Comment: Ryo/Milleniummon (Machinedramon's digivolution, and half of Cyberdramon) is basically canon (the whole reason the drama with the Digimon Emperor happened was because of him trying to get Ryo's attention- he tried to mind control Ryo, but fucked up and ruined a perfectly good Ken) there are 4 video games about him trying to take over/destroy the Digiworld to get his attention, it's amazing, after those games Ryo has every reason to try to become the Big Bad and fuck up that universe but instead fucks off to the Digital World from Tamers to kill people in a socially acceptable manner (and arguably dom Cyberdramon). Kitten: Yeah, I know the gist of the Milleniumon Saga from the Adventure/Tamers branch of the Digimon Multiverse... Shame those tie-in games never got a release outside of Japan... and if they ever got translation patches, I haven't heard about it... Granted, I don't think I've ever heard anyone talking about WonderSwan emulation in general...
Question: Latias, how's your relationship with Ash going? If you engage in sexual relations, how does that work- I know you're not in the human-based egg group, so I understand that you're not interfertile, but how's that thing with the genitalia? Is it swirly so that only Latios can do it or something? Do you guys only engage in oral, or Latias: *In her bianca disguise and blushing.* Well, this form is solid enough I can do it like a human girl... but we have done it with me in my true form... *Blush deepens.* I haven't given much thought to children, but contrary to what human breeders think, Legendaries are actually compatible with pretty much anything that can breed... we're just more selective about our mates and it takes more than just putting us in a pin with a genetically compatible partner to get us to make eggs... Kitten: I confess, I've never actually seen movie 5... I had VHS tapes of the first three and DVDs of Movies 3, 4, and 6 as a teen, but I've never seen movie 5.
Question: Max, congrats on the new egg! What was sex with her (referring to the Ralts (possibly at a higher stage?) he met in that one episode) like? Max: *Blushing* Um, well... Kirlia: *Kisses Max on the cheek and rubs the egg nestled between them.* Max is a wonderful lover and I'm sure he'll be a wonderful father... he was a bit surprised when I used our bond of love to teleport to him with our egg in tow... and that I had evolved not long after our first mating.
Question: Maybe as Wormmon?) Master, how has the sex with that Davis boy been lately? Do you think you've broken him in yet? Digimon Kaiser: *Kicks Wormmon.* None of your business, you lowly worm. Now leave me to my plotting before I offer you up to one of the other sex slaves as a set of anal beads.
Question: Ryo, is Rika's pussy as tight as Ken's ass? Rika: Who is this Ken person? *Stares down her rival.* Ryo: Um... Kitten: I'm going on the assumption Ryo never told the other Tamers he's originally from the Adventure branch of the Digimon Multiverse.
Comment: Jirachi/Max is also good, I have been peer pressured into shipping Ash/Latias, and I have this huge mess with emails so it might take over a year to respond to any response you make, there's a tragic lack of Kaisuke (Davis/Digimon Emperor!Ken) and Milleryo around nowadays, there's like three fics where Ryo molested Ken and I have developed an addiction, Ash/Latias is only shipped on one forum that bans even allusions to sexual relations, and I can find nothing for Max/Ralts or Max/Jirachi. I am not good with developing questions so if you come up with some original ones that'd be rad? Kitten: I'm not the biggest Yaoi fan, so those digimon pairings aren't the most appealing thing to me... but now that I think of it, I'm surprised that, for how sexualized Gardevoir is and given Max's close connection to that evolutionary family thanks to that episode, I don't think I've ever come across a Single Max/RaltsLine fic... And you'd think there would be extant Max/Jirachi, Sammy/Celebi, and May/Manaphy content out there... And while I've never seen Movie 5, I did read a fic a while back that was all kinds of adorable with a Ash/Latias pairing... The premise wasAsh is a Zorua who disguises as a human to be a trainer and had a really sweet gesture where Ash and Latias catch each other to protect them from being caught by hostile trainers... sadly, it was work safe, told in snippets, and hasn't been updated in years... can't recall the title off top of my head, but it's by the same author as "Ashes of the Past" and "Legendarily Popular" both of which are Pokefics I'd highly recommend.
