Question: Iris, we know you're the first of Ash's harem to be a trap rather than a girl, but does he mind that much? Of course, your ass is actually the biggest out of all of his babes, but does he just focus on that while ignoring your cock and flat chest, or does he love all of your traits? Iris: Ash doesn't mind at all, he's even as eager to suck on my cock and balls as he is to eat out the girls and not shy about being on the recieving end of anal... and the other girls like it when Ash and I double team them...
Question: May, ever since your breasts grew to the size of watermelons, has the impromptu lactation affected your life much? I've heard your little brother Max is a big fan of your milk, would you care to elaborate on your relationship with him? I've heard he's got something big in his pants, especially considering his age. May: Oh, Max loves milking me, sometimes to the point you can hear my milk sloshing in his distended stomach... as for what he's packing in those shorts... well, let's say he'd make Slaking feel insecure if he wasn't too lazy to be bothered... and he always has plenty of cream to give me in return for all the milk... more than enough to glaze my melons or to bloat my belly with cream as much as I bulge his with milk...
Question: May, it's interesting that both you and your brother Max have exceptionally large cocks. May I ask who of the two of you is bigger and how big you both are? Also, we know that you quite like your brother's cock in your pussy or ass already, but I've also heard a rumour that he's a fan of having your dick in his tight ass too. Would you care to comment on the kind of antics you two get up to with your cocks? May: Oh, mine is bigger overall, but if we aren't doing a direct comparison, his looks bigger since he's still so short and scrawny... he might even surpass me once he grows up, not a small task for a boy... Oh, and I think he enjoys getting fucked as much as he enjoys doing the fucking, though he'll swear up and down he only lets me fuck his ass because it would be unfair to leave my cock unmilked.
Question: Misty, May, & Dawn: I hear the reason each of you got over your crush on Ash, was because you found out about his undersized "Caterpie". How did each of you find out about his tiny dick? Misty: Calling it a caterpie is being awfully generous... Anyways, I tried copping a feel while we were enjoying a day at the beach, thinking such a direct move might get through his thick skull... and basically felt nothing... Had to drag him behind some rocks and yank down his trunks to confirm I hadn't been crushing on a reverse trap all that time. May: He lost his towel while at the Lavaridge hot springs... it was the co-ed public springs, so I got to look at what little there was to see... Dawn: My revelation happened similar to May's, but it was at a Sauna up in Snowpoint.
Question: Yo, Ash. Rumor has it most of your hook-ups end poorly, thanks to your micropenis. Do most girls turn you down politely when you whip it out, or is there alot more laughter & mockery involved? And how often do they talk about Gary Oak's foot-long Rapidash Dong? Ash: Huh, what are you talking about? -
Question: Delia Ketchum, I've heard you're quite the Size Queen, you like a dick that's Long & Thick. What's the biggest you can take, and what's the smallest you're willing to go? And what Pokemon types do you find are most likely to satisfy your need for a huge cock? Delia: Oh, I think the largest was that time Professor Oak let me spend some time with his grandson's Rapidash... Anything less than about a foot and I can barely feel it... Question: Oh yeah, I was told you might be a futanari. If so, do you share the same "short comings" as your Son? Would you fuck someone your size, or laugh them out of your bedroom? Delia: Oh, I'm a bit on the small size for a Futanari, but I'm still larger than most human men... I never told Ash, but I'm actually both his mother and father, having experimented with self-penetration in my youth and getting a bit too excited... He must of gotten a double whammy, inheriting genes for smaller cocks from both my sperm and egg... Kitten: The author confesses to having no idea how the genes for penis size work, assuming it's primarily determined by genetics.
Question: Kari, was it scary getting separated from Tai in the park? And how does it feel being gangbang by this group of homeless men? Kari: Being alone was really scary, but then I met these new friends of mine... The new game they showed me hurt a bit at first, but I was really having a lot of fun by the end...
Question: Yolei, was it shocking stumbling onto Kari being gangbanged? And finding out she spreads her legs for any stranger? Yolei: Yeah, before spotting her in that alley with those men, I would have pegged her as a virgin committed to a wedding night deflowering and all but engaged to Takeru...
Question: Zoe, how are you, now that you've lost thanks to being so weak, and became these digimon broodmother? Zoey: *Eyes glazed in lust as she enjoys sucking and stroking digidick while her ass and pussy are getting drilled, her swollen preggo belly swinging back and forth with the force of the digimon's thrusts.
