Question: Sailor Saturn, how are things with the Witches / Bitches 5 now that you've brainwashed them into your doting personal servants? With your health issues, do you like being a pillow princess waited on hand and foot, or do you want them to help you take a more active role? Hotaru: Oh, it's been wonderful having them wait on me hand and foot, and of course, they're great at serving my needy girlcock. I do have them working to find a cure for my health issues, and they've determined the cause to be Mistress 9 trying to take over my body... so they're working on a way to exorcise Mistress 9 while giving her a body so she can be punished for how she's hurt me. Question: Ayakashi Sisters, how did you feel when Queen Serenity declared you public free-use sex slaves, and how do you feel about it now? What's the wildest thing another futa's done to you that you wouldn't have thought of yourself, and what do you wish they would try more often? Kitten: I'm going to confess, I don't remember these four very well. Question: Sailor Animamates, how are your efforts going to re-populate your homeworlds? Who do you prefer breeding with, and what's the fastest you've managed to go from getting knocked up to giving birth? Kitten: Ditto for Galaxia's brainwashed minions. Question: Sailor Galaxia, you insisted you had to be mind-broken into helpless obedience by Usagi's powerful bitch-breaking cock. How did you manage to get her to to that, when Usagi is such a nice and easygoing person? Usagi: *Plowing Galaxia, the golden goddess a drooling mess.* I might be a sweet girl, but that doesn't mean I don't know how to get rough if that's what it takes to satisfy my partner.
Question: To the Mane Six: how do you feel about Princess Celestia's new edict abolishing the age of consent? Is it true you influenced her into this decision because nearly all of you were having secret affairs with preteens? Twilight: *Warming her marecock in Spike's cloaca as the pseudo siblings cuddle up in Twilight's reading nook.* Well... it's certainly been nice not having to worrry about anyone walking in on me and my #1 Assistant... Rainbow Dash: *Too busy flying through the air at breakneck speeds, Scootaloo impaled on her filly fucker and clinging to the older pegasus's barrel for the rainbow-maned mare to reply.* Rarity: *fitting a very skimpy outfit on Sweetie Belle, her marecock sliding between Sweetie's hind legs.* Oh, it's made things so much easier, especially with the loosening of the prohibition on public sex. Fluttershy: *Blushing furiously as she mounts a manticore cub.* It has made it easier to help the young animals with their first heats. Applejack: *Jackhammering into Applebloom.* About darn time if ya ask me. We Apples have been starting young fer generations, nice to finally not have to hide about it. Pinkie Pie: *Being spitroasted by the cake twins.* Question: Follow up to the Cutie Mark Crusaders: Since finding out it was your Cutie Mark to spread illicit love, how many upstanding women and dickmares have you seduced into becoming lolicons? Applebloom: Not sure, but Ay think we've seduced just about every mare in Ponyville plus Zecora. Question: Celestia (Futa) is it true that twilight sparkle was your student and your secret lover since you started teaching her? Celestia: Oh, I always make sure to give my personal students a proper education in the tantric arts... though little Twilight was shyer than most about such lessons. Question: Princess luna (futa) how did you react to Celestia offering to share her lovely student/lover with you? Luna: Honestly, I was a bit jealous to learn my sister had taken other lovers during my exile... though I couldn't blame her after feeling Twilight's fillyhood around my marecock. Question: Twilight sparkle, any chance of you being a mother to either of the lovely Princesses above? Twilight: Um, if the kind of time travel to make that happen has occurred, it hasn't yet from my perspective... though the twin fillies growing in my womb are registering to my diagnostic spells as a pair of alicorns with magic signatures very similar to Celestia and Luuna...
Question: Sailor moon: Luna, you have a human form. Do you have trouble being in it because you cant control your futa cock around Usagi or because she cant control herself? Luna: *Glancing down at Usagi, trying to look disapproving despite how good the blonde is at blowjobs.* I swear, I can't take a walk to the convenience store for some canned tuna without Usagi ambushing me and acting worse than an alley cat in heat.
