Question: to Raven(TeenTitans), its been years since your arms and legs have been chopped off and been bound in place as an broodmare for an alien race, you finally hear a familiar name "Starfire", do you think she's here to rescue you or replace you? Raven: *thinking* Oh, Starfire would love the way these aliens play with me... Even if what they were saying about me being old and worn out is true and needing fresh meat, I hope they keep me around long enough to witness Star's training as a broodmare.
Question: Gwen(Ben 10), how are you and Ben faring after Vilgax ruined earth and turned it into an apocalyptic nightmare, despite being 10 years since it happened Ben doesn't seem to have aged, probably side effects from having his limbs forcefully torn in the midst from transforming. Gwen: It hasn't been easy. Some days, it's all I can do to maintain the magical force field that keeps the air pollution and toxic waste out of our current hidey hole, and in addition to being a quad amputee and no longer physically aging, the effects from Vilgax ripping out Ben's limbs mid-transformation leave his stumps with a localized anti-magic field that prevents any prosthetic I enchant from binding and prevents healing, and well, I have my doubts any mundane maker of prosthetics survived the end of the world... about the only consolation is that Ben ended up permanantly having Fourarms's massive twin cocks and sex is great for passing the long stretches of time between venturing out to scavenge supplies and fighting for survival when we have to relocate.
Question: Princess Zelda(Legend of zelda), the hero of Hyrule has been missing for awhile and pained whimpers have been heard from your private bathroom, could they be possibly related? Zelda: Oh, the hero thought he had a chance to get with a princess just because he saved the kingdom... so I had to teach him the error of his ways... He is now my personal toilet, though I did have to sew his eyes shut so he doesn't see anything he shouldn't and sewed his tongue to his gums so he can't speak, and the way his body is contorted can't be comfortable...
Question: Bitch Hunter, how do feel after you finally managed to add that pesky Kitsune (that you found is some kind of "Digimon" called Renamon) to your "collection"? Hunter: she is certainly an exotic beauty... and that golden fur is luscious. Question: Rika how do you feel about fact that somehow you are now a Lilithmon and last thing you remember is some powerful dark digimon absorbing your data after accidentally tearing your (well, Sakuyamon's) head during facefucking you (well, Sakuyamon)? Lilithmon: I am not sure what happened, though I find this new body quite fitting to my desire to become the true Digimon Queen...
Question: Aang, did you really just betray all your friends so Fire Lord Azula could crush your balls? Azula: Yes, it turns out the little boy was quite the masochist. Granted, I would've crushed his grapes and watched the juice running out regardless, but getting him to help apprehend the rest of that little rebellion he was leading made it all the sweeter. Question: Korra, any last words before your executed? must have been hard for you to slowly watch your friends being led to their demise. especially Asami and Jinora it must have been painful to watch Asami being filled with water till she burst, crying out your name. Jinora oh poor jinora you had watch helpless as she was eaten alive by some sickly strays poor thing lived for days being slowly consumed. *Korra throws up around her gag as the executioner approaches, a slurry of Asami's entrails and the droppings from the dogs that had gnawed on Ginora's bones fermenting in a barrel, the pump that had been used for Asami's execution connected to both the barrel and a nozzle that is soon to be thrust up Korra's anus. Question: Asami whats your reaction to Avatar Korra castrating herself in public giggling like mad then consuming her balls before impaling herself using earth bending? *Asami Walks up to Korra where she stands twitching upon the earthen pike, Asami swallowing Korra's final breaths before walking behind Korra to anally fuck the Avatar's corpse.*
