Question: Renamon, after catching Rika getting plowed by that young American businessman have you tried to join in? Business Man: Oh, the little slut was more than eager to introduce me to her foxy friend. *Jackhammering into the prone digital fox, the vulpine panting like a bitch in heat.* She did put up more resistent than the girl, but we quickly convinced her it would be lots of fun for her to join us.
Question: Gary Oak, have you ever had any female Pokemon try and get bred by you after seeing your massive cock? Gary: I don't advertise the fact, but my Eevee is actually a rare female and was nuzzling me like she would a mate pretty much from the time I got her... Giving in to her desires was actually what triggered her evolution into Umbreon...
Question: Officer Jenny is it true that the reason you and your Arcanine work so well together is because every night he fucks you like your a bitch in heat? Jenny: *Sweat dropping.* Well, its supposed to be a family secret, but nearly every girl in the family is given a growlithe pup when we start school, and most of us end up letting our furry partners mount, knot, and flood our insides with their hot seed... and most of the Jeenies who get a female growlithe end up lesbian... I'm one of the few brave enough to use a fire stone, but I've never regreted it.
Question: Rika and Renamon, were you shocked to learn that not only does Guilmon have a massive cock and sex drive, but that Takato can match his partner in size stamina? Takato: Renamon wasn't all that surprised by Guilmon's prowess at first, but Ruki didn't believe I could keep pace with him... and well... Renamon: *Gasping for air and clawing at the ground in an effort to get away as Guilmon continues to rut the digital fox.* Ruki: *Passed out on the old mattress Takato dragged to Guilmon's hut, tummy bulged slightly from a cum-filled womb and a messy creampie pouring from her well-fucked pussy, her hair matted with sweat and her usual scowl replaced with a blissed out smile. Takato: She's actually kind of cute when she smiles... I just hope she doesn't aim for the balls when she comes to...
Question: Zoe, is it true you beat Ranamon by getting her addicted to your thick futa cock? Shutumon: Turns out the little cocktease was a virgin with no stamina, having never made good on any of the promises she made to get horny digimon to do her bidding... Had her begging me to fuck her forever within a minute of popping her cherry...
Question: Palmon, Biyomon, and Gatomon, in your individual opinions which of your digimon teammates has the best cock? Biyomon: Agumon's scaling dino dick is the best! Palmon: No way, definitely Gabumon and that knot of his. Gatomon:You're both wrong, Patamon's the best lover. Biyomon: But he's so small! Gatomon: And what Patamon lacks in size, he makes up for in speed and stamina. *The three continue to argue long into the night.
Question: Hey Jeri I heard you and Rika were helping out an old obese woman clean her house as some sort of after school program.....just exactly when did you find out she was a Futa? Juri: *Blushing.* The first sign was when we did laundry and found panties that looked like a sock had been sewn to the front... Curiosity got the better of us, and she revealed the sock-like attachment was to hold her massive girlcock!
Question: Ash Ketchum, With all your League Traveling, you must beat off an awful lot. With how small your penis is, do you use some kind of special Poke-Sex Toys to jerk off with? Or do you just tug the little thing between two fingers? Pikachu: Half the time, he just smears ketchup on his crotch and has me lick him clean... I keep telling myself I'm not going to indulge him, but I just can't bring myself to let good ketchup go to waste!
Question: Misty, May, & Dawn, Okay, so the boy you liked for so long ended up having a micropenis. How'd you each blow off steam after you found out? Strip Club, Glory Hole, Gang-Bang, PokeDick? How'd you deal with all that pent up sexual frustration that Ash wouldn't be able to handle for you? Misty: I ended up taking my frustrations out on Psyduck... It's some weird, corkscrewy thing, but it turns out his cock makes up for his major drowning skills and inability to fight unless his opponents give him a concussion first... May: Hate sex with Drew. He's a smug prick most of the time, but at least he has a prick. Dawn: Cynthia tried to cheer me up by taking me to a Glory hole... When she secretly arranged things so she'd be on the opposite side of the wall... Turns out she's a futa and I'm now effectively her little wife and living onnahole...
So, Max, Ash's harem is otherwise all girls and dickgirls (your sister May in the latter group as well), so your inclusion is a bit of a weird one. That is, until we found out you have a dripping pussy instead of a cock! How did Ash discover your little shota cunt, and how does he like it compared to the others in his harem? Is there anything you like having done to your pussy above all else? Ash: Little Maxine is probably the tightest pussy I've ever had,, though Molly might contest that...
Ash, not only do you have a harem of girls you met along the way, you also like to give it hard to your mother Delia whenever you return home to Pallet Town for a visit! What kind of stuff do you do with your mom, and does anyone else get involved? Delia: Oh, I made sure to give my Ash a thorough, hands-on education before he ever set out... and naturally, we have threesomes whenever he brings a girl home...