Question: Seiko, why did you on that vacation allow that guy to roofie Rika repeatedly and sneakily fuck her every chance he got? And that you sneakily help to cover it up from Rumiko and allow him to believe that he was getting away with it from both of you not noticing it? And Rika is now developing symptoms of being pregnant. Seiko: My grand daughterwas starting to show a worrying degree of independance... and I kind of miss having a baby around the house to take care off... Seemed like a two birds, one stone kind of situation.
Question: Rumiko, how are you doing? Now that your modeling agency seems to want you to model even more and travel to other countries to model their. And isn't it nice that they are allowing you to take Rika with you? And that she seems to want to come with you? But are you ok with Rika disappearing for long stretches of time by herself? And does it bother you every time you have to meet with the owner of your agency, who basically meets with you almost every time you are doing your job, while that slut is sexually servicing him in different ways? And that every time no matter what, theirs something in the way that blocks you from seeing who it is? But you know it's the same whore from her sounds, and that she's young from the time of encountering her hairless cum dripping cunt. Rumiko: I'm glad Rika isn't being as distant as she once was, though I wish she would join me on set instead of wandering off... as for my boss... I've come to expect some sleaze in this business, but you would think he would be more discreet about having such a young lover... Bet she's some wannabe idol he's stringing along with no intentions of giving her legitimate work... if this agency wasn't paying me so well, I'd be tempted to seek employment with a different agency.
Question: Rika, is it true that the reason why you are whoring yourself out now, is because couple of your classmates caught you knotted to a stray dog one day and took pictures of it to blackmail you? Rika: Sounds like I have a couple of gossipy bitches to put in their place... perhaps I should slip them some sleeping pills and leave them naked where I know a pack of stray dogs roam...
Question: Rika, how does it feel knowing that your school is going to be a testing ground for free use? And that you can't refuse or switch schools? Rika: I don't particularly like the idea, but at least all of my ditzy classmates are having their dreams of being virgin brides to rich sugar daddies crushed... Still, I'd rather stomp the balls of the new male students they're letting in for this experiment than let them have their way...
Question: Rika is it true that for a charity event, you posed sexually nude for an artist? And now that painting is being auctioned off to the highest bidder, with printed copies being sold to public area's for displaying purposes. Rika: That artist told me the naughty painting would be kept for his private collection and only the tasteful paintings would be distributed... He better have left town for his sake, because he'll be singing soprano if I get hold of him...
Question: Rika, you are getting a lot of attention on this beach, do you know why? I think I know why, it seems your swimsuit was made for form, not function, so now that you are out of the water, it is completely see-thru! Rika: *Covers breasts.* I should've known my mother wouldn't really gift me a properly modest one piece! *Starts shoving her way through the gropey crowds trying to get to her towel.*
Question: Rika, is it true that at night you go looking for drunk adults? Than you offer your mouth as a urinal to them? Than only allowing the men afterwards to skullfuck you and cum anywhere they like? Drunkard: *Palming the back of Rika's head.* This little slut makes a perfect human toilet and cum dump... *Finishes emptying his bladder and releases Rika's head as he reaches for the button of her jeans...* Let's see how the little slut's preteen pussy feels...
Question: Gary, how was it fucking Ash's mom and leaving her pregnant? Gary: They don't call me Gary, motherfucking, Oak for nothing... Wonder how long it'll take Ashy boy to realize he has a little brother or sister on the way and that I'm effectively his step dad.
Question: Nurse Joy, heard that you specifically out of all Joy's, are Team Rocket sex slave and you are sending them inside information on what trainers have rare pokemon. Is this true? Joy: Not just which have rare pokemon, but which of the newly licensed femail trainers are good candidates for induction into the Rocket School of Prostituition and becoming the latest attractions at the brothels Team Rocket operates... after all, I also serve as the Madam at the local branch and help seduce the girls that meet with approval from the higher ups...
Question: Mewtwo, is it true that you like looking for human's in a relationship and than slowly change the female's mind into a cheating slut? Mewtwo: I find the mating behaviour of humans fascinatingly perplexing... especially how even slight nudges can vastly alter the course of a relationship...
Question: Impmon, how does it feel to finally beat Renamon and tame her with your thick virus cock? Impmon: Pretty darn good. This fox has got to be the hottest rookie digimon out there, and I look forward to making her my personal sex pet instead of her being that human's battle pet!
Question: Matt and T.K, is it true that you got your parents back together by showing them the joys of having an incestuous foursome? Takeru: Oh yeah, Mom completely forgot about dad's shortcomingings after getting gangbanged by Dad, my brother, and me...
