Question: Ash is it true Pikachu started listening to you after sniffing your crotch and rubbing its cheeks against it? Do you have any clue why Pikachu raises its tail (revealing its winking asshole) every time you walk behind it? Pikachu: Honestly, my trainer is clueless... I had to crawl in his sleeping bag and nuzzle his crotch while he's asleep to get what I wanted.
Question: Futa!Flannery how do you make sure your Rapidash behaves? Is it true you're also bigger than your average Rapidash stud? Flannery: Oh, I just need to give that piping hot marehood a good rutting every evening and my Rapidash remains a total sweetie... She does tend to give any Rapidash stallions who try to mount her a buck to the balls for not having the girth to satisfy her...
Question: Misty how did you react when you walked to Ash's tent only to catch him plowing Pikachu silly? Misty: I was surprised at first, but when Pikachu noticed me staring, he stuck out his tongue and let out a whine that seemed to beg me to join them...He's quite good with his tongue... and he can make me tingle head to toe without even touching me thanks to his electricity... and he's surprisingly well endowed for such a little guy...
Question: Futa Sabrina is it true after Leaf beat you that you grabbed her and fucked her behind the gym? Leaf: Oh, she plowed me right there in her arena... though she lost to my pussy even harder than her pokemon lost to mine... Question: Leaf, how did you react to being raped by Sabrina? How did you react when you found out you were pregnant? Leaf: Oh, I was begging her for more by the time she was reaching her first climax... and by the time I was done milking her cock, she was begging for mercy... quite happy about the pregnancy... though Sabrina is a bit intimidated by how carrying her child has made me even hornier...
Question: Futa Cynthia, is it true that your old friends with Johanna and you told her you planned to fuck her daughter if she ever set foot in the pokemon league champion room win or lose? Cynthia: Oh, not just old friends... I'm actually the one who planted Dawn in Johanna's womb, and when I told her I intend to reward our daughter for reaching me by fucking her silly, Johanna's reply was that she expected nothing less from an Alpha Futa such as myself.
Question: Gary Oak, how did you find out your long time rival, Ash Ketchum, has a 2 inch micro penis? Does Ash know about all the times you've fucked his travelling companions, or his Mom, with your big, thick cock? What's your favourite time you've cucked Ash? Gary: Oh, Ashy's mom spilled the beans... Not only is Ashy barely a man, but he takes after his deadbeat dad and his mom had no idea cocks could get bigger than two ro three inches until she saw mine.
Question: Hey, Ash. Don't you think it's so unfair that May's little brother, Max, has such a big penis? Do you ever get jealous watching women hit on someone so much younger then you, just because he's got a huge bulge in his shorts? Maybe you should try padding your bulge to compensate for your micro penis? Max: Honestly, I'm not sure Ash even realizes that girls are constantly hitting on me and mistaking him for a tomboy.
Question: I hear that Rika was stuck on Renamon's gigantic futa cock for a solid week, thanks to her knot. What was it like for the both of you? Renamon: I had to carry Rika everywhere and limit my liquid intake, but the discomfort was more than worth the bonding experience between me and my tamer... she did have to miss school and we weren't able to fight many digimon... and by the time her passage had loosened enough to let my partially deflated knot pop out, I had inflated her womb quite extensively...
Question: May, has any Pokemon ever tried to fuck you through those tight little bike shorts? They must smell you all the time through them since you're always wearing them no matter where you go. They show off the lines of your pussy to everyone. May: Oh, that's the biggest reason I wear such stretchy shorts... back when I wore normal panties, they were always getting shredded by random wild pokemon, my dad's pokemon, or pokemon of other trainers passing through Petalburg thinking I'd make a good mate... It was either shorts made of the stretchiest material I could find or going commando.
Question: Cynthia, how did you go about convincing Dawn to have sex with your Garchomp? Is it true your Garchomp has two cocks? Cynthia: Yes, Garchomp tend to have a pair of hemipenes... and Dawn was curious how my Garchomp compared to when she got spitroasted by Dialga and Palkia up on the Spear Pillar...