[Zelda AU where the enemies are all monster-girls] Question: So, Queen Ghoma, how did Ganon take it when he heard that you made a deal to undo the curse on the Deku Tree in exchange for the Kokiri agreeing to carry your eggs? Do you have a specific Kokiri that's your favorite incubator? Ghoma: I haven't told him, though I'm hoping the Deku Tree will hand over that Emerald in exchange for me sparing his children before Lord Ganondorf can accuse me of abandoning my duties... not that I plan to keep my end of that bargain, especially with the funny reactions this Fado girl has whenever I turn her womb into a egg sac. Question: Kin-er... QUEEN Dodongo, how are your Dodongo daughters handling your truce with the Gorons? How surprised were you when Link actually honored your arrangement to find a whore both able and willing to take your colossal cock in exchange for opening up the Caverns? Queen Dodongo: my daughters are quite enjoying the orgies they get to have with the Gorons, and this hylian girl is surprisingly stretchy. Question: On that note, Malon, how's Queen D's dino dick compare to the horses back at the ranch? Oh, and, I guess how does it also feel being a key player in an unprecedented peace between the races of Death Mountain, or... whatever...? Malon: * being plowed by the Dodongo queen.* Oh sweet Hylia! Ruin me! Ruin my pussy for any and all lesser cocks! The biggest of the stallions is worthless compared to her majesty! Question: Barinade, how does it feel to ride Ruto's little (but big where it counts) Hylian "boyfriend" while suspending her in the air with your tentacle dicks? Good enough to honor your agreement (that Ruto doesn't know about) to become Ruto's husband and give Link the Zora's Sapphire? Barinade: Both of these lesser beings make good toys... and the boy's offer to abandon the girl in exchange for the sapphire is quite agreeable...
Question: Continuation of the Luna Lovegood questions in chapter 23) Luna, you said you were born as a Futanari with a Unicorn cock through a threesome between your parents and a Unicorn stud. So does that mean you can impregnate both Magical beasts of the Horse Family(centaur, unicorns) and humans? Luna: Not just Centaurs and Unicorns, though Bane wasn't happy when it was his filly who proved my seed is compatible with centaurs... I've also foaled one of the Hogwarts's thestrals and I'm pretty sure the Abraxan that became pregnant during the Triwizard tournament was my handiwork... or should that be cockiwork? And that Hippogriff I seeded did hatch a egg not long after... I've asked Daddy for a pony to see if its enough for me to be the only magical parent, but he keeps saying the Rookery is no place for a pony. Question: Ginny, you and Luna have been best friends since you were little girls. When did you find out that Luna had a Unicorn cock? And how many first times did you give to her? Ginny: I think we were 4 when I found out, and I let her use my butt and mouth a lot growing up... never let her use my pussy, fearful that she wouldn't be able to get it up if I weren't a virgin and wanting to save myself for Harry Potter... Question: Luna, is it true that you created a sex cult devoted to worshipping your Unicorn cock with your muggle fuck buddies and your friend Ginny? When you two were little girls living in Ottery St. Catchpole? Is the sex cult still active even when you are gone for School 3/4 of the year? Luna: Oh, of course not... I had to tell the muggle girls and their mothers it was a ordinary horsecock to avoid breaking the statute of secrecy. Didn't want the Ministry scrambling their memories after all... the girls were sad when I had to tell them I was going off to a special boarding school, though one of their mothers did help make silly-cone copies of my horsecock for them to play with in my absence. Question: Luna, I heard you took the virginities of almost every female student of Ravenclaw tower. People like Cho Chang, Padma Patil, and Penelope Clearwater, to name a few. You created your social clique by fucking everyone's brains out. Congratulations. It almost seems like you have a fetish for taking people's virginities. Do you think it has to do with the fact that you have part Unicorn blood in your veins? Unicorns do like Virgin maidens. Luna: Its true, Unicorns and Unicorn kin are naturally attracted to virgins of pretty much any compatible species... shame it's only possible to fuck a given virgin once... Question: (Fourth-year Luna Lovegood) Luna, is it true that whenever a Unicorn mare or a female Centaur goes into heat, they seek you out whenever you are in the woods because you are an Alpha stud with a grade-A tool? How many foals do you think you sired over the last four years? Luna: I'm not sure, though Professor Hagrid has commented the Unicorn population has nearly doubled thanks to a recent baby boom... and Bane's little filly was only the first centaur I got pregnant.
