Question: Ty Lee - We know that Azula boiled your sisters from the inside out with her magma-cum. And we know that it terrifies you. But it turns you on too, doesn't it? How long do you think it'll be before you either bait Azula into murder-fucking you or beg her for the same treatment they got? Azula: Oh, Ty Lee is always so chipper outside of the bedroom, but whenever I have her under me, she's constantly shaking like a leaf in a mix of excitement and mortal terror... even managed to make her cum her brains out and piss herself in fear at the same time by turning the heat up to uncomfortable, but not dangerous levels... I'm sure I'll give her the pure magma load eventually, but in the mean time, its so much fun keeping her wondering whether I'm just going to make her sweat or roast her internal organs... makes me wish I had drawn things out a bit more with her sisters instead of treating them as expendable until I only had the one left.
Question: Katara - Rumor has it that you use bloodbending to turn people into your personal sex dolls before you kill them. Do they die because you're that rough with fucking, or because the bloodbending causes internal damage that you can't stop when you do it for more than a few seconds, or do you just deliberately snuff them when you're cumming? Katara: The first time was a complete accident, but the resulting rush was so great I had to have more... I do try to limit myself to criminals that are wanted dead or alive or who have been sentenced to execution... I've gotten very good at removing the evidence of my sexual acts and making it look like they either resisted arrest to the point lethal force was justified or that their execution was a quick, clean kill instead of a drawn out affair.
Question: For the Totally Spies girls: How many mooks HAVE you killed over the course of your espionage career? I mean, surely that kind of body count isn't needed... is the killing some kind of turn-on for Sam? Or Clover? Clover: Honestly, after you take out a few dozen henchmen who had a bit too much of the Kool-Aid the wannabe big bad of the week is serving, you stop keeping count. Sam: Besides, if WOOHP agents didn't make liberal use of our license to kill, most of these discount henchmen would just find other psychos to serve or give being the main baddie themselves a shot. Busting an evil operation is one thing, do you have any idea how hard it is to actually gather enough evidence to put the just following orders types behind bars? Alex: Practicality aside, Sam and Clover do seem to be particularly fond of dropping down on security guards and squeezing their necks between their thighs in a way that their death screams are muffled by their crotches... and it happens too often to just be coincidence... especially since I know they can snap necks with their thighs as easily as I can instead of slowly strangling...
Question: Gwen Tennyson: Who got you hooked on those alien aphrodisiac drugs? I mean, sure, it's all fun and good when you're high as a kite with zero inhibitions, doing things that would turn your stomach if you were sober, but you know that you're nearly overdosing every time? Just one more good hit and you'll probably find out if it's possible to orgasm to death...! Ben: I never did find out who the creep who was smuggling the stuff to Earth was, We caught Kevin Levin peddling the stuff on the streets, apparently, after he got out of the Null Void and regained a human form, one of his alien contacts thought a 12-year-old boy would make a perfect mule for bringing Earth into the Galactic cartels, but I trusted Gwen with the investigation since I'm more of a punch the obvious bad guys in the face type than a track down the mastermind running the show from the shadows type... Honestly, I just thought Gwen was finally loosening up, I had no idea she was actually on the stuff when she started making out with me, bouncing in my lap and getting curious about my Aliens' cocks... Had no idea anything was wrong until she went totally wild in my lap, spasming more than I've ever seen her do before and then just went still and limp and stopped breathing... If she ever found out who was supplying Kevin, she took that knowledge to her grave, and smashing Kevin's face in didn't get him to talk...
Question: Misty (Pokemon): Is it true that some pokemon have venomous semen? And is it true that some water trainers think the truest way to 'bond' with one of these `mon is to act as a living sacrifice/cocksleeve for them? Misty: Poison types aren't my speciality, and I don't know about their semen, but I know Tentacreuel and Qwilfish are prone to stinging their mates by mistake, kind of hard to avoid with so many tentacles and being a living pin cushion respectively... Tentacool are known to sting during mating as well, but with only the two tentacles, its easier to take precautions... I have lost a few gym trainers because they got too close to tentacruel during mating season, but it was hard to tell if they died from poison or from drowning.
Question: Terra (Teen Titans): Any truth to the rumor that you've been letting Raven torture you in ways that wouldn't be possible without magic, as penance for selling the team out to Slade? Raven: Oh yes, I've quite a bit of fun with our naughty mole... and there are a number of punishments that would have left her a broken, lifeless husk if my magic didn't allow me to do things with surgical precision and heal any damage I cause before she suffers irreversible damage... Of course, I started with the classic shadow tendrils invading her mouth, anus, and vagina and stretching those holes to their limits, but I didn't stop there... tendrils up the nostrils, the one down her throat branching to both her esophagus and trachea and then to every branch of her lungs, the tendril acting like gills absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen so I could fully choke her without her suffocating... the one up her rectum wriggling all the way through her intestines, stretching them out and unkinking them, the one in her cunt reaching up into her womb and branching off to tickle her ovaries... letting some slide around her eyeballs and coil around her optic nerve or slide into her ears... and of course, letting some make pinholes in her skin to wriggle and writhe through parts of her insides without an access hole...