Hey, Rika, great news! I hack- uh... MODIFIED your digivice so that Sakuyamon maintains your loli stature and proportions when you Biomerge! Y'know, to trade strength for agility, and... stuff. Well, don't thank me yet, because there's still a few kinks to work out. Like how in trying to prevent untimely de-digivolutions mid-fight, I may have actually made it impossible for you to separate, at all. Or how there's some kind of coding bug causing your body to emit a potent, aphrodisiac-like aura that affects any male or futa Digimon within 3 city blocks. Or how I had to lower your power to around Rookie-level while I was working, and haven't quite gotten around to putting it back, yet... Y'know, I probably should have told you all this before you two took off to fight that horde of Ogremon and Kinkakumon that appeared downtown, but... eh, you can handle it, right? LoliSakuyamon: *Fox mask missing, hair in a mess, and body suit shredded as the Ogremon pass her around like a communal onnahole.*
Question: Are Genderswapped AU's allowed? I saw Trap Iris on here, so I'm assuming this one's okay. Kitten: Genderbending is AOK by me... Also good with turning boys into futa instead of that being restricted to females and canonically neuter, but feminine characters(At least in the Tamers Continuity, all digimon are canonically without sex, even the ones that are obviously a humanoid man or woman under their costume, so doing anything with digimon is adding genitalia or something...
Question: Hey, Jeri, is it true you and Impmon finally buried the hatchet? And by "the hatchet," I of course mean "your massive girldick," and by "buried," I of course mean over and over again into her pint-sized digi-holes until you felt satisfied enough to forgive her. If so, how long did it take, and what was your favorite moment? Juri: Oh, I actually forgave her quite some time ago, but having that sinfully snug snatch of hers wrapped around my dick and milking it just feels too good to stop.
Question: Impmon, I hear Guilmon's next on your list of "apologies." How's that going? Impmon: Pineapple head's a bit dimwitted, but if nothing else, he knows how to use that dino dick of his to give a girl a good dicking...
Question: Renamon, what do you have planned for Impmon when it's your turn with her? Hopefully something more creative than just marathon sex, I mean she is your best (Digimon) friend, after all. (Whether or not Renamon has a dick for this one, I'll leave up to you) Renamon: I've been training with my speed a lot recently... My goal is that by the time Impmon comes to me to make amends for her misdeeds... that I'll be fast enough to alternate between her holes so rapidly that I fool her into feeling like she's being gang banged by three of me.
Question: Hey, Renamon. You and Impmon like to mix things up quite a bit, but which of the following is your favorite: subbing to Impmon, domming Impmon, subbing to Beelzemon, or domming Beelzemon? Renamon: Hmmm... I'd say it's a toss up between Dominating Impmon an being Dominated by Beelzemon. Question: Impmon, same questions, but from the opposite perspective, obviously. Impmon: I like being in charge, but since Foxy is such a natural switch, I often let her take charge while I'm small and then pay her back double after Digivolving. Question: Rika, you've joined in at least a handful of times, but of course, you're always in charge, so I won't waste your time by asking. Instead, I'll ask if you prefer threesomes in human form, or biomerging with Renamon into Sakuyamon to spice things up. And also, which form you prefer Impmon in, for both. Ruki: Threesomes are better with Impmon, but I prefer Sakuyamon for handling Beelzemon... though I'll sometimes spy on Beelzemon dominating Renamon only to barge in,, Biomerge and turn the tables on the Demon Lord.
Question: Cynthia, I heard you swore off Human cock for Dragon Pokemon cock because they are bigger, thicker, and are more copious in amount. So how did you feel when you first saw Dawn's perfect cock? Was it love at first sight? Dawn: *Plowing a very pregnant Cynthia.* I don't believe in love at first sight, but it was definitely lust at first sight on her part, and I've been enjoying the high of cucking an Alpha Dragon like her garchomp...
Question: (Johanna and Dawn are both futanari.) Miss Johanna, when you retired from your pregnancy, you returned to your hometown of Twinleaf town. A secret haven for nudists, pokemon lovers, and pure hedonists. You did all that for your child can have an ideal upbringing and education. Now that she is all grown up and on her pokemon journey, do you think you raised her right as a strong pokemon trainer and a hedonistic pervert? Johanna: Oh, I think I did just fine... not sure the rest of Sinnoh is ready for my baby though. Question: (Dawn is a futanari) Dawn, is it true that you thought your mother was joking when she told you people outside of Twinleaf town don't walk around naked outside? You must've had quite a shock when you saw all those people in clothes in Jubilife city. Dawn: It was quite a shock... I thought clothes were just some weird fiction they made up for television, then I met people who wear them in real life! Miss Johanna, Miss Fantina, Cynthia, and Dawn! Summer is almost over, and this is your last shot at having a beach day! Since you four are hung futanari, do you tuck in your cocks when you go out on the beach? Or, since you four are famous and everyone with a working libido knows about your cocks, do you let them flaunt? Also, what are your choices in swimwear? One-piece swimsuits, a bikini, or an unexpected third thing? Johanna: Oh, I favor a slimming black one-piece with a cock sock to show off my erection. Fantina: I go for stylishly wrapping a ribbon around my magnificent body, just strategically concealing enough for modesty's sake. Dawn: I'm the least used to showing off my girlcock, so I tuck and I prefer a cute, ruffly bikini that matches my hair... Cynthia: I abuse my authority as Regional Grand Champion to declare whatever beach I'm on a clothing optional beach... and then strut around in all of my considerable glory. Question: (Continuation of the last question) Miss Johanna. You still get dozens of wolf whistles when you are at the beach. Do you tease them just for the fun of it? Or to kindle some jealousy in Miss Fantina's heart so she would fuck you for hours in bed? Johanna: *Coyly* Yes. Question: Dawn and Miss Johanna, did you two ever play the mother-daughter card to get a quick fuck at the beach? Dawn: Oh, we don't stop there... We've come close to starting riots by riling up the Milfers and the Lolicons until they're ready to ravage us... Whichever group of horny males win, my mom and I are the real winners...