Question: Gwen Tennyson (not futa). Now that Ben was turned into a huge-breasted huge-cocked futa bimbo, what are the weirdest things you did to prevent your grampa to realize Ben's state? Gwen: Honestly, Grandpa figured it out pretty quickly and just chocked it up to something to do with the Omnitrix. Question: Is it true that he needs to be milked dayly and that you stopped drinking cow milk? Gwen: More like hourly. Always have plenty of fresh cream for my cereal or making shakes though. Question:Which of you looks better wearing a sundress (and nothing else)? Gwen: I think Beni looks better in a dress, but I've never really been a fan of dresses to begin with.
[Continuing the "Female Link VS Futas" AU] Question: Malon, when you taught Linkle Epona's Song, did you just forget to mention that Epona was a 9-foot tall horse-anthro who goes into rut every time she hears the song, or was watching your new friend's surprise as she suddenly got her guts rearranged by the biggest horsecock on the ranch your intent, all along? (Side note: there's an actual anthro horse monster in Zelda 2 that's either called "Horse Head" or "Mazura," if you wanna use that for like a species name, or something.) Malon: Well, I love it when Epona uses me as her onnahole, so I thought it would be a nice surprise for Fairy Girl. Lady Giannadorra (female Ganondorf; again, just to fit the theme), is it true that Gerudo leaders are chosen based on a combination of cock size and sexual endurance? Also, I get you were pissed at that Linkle kid for helping Zelda escape, but don't you think that placing an anti-aging curse on her AFTER fucking her brains out was a little excessive? Giannadorra: Yes, the Gerudo queen needs to be able to fuck the rest of the tribe under the table without breaking a sweat... As for the little Hylian whore, it's no less than she deserves Besides, I was planning to use that curse on the little princess to keep her as my pocket-sized sex pet and it would have gone to waste if I didn't use it on someone. Question:Zelda, was giving yourself a cock bigger than Impa's ENTIRELY necessary to complete your Shiek disguise, or was that just for your own fun? Either way, how was finally getting to experience Linkle's mouth (and possibly more) for yourself, especially since she's still the same size she was 7 years ago? Sheik: Had to make my disguise believeable and even with chest bindings, I'm too androgynous to pass as male without a proper package, hence why I also used the older form of the Sheikah spell that gives a futa external balls... As for Linkle, it was a pleasant surprise that she's still as cute as when we first met... and she has the tightest holes I've fucked. Question: Lady Gianna, how much did you enjoy watching your Phantom and her clones gang-bang Linkle in the Forest Temple, and how shocked were you that the kid actually managed to defeat them, in the end? Giannadorra: That pesky girl has impressive stamina... I almost find myself hoping she succeeds so I can break her myself. Question: Phantom Gianna was based on your form back when you and Linkle first met 7 years ago, but how has dark magic and the Power of the Triforce changed you, since then? Giannadorra: Oh, the triforce of power has given me a member even the Ancient Dogongo entombed in Dogongo's Cavern would be jealous of, and stamina worthy of the Desert Collossus.
