Question: Rika, how does it feel, knowing that your first time was being gang rape? And it being broadcast across the city. How does it feel to have your cunt tasered? And that despite your tough attitude, you are still a hostage and so a damsel in distress. And what do you think the purpose of you being the main one being used as a demonstration of what the hostage takers are willing to do to the other hostages? Wonder why they doused you in water, while putting your feet in a filled bucket? Hostage Taker: This little bitch was a feisty one, trying to play hero, thinking she was a match for half-a-dozen grown men... Having our massive cocks destroy her cunt, throat, and ass quieted her down quite a bit, though she did scream bloody murder when we tazed her abused loli fuckhole... kind of a shame to finish her off, but not much point making an example of the hostages that are being the obedient little lambs they are supposed to be. Question: Renamon, now that you are done with having fuck Takato behind Rika's back, you know she's in love with him, did you hear that across the city some people have been taken hostage? That one of their demands is for a live stream of what they are doing to the hostages. You should really see the live stream! They raped a young girl live and now that their other demands are not happening fast enough, they are going to execute her by electrocuting her live on TV. Are you going to at least watch a few seconds of what's going on? Or are you going to head straight back home? Renamon: It's pathetic what some humans will stoop to... and they call us Digimon monsters... but I think I'll let humans deal with their species own filth... *Vanishes into the shadows.*
Question: Takato, how was it? Finding Rika's beaten and used body, hanging in the park. You seem to enjoy the video sent to you of her final hour. Did you know before that you had a snuff fetish? You seem to really enjoy the part of her final moments of her being hanged at the end. Are you going to keep this video to yourself? Or are you going give it to the police? Takato: Watching what they did to Rika was hotter than I would have thought something like that would be... torn between leaving Rika where she hangs, sneaking her off to Guilmon's old hut, or returning her to her family... As for the tape, I really should give it to the police... but I kind of want to keep it for myself... guess I need to figure out how to use the VCR to copy tapes...
Question: Haruka, have you heard and seen the video's leaked from the police about that serial killer who targets lesbians? It seems the videos are from the killer, it shows him seducing his victims, while cucking their lover. The video's show the encounters go on for a month, with each one getting kinker, until he kills the lesbian during orgasm on the final day of the month. With him than carving out their uterus and pussy to keep. He than sends the video's to the cuck lesbian. Anyways, it seems Michiru has been really busy for most of this month, even up to the point of leaving your dates early or even cancelling them at the last second. You seem to really enjoy the new flavor of the lip balm she's been wearing. Have you figure out what flavor it is? She seems to be really late to your date today? Are you going to wait any longer? Since she's not answering her cell, she barely even text you back once. Haruka: Whoever it is is one sick fuck... Michiru and I were trying to track him down, but we haven't had much luck, and lately I've been working the case alone... no idea what's had Michiru so busy lately...
Question: Sakura, are you getting cold feet now? Not only did the toad sannin seduced you, taking your virginity, but since you are still some years away from becoming a genin, he manage to talk you into becoming one of his toads snack. And it seems you really liked being fucked by him. And how is it being in a toads stomach? Sakura: *Whimpers as the stomach acid burns what's left of her skin.*
Question: Tetra, how was being the town's cumdump? And how you feeling with the noose around your neck? I mean you are a pirate, did you really expect people to forget the things you and your crew have done? You really thought they would forget, once they found out you helped stop Ganon? It seems more like you taking out the competition, instead of helping out. Tetra: Glowering as she stands atop the trapdoor of the gallows, naked aside from the ropes binding her, cum running from her well fucked ass and pussy.* As eager as these men were to fuck me, you'd think there would be at least one willing to buy me to keep as their personal wench instead of letting me swing... Or that they'd at least wait to see if I caught from all the men fucking me while I was in the pillory, but apparently this backwards town buys into that sins of the father, or I suppose sins of the mother in this case whale vomit and would condemn even an unborn child for bearing the blood of a criminal. Hangman: Any final words, Pirate Princess Tetra? Tetra: *Shakes her butt best she can given her bonds in the hangman's direction.* Wouldn't you rather fuck me than kill me? Hangman: Nice try, sea witch, but ya ain't got the right equipment between yer legs for my liking, that's why it's my job ta end the pretty ladies that'll try to charm themselves out of their fate. *Pulls lever.* Tetra: *Falling.* Fuck yo-! Hangman: No thank you... now that green suited twink accomplice of yours... glad I had the rupees to keep him fer myself.