Question: So Max, how'd you end up having May, Dawn, and Misty being part of your own harem? I could've sworn it began with you asking May why your dick got hard which led to her riding you all night, but when did Dawn and Misty come around? What's your favorite thing to do with each of them? Max: May helped me seduce Dawn during the Wallace Cup, and while she insisted on finishing the Sinnoh Contest Circuit, she couldn't resist seeking me out when she went to Hoenn... As for Misty, once I got my Trainer's license, I decided to do my first Gym run in Kanto just so I could recruit Misty as my third Sister Slut... All three of them like doting on their little brother and can't get enough of my cum... One of my favorite games to play with them is to lay back and let them take turns riding me, 30 seconds per turn and whoever makes me cum first gets plowed in as many positions as she likes while the other two are tied up and made to watch. Of course, the losers are always horny as hell by the time I wear out the winner and untie them. Question: Also before I forget, Ash what the Hell are you doing!? Ash: *Clueless* Huh, what did I do?
Question: Duplica, after your Ditto became able to copy things properly, what became your favorite thing for him to copy when you are in the mood? Duplica: I'll admit, having Ditto transform into a Machamp and Mon-handle me like a rag doll is a lot of fun... but I actually like just letting him either crawl up inside me or wrap himself around me in his natural form. His jelly-like body can squeeze into pretty much anywhere and is really quite nice to the touch.
Question: Claire and Cynthia, what are your favorite pokemon to use as a double-headed dildo, as in to fuck other girls together with at the same time? Claire, do you favor the thicker Dratini or the longer Dragonair? Cynthia, two-dicked ones only count if each girl is in one, not when both are on the same girl which is what I heard you favor with them. Clare: Dratini are quite fond of curling up in warm, enclosed spaces... I keep one curled up in my womb most of the time when I'm not on duty at the gym... and if I wouldn't get awkward questions from people mistaking me for pregnant, I'd probably let him stay up there all the time... He also likes going back and forth between girls, though he does get overeager sometimes and I sometimes forget to properly prepare the girlsI play with... Jasmine handled him well, having experience with Magnemite's screws and Steelix's spines, but poor Lyra was a complete virgin and Dratini is far too thick for a virgin... Cynthia: While making out with another girl while we both ride a double-dicked dragon is a lot of fun, I do prefer to keep both of those dicks to myself...
Question: Tailmon, do you prefer to fuck Kari in a hole while your tail fucks another, or to fuck one hole as angewomon with your futa cock while she cannot breath while pushed between your breasts? And Kari, what is your preference? Tai, what do you enjoy watching more? And what about joining in the middle, is it the same? Tailmon: As much as I enjoy subjecting Hikari to marshmallow heaven, I don't retain my feline flexibility as Angewomon, making it hard to fuck and smother her at the same time... It's a lot of fun to sneak my tail under those pink shorts and tease her, especially when I'm pretending to be a plush toy while sitting in her lap on public transit... Tai: *Too preoccupied with drooling over the thought of his sister getting fucked by her partner to reply.* Kitten: I realize Myotismon was already in his endgame by the time Hikari and Tailmon realized they were partners and Tailmon digivolved into Angewomon for the first time, and there was no break in the action between Angewomon's debut and the Chosen returning to the Digital World to take on the Dark Masters, but hey, the image of 01 Hikari trying to stay quiet while her digimon's mischievious tail is driving her crazy is too adorable to resist... Let's just say that scene is based on a Timeline where the Chosen and their partners didn't have to split after Apocalymon's defeat or the partner digimon decided they'd rather be trapped in the real world than be separated.
Question: Sora, is it true the reason you dated Matt is just because of how hard his Weregarurumon made you cum when he took your anal virginity? Did you ever even try Matt himself, or any human really? Did you ever use the front hole, by the way? Sora: Not just WereGarurumon... that Digimon's a sexy beast in pretty much any form... Okay, Gabumon's more cute than sexy, but still, I love taking that knot in every hole and every position from every form... Good thing my love is just as effective as Matt's friendship at making my Wolfy lover reach his higher forms... and that Matt's too clueless to realize he's been cucked by his digimon.
Question: (Came up with another thing- are you familiar with the Dawn and Dusk games? Kitten: The only Digimon games I've ever owned were Digimon World 1 and 3 and Rumble Arena for PS1, and even then, Rumble Arena is the only one I completed(World 1's emphasis on Digimon's virtual pet roots kind of hampered the RPG part of the game, and I lost my PS1 memory card when I was at a point in World 3 were being forced to start from scratch destroyed all will to play(I had unlocked Submarimon as a means of relatively fast travel, but hadn't unlocked the alternate server yet)... I did own the Prima guides for World 1 and 2, but wouldn't say I'm really familiar with any of the game-specific lore. I'll give answering questions based on the following being the far future versions of partners from the Anime a try though.
