question: Lillymon, how was it when Mimi found out you were a male, and between her, Sora, Yolei, Kari and Angewomon, which of them did you feel better impregnating? Palmon: Mimi was quite surprised when she discovered what I had under my skirt as Lilymon... and Of course, Mimi is my preferred lover, though that orgy when my pollen got out of hand and all the girls decided to jump me was quite something...
Question: Misty, we all know you got a fear of tentacools due to how you confused one for a beach ball as a child. Did you get over it before finding out about your sisters' tentacle orgies, or did you struggle for a while after finding out before finally joining? Misty: It really freaked me out the first time I went down to one of the Gym's pools only to find Daisy, Lily, and Violet skinny dipping with a whole school of tentacool and a few tentacruel... took me a while to realize my bikini bottoms were wet from arousal and not from me pissing myself in fear... Still tried to bolt when Daisy spotted me with a hand down my bikini bottom... *Blushes* the tentacruel she ordered to use wrap on me did catch me...I thought I was going to have a heart attack as it stripped off my bikini and a full team of tentacool swarmed me... though by the time they were done with me, my phobia had morphed into a fetish. *giggles.*
Question: Brock, between Misty's skimpy clothes and water gymnastic flexibility, May's tits and Dawn's ass, which one did you enjoy breeding with the most while Ash focused on his pokemon training? Brock: That's possibly the 4th hardest question I've ever been asked... right after Jenny or Joy, who my favorite Jenny is and who my favorite Joy is... *Breaks into a Lolicon remix of "2 Perfect Girls" titled "3 Perfect Lolis" and featuring Misty, May, and Dawn and much less G-rated.* Kitten: I am not up to the task of actually writing that song parody... but the world does need more song parodies with a lolicon theme... and more Nightcore remixes of songs with suggestive lyrics that are sung by women...
Question: Sabrina, between the Ghastly, Haunter and Gengar, which one licks you the best? And is it true the reason Ash ignores all girls is because you brainwashed him so he only lusts for your asshole without your permission, and he is the secret father of both your and Erika's daughters AND the one that impregnated those two? Sabrina: of the ones I've encountered, I'd say Haunter tend to have the most effective lick attacks... As for that Ash boy... after his Haunter helped me regain my suppressed emotions... Well, I had to make extensive use of Amnesia on account of some of the memories that came from fusing with my other half... *Shivers* Little Sabrina was one rather... disturbed child and turning people into dolls wasn't the most depraved thing she did...
Question: looks at rika and sees her, her mother Rumiko Nonaka and grandmother Seiko Hata all naked and along with renamon have crotch tattoos that has naruto's whirlpool symbol in the center of it , anal dildos in their butt holes, their gaping pussy's trying to close to keep the river of cum inside, and naruto's whirlpool symbol on their butt cheeks with the words "property of naruto uzumaki" under the symbol, each have baby bumps, and rika and renamon each have their rather tiny futa cocks locked in cock cages, oh and all 4 of them have gold wedding rings with an orange Diamond are their ring fingers ]] so ( cue sarcasm ) rika that plan of yours's to turn naruto into your submissive cock slut, how did that turn out for you? Rika: I was a fool to think I could ever be anything other than Naruto-sama's breeding vixen... Renamon: Even as Sakuyamon, we were like in-training digimon before the might of Kurama-sama and his tamer...
Question: For Dawn, I meant the game version, and if I have to choose a dragon type. Might as well go with a garchomp, since it's Sinnoh's main non legendary one, or go with Dawn doming both Palkia and Dialga. Dawn: Oh, Garchomp has been a little sweety ever since I caught him as a Gible... always eager to please his Mama... and making sure they know Chompy is my favorite helps keep Dialga and Palkia in line... Hope to add Giratina to my little reverse harem soon...