Question: Link, it seems you manage to find Romani before Cremia this time. Did it make you feel horny see her body like that? It seems the aliens raped her to their hearts contents. Oh, and now you know why she acts strange after being abducted, theirs are small holes right behind her ears, they lobotomized her! Link: *Horrified expression on his face even as he tents his shorts... the next few loops have him returning to where he found Romani at progressively earlier times, whether to try and catch the aliens in the act and save Romani, to watch, or to rescue Romani only to rape her himself, the conflicted boy isn't sure.*
Question: Digimon emperor, how are the experiments on those two girls you caught going? The new dark rings seem to be working on them and making them into your obedient sex slaves. So what type of body modifications are you thinking for each one? Oh, don't forget to sterilize them. Don't want some worthless cunts to bear you subpar kids, right? Your genes are after all superior to theirs, I mean you captured them so easily and that after you interrogated them, aka torture, they reveal nothing amazing about themselves. Other than that one lusting after her brother. So, what are you going to do with them after you get tired of experimenting and fucking them? Are going to sell them? Or are you going to dispose of them? Emperor: Barely had to do anything to the one with glasses. She's apparently infatuated with the mask I wore back in the human world... and of course, ripping out their ovaries was the first thing I did to the two... as to what to do with them when they stop being a pleasant distraction... well, I could always use more food for the offspring from my breeding experiments...
Question: Rika, how are you doing? Being buried in this rubble, that digimon's attack destroyed that building above you, you really are lucky that your upper body is in this air pocket. But lets hope your arms can be saved! Did you hear that? Seems like some people have found you! Um, are you OK? They seem to have only uncovered your lower half and pulled down your jeans and panties. So, how does it feel being fucked like this? Rika: *Trying not to scream or moan from what she's being put through, fearful of wasting what little air she has left.*
Question: Rika, you seem to be addicted to masturbating in dangerous situations aren't you? That's the reason why you were exploring this abandon building right? To find a good spot to masturbate, finding that broken window with a sharp piece of glass still inside the bottom and a rickety broken chair nearby seems to be a god send to you right? You seem to have good balance to be kneeling on that chair while masturbating and hovering your neck over that glass. Is this from experience? Did you hear that? It seems this area is where that homeless guy is living. Careful! Any final thoughts? Damn, that glass really cut deep into you neck! Now that guy is pulling out his cock! Is being fuck like this to your liking? *As Rika bleeds out, she can't help gurgling from the pleasure her rapist is sending through her body, her mostly limp body shivering in climax as the homeless man fills her womb right before she blacks out.*
Question: Dawn, is it true you've been trying to snap your mom's neck whenever she fucks you with her futa cock? Would you blame your failure on lack of strength, lack of technique, or being distracted by pleasure? And has your mom caught on to what you're trying to do? Johanna: Oh, I'm well aware what my little fucktoy has been trying... what she doesn't know is that I've kept her diet deficient in nutrients vital to proper muscle growth... She'll need to twist just right to succeed with how weak she is... I'm in just enough danger to get a thrill, but it'll likely be years before her body catches up, if ever...
Question: Cynthia (futa), how did it feel to discover Caitlin had psychic powers AFTER you'd cut her arms and legs off to try and make her your helpless living onahole? And did Caitlin take any sort of revenge on you? Caitlynn: Cynthia had no idea that when she entered my chamber, she fell into the dreamscape I project whenever I'm asleep... I let her beleave she was using her Garchomp to amputate my arms and legs while I was out cold, while in reality, my Metagross was doing to her real body what her Garchomp was doing to my illusionary body... I even let her fuck my dream self as I levitated her amputated body to ride my nocturnal erection... She's still trapped in a dream thinking she got away with butchering me and making me her living sex toy, when in reality, she's become my body pillow and onnahole... and since my psychic powers free me from needing to eat, use the bathroom, or wake up and let me free anyone within my range from those annoyances, Cynthia has no idea she's been trapped for months and will be giving birth to my child soon... debating whether to let her wake up when her water breaks or keeping her trapped...
Question: Iris: With the Pokemon World Tournament drawing in powerful trainers from all over the world, you've probably met some of the more experienced Dragon users. How did you react to learning so many people choose to deal with "Dragon Pokemon are violently sexual" by letting themselves get fucked into intensive care? Doctor: *Standing by Iris's bed.* Idiot girl took the words of those idiot dragon fuckers to heart and bent over for her Haxorus at the first opportunity... By the time anyone responded to her screams and got her to us, she needed an almost complete blood transfusion and several hours of reconstructive surgery... If she survives, she'll likely have limited sensitivity, probably spend the rest of her life in diapers, and might be paralyzed from the waste down...