Question: For Fleur Delacour, do you think with enough time you could break your little sister enough to make her your little sex slave pet? Fleur: *Bouncing Gabrielle on her lap.* Why would I want to break my little Angel when she's already so devoted to pleasing her sister's cock? Question: Hermione Granger: Is true that after the Polyjuice incident you can make appear cat ears and tails at will? Is true the rumor that Umbridge tried to make Muggleborn witches and force them to submit to pureblood wizards with small cocks and you were forced to go with Draco Malfoy? Hermione: Oh yes, I'm actually permanently part neko now. *Drops her glamour revealing cat ears, a bushy tail, slit pupils, a button nose framed by whiskers, sharp teeth and equally sharp claws on her fingers. As for Draco... lets just say he used to be hung like a mouse... *swipes her claws through the air suggestively.* Question: Pansy: Is true that Lockhart and Fake Moody used imperio to rape witches? Pansy: I'm pretty sure that's true about the Fake Moody, though I'm pretty sure Lockhart favored seduction and obliviating girls so they couldn't blab...
Question: For Doremi: Did you and the other girls put your futa milk in Hana Baby bottles? Doremi: Yeah, we started doing it after Hana floated in on us during an orgy at the MAHO-Dou and started sucking on our girlcocks... she clearly enjoyed our cream so much and started turning her nose up at regular formula, so we didn't have much choice but to supplement her diet. Question: For Hana: Did you think about return to your normal body and play with other children in kindergarten or nursery school? Hana: I do sometimes think about returning to the Majokai to show Atarimeko-chan, Teki-chan, and Tekipaki-chan the fun games my Mamas have taught me. Question: Lala (Majorica Fairy): Did you have fun with the girls fairies? Lala: Yes, it's been quite enjoyable having such a large harem of young fairies...
Question: Saria (OOT): Is true that you are the head mistress of Link inverted Harem and like to make Zelda remember? Also, did Link share any of the masks with you or the others? Saria: Oh yes, the little princess is quite used to getting her way and I'm constantly having to remind her I was first to pluck Link's rosebud and that the Hylian royal family has no sway this deep in the forest.
Question: Dear Princess Cadence... Is true that you are jealous of Flurry Heart cock? Cadence: I know I shouldn't be jealous of my own daughter, but by Aunt Celestia and Aunt Luna, she was born more hung than me and Shiny put together... Seriously, she hung giggling between my hind legs as a newborn foal, the sheer girth of her cock stretching my birth canal more than her entire body had and her length was bulging my belly to the extent I looked like the birth hadn't even started... we needed to commission a portal so her cock can be elsewhere just to be able to fit her in a onesie. question: Pinkie Pie: How is going with the twins? Is true that the only way they take a nap lately is after filling their belly with your milk? Pinkie: Yepperoony, Pumpkin and Pound are quite fussy if they don't get their daily dose of Aunt Pinkie's special milk straight from the source.
Question: Usagi: Is true that you made Chibiusa your bitch after learning she was your daughter in the future in revenge of all she did and to make sure she can't take Mamoru? Usagi: Oh, I started fucking her daily even before I learned she's my future daughter... though learning the truth made things all the hotter...
Question: Buttercup: Is true that the only reason you don't put your Futa Cock in Princess Morbucks and make her cry is because your sisters cock-block you? Buttercup: Yeah, been trying to give that whiney, spoiled, little bitch the dicking she deserves, but Blossom and Bubbles keep getting in my way.
Question: Mod: Does Ranma from Ranma 1/2 count as Magical Girl? What about Pan from Dragon Ball GT? or the worlds of Naruto, Bleach and One Piece? Even if I don't think they will have more that a couple of questions Kitten: All of those series fall under the perview of my Shounen Futa Q&A. Comment: Also, I liked to read the Q&A, good work. Kitten: Glad you enjoy, hopefully, I can avoid another unplanned hiatus.
Question: Minako: We know you keep your dick in your pussy at times have you knocked yourself up yet? Minako: *Rubbing the back of her head and her baby bump.* Yeah, and this isn't even my first time... Rei: Is the real reason you don't do like Usagi and Minako and keep your dick in your pussy that you don't want the temptation of putting a bun in your oven despite how hot the idea is? Rei: Yeah, self-impregnation is a hot fantasy, but it would just be too weird to actually do...