Question: So, Impmon, how shocked were you to find out that Takato was packing a bitch-breaker that put some of the bigger Digimon you've seen to shame? Were you up to the task of deep-throating it to the base, or did you take Takato's alternative offer to let you digivolve into Bellestarmon and give him a titjob, in exchange for allowing Kazu and Kenta to join in for a foursome? Impmon: I didn't think humans could get that hung... and its a good thing Gogglehead let me digivolve as I'm pretty sure that thing would have scattered my data to the winds in this adorable, little form... thankfully, his two stooges are more typical... Question: About how many guys wound up using you during your week spent tied up at Rumiko's workplace for what Rika called "onahole duty"? You were only asked to serve one afternoon, but do you honestly buy that Rika just forgot, or do you think she left you there for a week on purpose? Impmon: I'm almost positive she did it on purpose, and I lost count after the first few hours, but it was actually rather enjoyable, so I ain't gonna call her on it. Question: At least Henry's request was pretty tame. How good does it feel to just have a night of nice, casual, vanilla sex with a moderately well-hung partner after all the kinky requests and giant dicks you've been subjected to over the course of this endeavor? And how much would it suck if Terriermon was planning to ruin it by sneaking up behind you and pounding your asshole like a jackhammer? Impmon: Was a nice change of pace... and the kid had his smart mouthed rabbit on a short leash for once... or rather, had turned him over to that little girl in the tight pants that tamed the more polite of the rabbits.
Question: Dawn and Cynthia: What exactly happened during your big title match, last month? I mean, everyone tuning in saw your Garchomp and Lucario Mega Evolve, then suddenly seem to go berserk, refuse their orders, and then drag both of you into the arena, where they proceeded to forcibly ravage you both in front of a live crowd of thousands of people on live TV. But, any clues yet as to what actually caused it? On a related note, how have both of you been doing since then? Both in regards to your personal lives, and your relationships with your Pokemon? *Dawn and Cynthia are too busy recieving their daily breeding from their respective megas to respond.* question: Well, Dr. [EMPLOYEE NAME REDACTED] of Silph Co., was this the intended result of the new, experimental Poke-drug you snuck into Dawn and Cynthia's Pokemon food at the Sinnoh League, or would you say that more R&D is required? And are there any similar experiment results you'd like to share, while we're on the topic? *The female researcher, along with several of her colleagues, are in the middle of an orgy with an assortment of Mega-evolved Pokemon, including both Charizard X and Y, Mega Blaziken, Mega Blastoise, Mega Venusaur, a futa Mega Gardevoir, and a mega Gallade among others.
Question: BelialVamdemon, what do you feel about fact that Digidestined of Light (who killed you previously) is now mistress of your harem? Belial Vamdemon: revenge is sweet... especially when it comes in the form of getting to ravage the one responsible for my prior defeat...
Question: Mimi, what do you feel after deciding to stay in Digital World and become Geckomons' sex slave, instead returning to Real World (after Apocalymon's defeatt)? Mimi: Oh, now that there's no threat of evil digimon, living in the lap of luxury with the Geckomon is even better... and the way they use their cocks and tongues to make me feel good is incredible. Question: Geckomons, how do you feel after "your princess" informed you that she decided to stay, instead returning to her world, after "fulfilling her destiny"? Geckomon: Its been great, especially now that her biggest demand is that we fuck her regularly...
Question: Rika, Rumiko and Seiko, are true rumors that your house is full of "hidden" cameras that constantly record your life (and completely naked bodies)? Rumiko: Oh, its completely true, and its easily the most lucrative part of my job as a model... though I haven't yet told Rika about her contribution to the family fortunes...
Question: Sabrina what did you do to Misty when you had her in your dollhouse? I think she didn't have a cock before. Will she suffer any lasting effects? Little Sabrina: Oh, when I first started playing with Misty, I wasn't sure if she was a boy or a girl, so I had to undress her... but when I found out she was a girl that kind of acts like a boy, it only seemed natural to give her a boy's thing to go with her girl parts... I had lots of fun making Misty play with Mommy like Daddy did before he got mean and started scaring off potential playmates... it was also a lot of fun when I decided to try giving myself a boy's thing and playing with Misty myself like a Daddy is supposed to play with a Mommy... Big Sabrina: Um... I think my younger half might have ended up not only putting a daughter in Misty... but made Misty put a sister in my mother...
Question: Lilithmon (in this case Dark Biomerge Evolution form of Hikari and Gatomon), How do you think about that army of LadyDevimon that joined you after you defeated Piedmon? Lilithmon: Oh, a Dark Queen needs her dark ladies in waiting... certainly helps with not having to soil my hands with Machomons who think they have a chance of dethroning their new queen...
Question: naruto/digimon tamers crossover question: so rika what sexy halloween costumes did you along with renamon,jeri,guilgalmon [[ female Guilmon, picture a sexy female anthro version of guilmon ]], terra [[ a female version of takato ]] decide to wear to seduce your boyfriend naruto? Rika: Oh, most of the human girls went with various flavors of foxgirl... and Renamon went with a Miko outfit...