Question: Rika, since you currently can't talk, can you write down on how you feel with the portals that are inside your pussy, ass, and mouth, and are constantly letting cocks out to fuck your three holes? Rika: *Hands are too busy playing with her nipples and clit to hold a pencil, and a muffled moaning can be heard coming from her throat.*
Question: Rika, how does it feel to be forced to becomes a urinal in a men's public restroom? With your head almost fully submerged in piss, and straws strapped to your mouth, forcing you to drink it. And how does the feeling of having you womb bulged with 1 yen coins(worth less then a usa penny) make you feel? Rika: *The pooled pee bubbles as Rika tries to scream in protest and a faint jangling sound can be heard coming from her bulging belly as she struggles against her restraints.*
Question: Seiko, how does it feel to find out that the man you've been fucking and gotten pregnant from, has also gotten your daughter, Rumiko and granddaughter, Rika pregnant? Seiko: Honestly, I was kind of surprised he showed any interest in me at all, Rumiko usually gets all the attention... and I suppose I should be mad about him defiling Rika at an even younger age than Rika's father did to Rumiko... but I'm having trouble not feeling giddy as a school girl... and I rather look forward to having at least three babies to take care of... kami knows rumiko has always been more like a older sister than a mother to Rika, and Rika is even less suited to motherhood. *Rubs her own baby bump with a wide smile.*
Question: Rumiko, does it make you feel good and horny, to have Rika's debut as a model be along side you? Keep looking with Rika into that mesmerizing screen. Doe's it make you glad that it's also your debut into hardcore porn? And that you will also be up close and personal watching Rika's first time be a gangbang as the photographer takes pictures of you holding her as you fuck her ass with a strap-on and allow her mouth and pussy to be used by the long line of men. You and Rika are both good girls for stopping from trying to turn away from that mesmerizing screen. Kitten: Both Nonaka women have been reduced to mindless sluts preoccupied with servicing cocks and the only vocalizations from either are loud moans when their mouths are free and slurping sounds when they are filled.
Question: Digimon Frontier: Hey Zoe what kind of relationship you're looking for? Also are you interested in being with boys, girls or both? Izumi: I haven't really given much thought to it... and I'm willing to experiment with either gender...
Question: Yuuko, is it true that Tai is actually Kari's father because you couldn't resist letting him fuck you with his thick shota cock? Yuuko: That Hikari is actually his daughter is the most precious secret my son and I keep... My husband thinks Hikari is his and Hikari doesn't know Taichi is her father...though with how clingy Hikari is to her Onii-chan, I think its only a matter of time before Taichi fucks his daughter...
Question: Takato, is it true that ever since Guilmon discovered what sex was he's been so horny that he'll rape anyone he comes across if you and the other tamers don't drain his balls regularly? Takato: Yeah, he's even more of a handful now than when my biggest worry was keeping him from eating all the bread in my parent's bakery or wrecking things at school... I have to admit, Watching Juri shake her cute, little butt and watching Guilmon plow her is kind of hot... *Has a hand down his pants. Juri: YES! Give me that digi dick! Guilmon: *Letting out feral growls as he roughly fucks the human girl.*
Question: Dawn, congratulations for capturing that wild Haunter. He seems very powerful. Were you the first one he possessed, or was your futa-mom? How is your home life with a pervert ghost pokemon playing pranks on you two at any time? Dawn: It was a bit embarrassing at first... but now I look forward to random phantom cocks materializing in one of my holes at random... Or when Haunter decides to puppet me or my mom and makes us have sex... Question: I heard that after a trainer captures her first ghost pokemon, a chubby futa Hex Maniac comes to take charge of your family and to teach you some ghostly tricks. How did that go for you? Did she thaught you how to keep your Haunter inside your womb instead of a pokeball? Or how can a ghost pokemon directly reach and stimulate your ovaries? Dawn: It was rather surprising when a rather pleasantly plump and cuddly looking Hex Maniac knocked on our door claiming to have sensed sexy spiritual energies... She really didn't have much to teach me though... In fact, Haunter was in the process of using my ovaries like the grips of handle bars as a trio of his disembodied cocks fucked my ass, pussy, and womb... and yes, my perverted poltergeist was using one cock to fuck my womb and another to fuck my pussy...and the two were slightly out of sync, so the tip of the one fucking my pussy occasionally bumped into the base of the one fucking my womb... and there was even this one time haunter conjured like two dozen of his cocks and used them to do a conga line all the way from my ass to my stomach... Which was a new one on the Hex Maniac...
Question: Mars, is it true that you keep up your facade as a bitchy dominating sadist to hide the fact that you are a huge quick-shot masochist who loves getting her cock squeezed and ass spanked? And that Dawn is abusing this fact to condition you into being her personal submissive slut lover & spy? Dawn: *With Mars laid across her lap, stripped from the waist down, the Galactic admin's girl cock trapped between Dawn's thighs.* Oh, *smack* yes! *smack This *smack* naughty *smack* slut *smack* loves *smack* when *smack* I *smack* spank *smack* her! Mars: *Ass redder than most depictions of her namesake planet.* Yes, *smack* mistress! *smack* Spank *smack* your *smack* naughty *smack* slut! *smack*
Question: Cynthia, you're such a dragon whore. You submitting to Garchomp's demand to be his fuck pet and all. Is it true that you research Legends of Sinnoh just to figure out what Dialga, Palkia and Giratina's cocks are shaped like, how big are they and how their cum smells and tastes? Cynthia: *Blushes.* Ye-Yes... that is an interest of mine... as is studying Zekrom, Reshiram, and Kyurem when I'm in Unova... Sadly, while there are indicators that pokephilia use to be more widely accepted than it is today... some of the more prudish sects of the Church of Arceus have been infuriatingly thorough in their efforts to purge what they call "unnatural" relationships from the histories and legends... and to make matters worse, the Hissuians were no less prone to exaggerating than modern-day smut writers, so even when I come across explicit texts that managed to survive being censored, it's hard to tell factttt from fiction...