Question: (Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, a continuation of my Halloween questions) Impa. Is it true that the Noble class doesn't celebrate Halloween as the commoners or the Sheikah do? And if so, how did Zelda get to enjoy her Halloween? Did you convince the King it was "part of her Sheikah training?" Or did you carry it out in secret with the help of the handmaids around the castle? Impa: My liege does not take his daughter's preminitions seriously and does not believe she should be trained to defend herself, so I've had to train her in secret. Fortunately, the handmaidens dare not question my orders or go over my head, so it was easy to get their assistance. Question: So, Zelda. You left a dozen buckets filled to the brim with candy on your balcony, and you got a dozen buckets full of Kokiri cum now. What do you plan on doing with it? And where will you hide it? The Fresh Kokiri Seed musk is not something you can hide. Any ideas, Impa? You must have thought of that before Halloween. Impa: As it turns out, the Sheikah have a recipe that blends several fall spices into something that nicely masks the aroma of Kokiri musk... In fact, the blend, when mixed with Kokiri seed and diluted with alcohol was a very popular perfume among my people prior to the war. Question: Saria, it has been a while since you came at the same time as someone else while having sex. Do you think that the princess you fucked has the potential to outlast you in the future? Saria: Perhaps, if I do nothing. *Smiling mischieviously.* But I plan to train my own stamina... I won't make it easy for the little Princess to best me in our next encounter. Question: Saria and Fado. You made many Trick-or-Treaters' dreams of getting fucked come true this year. You and your friends fucked almost every Hylian girl and boy in one night. Not to mention filling their candy offering buckets with cum afterward. Do you ever run dry? Does your cock ever hurt from cumming too much? What's your longest record of fucking, ever? Fado: The Great Deku Tree bestows all of his children with great vitality... Saria and I have gone a full day and night of filling each other with our stalks, never shooting blanks, never needing a break, and feeling no ill-effect beyond the burn of a good workout and sleeping like logs afterward. Question: On the dawn of November 1st, all Kokiri gather in the village commons to see who collected the most candy from their Halloween fuckfest. Saria, would you say you are good at collecting candy than anyone else? And do you think you will win this year from that dozen huge candy buckets that the princess from the castle gave you as an offering? Saria: I've been the reigning champion for many years, but I do believe this is my biggest haul yet. Question: Saria. Compared to Link's tight shota asshole, how does an average Hylian Shota's asshole compare? Were there any that were tight as Links? Or any asses that were big and shapely as his? Saria: Oh, Link is certainly on the tighter side, and I've yet to find another boy with a butt as shapely as his.
Question: (Sailor Moon) Luna, ever since the Sailor Senshi received their wands and grew their futanari cock, they all turned... perverted. They talk about wanting to fuck or get fucked by someone in public and wear skimpy clothing compared to how they used to dress before their Sailor Senshi. Last week, Usagi fucked Naru-chan on her school desk while sucking on each other's tongues. Is this a side effect of becoming a Sailor Senshi? Or were they this debauched in their previous lives, and the magic is reawakening some of their lost memories and instincts? Luna: Honestly, I think its a combination of recovered past life memories and not having the restraints of courtly life to contend with... Unfortunately, they've gone more than a bit overboard even if this age is more relaxed about sexual conduct...