Question: Rika, it seems that Rumiko invited both you and your grandmother Seiko to an escape room. How do you feel about fact that as soon as its owner closed a door, all three of you began to feel incredibly horny (and don't know that its caused by poison gas that will kill you as soon as you orgasm, while escape room's owner filming whole thing through system of hidden cameras). *Unaware of the danger, the three women quickly undress, rumiko and Seiko starting to make out with each other as Rika takes her mother's nipple between her lips. As the two older women start grinding their womanhoods against each other's thighs, Rumiko's hand finds its way to Rika's preteen pussy, sliding multiple fingers into the young girl. Due to her inexperience, it isn't long before Rika experiences her first, and last, orgasm, her face frozen in a smile as she goes limp in her mother's embrace. Caught up in their passion, Rumiko and Seiko continue working towards their shared climax, too lost in their incestuous lesbian lovemaking to notice Rika's demise.* Question: Sora, Mimi and Hikari, how do you feel about fact that after you and your digimon accidentally destroyed Digitamamon's supply of meat (for his restaurant), he decided to replace it with meat from your (and your digimon's) bodies? Is is true that you completely agreed with his reasoning? Question: Digitamamon, what do you think about fact that when you told Sora, Mimi and Hikari that you want to replace supply of meat they and their Digimons destroyed with their bodies, all three of girls completely agreed with you then began to "sow off value of their meat" through strip dance? Digitamamon: I don't give a flying sukamon what their reasons for agreeing were, I'm just glad someone didn't try to weasel out of their debts to me for a change. I was able to charge like 10 times the amount per pound of my usual offerings thanks to human being something most digimon haven't tried before. Question: Rumiko, what do you think about changing your career from photomodel to snuff actress, since progress and commoness of cloning technology means that it isn't "once-and-you-are-done" job (especially when you are liked/loved by viewers)? What about persuading Rika to join you in this? Rumiko: *Masturbating furiously to a recent video of one of her clones being doggyfucked while locked in the guillotine, the doomed clone's teeth clenched around the rope holding up the blade, Rumiko orgasming as her doppelganger cries out in orgasm a split second before her head hits the ground.* Oh, I've sent so many of my clones to their demise... its tempting to put myself on the chopping block and hope one of my clones can carry on in my place... As for Rika... *Starts playing a video of a Rika clone letting out a gurgling scream as her womb is ruptured by a bull and her stomach bloats with bull semen.* I can't convince my daughter to do anything with the modeling or adult entertainment business, but I was able to sneak enough skin cells as she slept to start a line of clones without her knowing... *switches to a video with two clones, one each of Rumiko and Rika, sitting face-to-face in electric chairs, both being fucked hard by mechanized dildos in the chairs and with obvious bladder bulges.* Clone Rika: Sorry Mommy, I can't hold it anymore. Clone Rumiko: No baby, don't pee! Don't kill mommy! Clone Rika: Sorry Mommy, it's coming out! *As the Rika clone wets herself, her pee completes the circuit on clone Rumiko's electric chair, and chain reaction causing the older clone to piss in her death throes, completing the circuit on clone Rika's chair.* Rumiko: *Climaxes again to the back-to-back electrocutions of her doppelganger and her daughter's.*
Question: Nel, harribel, sun-sun, mila rose, apachi (harribel's fraccion), and orihime, how have you gals taken to ichigo's hollow form deciding that holes other than your pussies, mouth, and ass are on the menu, I imagine his cock spearing you girls one after the other through your ears must be a great way to feel closer as a family! *The gaggle of hollows are alive, but the experience has left them mostly lobotomized, incable of anything beyond craving their master's cock and the bare essential of survival tasks.* Question: Related to that, how did he respond once he went back to his old self and still had you girls on his cock, and did your hollow healing factors, and Shun Shun Rikka for orihime,make it so you gals could tell him just how good it felt so even as a human he'd continue to fuck those extra holes? Ichigo: I was horrified at first, but it's hard to feel bad about it when you've got half-a-dozen cute and/or sexy girls who can only think about your cock.