Question: Zeed Milleniummon, how did Biomerging feel back when you were with Ryo? Zeed Milleniumon: Ryo and Monodramon were the dominant aspects when we became Justimon, and the D-reaper's agents were mostly mindless drones, so they didn't need me to provide the Killer Instinct to finish off their opponents for the most part... I mostly just slept in the back of our shared mindscape...
Question: Zeed Milleniummon, what do you fantasize about when you masturbate? (Because he's not physical in the sense we are his energy circles something like a big pillar for stimulation) Zeed Milleniumon: It varies... Sometimes I reminisce about taking Ryo as Cyberdramon, sometimes I fantasize about finding a way to take him in my original form without shattering him into data... sometimes I fantasize about staying the dominant personality as Monodramon and taking turns fucking and being fucked by Ryo... Kitten: Again, I only know the broad strokes of the Milleniumon Saga from the WonderSwan games, but I'm going on the notion that Cyberdramon is a sort of permanent DNA Digivolve of Monodramon and the Remnants of Milleniumon, with the Milleniumon personality dominant as Cyberdramon and Monodramon's own psyche dominant as Monodramon and that's part of why only Cyberdramon is boarderline feral and barely under Ryo's control.
Question: Hey, Ken and Davis! Was it weird when you came when you first did that whole DNA Digivolution thing? How long did it take you to get used to it? Ken: *Blushing.* It was rather... intense... and just when I thought I was getting use to it, it turns out the feedback from Paildramon digivolving into Imperialdramon is even stronger...
Question: Dawn, we have Cynthia naked with a can of whipped cream (slow lovemaking with lots of tongue), Jessie tied to the bed (intense lolidom), and your mom with latex gloves and a paddle (intense momdom with a very red ass). Who do you choose and what happens? Dawn: *Passes out with a goofy smile and a nosebleed.* Kitten: I think that's an "All of the above" but too overwhelmed to decide which is first...
Question: Misty, do you think that growing as the only source of (short, fat) futacock for your three horny sisters gave you some issues? Such as latching to Delia Ketchum after she showed you some tender love and repeatedly offering yourself to Ash so that you can truly call Mrs. Ketchum "mommy"? How is it going? Misty: Oh, my sisters were always running me ragged and milking me well past the point of dry orgasms... and then teasing me for not being able to keep up with those Nymphos... Mommy at least gives me the opportunity to rest when I need it... As for Ash... still waiting on that boy's balls to drop... and starting to wonder if he even has balls to drop...
Question: Hey Misty, do you remember those ghost pokemon you met at the Tower of Terror? Well, it seems they remember YOU! Do you want to talk about that "phase" when the Gengar puppetted you to join a sex cult of Hex Maniacs in which you were the only non-futa? How long did you keep a Gastly in your womb? Misty: *In Her Advanced Generation outffffit.* Oh, I've had a Gastly rolling around in there ever since... my memories of how he first came to take upppp residence in there are a bit fuzzy and I don't remember a cult...
Question: Rika, how does it feel to be so close to giving birth? And not knowing who the father is, thanks to spreading your legs for anyone even remotely interested. And isn't it nice that your crush Takato, is turned on by your current state? When are you going to make your move on him? Rika: Oh, having this bastard squirming around inside me always leaves me so horny... I don't even bother with wearing panties under my Maternity dress... As for Goggle head... I'm thinking of taking him for a ride on my due date and see if I can work him up enough he fucks me hard enough to make my water break.
Question: Rika, is it true you are in love with Takato? But that the main reason you don't make a move on him is because you like being treated like a sexual object to be discarded once used? And this is the main reason you go off with Kazu and Kenta before Takato arrives or when he's distracted? Kazu seems to especially treat you like a object, even when he's not fucking you. Rika: Goggle head's cute enough... but it is true that he needs to grow a spine and learn to take what he wants... Kazu's an idiot and Kenta's a spineless lackey, but at least Kazu knows how to take charge...
Question: Rika, is it true you got tired of people talking about duel monsters being better than digimon? That you easily master it, before challenging and beating the best players? Is it true that you than took that Yugi's childhood friend and that blond hair one's little sister, can't even remember their names right, and broke them into mindless cumdumps for men with just a strap-on? Rika: Yeah, dead simple game, that so called King of Games, his entitled billionaire of a rival and that wannabe gangster friend of his were easy to deflate their egos... Even beat them three on one despite all three of them being cheating bastards... The bimbo with the Harpymon wannabes and that nerdy girl were easy pickings as well... Kitten: I personally have nothing against Deul Monsters or the real-life card game it inspired... and unlike the Digimon Card Game(which I understand varies greatly between the long lasting Japanese version and the short lived American version despite the cards for the Mons having very similar layouts, I've actually played the Yu-Gi-Oh card game...
