Comment: What about the rwby fandom? Kitten: Never seen it as it came out after I went blind... and have never listened to it either.
Question: Sakura Kinomoto, how did you and the rest of the girl's soccer team convince Syaoran and the boy's soccer team to play you in a game where if they lose they would be all castrated? How did they react when you crush them and did any begged to be let out of the deal? Mei Ling: Oh, it was pretty easy to convince them. A little goading that they must not have much between their legs if they're scared of losing to a bunch of little girls... Of course, I don't think they expected Me and Sakura to work so well together, Syaoran was the only one who could remotely put up a good counter to our combined offense. Question: How did you get the school to make their castration a school event? Tomoyo: Oh, that was my doing. I could only cheer the other girls from the sideline, but when I offered to make a donation that more than covers the budget shortfall from government funding cuts, the school was willing to do almost anything. Question: Since there was a week between the game and their castration, did you girls tease and or taunt the boys and if you did, what your favorites? Mei Ling: Sakura was a bit too nice, but I teased Syaoran mercilessly about how he'd soon become the latest in a long line of honored Chinese eunuchs. Chiharu: It was tempting to take Yamazaki's balls prematurly with my barehands when he started spouting lies about castration and penectomy practices around the world... Question: So when the day come, did the boys came to school willingly or did they have to be brought all tied up ? Chiharu: I had to drag Yamazaki to school by the balls... Mei Ling: Syaoran was too proud to do anything other than accept his fate with dignity. How much fun did Tomoyo have recording the event ? Question: So when the boys where brought up on stage, where they already naked or did you make them strip on stage? Tomoyo: Oh, we had each of the boys stripped on stage by one of the girls from teh soccer team... Sakura-chan had the most adorable blush as she fulfilled her duty as captain and stripped Syaoran... though I think Mei Ling was a bit jealous of that. Question: After their castration, you had an auction for their balls. Who bought Syaoran's ? Tomoyo: Sakura and Mei Ling pooled their money and each claimed one of Li-kun's balls balls... Other highlights of the Auction included Chiharu taking Yamazaki's and Rika buy Tereda-sensei, who was on the chopping block for being the Boys' soccer coach... Question: Afterwards Tomoyo had the "boys" brainwashed to be sissy maids and sold off. Say for Syaoran who she gave to you. How much fun is having your former rival be your sissy maid ? Question: What kind of naughty things do you do to Syaoran ? Sakura: I was happy just having one of Syaoran's balls, but it was a nice present for Tomoyo to give me the rest of him... It was Tomoyo's idea, but for some reason, I really like playing with the limp noodle he has above where he was sewn up after taking his balls and having him lick my Kitty.
Question: Takato, now that you are a Digimon Tamer, what are your goals? And since you came several times during that dream you had of that girl and her Renamon, did you realize a hidden kink you didn't know you had? Too bad that girl was just a dream, she was hot. And watching as her Renamon was defeated and raped, before being absorbed was a great view right? Not as good as to what happened to the girl, the Lynxmon having toss the girl into a wall, breaking her leg, before it defeated her Renamon. You came especially hard during what happened to her, didn't you? That girl while trying to crawl away after seeing her Renamon absorbed, having her pants cut off with the Lynxmon cutting into her legs, and being raped while her head was held in it's jaws to get her to hold still. You've must have came even harder once it broke her head and ripped it off her body, didn't you? Too bad the dream ended their, as the Lynxmon begin to eat her, right? Takato: *Blushing* Uh, well... that was quite a weird dream... did make an even bigger mess of my undies than I usually do when I dream about cute girls and hot digimon... wouldn't want to hurt anyone like that in real-life, but I wouldn't mind meeting a girl as hot as that Renamon's tamer was...
Question: IceDevimon(prequel question to that one were Rika was sterile and part of Lilithmon's army), fucking Rika's thighs must feel good right? Heard you want a certain part of Rika as a trophy to display and keep for only yourself, not wanting even the chance for others to use it, is this true? And how are you going take it? And are you going to do it right after this? Icedevimon; Oh yes, this girl's thighs feel quite nice hugging my digidick... and as appealling as the idea of turning her into my little fuck toy is, I bet the look on her face as I rip out her insides and render her no longer a woman and the realization of what I've done sinks in will be even more delicious... though perhaps I'll let her know the pleasure of a woman first so she knows truely what she lost...