Question: so hikari and gatomon how did it feel to watch BelialVamdemon and his forces a week after taking conquering the human world, get beaten and deleted by a mear human adult [[ adult naruto ]] as if he [[ BelialVamdemon ]] was a mear new born baby digimon, and he seperated you two [[ undid the dark biomerge evolution ]] and turned you both along with the females in BelialVamdemon harem [[ both human and digimon ]] and his army into his [[ naruto's ]] harem, by putting fuinjutsu [[ seals ]] on you? Hikari: Oh, I'm quite greatful to Master Naruto for freeing me from that Vampire creep... and it feels quite nice when he lets Kurama out to fuck Gatomon and me with those sinfully delightful tails...
Question: Jeri, that's a very slutty costume you are wearing, did you pick it out? Are you bored helping to serve at your father's restaurant? Seems like it involves not only taking the drinks and food to the patrons, but also sexual services. How long have you been helping out with the sexual side? And how did you lose your virginity? Also, can you tell some of the customers apart from their cock or pussy, since most of them are wearing costumes? Juri: Oh, I've been giving the regulars at Papa's restaurant special services ever since Papa popped my cherry on my seventh birthday... swapping out the usual maid outfit with teh short skirt that is the uniform for his waitresses for the succubus get up is a once a year thing though... Oh, and the men make a little game of it, if I can't tell who's behind the mask just from how their cocks stretch my pussy, then everyone at the table gets a free round of sake... and Papa gives me a spank for every free bottle of sake the men earn... I win most of the time, which means they have to tip me double, but don't tell Papa, but I sometimes play dumb just so Papa will spank me for being a nughty girl...
Question: Renamon, you seem to be taking full advantage of all the people wearing costumes to be about without being recognize. Are you enjoying being one of the crowd? Also, you seem to really like being dragged into a group of men and being gangbang, are you worry this might come back on you? or Rika? Renamon: It's quite liberating to be able to hide in plain sight instead of having to stick to the shadows... and getting to seduce human men and letting them think they're taking advantage of some naive girl in a fox costume is quite enjoyable.
Question: Kari, how does it feel being able to sneak into this part of the party? And did you really have to strip naked under this costume, when you switched into it? Also, does it feel good being touched all over your body by these teenagers? Kari: *Giggling* It feels so naughty to get to play with big kids like this. Question: Tai, how does it feel being invited to this part of this party by that teen girl? And how does it feel to get a BJ by her? Is she hotter than Sora? Do you think Kari is having fun back on the other side of the party? Also their seems to be a little girl hanging between two teen boys, being spit-roasted by them. It seems like theirs two lines starting for the little girls pussy and mouth. Are you going to join one of the lines after resting up, once you cum inside the teen girls mouth? Tai: Not sure why they let a little girl over here, especially when she looks to be no older than Hikari, but I bet her little pussy must be super tight...
Question: Solana, is it true that part of a Pokémon Ranger's job is to protect trainers from being sexually assaulted by wild Pokémon during their mating season? If so, is it also true that some branches have their Rangers volunteer to serve in special "stress relief" stations to help keep the wild Pokémon satisfied so that they don't feel the need to attack trainers? Of course, no system is perfect. How many trainers, and even your own Rangers have you personally had to rescue from Pokémon breeding dens over the last few months? And do you have any tips on how to avoid such a fate, based on your own experience? Salana: Oh, raping trainers is a quite common outcome when a wild Pokemon beats a trainer's entire team, especially if the trainer is female, the wild Pokemon is male, and the pokemon barely took any damage during the battle... and especially during mating season... Some pokephiles join the ranger corps just to serve as whores for wild Pokemon, but its still rare I go a month without finding at least one female trainer who got in over her head and ended up with her belly bloated with pokeseed during my regular rounds... And if she's attacked by a pokemon in the field or human-like egg groups, it isn't uncommon that she ends up pregnant... Fortunately, its fairly rare for a Pokemon to drag a conquest back to their den, though it does occasionally happen with some of the larger pack species of Pokemon. Kitten: I haven't played the Ranger games and don't recall much from the anime's depictions of Pokemon Rangers, if I've even seen those episodes, so I'm mostly going off the Ranger NPC class from the main series games.
