Question: Old Man Teuchi: Since you released your new futa cock and ball ramen special, Any girl volonteered to theirs to try it out? (girls eat their own genitals. Any naruto girls can fit) Teuchi: I didn't have many takers at first... Naruto gave it a try, making one of his shadow clones transform into a futanari and giving her enough chakra to not poof away when my cleaver sliced through her cock and sack... Ayame eventually volunteered to put her cock and balls on the line for the shop, and ever since, kunoichi have made a spectacle out of making bets where the loser sacrifices her cock and balls and gets to watch the winner enjoy the dish or is made to eat some herself... though I hear Lady Hokage has been trying to develop a medical jutsu to regenerate those bits after her gambling addiction found her under my cleaver.
D-reaper, so you are keeping Rika's brain alive inside you, while wearing her skin as a suit? You melted her insides, but how did you trick Rika into using you as a dildo? And how are you messing with her? As she's just a brain.: D-reaper: *Wearing Rika's skin and speaking in monotone* After scanning the katou girl's memories and using her likeness to infiltrate the tamers and observe them up close, it was easy to make one of these dildos and present it as a gift from one girl to another. Once I had captured my new host, it was easy to use what I had learned from Katou's memories, add what I learned from Rika's, and use them along with what I've learned of human biology to make her disembodied brain to experience every permutation of her worse memories, nightmares, mixed with just enough of her fantasies to keep her from breaking completely, and doing so in a way that she's not sure if she's awake or sleeping, not sure if the various ways she's been raped, mutilated, and tortured really happened and the pleasant bits are a dream or they are nightmares... Question: Rika, quick before they lobotomize you, what are you feeling knowing that they are modifying your body into a sex doll? Rika: *Mentally screams in horror as her limbs grow stiff and unresponsive as her muscles are replaced with medical grade silicone.* Question: Rika, how does it feel knowing that you are going to be a egg sac to the Dokugumon nest you fell into? And that you are most likely going become the young's food, once they hatch inside you, is their any regrets you have? Like missing the chance of giving your first time to a certain gogglehead? Rika: *Struggles as her captures douse her in a slimey substance that dissolves her clothes and start cocooning her in silk webbing.* Let me go, you 8-eyed freaks! Dokugumon: Struggle all you like, my pretty, our young like feisty food. *The swarm finishes cacooning Rika except for her head and leaving her bare crotch exposed.* Rika: *Goes pale as one of the spiders presses an ovipositor to her crotch* What the hell is that!? *Screams as the Dokugumon mercilessly pierces her maidenhead and cervix with a single thrust. Her screams grow louder as the intruder expands inside her and a fist-sized sphere is deposited in her womb. Soon, the silk covering her abdomen starts to bulge as she loses count of how many spheres are pushed inside her.* "What are you doing to me!? Dokugumon: You will make a tasty snack for my children when they hatch! *By the time the digimon is done laying eggs and seals up Rika's pussy with more silk, Rika's womb has distended to the point she's fatter than a Fridgimon.* Rika: *Whimpering in pain from being filled with dozens, perhaps hundreds of eggs.* Pl-please, go-gogle head... ple-please save me... I don't want to be spider food...
Question: Rika, is it true that you are sterile? That it's because when IceDevimon kidnapped you, he fisted you, than pulled out your entire womb before freezing it and breaking it off to add as part of his collection? And is it true now that the digimon have returned, you are desperately looking for a way to restore your womb, even with darker ways? Rika: *Shivers from the memory, even as Lilithmon caresses her cheek.* Lilithmon: Oh yes, this poor soul was quite willing to join my forces when I informed her that I could make her whole again... and her Renamon partner was more than willing to follow her, considering what IceDevimon did to be her biggest failure... As Kuzuhamon, they have proven to be among my strongest lieutenants... and has been a rather powerful motivator for the legions of LadyDevimon among my ranks... *Whispering in Rika's ear* Now, dear, are you ready to take out your former allies so I can claim the Human world as my domain? Rika: Yes, my dark lady. *Brandishes a black D-arc with midnight blue trim and holds up a card before it turns black.* Dark Biomerge, Activate!