Question: Starfire (Teen Titans): Ever been tempted to go back and let that chrysalis-eater have her way with you? Starfire: No, and I don't think she would find me very tasty now that I've passed my chrysalis stage... The thought of being swallowed whole by an Earth snake and relaxing in a warm acid bath in its stomach has cross my mind though.
Cardcaptor Sakura Question: Syaoran for failing to become the Clowmaster, the elder order your death, how did you feel about that ? Your mother was order to publicly strip you naked and then beat you, how did you feel about that ? Before your execution you tied naked to a pole in the middle of your family mansion, there you beaten each day. What where some of the worse things that happened to you ? Yelan: My former son showed no dignity at any point between the Elders passing judgment and when the Mistress showed up to plead for mercy on his behalf, whining like a little bitch the whole time. As for the torments he was subjected to... well, of course there was caning his bare backside from shoulder blades to just above the knee, and driving bamboo splints under his finger and toenails... and having tight elastics tied around the base of his cocklet and what passed for a scrotum... and then his sisters got creative with piercing his nipples and pressing hot wax seals to his skin. Question: Sakura, how did you learn about Syaoran's fate and how did you react? So you and Tomoyo went to try to save Syaoran, first how did you get the elders to see you? Tomoyo: Sakura-chan got worried when Li-kun missed one of their weekly phone calls and she couldn't get up with him... So she did a reading with the cards... Not sure what the reading said, but afterward, I was barely able to get her into my newest battle costume before she was sprouting wings with Fly, enhancing her speed with a super typhoon tailwind from Windy and I was clinging to Keroberos's back as he and Yue tried to keep up with Sakura-chan's slipstream as she flew straight for Hon Kong. Pretty sure she hit the Li compound with the force of a tornado when she landed and I though she was about to take the heads of all the Li Clan Elders with Sword and burn the place to ashes with Fiery before they agreed to give Li-kun a stay of execution so they could negotiate. Question: The elders did offer to let Syaoran go but you would have to publically castrate and cut off his penis. How did you react to that offer ? So Sakura and Syaoran how did the public castration go? Sakura: I was reluctant at first, insisting they had already caused Syaoran-kun more than enough pain... Though one of his sisters did convince me that it was actually the kinder option, that the way they had tied up his boy parts, there was already irreversible damage and that it would be better to just cut them off than to leave them to fall off on their own at best or to start rotting at worst... I did my best to be gentle and make the cut clean when I did the deed... Question: Tomoyo you took Syaoran to get surgery to transform into a girl. How did Sakura and Syaoran react after Syaoran's surgery ? Sakura how does it feel to have a female Syaoran as your personal maid? Syaoran what is it like being a girl? Sakura what kind of naughty things do you do with Syaoran now ? Sakura: I was a bit surprised when Tomoyo introduced Syaoko to me... and I'm not really comfortable having her act as my maid, but she seems to have taken well to her new body... and it is kind of nice when the massages she insists on giving me after cheerleading practice and athletic events get naughty...
Question: Bitch Hunter, I heard about your hobby of "hunting" beautiful girls and women to add them to your taxidermic collection. How do you feel after adding your recent quarry: Rika, Rumiko and Seiko Nonaka to it? Hunter: quite pleased, it isn't often I get to immortalize three generations of the same family, usually the grannies are too old and wrinkly to make good specimens... Shame that Kitsune who was trying to protect them got away.
Question: Rika, it seems that not only IceDevimon changed you into ice sculpture after tearing off all your clothes, but did so in a way that causes you to be unable to ever lose conciousness or die. He also decided to taunt you afterwards by tearing apart Kyuubimon and absorbing her data, which caused him to digivolve to Perfect Level Digimon. Rika: *Wishes the sadistic digimon would just finish her off, her every nerve ending screaming pain from extreme frostbite that's not allowed to kill her.* Question: IceDevimon, how do you feel about fact that you not only have naked body of famous Digimon Queen as part of your collection of "trophies", but also managed to evolve to Perfect Level after tearing apart and absorbing data of her "partner" IceSatamon: It feels amazing... and I got to admit, that so-called Digimon queen makes a rather nice to llk at ice sculpter... shame there aren't any other famous females who play that silly card game the humans made based on Digimon... though perhaps corrupting one of those idol singers would be a fun way to grow my statuary. Kitten: Okay, I looked up IceDevimon's possible next evolutions, and none of them really seemed thematic... Basically, IceSatamon is SkullSatamon, but his bones are a bluish white, his digicore is pure white and he has jets of ice spraying from parts of his skeleton...
