Question: So Ash how does it feel to impregnate all your female traveling companions? Iris: I'm not sure Ash fully comprehends what he's done to any of us... it did take us practically gangraping him to get his attention, and as much as he seems to love fucking us since we showed him what we wanted from him, the most he's reacted to any of our baby bumps is thinking our weight gain looks cute... I half expect the boy to think humans hatch from eggs like pokemon. *Misty, May, Dawn, and Bonnie nod their heads in agreement.*
Question: Hikari, is it true you enjoy stuffing your ass and pussy with your own cock and cumming inside? 01 Hikari: Sticking my thingy up my kitty is a ton of fun! So much in fact, that sometimes I spend the whole day and all night with my thingy in my kitty as I go about my routine, only pulling it out if I need to pee... and sometimes I put off peeing and my kitty squeezes my thingy to help me hold it... Don't enjoy sticking it up my butt as much, my thingy isn't really long enough, and sticking things up my butt kind of hurts. 02 Hikari: I didn't like fucking my own ass very much at first, but as my girlcock has grown longer and my ass has grown to enjoy being stretched, I've turned into my own anal slut... as for fucking my own pussy...*rubs her obvvvvvious baby bump.* I indulged quite a bit... but honestly, the thought of being my own breeding bitch and my own breeding stud is rather hot... I hope I end up having a futa daughter so I can teach her to fuck herself like her mama did.
Dawn, what's better to fuck, yourself or a tight Starly? Dawn: Oh, that's a tough one... A Starly's cloaca is much tighter than my pussy... but fucking myself has an extra naughty thrill... plus being stimulated from both sides at the same time feels incredible all on its own.
Question: Sora, how much do you enjoy having Mimi fuck you as you stuff your own pussy? Mimi: Miss Tomboy here is actually a rather submissive anal slut...And she's constantly pumping herself full of her own seed... I'm kind of surprise she hasn't yet knocked herself up.
Question: Yolei did you hear that Kari is dating an old fat woman, what are your thoughts on that and she also wants you to meet her, so please tell us what you think of her after. Yolei *Flashes a piece sign while bouncing on the fat futa's cock while Hikari, Sora, and Mimi, the more experienced girls clearly having already been well fucked looking on as the newest girl to their little group recieves her initiation.*
Question: So, Elesa, heard you got your pupil Bianca and her friend Hilda share your addiction in Zebsrika pussy and dicks. How're they taking it? And is it true that you use Zebstrika cum as a moisture cream? Elesa: Their training is coming along quite nicely... Hilda is already up to being fucked by the third best hung in the herd... and Bianca is pounding said third best hung's pussy nice and hard to ensure Hilda is getting the full power and electricity from the pokemon fucking her... and Zebstrika cum is by far the best moisturizer out there.
Question: Hilbert, I heard you were using your twink ass to earn money in the backstreets of Castelia City! How did you get Nate to follow in your debaucherous path? Hilbert: When Nate was a new trainer and first exploring Castelia, he made a few wrong turns and ended up in the alley where one of my clients was reaming my ass... I spotted him standing there, staring like a deerling in the headlights and tenting his pants. My client was preoccupied, but I decided to invite him to join us, playing it off as a surprise since I knew that particular client had a thing for young boys. He didn't put any resistence as I lead him in putting on a show for the client and offering his virgin asshole, and after the client was done with both of us and had gone his way, he introduced himself to me and said he'd like to do more like that. Kitten: I'd like to remind people that B2W2 came out stateside around the time I was undergoing the first round of eye surgery to try and save my vision. Nate and Rosa are among the B2W2 characters I don't have a good mentle image of due to said surgery ultimately failing.
Question: N, everyone thinks you disappeared after the battle at your castle. How did you end up as Hilda's musk addicted ball slobbering slut? Hilda: I had already worked up quite the sweat battling and fucking the Elite 4 and getting through the grunts to Face N and his bastard of a so-called father... The musk permeating my shorts was enough N practically surrendered before I could even summon my dragon... Ghetsis wasn't very happy to see his son dropping to his knees and worshipping the heroine's mighty sword... After cumming down N's throat and kicking his old man's ass to Kanto and back, me and N decided to go on a little vacation.