Question: Rika, how did you manage to convince them to trying swinging? I mean they are your boyfriends parents. And is it true that Takato got Yoshie, his mother pregnant? And how likely that the kid in your belly is Takatos? Or is it more likely it's Takehiro, Takato's fathers kid? Rika: Wasn't that hard, turns out Goggle head is a real mama's boy in more ways than one and his dad's long wished he had a daughter to play with... and a daughter-in-law is clase enough... Still waiting on the paternity tests, but I do have a feeling Takato's about to have two little siblings soon.
Question: Rika, is it true that the main reason your parents got divorce, is because your father was more interested in you? And that you bore him a girl? And that he gain custody of her in the divorce? Rika: Yeah, things were going swimmingly between Papa and me until I gave birth to my own little sister... I wanted to stay with Papa and little Ruki-chan, but my mother had to be a bitch and claim parental rights, and revealing who Ruki's mother is to the court would've landed Papa in big trouble.
Question: Rika, what days are your favorite to going to that gloryhole? Is it the days were that sissy appears and is able to take your large cock? And does his voice sound familiar? Or is it the days were that older slut appears? Who also has a familiar voice, and the lipstick left on your cock is very familiar isn't? Who do you imagine they are whenever they service your cock? Rika: I like to imagine that sissy is Goggle head, but I doubt he would ever have the boys to visit a glory hole... as for the older whore, I like to imagine it's my mother, discarding the facade of respectability she likes to claim modeling has and admitting she's little better than a prostitute or porn star.
Question: Rika, is it true you turned Juri into your whore? And that one of her more frequent customers, is her own father? Who else are you looking at to turn in a whore? Rika: *Donning a Madam hat.* Oh yes, Juri is quite popular among older men... not just her father, but Gogglehead's as well, though I'm not sure he realizes he's a daughter fucker with how Juri does her hair and makeup for her clients and the acting lessons I've given her... As for other whores... Alice is coming along nicely, and my Mom was actually the first woman I broke... and while they're a bit young, Suzie is already bending over for first grader's lunch money and little Ai is already addicted to as she puts it, "sucking boys' lollipops" at Kindergarten. Plan on talking them into letting their borthers have a go at them, Mako to pop Ai's cherry and Henry to stretch Suzie for handling her upperclassmen.
Question: Rika, how often do you service at that gloryhole? And is it true that you imagine the guy's with small cocks are Takato? I mean he still is just a kid and haven't reach puberty. Rika: It's probably my favorite pastime aside from hunting wild digimon... and yeah, I wouldn't mind if one of those small cocks belonged to Goggle head... doubt he has any idea he can use his cock for anything but peeing though.
Question: Takato, how does it feel to be spit roasted by Rika and Renamon?
*Takato gives a thumbs up as Rika fucks his face and Renamon knots his ass, his tiny dick hard and dribbling on the ground.*
Question: (As a reminder, Maylene has a Machoke.) Mayline, is it true that the majority of the female Fighting-type trainers are dominated by their Machamp or Machokes' humongous cocks, including yourself? Maylene: Yeah, male Machoke and Machamp are really big on showing their dominance, and they particularly like using girls like living onnaholes... Question: Maylene, Have you given birth to your Machoke's offspring? Or any other kind of fighting pokemon? Maylene: *Blushing.* Yeah, I've laid a few Machop eggs... and a couple of Riolu eggs...