Question: Continuation of the Bleach one in this) So, Yoruichi, when are you going to tell Soifon that you are still alive, just paralyzed from the neck down but able to feel everything? Do you even plan on ever asking to be healed, or are you just too much into being used as a broken toy you don't even care anymore if you really die to their hands? What was the most painful an the most pleasing way you were used, are they the same one? Yoruichi: *Winks at the reader and flashes a faint smile when Soi Fon isn't looking.*
Question: (Zelda) Ruto, how does it feel to be stretched open so much you almost bleed to death as Morpha plays with your body everyday, just so it heals you after you pass out so its head-sized main body sleeps inside your ruined womb? Or is it true it is not ruined, and your eggs were used to make more Morphas that are taking other girls from all around to bring to the Water Temple and do the same it does to you? It IS rumored that both the LonLon Ranch girl and the very Hyrule princess have disappeared, as well as there being no more females to be found in a certain hidden forest village... *Ruto Alternates between cries of pain and moans of pleasure as the watery tentacle fucks her fishy pussy, the loudest screams coming whenever the glowing nucleus is either forced into her womb or is birthed from her passage. Around the boss room, a quintet of Hylian girls,and older blonde and redhead and a trio of children, one blonde, one ginger, and one with verdant lockes are experiencing a similar ordeal, though Ruto has no presence of mind to try and put names to any of the other faces.* Kitten: Okay, three of the Hylians above are actually Kokiri, but in all fairness, Kokiri look like Hylian children and the idea of this snippet is that Ruto has been continuously raped to the point she can barely recognize her surroundings.
Question: Sailor Moon) So! We know that now that you all have awakened as Sailor Guardians, you /really/ enjoy being futas now. Plenty on that elsewhere. But... those colorful miniskirts and leggy outfits just don't provide a lot of protection when you've got a lot between your legs that wants to hang out of them. And you girls have such a busy schedule fighting evil. A lot of those monsters are depraved, ruthless, and very cruel. And they'd like nothing more than to find the Senshi's weaknesses. It was only a matter of time before at least one of the Senshi wound up being castrated in battle. Or more than one. Maybe several... Such a shame. What happened? How are the unlucky girls handling it? Did other enemies start trying the same tricks, and did /they/ manage any successes? For that matter... it's been a while. Battle after battle. Are /any/ of the girls'... jewels and wands, so to speak, still intact? I just hope Tuxedo Mask is okay, for Chibiusa's sake. Rei: Actually, pretty much all of us have experienced the agony of losing our cocks or balls several times... Downside to magical healing that mostly provides accelerated healing but can't do instant restoration to perfect condition... Simply having our bits cut off isn't too bad... hurts like a bitch in the moment, but as long as the cut offs remain in tact, a few minutes holding them in place is enough to reattach them and a good night's sleep has them good as new... having them pulverized, incinerated, frozen, or otherwised destroyed is a bit worse... Only Sailormoon can restore a completely destroyed body part, and she can only manage regrowing one of our junk a day without putting her life at risk, and that's assuming none of us suffer other major injuries that need the Silver Crystal's healing powers. *Massages self gingerly through skirt.* And it really stings to have to deal with a cock stump that refuses to scar over while I wait my turn for regeneration, especially when I have to pee...
Question: Kari, is it true that you were involved in Sora's and Mimi's rape and deaths? And Yolei's disappearance? That she's a mindbroken sex slave at a brothel? And the reason why is that Sora and Mimi were competition for Tai, with you having caught Yolei admiring Tai's ass that one time? And what other plans do you have for any new competition that shows up for Tai? Kari: It's a bit of a shame that Sora and Mimi were broken so easily, I just wanted them out of the way, not dead, but I'm not too torn up with how they tried hitting on Onii-chan... Perhaps the next girl will be scared off when I tell them what I did to the other girls that tried to steal him away from me...