Question: TK, is it true that despite being the youngest your sperm is the most potent out of all the human Digidestined? Who was the first girl you knocked up with your lucky seed? Sora: I'm not sure if it was Mimi or me that TK shot down first, but we both ended up milking his precocious prick the first night he came to us wishing for his mother to comfort him... heck, I'm not sure any of the older boys have hit spermarch yet... and Hikari was starting to plump up by the time we were done with the Dark Masters... while we were working on #2 thanks to the months we spent in the Digital world after Tai and MetalGreymon were gone...
Question: Mimi and Sora, how's your typical day as Etemon's two favorite concubines? Are you happy servicing his giant monkey dick in-between laying the Digi-Eggs he's put inside you, or are you still plotting to take your crests back from him and save the digital world, some day? King Etemon: Oh, these two cuties are so enamored with my Kingly cock, they've sworn their partners to be two of my main enforcers... and they've let out enough love and Sincerity servicing me that not only have their partners digivolved to make decent enforcers, but I've gotten this glorious shiny new skin worthy of my greatness! And besides, Lilymon is pretty hot as well.
Question: Zoey, how's prostituting yourself to various Digimon to cover the gang's travel expenses in the Digital World going? Has anyone ever commented how your exotic, human pre-teen pussy compares to Digimon pussy? What's the biggest customer you've ever taken? Zoey: Oh, its been going swimmingly... And Ranamon's former fanclub makes for an endless supply of potential clients since she's been blue balling them ever since Cherubimon first went rogue and I'm actually nice to them and willing to put out... And Fairymon and Shutumon are pretty popular as well... the biggest I've taken was probably that Panjyamon...
question: Jeri, how do you feel about spying on Leomon's threesome with Rika and Renamon the other night? As his tamer, how do you plan to prove you're a better partner for him than any other Digi-slut? Juri: Oh, I thought Rika was my friend, so I'm quite upset she would betray me like that... not sure what to do... maybe I can seduce Takato or Guilmon into distracting those sluts while I show Leomon how much better a lover I am...
Question: So, Dawn, congrats on making the Top 10 in Sinnoh's annual Poké-Pornstar popularity poll. Out of your three biggest hit movies, which one's your favorite: "Knot of the Living Were-Arcanine," "Lady Lopunny VS the Mighty Machamp Brothers," or "My Boyfriend's a Ditto 3: Journey of Self(-cest) Discovery? Dawn: Oh, squeezing into that Lopunny fursuit and getting double teamed by a pair of Machamp was a lot of fun, totally worth nearly having my shoulders and hips dislocated as they stretched me out. Question: I'm personally a fan of darker stuff, so I felt your appearance on "Bad-End Trainer Tales," where you played a young lady getting lost in the woods and becoming a brood-mother for an entire colony of Ariados, was criminally underrated. How do you manage to keep your form so petite and tight after incubating and laying that many eggs, anyways? Do you just have a really good personal trainer/regimen, or was some of the more extreme stuff handled by the special effects team and/or stunt-Ditto's? Dawn: Oh, The first ariados really got to lay its eggs in my womb and the tail end of the laying scene was me laying those eggs, But my costar from the Ditto boyfriend Trilogy handled the other two dozen Ariados giving her a blimp belly from all those eggs and handled most of the laying. Question: I hear you're helping the Unovan Champion Iris get into the Poké-Porn industry by giving her a co-starring role in your next Lady Lopunny movie, "Super-Whores Against the Hypno Horde," where she'll be making her debut as your titular heroine's new sidekick, Gible-Gal. Care to give your fans at home a special, behind-the-scenes look at how filming's going? Dawn: Oh, Iris is taking quite well to her gible-inspired costume and the several dozen bullet vibrators sewn into it at strategic positions... She hasn't quite got the hang of resisting the Hypno's Hypnosis enough to deliver her lines begging Lady Lopunny to rescue her hapless sidekick before the Hypno raping her creampies her chocolate cunny and knocks her up... Though she's providing plenty of excellent footage as a completely enthralled cum dump for the Hypno's pokeprick.
question: So, Leaf, that "Leomon" guy has been doing a great job looking out for you after Porygon accidentally trapped you all alone in the Digital World. You think maybe it would be a good idea to... show him how much you appreciate him? (Watch out, though; I hear powerful bonds between humans and Digimon can cause unexpected bursts in evolution... Leaf: Oh, he was already big as a Leomon... he nearly split me in two when he suddenly evolved into SaberLeomon while balss deep inside me and in the process of cumflating my belly... It was quite a relief when he ran out of energy and reverted to an Elecmon... Strange how these Digimon don't permanently evolve...