Question: To Doremi: During the time when you befriended cancer patient and witch enthusiast Nozomi Waku at the hospital, is it true that you two were secretly in a passionate sexual relationship with each other? How did you manage to have some private love-making time together while unbeknownst to the rest of the patients and doctors? And on the night you allowed her to become a temporary witch apprentice, did she use her magic to grow a girlcock herself before you all proceeded to have a gangbang alongside the other patients in her ward? Doremi: It's true... as for how we pulled it off... well, I asked Hazuki-chan to soundproof the privacy curtains around Non-chan's bed... I would have done it myself, but I just knew my spell would fail at the worst time... and that was an incredible orgy... Question: To Nobuko and Miho: Is it true the class librarian Keiko once caught you two working on your latest hentai manga and threated to expose you to the principal? In response, did you decide to make your fantasies a reality and proceed to double team that prude in order to convert her? Going forward, does she now volunteer to serve as assistant peer reviewer for Circle Misora? Nobuko: Miho-chan and I had to fuck Keiko-chan pretty hard and she nearly passed out from the spitroasting we gave her, but she's now our circle's chief editor and even makes sure our titles are available in the class library. Question: To Minto: Is it true that you have an affinity for plush toys and that each of the plushies you own feature a plushy pocket-pussy along their crotches for you to stuff your girlcock into? In which case, do you typically prefer to use regular-sized plushies that you easily piston upon your cock or gigantic life-size plushies which you can bury your full length into? Minto: Yes, I have a very large collection of plushies, many of them equipped with onnaholes... the small ones are great for sleepovers and overnight school functions, but I have a teddy bear at home that's bigger than me and my favorite place to sleep is laying on its tummy and hilted within it. To the Ojamajos (As the Majo Rangers + Commander Hana): While fighting for justice as the Majo Rangers, did you make it your duty to satisfy the libidos of Misora's various citizens, whether it be little boys and girls wanting to play more grown-up games, older teens going through their typical horny phase, grown women struggling with their sex lives, or even much older males with an affinity for youthful girls? Doremi: Majo Red is ready to be filled with the love of young men! Hazuki: Majo Orange shall teach little boys the joys of sex! Aiko: Majo Blue is ready to give little ladies a pounding! Onpu: Majo Purple shall be a companion to lonely men! Momoko: Majo Yellow shall soothe the hearts of mature women! Hana: Commander Hana shall share her love with the whole world! Question: Also to the Ojamajos: On the night before Christmas, when all the little girls and boys throughout Misora had gone off to bed, is it true that the you girls set out in Santa's stead, donning fur-trimmed apprentice uniforms complete with a bobbled hats for the occasion, delivering creampies to all well-behaved little girls and presenting your cozy cunnies for the boys? And as for those who had misbehaved, what did you do to ensure that they'll be on their best behaviour next year? Doremi: We sure did. Hazuki: As for the naughty, little boys and girls, we put on a little show to get them excited. Aiko: but then left them hangin'.
Question: Kitten, Have you heard of Wedding Peach or Cosmic Baton Girl Comet-san'? They are also categorized to magical girl anime. Kitten: Heard of Wedding Peach but know nothing about it beyond it having a bridal theme. As for Comet-san, also heard of it, but know basically nothing about it, though I think it might be the source of a character I remember coming across on image boards before I went blind that looks like a redhead or pinkette palette-swap of Aiko from Ojamajo Doremi.
[Ojamajo Doremi] Question: (Dokkan 20) Hana-chan, when you transformed into a giant queen, what kind of big animals did you mate? What's the difference to human? And what else did you have fun with your cum cannon in the forest? Hana: Hana-chan tried mating a deer, but Hana-chan was too big... Hana-chan did manage to completely drench a tree in Hana-chan's pudding though. Question: (Naisho 13) * The day when Fami visits Doremi, Haruka calls futa girls in the living room; three naked futas are watching at her. * Haruka, when you stripped your clothes in front of your daughters and Fami, whose cock grew the biggest without any direct touch? And whose cock was your favorite to play with your matured breast and pussy? Did you have fun with them one by one or three at once? Haruka: I can't recall who was the biggest, but I did have a lot of fun getting gangbanged by the girls... All three of them are much bigger than my husband, and while I originally intended it to just be some mother-daughter bonding time, having Fami join in just felt right for some reason. Question: Ojamajos and some Misora girls, when you are both eager to unload your urine and seeds at the same time, which is first: peeing or jacking your cock? Do you often play pee or cumshot contest in any open place in the school, or just do solo play in the toilet? All of the girls: Cum first! Aiko: I think I speak for nearly all of us, but it's hard to pee with an erection.