Question: Candice, you used to be so prim and proper when you were a little girl. Wearing conservative clothing and being embarrassed about your cock. Unlike your current title as the number one Pokephilia whore in all of Sinnoh. Even Cynthia and Dawn came to your to learn your techniques and secrets. Is it true that you became that way when you got lost on a hike accidentally met Uxie as a young girl? That it filled your brain with knowledge all sorts of Pokephilia porn and techniques to the point of brainwashing? How do you feel and cope with becoming a cum addicted cock thrusting pussy gaping whore afterwards? Uxie: Sex is an important part of life for humans and most pokemon, and most engage in sex just as often, if not more often, for pleasure as for procreation. As such, much of the wisdom I possess is related to the mating habits of humans and pokemon and the multitudes of fetishes they possess... Sadly, most are too emotional or too lacking in willpower to handle having an entire library worth of sexual knowledge crammed into their heads. When I met the one known as Candice, I knew she would be better suited to the gifts my siblings could grant, but she insisted... Now, I'm not sure either of my siblings could help her recover from her lust addled state...
Question: Giselle, did you know that you're the first girl Ash was ever sexually attracted to? I'm sure he'd love to fuck you if he hasn't already, you might even get a baby out of it like his other girls. Giselle: *Blushing.* Well... After I got over the shock of his Pikachu beating my Cubone and we dealt with those roughians with the talking Meowth... I invited Ash to join me in one of Pokemon Tech's store rooms... *Blush intensifies and she cups her cheeks in her hands.* It was my first time, and I'm pretty sure it was his first time as well... or at least, he seemed completely clueless... but it is one of my fondest memories... even if I was forced to withdraw from Pokemon Tech when my belly started making a noticeable bulge in my uniform and had to settle for watching his Indigo League performance on television because, while I was able to pass the League Admission Exam despite my interrupted education and advanced pregnancy... I was too sore from the birth of our daughter to make the trip to the Indigo Plateau... And to make matters worse, that boy won't stay in one place long enough for me to track him down and introduce him to our little girl! If I ever catch up with him, I'm not sure whether to trounce him in a pokemon battle, strangle him with my bare hands, or jump his bones in an attempt to give little Seiyo a little brother or sister! Kitten: I confess, Giselle is one of my favorite characters of the day... probably thanks in no small part to the VHS containing The School of Hard Knocks(along with The Waterflowers of Cerulean City and the episode with AJ) being one of the first official VHS tapes of the anime I ever owned(In fact, I'm not sure I ever found a copy of the first two VHSes to add to my collection)... Other notable characters of the day I remember fairly well include Duplica and Casey.
Question: Miss Cheryl, you are an exhibitionist like all grass-type pokemon trainers from Eterna. We also know you regularly flash and fuck people you encounter in Eterna forest. It's all for tease and one-time fun. So how did you end up getting dominated by Dawn in the middle of Eterna Forest? (Only Dawn is Futa). Cheryl: Well, after she helped me and my Chansey get through Eterna Forest safely, I was so greatful I offered to do anything to repay her kindness... and when she showed me the cock she had somehow managed to hide under that skimpy skirt of hers... *Blushes.* Well, I was too shocked to put up any resistence as she pushed me up against a tree, stripped me below the waist and fucked me silly...
Question: Gardenia, you and miss Cheryl are long-time friends. So how did you react when you were on your regular flashing routine in Eterna forest to discover your friend getting fucked by Dawn? And is it true that you ended up in a naked threesome with her and being her pet with miss Cheryl? (Again, only Dawn is Futa.) Gardenia: My first thought was to sneak up behind the new girl and fondle her tiny titties... but I ended up giving myself away when I got a look at what she was packing and realized she was fucking Cheryl with a real cock... and since I was tip toeing in an effort to be quiet, the distraction lead to me falling flat on my rear, and before I could recover, Dawn was adding me to her list of conquests...
Question: Gardenia, Eterna city Gym is the most prestigious grass-type gym in Sinnoh. And every notable grass-type trainer in Sinnoh is a publically known or secret exhibitionist. So, are the rumors true that you are training your students to become exhibitionists like you? Gardenia: Training is a strong word... though I do require anyone testing to join my gym to battle in the nude... and the most modest version of the gym's uniform is little more than a loincloth and bra styled to resemble leaves...