Question: Misty, May, Max, Dawn, and Iris. When you first laid your eyes on Ash, his good looks and that humongous package between his legs compelled you to travel with him. But even after learning Ash's disinterest/oblivion in romance or sex, you kept traveling with him. Are the rumors true that you stayed with him because you five got addicted to being fucked and creampied by Pikachu in all of your holes? Misty: *Eyes glazed over.* Oh, that Pikachu is a regular Pikapimp! He's packing a quarter of what his trainer is at best, but damn if that horny mouse doesn't know how to use it... and with agility, he's practically a one rodent gang bang... and he knows just how to deliver the right amount of juice to leave you tingling from head to toe... He can even make me cum just from brushing his tial against my leg and delivering a quick jolt in just the right place... *THe others nod in agreement to Misty's words.
Question: Mimi and Sora, how did you react the first time you found out that a unwanted digi-creampie knocked you up, and how did you feel as your pre-teen belly swelled up and your budding titties filled up with milk? Did you give birth to digi-eggs or live baby digimon? Sora: I totally freaked out at first,, especially with how rocky my own relationship with my mother is... The prospect of motherhood still doesn't set well with me, though at least digimon don't seem to be helpless for nearly as long as a human baby would be...did feel rather uncomfortable with how my growing chest and belly through off my balance... and for better or worse, it turns out that being mated by a digimon causes humans to lay eggs... Mimi: I was a bit worried about getting fat at first, but once I realized what a cute, possibly fluffy and squishy baby I'd probably end up having, I couldn't wait to meet my baby... the laying was unpleasant, but I can't help cooing over my little sweetums when they come to mama for milk... Question: Mimi and Sora, during your first time trapped in the digital world, how many times did feral or villainous digimon force you to have their digi-babies? Which digimon captured you and got you pregnant over and over until you were rescued, and how many offspring did you pop out for them? Sora: I've lost track of how many digimon have tried to have their way with me, but the worst was probably the way Datamon was probing me with all of those cables, trying to figure out how to *air quotes* optimize my uterus's output, whatever he meant by that, the way he was talking, it sounded like he wanted to use me to breed himself an army of loyal minions... Mimi: I don't think captured is the right word, but during my time playing princess for the Geckomon, I did enjoy how often one of the little cuties came to my bed... Lost count of how many eggs the Geckomon had caused me to lay by the time I joined up with the others again and had to leave my loving subjects behind... Though, now that Myotismon is toast and we're heading back to the digital world, I can't wait to introduce Hikari to the wonders of digidick! Comment: As you might guess from my questions, I'm a big fan of your Izumi and Ranamon story, and your writing style in general, and I hope you keep putting out quality loli work. Kitten: Glad you've enjoyed my work... perhaps I'll try to finish the Sequel to Izumi and Ranamon once I'm done with the Halloween Project I'm working on...
Question: Lilithmon (in this case Dark Biomerge Evolution form of Hikari and Gatomon), What do feel about betraying Digigestined, and helping BelialVamdemon take over both Human and Digital Worlds in exchange for becoming Mistress of his harem (made of other female Digidestined, their Digimon and their mothers)? Lilithmon: *Gatomon dominant* I forgot how much fun it was to be a naughty kitty... *Hikari Dominant* And it's liberating to not have to be a goody two-shoes all the time and worried about the feelings of others. *Balanced* Being bad feels so good, and we can't wait to help the new Dark Master in corrupting all those other whores who fail to comprehend his majesty! Question: Rika and Rumiko. Is it true that you allow your photographer to free use you for a hour after each modelling session? Rumiko: Oh, it's probably my favorite fringe benefit of the job... Ruki was a bit reluctant at first, but after I gave the men permission to be insistant with her, she grew to love it and is now eager to join me for photoshoots.
Question: Rika, Are the rumors true that you decided to stay as Sakuyamon in Digital World permanently, so you can be fucked by powerful Digimon everytime someone manages to defeat you? Sakuyamon: It's boring dominating weaklings who won't even fight back, and no one in the Real World is even willing to challenge us, much can actually put us in our place...
Question: Impmon, Ai, and Mako, is it true that the reason you were partnered up because all three of you are dominant hardcore sexual deviants who started fucking within seconds of meeting each other? Impmon: Oh yes, don't let their innocent faces fool ya, the twins were fucking like bunnies on crack when I first met them and they quicly dragged me in... I split partly because I needed a break from the constant sex, but mostly because they couldn't quite grasp that there's enough Impmon to go around.