Question: Rika, was it worth it? You definitely have ruptured organs and internal bleeding, but you just had to visit Growlmon alone at night and try his cock since you are a size queen, when you learned Takato was having trouble turning him back to Guilmon. You know that Guilmon is young and runs on instinct, so why did you tempt fate after stripping down and using your body to get him to cum? That immediately after you climbed up and put the tip of his cock, which barely fit thanks to all those large dildos you use, inside your pussy and rock back and forth, causing him to grab you and use you like a sex sleeve. Rika: *Barely conscious and twitching in a puddle of mixed cum and blood, a sleeping Guilmon, the dino having reverted after expending all of his energy in rut.* If...if...if I die here... at least I'll die happy... *Closes eyes, breathing ragged.*
Question: Rumiko, does it bother you that you've just learned a young girl at this party, which you brought Rika to, has OD on some drugs slipped to her? And that it's the same girl you ate out with the gaping pussy full of cum, does not seeing her face(since that guy was roughly face fucking her) make it any better? Oh, and since you are searching for Rika, you should try the area around the OD girl, I believe you will be enlighten once you find her. Rumiko: Its rather tragic, but with how many drugs get passed around at these parties and how often promising young models and idols are in attendence and are poorly educated about such things, it sometimes happens... I'm sure my little Rika is smart enough to keep herself safe. *She spots the ODed girl, and while the shade of brown of the girl's hair nags at the more worried than she's letting on mother, the cum-encrusted face is unrecognizeable.* Poor girl... she looks like she would have made a great model... *Not seeing any other young girls in that part of the venue, she moves on, calling out* Rika dear, where are you?
Question: Beelzemon, how does it feel having raped Rika in front of Renamon, before deleting and absorbing her? How does it feel to have Rika as your sex slave? And are you curious about how absorbing a human's data will affect you? If you do decide to absorb Rika's data, how are you going to delete her? Beelzemon: The expression on the puny fox's face is absolutely priceless... and if humans are good for anything, they make good fuck toys... Makes me wonder how mister sourpuss would react to me fucking that human girl that turned him from a lion into a pussy cat... Or how the vanilla and chocolate bunnies and the vanilla one's human would react to me playing with the chocolate one's human... kind of want to track down the twins and split Ai in half while Mako watches... Not sure a human's data would be worth absorbing, but I think I'll use his little bitch like an onnahole until she bursts like a water balloon from all my cum.
Question: Takato, how did Rika, you, and your partners end up in this part of the digital world from the real world? I mean those are facehuggers on Rika's and Renamon faces, not digimon. Why are you trying to save them? It's already to late for them, the best thing you can do is pull Rika's pants and panties down and fuck her, before switching with Guilmon and fucking Renamon, while he uses Rika. Than have Guilmon delete them and absorb their data, before the final part of what's happening to them comes to pass. You do know what a facehugger is and does, right? Takato: I'd be lying if I said the way Rika and Renamon are squirming as those things do whatever they're doing is giving me the weirdest boner ver, but I can't just give up on my friends... and I'm pretty sure Rika would come back as a vengeful ghost and kill me if I just tried having my way with her, even if she is dying and the best Guilmon and I can do is a mercy kill.