Question: Renamon, watching Takato take advantage of that statue turned you on didn't it? But watching as he accidentally broke the head off, put your instincts on edge didn't it? Using that statue's cum covered head as a masturbating aid might help take the edge off. And that statue's maker is really talented isn't he? As not only did he get Rika right, but looking at the break, it really looks like how the inside of a human neck should look like, doesn't it? Anyway, don't you think you should take that statue's head to the artist in order for him to repair it? Doing that, might help in you getting a new angle to look at in your search for Rika. And are you going to keep it a secret to the artist that it was Takato who broke the statue? And who knows, the artist might just want you to pose for him. Renamon: It was such a strange and shameful, yet exhilarating experience... It's eerie just how realistic the statue is, and somehow, grinding against the face of the broken head made me feel closer to Ruki than ever before... Perhaps I should seek out the artist... Not sure about posing... and I don't think I'll volunteer who broke it, but I won't lie if he asks...
Question: Takato, how do you like the new addition to your favorite statue? Renamon using the broken Rika statue's head, the spiky hair part, as a dildo and cumming. The artist really is talented to get Renamon like that, and using the broken statue's head as a prop for his newest one, isn't he? Wonder were Renamon is? No one has seen her in the last week, have they? You must have been backed up to cum that much on that broken head, weren't you? Takato: Yeah, the Renamon statue is so realistic, Renamon must've really decided to model for him... and yeah, I went the whole time that statue was concealed for repairs without masturbating... and the revised version was just too much to resist... I feel like I should be more disturbed by something so grotesque... but I'm really starting to like it... I wonder who the artist's next subject will be...
Question: Rika, why did you allow yourself to be seduced by this plain chubby guy? And it seems like you've picked up being choked during sex as something you like, how did he talk you into allowing this in the first place? It seems like you've been going at it like animals for the last few hours, how are you holding up? Doe's it seem weird that his hands have been on the sides of your head for the last ten minutes? Chubby guy, is it true that you were paid to seduced Rika? And that every time you had sex with her, you've been recording it? That this will be the last time you will be having sex with Rika? That this last video is live and is going to be a snuff one? That the winning bid is to have you break her neck once she cum's again? So, how doe's it feel to be fucking Rika's twitching body, now that you've broken her neck? And what's the winning bid to do with her body? Chubby: Turns out the naive, little girl liked being wrapped up in thick arms and being pinned beneath my massive girth... the choking was just a natural extension to the way I'd squeeze the air out of her whenever I lay atop her...and the way she convulsed when I snapped her neck was exquisite... as for what to do with the meat, I believe the winning option was to clean out her guts, pump all three of her holes full of cream filling until she's fit to burst and roast her like a turkey.
Question: Rika, how does it feel to have been almost drowned while being raped by that digimon under the water? And how are you feeling with all four of your limbs being dislocated? It seems like that digimon was just playing with you, having allowed you to escape and even helped you onto the beach in you panic state. What's on you mind now that you are seeing it's limb coming out of the water to drag you back in and rape you again? Rika: *Barely has time to gasp for air before her assailent grabs for her, her scream of terror turning to bubbles as she's pulled under.*
Question: Saria, do the Kokiri give birth a lot or/and to sets of children? In order to offset the number of one's who are often used by the monsters in the lost woods as breeding and food for their young. Are their many Kokiri who are between what is consider old and young for Kokiri, since you are ageless? And is it true that the reason you are a sage, is that not only are you old, but also that despite many times you've been caught and used as a egg sac/food, you've managed to survive/escape? And what's the most deadly breeding you've witness happened? Saria: With the Great Deku Tree's passing, I became the eldest living thing in the forest... the beasts and creepy crawlies are often unkind to incautious Kokiri, and without the Great Deku Tree's protection, many have become down right cruel... I am not sure how many daughters, sons, sons of sons, and daughters of daughters I've lost to the forest over the years... but part of why I don't give Mido the time of day, aside from a brashness his single decade has not yet tempered into true bravery is not wishing to witness another child of my womb become carrion...