Question: Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny. Not many people know this, but the small rural town of Twinleaf is one of the few secluded hedonist-nudist settlements in Sinnoh. Were you surprised by the town's lack of clothing or public decency when you were first assigned to this town? Or did you know already and volunteer to be here? If so, was there any competition among the Jennies and Joys to be appointed to nudism towns such as Twinleaf or Celestic town? Joy: I heard such places existed, but I thought they were just rumors until I got assigned to this undersized Pokemon Center... Jenny: Honestly, I've been trying to get an appointment in one of these towns for years. Question: Dawn is a Futanari.) Dawn, you grew up in a town where people only wear clothes when it gets too cold for humans, as they don't have fur or other ways of keeping themselves warm. Did you feel constricted whenever you had to wear clothes to go out of town with your mom for groceries, medical check-ups, and such things? Any urge to get undressed in the middle of the Sandgem town Pokemart? Dawn: I'm constantly having to remind myself to keep my clothes on... and to not yank down a girl's panties and ram my cock up her pussy whenever I see a cute girl bend down to retrieve something from a low shelf...
Question: Duplica: Is it true that you've taught your partner Ditto how to transform into a double of yourself, albeit with the addition of a male's penis for some intimate bonding time together? In addition, have you ever tried having Ditto transform to have the phallus of various different Pokémon rather than a human's, from the particularly large to the more weirdly shaped? Duplica: Actually, turning into a gender swapped version of their mate is normal mating behavior for Ditto... Getting Ditto to keep a pussy instead of going full Duplico was the hard part... and Minidit ends up looking like I did in Kindergarten... And while both can match a pokeprick perfectly given a model to transform into, neither can manage a human form without assuming a human penis...
Question: Jasmine (Female) & Janina (Johto Arc, Futa) As mentor to your young apprentice Janina, have you've taken the responsibility of educating her in sex after discovering a rather sizeable stiffy hiding beneath her dress? Have you found her to be capable of penetrating your ironclad-tight pussy with ease thanks to her rock-hard girlcock? Furthermore, does she often tend to have trouble keeping her libido under control whenever you're on duty as Gym Leader? Jasmine: Oh, she has quite impressive stamina... Even when I'm going all out on my kegels, she can go hours before erupting her molten seed within my cast iron womb... and I'm not sure I've ever seen her soft... Question:the Twins Trainer Class (Both Futa, Is it true that in additional to being super close as siblings, the pair of you also share a much more passionate bond with each other? Are you always willing to help each other out whenever either of you grows hard down below? Furthermore, do you also enjoy getting your partner Pokémon to join in on the love-making as well? Meg: We love using our girl parts to wash each other's boy parts when we bathe together, and Spitroasting Teddiursa is a ton of fun... Teddiursa likes our boy milk almost as much as she likes Honey... Peg: and Phanpy likes using her trunk like a flexible boy thing... Sometimes I'll have my boy thing in Meg's girlhole and Phanpy will stick her trunk up my girl hole while sucking Meg's boy thing. Amy: Me and Liv have an agreement, whenever one of our wurmples uses harden, we just lift the other's dress and stuff our wurmple in the other's skitty without asking. Liv: Of course, by the time Amy's wurmple uses string shot in my skitty, my wurmple is fully hardened and aching to string shot in Amy's skitty. Amy: And sometimes our Wurmples use harden at the same time... Sometimes we play Rock-Paper-Scissors to decide who gets to stuff her wurmple in the other's skitty... Liv: and sometimes, We use Plusle and Minun, though their chuchus are really tight and our wurmples won't fit if they've used too many hardens...though string shotting in Plusle and Minun and the way we tingle when they thundershock around our wurmples feels amazing. Jen & Kira: One of our favorite games is to have our Flareon, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Espeon, and Umbreon line up,, start at opposite ends of the line-up and see who can make three of our Pokemon cum first... and whoever Wins gets to dominate the loser... We hoping we can hatch a few more female Eevee and journey to Sinnoh to get a Leafeon and Glaceon and teach one a Fairy-type move to evolve into Silveon... Teri: Pichu and Clefa like our milk even more than the Moomoo Milk from the Cafe Cabin! They'll even pop out of their Pokeballs and crawl under our skirts to start sucking at our tips without asking. Tia: We also like playing hide-and-seek in the extra tall grass, with whoever can sneak up on the other getting to stuff our milk maker in the other's lower mouth. Kitten: I've decided to postpone responses to the questions for the Tuber and PokeKid NPCs.