Question: Renamon: Are you sure you want to ride Guilmon massive cock? After all it turned Rika into an impregnated cum inflated mind broken rapemeat or are just so much of a size queen you don't care that you might end up as another one of Guilmons stress toys. Renamon: Rika ended up like that because humans are frail creatures... I'm confident I'll be able to satisfy Guilmon's wild desires. *Thirty minutes later.* *Renamon is a drooling mess, her once golden fur nearly as white as her belly fur from being so plastered with dino jizz and her tummy so bloated with digiseed it would dragg the ground if she digivolved into Kyubimon.*
Question: Vanilla the Rabbit: Is it true you help your new human husband rape and breed your daughter Cream and if so is it also true that he sells whatever offspring the 3 of you have of as slaves? Vanilla: Rape implies my sweet, little slutbunny isn't a willing participant... the first time little Creamy walked in on me and her new daddy having fun, Me bound in too tight latex and gagged, my arms behind my back, my ass in the air and me kissing the ground as my new hubby plows me like a 2 ring whore, Cream's first words were asking if she could have a turn on her daddy's carrot... And we've kept a few, but yes, most of cream's sisters,both the half-sisters I've born and the step sisters from her own womb, where auctioned to the highest bidder... that's how my hubby was able to afford these platinum slave collars for me and Cream.
Question: Tsunade and Kushina: Ever since Naruto excepted the Kyuubis deal for power how are you two holding up as rape meat for the next generation of Uzumakis? And Naruto ever since learning that the Kyuubi was female and that her deal was you get her power all of it as long as you become her mate and you rape and impregnate to 2 most important women in you life, how do you feel? Kurako: Oh, those two hucows have become quite accepting of their role as breeding sows for my mate... and me and Naruto dear are quite happy... Though my influence has lead to pretty much all of the new Uzamaki having fox ears and tails... and most of the offspring of those hucows have taken one of my kits as a familiar, if not mate...
Question: Rouge the Bat: The saying old habits die hard sorta ring true for you now that you were captured and sold to the sadistic human kid with a dick that can make a horse jelous right? Rouge: *Screams into her gag as her human master rearranges her insides with his horse cock, her large for her stature boobs locked into contraptions resembling waffle irons.
Cardcaptor Sakura: Question: So Tomoyo when did you discovered your fetish for castrating boys ? Tomoyo: Oh, it was shortly after Sakura-chan started crushing on Yukito-san. Question: Who was the first boy you castrated and how ? Tomoyo: OH, Yukito-san of course. I couldn't risk him returning Sakura-chan's affections, so I invited him over for tea... and after slipping him something to knock him out and make sure he wouldn't wake up during, I used some sewing shears to slice through his scrotum skin, snip his vas deferans, and then used a needle and thread to sew him up. With all my experience making clothing for Sakura-chan, I doubt a surgeon could have done a neater job. Question: What did you do with the boy's balls afterwards ? Tomoyo: for the balls themselves, I drained them of any fluids I could and replaced them with a clear resin than sealed them in a resin heart... I also turned the scrotum skin into leather to make a small purse to keep the resin preserved balls. Question: How do you decide on which boy to castrate next ? Tomoyo: Usually, I go after any boy who either shows an interest in sakura-chan or who Sakura-chan has a crush on. Question: So where do you bring the boys to be castrated? Tomoyo: Oh, my family's mansion has many hidden rooms, including one off my sewing workroom. Question: So have you ever castrated a group of boys, if so how many and how did you do it ? Tomoyo: I've mostly done boys one at a time. Question: How did get Sakura into castrating boys too? Tomoyo: Oh, I keep it a secret from Sakura-chan... Though I sometimes integrate the scrotum leather and resin-preserved balls into her costumes... Li-kun's balls became the little dots in the Yin-Yang brooch I fashioned when I decided to do a Chinese-themed costume for her. Question: How did you lure and subdue Syaoran? Tomoyo: Li-kun didn't fall for the usual drugged tea, so I had to tell my bodyguards that he's been picking on me and they took care of leaving him at my tender mercies. Kitten: Decided to truncate the Yandere Tomoyo castrating boys who are potential love rivals as it was getting rather long and tedious from my perspective.