Question: Mimi, i've heard rumors that you sneak off to Primary village to get gangbanged by Fresh and In-Training Digimon. Mimi: Someone has to teach the little cuties how to fuck, might as well be me... besides, they seem to have as much fun as I do.
Question: Gatomon, is it true that you were addicted to being dominated by DemiDevimon's cock even after becoming stronger than him? I've heard you secretly whore yourself out to virus digimon to try and recreate that feeling? Gatomon: Yeah, the worse part of evolving from Salamon to my current form was how that flying bowling ball could no longer satisfy me... This kitty's kitty needs a regular pounding and from someone who can effectively hold me down... Not overly proud of it, but I even let Myotismon use me like an onnahole on a few occasions.
Question: would you be willing to due requests involving genderswapped characters? Kitten: Genderbending in either direction is fine by this kitty... and while futa content usually involves characters that are originally girls, I'm totally fine with males getting the futa treatment... oor with applying gender to logically non-gendered things, such as inorganic mons with no resemblance to living creatures.
Question: Renamon, how is life with you and Rika, her mother and grandmother as breeding sows for Guilmon. After you tried to use Guilmon to sate your heat, only for rika and her family to get caught in the middle and be broken sluts carrying his clutch? Renamon: *Masturbates furiously along with Rumiko and Seiko as the three wait their turn while Guilmon plows Rika.* Once Guilmon got a taste of pussy, he turned into a sexy beast in the most literal sense... can't say I or my family have any regrets though... well except maybe that there's four of us and only one of him...
Question: Ash's Charizard, is it true that you only attack Ash because you have a crush on him and want him to fuck you with that massive Shota cock you know he has? Charizard: Yeah... even as a Charmander, I wanted to thank him for saving me... but that boy is frustratingly dense... no wonder that human girl with the fire orange hair is constantly hitting him... Oh, and since my species have such a lopsided gender ratio, the males tend to be bi...
Question: For Mewtwo, ever since you got captured by that super hung Shota, have you ever wonder what it would feel like to be bred by it? Mewtwo: I must confess more than a bit of interest, especially since Mew is the closest thing I have to my own kind, and even then, Mew are so rare and I'm so greatly modified from Mew that I might actually be closer to humans in shared genetic make up...
Question: Renamon, I know Impmon is a bad lover but does being broken by Guilmon massive cock and becoming his pet better? Renamon: *Too preoccupied with moaning into the ground, tail in the air as a nearly feral Guilmon plows her pussy to respond.*
Question: So Midna, did you really think it wise to tease Guilmon about bread, now that you are essentially his stress relief toy? Midna: Waddling away from a sleeping GUilmon, digicum pouring from her gaping pussy.* Offering him his favorite food is the best way to ensure he gives me the hard fucking I desire... *plops on her fat ass.* Though, sometimes he's a bit too rough.
Question: Rika, how's your beach trip with your mother and grandmother going? What do you think of their skimpy bikini's? They sure like the group of men around them groping them, don't? Do you know if they are on any type of birth control? How was the swimming? And don't their seem to be a lot of men pay attention to you too? Wonder why, since you are wearing a modest one piece? Are you ok, with all these men coming to surround you? Rika: I half expected my mom to dress like a slut, but I though my grandma had more self-respect than this... as for whether they're on birth control, no skin off my back if ttthey get knocked up. Question: so, Rumiko, are you enjoying this beach trip with your mother and daughter? Nice Bikini's you got your mother and yourself! Feeling good with being grope by all these men? With how these men are behaving, it's not going be long until you are being gangbang, so are you ok with this happening with your mother being part of this? And it seems Rika still hasn't notice the trick you and your mother played on her, how long do you think it will take her to notice? That swimsuit Seiko convince you to get Rika, despite being modest will turn completely see-thru once wet, is getting a lot of men's attention too. So are you OK with that? It's not like it will matter, since this group of men won't let you go, right? Chance's are, that Rika will definitely lose her virginity here and a good chance of her ending up pregnant, are you alright with that? Rumiko: Both my mother and I are missing the pitter patter of little feet around the house,, and thought this would be the perfect opportunity to make up for my late father and deadbeat husband never providing us the large families we wanted... and Rika's a bit young, but if she catches as well, all the better... I wanted to get her a bikini like my mother and I are wearing, but I knew she would never agree to wear it, so the deception was needed to get her to show off that hot, loli body of hers.