Question: Professor Juniper, is it true that you and professor Fennel were pokephilia pornstars in college? And that's how you two got addicted to fucking and getting fucked by pokemon? Juniper: Oh yes, we were quite popular as well, certainly beat working at a PokeMart to offset the cost of tuition.
Question: Dawn, how did you react when you figured out Miss Fantina was your mom? ...And you've put a baby in her? You still doing threesomes with her and your mom even when she's pregnant? Dawn: I was shocked at first, but once I got over it, I realized just how hot the thought of being a literal mother fucker and having put my own little brother or sister in my mother was... Kind of hope its a futa so I can teach her to fuck her mommy and put her own little brother or sister in her as well... and my Mom has started joining in to spitroast her, even with Fantina's big, beautiful baby bump bouncing back and forth.
Question: Miss Johanna, you were a accomplished erotic futa contest coordinator until you've retired to raise your daughter, who's walking in your footsteps. How did you raise your daughter to prepare her for her dreams? Johanna: Lots of skinship and Mommy-Daughter incest, often with mutual penetration ending in mutual creampie.
Question: Gardenia, is it true that you are a secret Exhibitionist who flashes and fucks people in Eterna forest? Gardenia: Not just in the forest... though going for a naked stroll and doing whoever passes by is a lot of fun... but I often accept gym challenges in the nude... Or remove clothes as a challenger knocks out my pokemon, letting them fuck me if they win.
Cynthia and Iris, is it true that you two have a vibrating Garchomp & Axew dildo up your ass 24/7 to keep their sperm inside you all the time when you aren't fucking? Even in public? Cynthia: I have a number of sex toys modelled after various pokemon... though the custom made one that is an exact replica of my Garchomp's cock is among my favorites... The one based on my Lucario is another favorite... and its rare for me to go out in public without a toy in my ass, pussy, or both. Iris: I thought about having one commissioned...but considering that Axew's new favorite perch is riding in a low piggyback that lets him sneakily fuck me as I'm walking around, even in the middle of busy city streets, it's been a rather low priority... maybe once he evolves and becomes too heavy to carry or it becomes more obvvious what he's doing.
Question: Hikari how does it feel to have two hung guys (Davis and Tk) competing over you? Hikari: It's great when I can convince them to put their differences aside and either spitroast me or make a Hikari Sandwich... It's a bit annoying when their competitiveness makes them forget I'm happy to be shared between them... I sometimes wonder if they aren't bi and refuse to admit they're in love with each other instead of just me.
Question: Agumon and Gabumon, how large is your cock as Omnimon? Agumon: Uh... never really gave much thought to it... We usually only go Omnimon against really big threats... and it would be kind of weird to mate while DNA digivolved unless we were sharing a mate.
Question: Ruki and Takato, is it true that you two biomerge to fuck as Sakuyamon and Gallantmon? Ruki: Often... though I think gogglehead and dino boy nearly had a stroke the first time Renamon and I decided to start stripping out of our body suit after a battle and starting to ask what was under that armor.
Question: Rika, how does it feel to be trapped in your mind as the digimon possessing you is able to fool even Renamon? And how you feel about your reputation now that it's ruined? As you are now known as a gangbang slut for older men and pregnant with the father unknown. Parasimon: *Speaking through Rika* Oh, this human child tried to fight my control at first, screaming mentally at all he degrading things I made her do... but eventually she grew to love being used as a fucktoy and breeding bitch and now begs for me to find her more cocks to milk if I go too long without puppeting her body into the middle of a gangbang.
Question: Rika, your masochism side was awaken after your virginity was taken by rape, and was wondering if you are getting close to satisfying it? As your body is covered in bruises and your neck swollen and bruised from being choked. Kitten: Rika is busy being fucked by a burly, overly muscled man with limbs as thick as her torso, a cock thicker than her thigh, and a hand nearly as large as her head around her throat holding her right on the edge of passing out from oxygen depravation... That said, I'm thinking of creating a separate Q&A for the really extreme stuff and I think something like this crosses the line... Light sadomasochism things like piercings, spanking, and nipple twisting are okay, but please reserve the stuff that risks putting a normal human in the hospital or morgue for when I make that other Q&A.