Question: Naruto (pre-time-skip)) Hinata, recently there's been a trend among young girls where they've offered themselves up to be cooked alive in front of a crowd before being eaten. What made you decide to offer up yourself? Are you excited as you stand completely naked in front of the crowd, imagining how they're gonna eat your meat? Hinata: I've always felt like a burden to those around me, especially my family... at least this way, I'll be of some use to others and my sister can take over as clan heir without complications. Question: Hanabi, after watching your sister being cooked and eaten, even enjoying some of her meat yourself, you wanted to experience the same thing, so how did you convince them to cook you as well even though the minimum age range is 10 years? Hanabi: Oh, I'm very good at henge. By the time they realize I'm the Hyuuga heiress instead of a random cadet branch genin, I'll already be roasting.
Question: (Zelda: Oot) Zelda, you, Saria, Malon, and Ruto recently went to a Moblin den in order to take them out, however, you were too unprepared and were easily defeated, and are now living as the Moblins' livestock with your lives only consisting of eating, breeding (being bred by the Moblins' monster cocks, of course), and giving birth to more livestock. However, could it be that this was the outcome that you were hoping for, as it didn't seem like you had prepared for it at all, and your equipment was all of a very poor caliber. Ah, it seems that Malon, who has already given birth to three daughters, is being taken away to be chopped up and eaten by your Moblin Masters, but she seems to have an excited look on her face while you're looking at her in jealousy. Zelda: Oh, this life beats being some arm candy for Ganondorf or constantly being on the run, and I know Malon prefers this to the way Ingo was working her nearly to death before she ran away from the ranch.
Question: (Pokemon) Erika, when you attacked the Team Rocket base in Celadon, you found a room filled with naked girls that had been quadruple amputeed. But rather than being horrified, you became excited as the girls in that room all seemed to be happy about their current predicaments, so you stopped your attack and instead offered up yourself to Team Rocket, wishing to become like the girls in that room. So, how does it feel now that you've become a quadruple amputee, and how was it to have your arms and legs cut off (I hear they don't do anything to lessen the pain)? Do the Grunts use your holes a lot? Also, what happened to your Gym Trainers who attacked the place with you? Erika: Oh, the amputation was exquisitely agonizing... not only do they use no anesthetic, but instead of going straight for the shoulder and hip joints, they do each finger and toe joint one-by-one, giving time between each amputation to make the pain stand out, alternate between hands and feet and left and right, and only going for the second joint on each digit after taking the tip of all 20 digits...They also amputate at the wrist, elbow, ankle, and knee, as well as breaking bones to do partial amputations of the leg, thigh, forearm, and upperarm... the whole operation takes several days and they keep the victims under the effect of an Ekans's glare so no one fights back... Oh, and of course, my gym trainers all joined me as one of rocket's onnaholes, as did that leaf girl who discovered the hideout and asked for my help in raiding it... and Team Rocket and their pokemon aren't the only ones who use us... In addition to running casinoes, Rocket also runs several brothels and we're a popular attraction among their VIP clients for that side of the business.
continuation from the Cardcaptor Sakura story in chapter 2. Question: Sakura, what was your reaction when Syaoran asked for a rematch to get his balls back? Sakura: Oh, I found his confidence cute... Question: What was his reaction when you said he had to put his thing on the line ? Sakura: he blushed, but refused to back down. Question: So why did you pick mud wrestling and more importantly why decided that it had to be in bikinis ? Sakura: It was Tomoyo's idea and she insisted bikinis were the traditional attire for such. Question: How easy was it to defeat Syaoran? Sakura: Pretty easy... I think he's gotten weaker since I took his balls... Question: After being defeated did Syaoran begged for mercy? Sakura: He actually accepted pretty quickly... I think he realized he was beaten and had no chance of recovering. Question: Tomoyo did you enjoy recording the match and Syaoran losing the last piece of his boyhood? Tomoyo: Of course... especially the way Sakura-chan wiggled her mud-stained, bikini-clad butt as she pinned Li-kun. Question: Sakura, is it true you turned Syaoran's balls and thing into a strap on and what are your plans for it? Sakura: It was Tomoyo's idea and she wants to record me wearing it and thrusting it up Syaoran's butt...