Question: Cynthia, I heard you and Dawn had sex on a sleeping Snorlax as a dare from Candace. Did it wake up from Dawn screaming as you pumped her full of cum? Cynthia: *Blushing.* No, but it did decide to sleep masturbate... using me as an Onnahole... My pussy is still sore from it's massive cock.
Question: Dawn, congratulations on winning the Twerking contest, futa class! How was your major competitor Fantina? You two seemed awfully close leaving her dressing room earlier... Fantina: Let's say we had a little wager and that youth won out over wisdom... and Dawn is very much her mother's daughter... Dawn: We bet the loser had to milk the winner and Fantina is bashful about being to one to have her womb flooded instead of being to one flooding a womb.
Question: Cynthia, is it true that you lost your virginity to a Wild Garchomp, and your Star Garchomp is actually your child? Cynthia: I did lose my virginity to a Garchomp... and my ace is that Garchomp's child... but I'm not the mother... Humans and Garchomp aren't in the same egg group... I do have a child with my Lucario though... the boy's human, but inherited some of his father's strength and ability with aura.
Question: Miss Johanna and Miss Fantina, is it true that Dawn is your child? Conceived after Miss Johanna fucked Miss Fantina backstage after one of your contests? Does Dawn know about this? About Miss Fantina being her actual 'mom'? Johanna: Oh yes, we were always wagering who would fuck who on the outcome of our contests... Though she neglected to inform our daughter of that fact before offering her the same wager... Dawn doesn't yet know she put a little sister in her mother yet.
Question: Dawn how did your reunion with your childhood friends, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn go after so many years? You used to fuck them with your futa cock and promised to marry them when you four grew up, remember? Dawn: I had to punish them pretty thoroughly for joining Team Galactic, but otherwise, it was like old times.
Question: Hey Sora and Mimi I've heard you two were asked by Tai to look on Kari's fat older girlfriend, what did you two found out about her? Sora: for one, she's a futanari... and longer and thicker than Tai and Yamato put together... and she has a thing for tennis outfits. Mimi: She also has a thing for pinkettes, halter tops, and mini skirts. Hikari: So naturally, I invited my surrogate big sisters to join as junior concubines in my Girlfriend's little harem... Thinking of recruiting Miyako next.
Question: for Misty, May and Dawn, which of you had the idea of giving your first times together to Ash's herd of Taurus? And any plans of bringing ash's later companions to the group meetings in the future? Maybe that is exactly what Lily needs to get rid of her fear of pokemon, although maybe Bonnie is too small yet... May: Can't remember who had the idea first, but bringing in more girls sounds like a good idea... Even with Iris joning us, the herd is a bit much when they outnumber us 6-to-1. Misty: Bonnie sounds adorable... and I bet we could bond over being younger sisters to gym leaders... and Molly managed a Tauros, so I'm sure Bonnie can as well.
Question: Ken, what's it like to be double teamed by yolei and Davis on a daily basis. Any truth to the rumor that yolei likes to play "Digimon Empress" and make you and Davis into her bitches? Ken: After what I did as Emperor, I was surprised anyone would want me... much less two... And yes, myDark Mistress is a sexy, kinky Goddess and I am her unworthy bitch. Miyako: *wearing a cross between Ken's Emperor outfit and a dominatrix outfit in shades of violet and magenta.* and don't you forget it. *Cracks whip.*
Question: Roxie, how's your career as a underground erotic rocker going along? Roxie: It's going great! Those pervs in the audience are constantly tripping over themselves to get a peek at my loli pussy whenever I "accidentally" lift my guitar a bit higher than usual... and the ones I invite backstage treat me like the punk princess I am for chance of being granted the privilege of getting to pound my pussy and smack my tight, little ass.
Question: Elesa, you made Bianca your pupil as you saw her potential as a futanari model like you. How's her training going along? Elesa: She's got most of the basic poses and dance moves down, but she still gets a major case of pikachu cheeks whenever she strips for the camera or poses in the buff.
Question: Professor Juniper, whose child you're impregnated with? Hilda or Bianca? Do you still getting spit-roasted by them even though you're pregnant? Juniper: I don't know yet... decided I'd wait until the child comes out to see if she takes after her daddy before ordering a paternity test... and I'm not about to turn down being double teamed by prime girl cock just because I have a big belly.
Question: Cynthia and Garchomp, when you visited Unova last time, I heard you ran into a budding dragon type trainer named Iris and her Axew. Did you teach her and him how to be a proper 'master' and a proper 'bitch'? Garmchomp: Oh yeah, the little guy hadn't come into his full ferocity yet, but by the time we were done with the pair, he was riding around on that tight, little booty of hers, keeping his shaft buried in her ass or pussy instead of hiding in her hair and passing of his jizz as surplus hair gel.
Question: Misty since when are you your sisters' cocksleeve? did you really give up your dream to be a gym leader because it was cutting into your cock sucking time? Daisy: It happened around the time we returned from our world tour. Violet: Yeah, she was getting annoyed with us just lazing around instead of doing our share of the Gym Leader work. Lily: At first, she offered to serve our cocks as a way to motivate us. Daisy: but she ended up enjoying it too much... and now we're doing all the work. Violet: Though, getting imouto blowjobs and imouto pussy several times a day is a great fringe benefit.
Comment: Not a question, i just wanted to say Thank You, i appreciate that you liked my question so much that you would consider making it into a full story. Even if you don't end up doing it, it's the thought that counts! I just hope it doesn't distract you from what you may be currently working on, i don't want you feeling like you're obligated to actually make it because of me. Almost forgot, hypothetically, what season would that story take place? Kitten: Honestly, it's probably inevitable that some of the asks on these will inspire full stories... and if nothing else, these Q&As are a great way to give myself something low stress to work on on days where I just can't get the translation from image in my head to words in the text editor to work for proper stories. As for timeline placement, I left the ask deliberately vague since the question didn't specify, but I was thinking the character's 01 incarnations and would probably set it around the time of Our War Game.