Question: Zelda(young OoT), how does it feel to be raped by a Redead? You were warned not to wander the royal tomb by yourself, but you just had too, so are you regreting it? Let's hope you escaped(doubtful), or are rescued(hopeful Impa will find you, after that trick and not just wait for you). Also, did you know that all liquids of the ReDead are poisonous and that it feels like it's a burn on and inside the body? So that painful tingle is not only from the rape, but the poison in the precum, and did you know that it's cum holds concentrates of the poison second to it's blood? Ouch, your tongue must be swollen from this french kiss and now it just ripped the front of your dress and bit a nipple off. *Zelda shivers from the cold of the redead's rotting flesh and writhes in pain from the burning sensation of its caustic fluids, her mouth wide in a silent scream, the damage to her larynx and lungs making it impossible to manipulate the air properly.*
Question: Midna, how are you going to keep it a secret that you are sterile, when the curse on you is lifted? Once it's known to your people, the best thing you can hope for would be a cum dump for them, and the worst is a slow torture before being killed(since the twili consider it a sin for the royal members to lose their ability to reproduce to anything other than old age). And do you now realize how weak you truly are without Link? Since you were teasing those bokoblins, and than lost to them. Which they took you and rape you until they tired and than fisted you before ripping out your uterus and eating it in front of you. You barely survived until Link managed to find and rescue you. Midna: *weeping quietly.* I don't know what I'm going to do... though it's tempting to see if I can avoid the disgrace by letting Link rut me in wolf form and see if his knot would be enough to rupture m yrectum and put me out of my misery...
Question: Harry, that was close wasn't? That troll raping Hermione, almost heard you and Ron cumming. Are you hoping that magic could help her? Since some of her limbs are not only broken, also some are dislocated. But that is still a hot sight, watching as the troll rams her down onto his cock as much as he can, and when he pulls her back, her Uterus is pulled further and further out of her body, isn't it? Let's hope the school has something to heal Hermione, right? Since it now looks like it as finally ripped thru her womb and into her body. Are you and Ron going to try and rescue her after cumming again? Ron: Surely, madam Pomfrey will be able to patch her up, right? Not going to risk that troll deciding my arse is next on the menu...
Question: Soifon, is it true that once you found Yoruichi's body, that you had it turned into a sex doll? That you use it multiple times of day? And that once a month, you allow it to be used by any man until it's covered and leaking cum? That you get off licking and sucking the cum off and out of it? That you do this as a treat for yourself? Soi Fon: Lady Yoruichi is the most beautiful woman in the history of Soul Society, it would have been a supreme waste to not preserve her beauty for posterity. *French kisses the corpse turned doll, pushing the cum left by the last man to use the dead woman's mouth back and forth as she grinds against her former superior's hip.*
Question: Gwen Tennyson, what was the event that made you decide to castrate your cousin Ben ? Gwen: Oh, it wasn't just one event, Ben's been a little perv all summer, sniffing my butt as Wildmutt, spying on me as Ripjaws when I go skinny dipping in the moonlight, standing close to me as Heatblast so my clothes cling to me from sweat, dousing me with Stinkfly's slime just so he can peep on me in the shower, kicking up wind as XLR8 whenever I risk wearing a skirt... though I suppose the final straw was findingGraymatter curled up in a cocoon of my panties. Question: You got several female to join you, Charmcaster, Turbine, Frightwig, Tiffany and Kai Green. How did you get them to join you? Kitten: Except for Charmcaster, I'm failing to connect a face to any of these names. Charmcaster: Gwen wasn't the only girl that little perv targetted... and if there's one thing I hate more than uppity little girls who think they're hot shit because they got a few cantrips to half work, it's scrawny nerds who think every girl they meet should drop her panties and bend over for him... Needless to say, I was more than happy to put off destroying the upstart witchling to help with neutering the horn pup. question: So how did you lure and capture Ben? Gwen: We used his pervy nature against him... We picked nearly matching Bikinis, powder blue for me, hot pink for Charmcaster, and she pretended to crash our day at the beach and we got into a mock catfight during which we let our suits slip... once Ben was a drooling mess, it was easy to cut the act and drag him off to a remote part of the beach where some rock outcroppings provided privacy... Question: As you had Ben at your complete mercy did you tease and or taunt Ben, if so what your favorites? Charmcaster: Oh, I decided against the usual villain gloating and just conjured a mana blade while Gwen held him down... did give him like 15 seconds to beg for mercy after slicing through his trunks and pressing my blade to the skin between his balls and dick... he screamed like a total wuss when I stabbed through his sack into the wet sand... granted, there were a few inches of standing sea water... Question: So what did you do with Ben's balls after you castrate him ? Gwen: I kept one and Charmcaster took the other... she even taught me a preservation spell to keep it from necrotizing. Question: Finally, how do you keep Ben under your control now ? Gwen: Oh, we managed to convince him that we could magically reattach his balls if he learned to be a proper gentleman... provided they remained in one piece. Naturally, we were bluffing, but squeezing his severed testicle in front of him as if I'm going to crush it into goo is enough to get him to stop being stupid or rude... fortunately, just being a eunuch has gotten rid of the perversion, but he's still a stupid boy with a gross sense of humor.