Question: Dawn, during your public fun time with Cheryl and Gardenia, they became addicted to bottoming for your cock. Is it true that you also became intrigued and addicted to public exhibitions and masturbation? Dawn: Oh yes... I even insisted on being nude and having my gym challenge with Gardenia televised... and on keeping the cameras rolling when I claimed her along side her badge... I can't wait to repeat such a performance when I challenge Maylene, Fantina, and Candice... and if the thumbs up and mightyena wistles I've gotten are any indicator, most of the people who tune into broadcasts of lower tier gym challenges are anticipating it as well... Kitten: Mightyena was the first thing that came to mind for "wolf-like" pokemon, but I'm open to suggestions for a better way of poke-fying "wolf whistle".
Question: May is not Futanari.) May, is it true that your mom got you into Pokephilia and you? And you and your mom mom fucked the Machokes who were working for the moving company after moving into your new house in Littleroot town? May: Of course, it's only polite to thank such strapping, hardworking pokemon for their labor by letting them fuck the brains out of the cute girl and her mother they were helping unpack stuff... Especially since I deliberately wore my tightest pair of bike shorts on moving day along with my tightest red shirt and my shortest skirt... and shook my ass everytime I bent over in front of one of them... By the time the truck was empty, I think their shorts were tighter than mine... shame the crew didn't include a Machamp...
Question: It's nice to see Courtney showing some emotion. Even though it's a post orgasm euphoria with a fucked silly face. So May, how did you end up filling up all of Courtney's hole with cum and making her into your love seeking puppy lover? If I recall, you two were glowering at each other inside a small cave to seek shelter from a rainstorm. A pokeball in hand to go into full battle. May: I had my Blaziken try and use attract on her Mightyena, but it missed and hit Courtney instead... and she ended up infatuated with me instead of Blaziken... Not that I'm complaining, fucking Courtney is much more fun than battling her.
Question: (More Sexually aware Ash.) So, Ash. It looks like you put the sexual dominance lessons you learned from your mom to good use. You stopped Team Rocket from sacking Viridian city Pokemon Center. Jessie and James. How did it feel to be sexually dominated by you new master Ash? And how do you feel about leaving team Rocket to be his cock warming fat ass slut/twink travel companion? And is it true that you work on the streets to earn money for your master Ash? Jessie: * wearing a even skimpier version of her original uniform, the R replaced with an "A" with a very rounded top and vertical uprights.* The twerp is surprisingly well hung... and being a street walker is proving to be quite a more enjoyable line of work than working for Team rocket ever was. James: *Cross dressing in a uniform that matches Jessie's updated uniform and speaking in falsetto.* I finally have a job that lets me fully embrace my inner girly boy... Meowth: I was a bit reluctant ta not turn these two in for desertin' tha organization, but being Bottom Cat ta the Princess is far more rewardin' than being top cat ta the old boss ever was... even with her penchant for deliverin' a thundershock straight ta tha nads if I displease her and her strange fetish for ketchup. Kitten: I normally head canon Ash's Pikachu and Trio Meowth as both being male, but it felt more natural to have Pikachu as a girl if she's going to dom TRio Meowth like Ash is doing to Jessie and James... and Meowth calling Pikachu princess seems appropriate with how prideful Pikachu was early on... Also, you'll have to pry my head canon that Ash's Pikachu has a fetish for ketchup from my cold, dead claws.
Question: so naruto i heard that when ya ended up teleported to the pokemon world ya had a run in with a pack [ or is it pride ] of female Meowth's lead by a female Persian over in hollywood and while i know ya beat them without a pokemon, i wanted to know is it true that you fucked and broke the female persian and each female meowth to the point that even just the thought of them taking a poke-dick or any dick besides his makes them physically ill? and also naruto what other females human or pokemon have ya fucked and broken and you Meowzie one of naruto's top pokemon in battle and being his breeding sow, i heard that you get off on luring innocent female pokemon to naruto so he can catch,fuck,break and impregnant them just like he has done to you and the other female Meowth's and that female Persian and i wanted to know is that true? Naruto: Yeah, my kittens are a lot of fun to play with... though Kurama and I both much prefer the pack of Vulpix we found... still searching for a Firestone to evolve Kurama's favorite into a Ninetales... Meowsy: *Blushing.* being mounted by a human who kind of smells like vulpix nearly beat mistress releasing me for worst day of my life... at least, that was what I thought at first... I did eventually warm up to Naruto... and he does take good care of me and the other meowth... I still miss living a pampered life as an aristocrat's pet, but being one of his kittens beats living on the streets... and the ninja training he's given us means we no longer get picked on by bigger pokemon without being able to fight back...
Kitten: Okay, actually had this done a few days ago, but wanted to do a final pass to check typos, and got distracted before I could do so... A couple comments have come in in the meantime, but I'm pushing those to the next installment to get this out.