Question: Rika, are you still sane? Now that it's been months since you found yourself in this fantasy land and in the clutches of goblins as their fuck toy in this cave. Goblin: What use fuck toy for sanity? Fuck toy only live to make goblin cocks happy, be cum dump, and bare many goblin babies.
Question: Rika, how are you handling being your mother and grandmother's cocksleeve? As they are affected by the new futanari virus which not only gives them a cock, but also make them into lust fill beasts, and they have seeked the nearest holes, you, after finishing with each other. And that you are immune to it. Rumiko: *Fucking Rika doggy-style as Rika sucks her grandmother's cock.* I feel like my daughter and I are finally bonding, even if it's a bit unorthodox. *Leans down to rub Rika's baby bump.* Though mother and I might have gotten a bit carried away... not sure if Rika is carrying her own baby sister or mine.
Question: Takato, you and Rika are in a open relationship, so why are you not taking advantage like Rika is? Rika: Its because, despite my blessing for Juri to try and seduce goggle head and for him to give in, he'd ratherwatch me getting fucked by other boys and putting on a porn star level performance than accept pussy that's being all but thrown at him. Ryo might be an ass, but at least he's an ass who won't leave a girl hanging for no good reason.
Question: Guilmon, how does it feel making Rika your bitch? And losing your virginity to her? Especially since she's laying their still out of it, and with a prolapsed pussy and ass from your double barbed knotted cocks. Guilmon: What's a bitch?... and vir-gin-ty? *The confused dino walks over to where Juri is waiting her turn to be fucked silly by the naive digimon.*
Question: Dawn, how does it feel to actually tamed your dragon over Cynthia's who's her dragon bitch? And is she still beautiful to you? Since she's your crush. Kitten: Okay, consulting Bulbapedia, best I can tell, Dawn never caught a dragon in the anime... Did you have a specific dragon for Dawn to dom in mind?
Question: Kari, you are really devious, despite being so young aren't you? How where you able to get the yakuza to kidnap and break in Sora and Mimi into mindbroken sex slaves for their brothel? And when are you going make your move on Tai? Now that your competition is gone for him. Hikari: *Giggling* Oh, it was easy, I just slid a couple of photos from the beach party the chosen had not long after defeating Apocalimon, one showing Mimi looking like a teen model sunbathing in a hot pink bikini, another showing Sora looking like a pin-up from a sports magazine in a sporty, skirted one-piece playing volley ball and with their addresses written on the back under the door of the Yakuza-san who lives a few doors down. As for Onii-chan, *Pads over to where Tai is laying on the floor, wrists and ankles tied to various pieces of furniture, duct tape over his mouth and the only shreds of cloth between the siblings being Hikari's white socks and matching panties.* Now that those floozies are out of the way, I'm going to show Onii-chan how his precious, little imouto is the only girl he'll ever need.
Question: Kari, are you being a good girl and following the instructions of the men who are sticking their large pee pees thru the holes in the bathroom stall? Hikari: I'm being a good girl! I don't complain about the men asking me to suck on their pee pees, not even when they forget to clean them, insist on me swallowing them, or when they make me drink their pee, whethere it's the watery, yellow pee or the creamy, white pee. Whenever they ask to play with my pe pee, I dutifully hop on my stool, bend over and press my pee pee to the hole, and while I like it when they just want to lick my pee pee, I don't complain when they decide to stuff their pee pees up my pee pee, not even when they don't lick me first and yank hard on the puffy bits of my pee pee to hold me in place... I don't like it when they want to use my butt, but I still let them use my butt since I don't want a jolt from my collar.
Question: Kari, how does it feel that you are like your mom? Since you are pregnant with your father's child and her with Tai's. Hikari: I kind of wish Onii-chan had got me two during our family orgies, but I can't complain about having my own little brother or sister in my tummy... Not sure which would be hotter, having a boy I could teach to fuck his mommy-sister and grandmother or a little girl I could teach to fuck her uncle brother and daddy-grandpa... Makes me want to have twins!