Question: Takato, are you going to accept becoming Renamon's new tamer? Are you going to fuck her like she's begging you to? Since she's very turned on after watching Guilmon and Rika fuck, especially since Guilmon knotted inside Rika and while dragging her around, accidentally turned around stepping on her neck and breaking it as you just arrived. And it seems you are going to have to watch Guilmon, since he seems to feel extra pleasure from Rika's twitching body. And what is your plan to deal with Rika's body? Takato: *Gulping audibly at the way his partner doesn't seem to realize what he's done to Rika.* O...okay... I knew he was a bit dimwitted and feral... but this is...this is worse than most of what the digimon who just rampage through town when they crossover have done... *Turns away from the scene, puking before noticing Renamon presenting her hindquarters to him, her reaction to the scene quite different.* Re-renamon... what are you doing? Renamon: Isn't it obvious? Seeing Guilmon ravage Rika has gotten me in the mood to mate, your the only unoccupied male around, and from the looks of it, I'm in need of a new trainer. Takato: *Still looking green from what Guilmon did to Rika, but clearly tenting his pants from the display Renamon is putting on.* [bookmark]
Question: Takato, does it feel good to rub and cum on this statues face? It definitely is modelled after Rika, but she would never look like that nude statue, on her knees with her arms holding her up as she arches her back and her head up with her face set in terror and pussy gaping with what seems to be torn from rape. What's it called? Something like "taking of innocence" right? Better watch where you are sitting on the statue. ...And you didn't listen, now the head is broken off. Better hope whoever owns it, can repair right? Don't want your favorite park statue to be taken away. Now that you are refresh from cumming, do you think you can find anymore clues on Rika's whereabouts, since her disappearance couple months ago? Even Renamon can't seem to find anymore clues, and she's certain this park contains Rika's whereabouts, since she last fully felt Rika here, and her instincts are leading her back to this park. Takato: I don't know what the artist was thinking... and I'm pretty sure both he and I are dead if Rika ever finds out about this statue and that I've been taking advantage of the "feel free to interact with the art" mesage, *Head breaks off.* Aw nuts, now both Rika and the sculpture are going to want my head... Though I should really stop enjoying myself and continue looking for Rika...
Kuroneko: Wow, someone really likes making Rika suffer... and is quite creative.
Question: Tai, doesn't Sora seem strange ever since she and Biyomon escaped from Datamon? And what are your thoughts on her spreading her legs for everyone here? Since she even gotten to the point of her pussy being torn and bleeding from taking the digimon's unique cocks. And she seems to not care about pain being inflicted on her, as she seems to be distance to whatever pain and damage is done to her body. Reacting only when you or one of the other's comment on it. Tai: At first, I kind of liked that she had turned more flirty, and I certainly wasn't complaining when she invited me to fuck her... I got a bit concerned when she started doing all of the guys, but it wasn't until I overheard her begging Agumon to digivolve while fucking her that I got worried... Datamon, your plan to use the Sora clone is working. But you seem to be ordering it to be sexually active, why are you slowing down on getting revenge on Etemon? And are you going to dispose of Sora's body now? Since she has died due to your experiments, and you are wasting resources keeping her body intact from dissolving into data. Datamon: Her crest is love, so I was hoping that making the clone engage in the reproductive act with as many of the originals comrades would, if not make her crest glow, at least force her Birdramon to Ultimate similar to when the child of courage forced his partner to become Skull Greymon... sadly, it hasn't been working, and my efforts to figure out where I went wrong by studying the original's remains have proved fruitless... might as well let garbage collection claim the corpse.
Question: Dawn(Game version, not anime), how does it feel to be praised by your crush the champion Cynthia? She's praising you, over your resilience on continuing your journey after coming across those little boys and girls bodies, who were used as egg sacs for some insect pokemons. Is it because you know what to expect? That the world is a dangerous place for humans and the need for strong trainers outweighs your personal fears. Dawn: *Cringes from the memory.* Those poor bug catchers and those twin girls... Just lying there on an out of the way forest path, their stomachstorn open, Starly pecking at the swarms of wurmple crawling around inside... they were even younger than me... and if the twisted expressions on their face were any indicator, I doubt the dustox gave them the mercy of a lethal dose of sleep powder... If not for Cynthia's encouragement, I'm not sure I would have been able to continue my journey after reaching Eterna City.