Question: Rika, how's the decorating for the spooky costume party going? What costume are you going to wear for it tonight? And what costume were you hinting wearing for Takato later after the party after that blowjob you just gave him? And is it alright for you to have strip and masturbate under this prop? I think the boys are close by hanging up the other props, so why are you still masturbating? Can you make any noise or maybe struggle to catch their attention to signal that you are under the prop? That must hurt to have a rope catch and strangle your neck, are you still awake hanging up in the air like this? It seems that the boys didn't notice you under the prop and have hanged you to a slow death, but it seems you are cumming, are you enjoying this? *Rika had plans to attend the party as Carmilla, one of the most feared Ladies of the Night she could find researching the lore of vampires, and had even taken advantage of one of her mother's fashion designer contacts to commission a costume that could, with a few tugs on the right ribbons, quickly shift from intimidating vampiress for the party to blood-sucking seductress for the private after party she had planned with gogglehead... Though perhaps giving him that blowjob as a preview had been a mistake, as she had gotten so horny thinking about that night, she couldn't help sneaking off somewhere to masturbate, and for some reason, hearing the others nearby only spurred her on... she had panicked a bit when that rope caught her around the neck, but the orgasm that had followed her losing the ability to breathe and proceeded her black out had been the most intense of her short life.* Question: Takato, was it a surprise that Rika pushed you against a wall and gave you a Blowjob? What type of costume do you think she was hinting at, when she left to help with the other parts of decorating? Do you think this means Rika wants to become your girlfriend? Also, wasn't that prop you, Kazu, and Kenta just hung up, awkward and heavier than any of the others? I mean, it took all three of you to pull the rope around it and keep like that, since it seem to feel like it was fighting against you, and than to pull it up thru the pulley. Are you ready for the party later? And what costume are you wearing? Takato: If I didn't know better, I'd swaer Rika was hinting at coming dressed as a succubus or some other variety of cute demoness, but I can't imagine her wearing something like that... And yeah, the last prop was surprisingly heavy... anyways, I hope Rika doesn't think me too dorky for deciding to dress up as Victor Frankenstein... Thought of going has his monster, but I don't think I can do the big, scary monster thing to well. Question: Kazu, are you ready for the costume party tonight? Also it seems you found Rika's clothes, do you think she's going around naked? Also those panties sure don't fit Rika don't they? They are really sexy. Do you think these are just spares, she brought and left by that one heavy prop from earlier? And do you care if she notices the cum stains on them, since you are using them as a masturbating aid? Cumming inside her panties must have felt great, right? Um, now you are looking up and looking at that heavy prop from earlier, why? And why are you getting hard again so soon? Is seeing whatever you are looking at, that sexy? And whatever you are looking at, are you going to tell any of the others? *kazu passes outfrom a mixture of fear and arousal as the truth of what he and the other boys did sinks in, his last thought before losing consciousness being, 'Oh Kami, I hope her Ghost doesn't come for me in revenge.'*
Question: Rika, are you regretting taking that dare from Kazu to take a piss in that haunted men's public restroom at night? It seems that legend about a hand reaching out from the toilet is true. Does it hurt to have a cold dead hand reach straight up your pussy? It seems you are stuck on the toilet from the hand grabbing the inside of your pussy, thank goodness since your piss would have gone all over the place from your struggles, right? How does it feel to have your womb slowly pulled out? Now that the toilet is flushing, how does it feel to have your uterus to be stretch further and further from your body in that cold water? It seems your womb has finally given out and been torn out of your body, how are you feeling? It seems you've survived your ordeal and are now in the hospital, how are you feeling? And did you hear about the new rumors going around about that restroom? About that hand now having some sort of onahole and masturbating men off with it, while allowing them to not only cum inside, but to finish peeing inside it too. Do you think that's true? And it seems now at night, you still feel your uterus but also the pain of what seems like you being raped, do you think this is connected to the new rumors? Also it seems like you've stopped trying to convince others about what happened and that you feel pain like you still have your uterus, why? Is it because none of the adults believe you? And that the doctors are just convince that it's just pain from healing. Or is it that you are starting to like that feeling? Rika had never put much stock in stories about yokai, especially not the ones about strange creatures or ghosts inflicting strange injuries or mysterious deaths upon their victims, but as the ice cold hand reached inside her and slowly turned her inside out, pulling her vagina, womb, and ovaries in to the frigid water, she felt like a fool for not taking such stories seriously... and as if having a ghost or demon perform a crude hysterectomy on her and the doctors dismissing her story as hallucinations from some drug some psycho had used on her before ripping out her reproductive organs through her vulva and could offer no treatment beyond disinfecting the wound and sewing her up, she had been feeling things that didn't seem likely to be something similar to phantom limb. The rumors that that haunted toilet had become a place for perverts to get off had her convinced that whatever had taken her reproductive organs was somehow keeping them alive and she was somehow feeling everything that happened as that creature let those men unknowingly use a preteen girl as their cumdump and human toilet... and though her belly was as flat as ever, she had been feeling progressively more bloated over recent months, could swear she felt something kicking her from the inside where her womb should be, and had been having strange food cravings... The girl was sure that not only had the ghost been letting men rape her remotely, but as she came up on it being nine months since her ordeal started, she had a sense of dread that any day now, she would be wracked by agony beyond what she had endured thus far, agony the doctors would be unable to find any cause for, would deny her claims that her disembodied womb as going through labor, and that not long after, a newborn would be found in the haunted toilet...