't keep up with the little nymphet and her equally demanding brother.