Question: Futa!loli!Pan ask. Hey Pan, How it like to be kidnapped from earth and force to fuck and impregnated 100+ alien that look like fat old ugly women in there sixties every day? Pan: *Panting heavily.* It was nice at first... these alien grannies aren't very pretty, but sticking my thing in their kitties feels really good... but I don't know how much more I can take... Even Saiyans have a limit to our stamina and I'm only a quarter Saiyan... and they aren't feeding me nearly enough. *Pan taps her ribs for emphasis.* Alien woman: Me next for Snoo snoo! Pan: *Being dragged off by said alien.* Please! Let me rest! Kuroneko: Part of me says this one should have been in Shounen Futa, but I decided to go for a "fucked to the brink of exhaustion and starvation" to try and fit it here.
Question: Gaara: care to show us your new collection of beheaded fleshlight you took home after the invasion of Konoha? Gaara: Mother was quite pleased with my new girlfriends. * 4 sand pillars disintegrate to reveal four decapitated females, stripped below the waist but wearing shirts, a jacket, and a red dress that make the identities of the slain kunoichi obvious.* I can't wait to have Chiyo-baa-chan turn them into sex puppets that'll last for years. *Smiles maliciously while tenting his pants.*
Question: Avatar: Futa!Azula has the habit of using her special magma cum technique on girl she has sex with. Is this what happened to Ty Lee six sisters? Ty Lee: Ye-yeah... all of them, roasted from the inside from their wombs being pumped through of literally boiling cum until they burst... It's why I don't dare displease Azula... She does it to pretty much any girl who displeases her... and sometimes even the men... though she also likes using lightning to make her victims perform demeaning acts for her amusement...
Question: Teen Aang went a bit crazy after puberty, kidnapping girls all over the world, dismembering them to prevent them from leaving and using them to repopulate the Air Nomad. How is that going so far? Aang: Oh, I'm up to about a hundred breeders... thoughthe kids end up as water, earth, or fire benders about as often as Airbenders... though even my non-airbending daughters will make good additions to the breeding line-up, and I plan to massively expand the program once my airbending sons are old enough to help me with siring new air nomads.
Question: Sakura Kinomoto, How did you get Syaoran to agree to put his balls on the line in that duel you two had ? When he got castrated, did he go peacefully or did you have to tie him up and drag him ? Finally, where do you keep his balls at? Sakura: Syaoran wanted me to take a potion that would let him fertilize all of my eggs with a single creampie, ensuring I'd spend the rest of my life pregnant with his babies... and considering a sorcerous of my power can potentially live for centuries and I only want one or two, maybe three children, I wasn't thrilled with the idea, but trying to convince me, he said he'd trade his nuts for the chance to make me permanently pregnant... I thought he was joking, but when I offered him a bet that I'd let him make me his broodmare if he could best me on the condition I get to take his balls as a trophy if he loses, he accepted... I tried to give him an out when he lost our contest, but he was too honorable to back out... I was nice about it though... Using Wood to hold him still, using Bubble to give him a handjob, and using Sword to cleanly sever his sack mid-orgasm with as little pain as possible... I then used magic thread made by Create to stitch up both Syaoran and his severed sack... and I keep his balls on a string and often carry them around with me, preserved by Time at the moment I cut them off... I think I could reattach them if Syaoran ever swallows his pride... but I kind of liked having him so completely at my mercy that I wonder if he'd be willing to bet his thing against the chance to get his balls back... or ifI could go a step further and use magic to turn him into Syaoko and have her submit to what he wanted to do to me... I bet Sayaoran would make a cute girl. *Giggles as she pulls a hairless, severed shota scrotum from her pocket and lovingly caresses the pair of orbs within.*
Kuroneko: Okay, this got more nibbles than I was expecting, but I did enjoy writing these... Since much of this is new territory for me, feedback is much welcomed... Also, Hana-chan from Ojamajo Doremi has a birthday comingg up on March 25th... Between her extreme naivete, having some of the strongest magic in the setting, and one of the few hard rules to the setting's magic being that healing spells transfer the injury to the caster, I think there's quite a bit of fertile ground for her wanting to try some things that would be dangerous or impossible in real-life or causing harm without realizing it.