Question: Renamon, it seems Vajramon didn't trust you as much as you thought he would or this is some sort of test. How does it feel to see your plan fail? Now that you've return from that errand Vajramon sent you on, to see him raping Rika and that she's pale from the blood loss of having his huge cock tear thru her womb into her organs. Renamon: *Dark digivolves into Daomon and proceeds to reap bloody revenge on the Ox.*
Question: Despite biomerging with Renamon into a mega level digimon, you both are not use to this, right Rika? I mean the D-Reaper just now sent a tentacle straight into your joined cunt! It now is slowly deleting your mega form's womb, how does that feel? Sakuyamon: Screams in agony and is unable to fight back as further Tentacles lash out to try to drag her down into the red goo.*
Question: Ranamon, how does it feel to be raping Zoe underwater? And only allowing her to struggle and escape for her to get a breath of air before you drag her back down? How are you going to end Zoe? Thru finally drowning her? Snapping her neck? Blood loss? Or ripping her apart during sex? Ranamon: Oh, The way that little fairy struggled as I had my way with her was delicious, and only amplified by her panicking as she slowly drowned... As for how I finished her off... Well, I slide evolved while hilted in her cunt timing it to my climax. Going from being filled with well hung, but still mostly human sized cock to being filled with giant squid cock and the corresponding increase in cum volume ripped her apart, her agonized screams causing her to expel what breath she was holding and swallow water... not sure if it was the disembowelment or the drowning that exposed her digicode for me to scan, but it was a yummy treat, as were her spirits.
Question: ChibiUsagi, how does it feel to be rape to death, while at the same time ceasing to exist? Your future mother over their just had her womb completely destroyed by that monster ripping it out and eating, after it finished cumming inside her. Chibiusa: *Crying with gritted teeth as her body grows translucent, the monster cock bulging her passage and womb becoming visible through her skin. She eventually vanishes, the blood staining the monster's cock the only sign she was ever there.*
Question: Ami, how does it feel to see your mother, the woman you looked up to, willing be lobotomized and turn into a sex slave? And that you are next? Ami: *Masturbating furiously as she watches her mother's operation, unaware as the surgeon approaches her to put her on the operating table.*
Question: Link, how did you feel to stumble upon Saria's raped corpse? And why did you allow the baby monster that busted out of her womb to escape? Link: *Cradles Saria's corpse in his arms, paying no mind to the fleeing helspawn as tears run down his cheeks and he places a kiss to her cold, lifeless forehead.*
Question: Zelda, how does it feel to be a poe? What are you thoughts on your final moments as Ganondorf not only killed your father, but Impa also as she tried to whisk you away, with him raping you before beheading you? Also how do you feel to see your head preserved by his magic to not only act as a trophy, but for him to fuck? Hopefully, that forest kid will runaway with the spiritual stones once he hears about what has happened, right? Poe Zelda: *Appears in front of Link as he stands outside Castle Town, waiting for the dawn and the lowering of the draw bridge, ruminating on her many failures in life as she tries and fails to scare the boy off before he walks into the trap Ganondorf has waiting within the city walls.*
Question: Raven, it seems you are conflicted about the state Starfire is in, now that you found her? Part of you is horrified, while the other part is turned on, which is stronger? Do you want to eat the cum out of her abused cunt? And are you also imagining that you are in Starfire's place? Being a limbless, mindbroken, fleshlight? *Within Raven's mindscape.* Violet Raven: Damn that's hot, in a morbid sort of way. *Furiously masturbates.* Red Raven: Must destroy whoever did this! *Back in meatspace.* Raven: *Trying to control her emotions before she destroys the whole block.* Azaroth, Metrion, Zenthos! Kitten: As far as I know, there isn't a full list of Raven's emoti-clones anywhere, but for the sake of this snippet, I'm borrowing the emotional Spectrum from Green Lantern lore since Green Lantern and Teen Titans are both DC properties, so Violet = Love(including lust) and Red = rage(including the desire for revenge).
Question: Tai, it seems you've lost Kari on this beach, haven't you? Wow, is that a little girl being gangbang right in the middle of the beach? Doesn't she seem familiar? Can't be Kari, right? Kari didn't come to the beach in such a skimpy swimsuit, right? It seems the men are inviting you to fuck the girls pussy, while one of them is currently face fucking her, you can't see her face can you? Is that girls used pussy any good? It seems to be stretched out and spilling out a lot of cum, but you seem to like it, right? Wow, she really tighten up their, her body sure has stop it's flailing hasn't it? I think you should go now and look for Kari now, since I'm pretty sure that girl isn't breathing anymore. Didn't that piece of clothing in that one guy's bag, look like Kari's swimsuit? Only torn up. Probably not, right? Tai: Got to admit, that girl was a nice fuck, nearly as good as my little sister, hope she's okay... now to find where Kari got off to...