Question: (Continuation of Dawn fighting her Gym battle in the nude) Well, Dawn, you gave a preemptive shock by flashing Maylene and her Machoke your hung package. Why your package was much bigger than her Machokes'! You emphasized THAT point by winning that frotting duel with Maylene's Machoke and cucking Mayline from him. How does it feel to fuck a dominant breeding stud into your hung submissive twink on the live broadcast? Dawn: It feels pretty damn good... and I bet using his tiny trainer as an onnahole is going to feel even better... Maylene: *Gulps as Dawn approaches, the Futa's massive member still rock hard and looking very intimidating to the small girl even as she has a hand down her yoga pants, furiously stroking her skitty.*
Question: Maylene, how does your first futanari cock feel? Do you have any regret ditching your old boyfriend/master Machoke for your new, larger, futanari girlfriend/mistress, Dawn? Maylene: *Eyes roll back, tongue hangs out, and hands are in double peace signs as Dawn makes good on her intentions to make the pinkette her onnahole.*
Question: Machoke, you've been strutting around Veilstone Gym as if you owned the place. Just because you dominated your 'master' Mayline under your cock. How does it feel to be a needy bottom cock slut for your new Mistress Dawn? Is it true that you have Dawn's cock shaped dildo up your ass 24/7 because you feel so empty and needy when her cock isn't fucking you? Machoke: *Whimpers in need as he watches his Mistress fucking his former fucktoy in a way to make him feel very inadequate.*
Question: Miss Fantina and Johana. You just watched your daughters' Veilstone city gym challenge broadcast. Including the frotting duel and Dawn cucking Machoke. You two must be proud of her accomplishments both as a trainer and a futanari, right? Have you two been in similar situations during your contest years? *Fantina and Johanna are too busy passionately making out and fucking to what has become their new favorite Porno to reply.*
Question: Mars and Jupiter, is it real that you've been dragging Galactic grunts to your beds every day to forget the empty feeling of Dawn's Garchomp-sized fuck meat? Had any luck in finding a replacement? Mars: Nope, all the grunts are total shrimps... and even Saturn is barely above average... Jupiter: Cyrus is the only guy in team Galactic who even remotely comes close... but with him being a asexual robot with human skin... I'm not sure even a full team of female Pokemon using attract could get him in the mood...
Question: (It looks like Cynthia's Garchomp was actually a female. Oops) Cynthia. Usually, Dragon-type pokemon dominate their trainers. But is it true you are dominating YOUR Garchomp? And that you are fucking her with your huge above Garchomp-sized cock every chance you get? (In bed, in a deserted Ally, etc.)? How does your Garchomp feel about 'a mighty Dragon' being dominated by 'a human'? Cynthia: I've never gotten any complaints from her... though she does get teased by other Dragon pokemon a bit whenever I visit Blackthorn or the Dragon Tamer Village...
Question: Cynthia, I heard you recently met Dawn for the first time in Eterna city. It seems like you two had a good time together. You two even compared each other's cocks! I've never seen Dawn's cock being outmatched! ...And her blushing in embarrassment about it. So, Cynthia. Dawn is still a growing girl. Do you think she has the potential to become a more dominant futa trainer someday? Cynthia: Confidentially, while I currently outclass her, she's actually quite a bit more endowed than I was at her age... I'm sure she'll surpass me by the time she's done growing if not as soon as her growth spurt hits...
Question: Dawn, is it true that being such a secluded rural town, the social atmosphere in Twinleaf town is downright sexually debaucherous? Like you and your mom having outdoor Futa on loli sex in broad daylight, for instance? Dawn: Yeah, all there is to do around here is have sex and watch paint dry... and who has the patience for the latter?... We even invite Barry's mom for threesomes since Palmer can't be arsed to come homeand fuck his wife regularly...
Question: Miss Johanna. When Dawn and Barry were young, Barry's mother entrusted his sexual tutilage to you. So who did you develop his bussy(boy pussy) yourself? Or did you let Dawn practice her Bussy fucking & training on Barry? Johanna: Oh, both and me and Dawn have had our fill of that boy's tight, little butt... though admittedly, when it was Dawn's turn, it was much training her to plow any hole that stands in her way into submission as much as training him to take any rod that comes his way...
Question: (Related to the Candice & Uxie question in chapter 5.) Mesprit and Azelf. Your sister Uxies' gift is endless sexual knowledge. Then what are your gifts? Or blessings, as some people call them? Mesprit: My gift lets people know how strong any emotional attachment is at a glance and helps draw out the maximum passion of any sexual encounter. Azelf: The gift of willpower is absolute sexual self-control. My gifted can bend any sexual partner to their will, will only ever submit to another if they truly wish to submit, and can decide when they and their partner cum...
Question: Mesprit, When Dawn was younger, you bestowed her with your gift, being impressed by how she dominated many wild pokemon with her loli cock. But lots of adults and children from Twinleaf town fucks near Lake Verity. And yet you never gave them your gift. What made Dawn stand out from all the others? Mespirt: Because she made love to everyone she met by the lake with pure, unadulterated passion... because my lake is in such a remote and unintersting corner of the map, so many of the beings that pick my shores for their trists are doing it out of boredom more than passion.