Question: Luna Lovegood, how's it feel to fuck both the pony and cat with your name, are either of them pregnant yet, and if they aren't how often do you try to knock them up? Luna Lovegood: Oh, Princess me is a lot of fun and really lets me cut loose, completely removing the cock ring that keeps my endowment manageable... Cat me is fun too, though I'm a bit much for her even at my normal size suppression... Not sure if human sperm can knock up space cats and magical pony princesses, but all three of us have been enjoying trying to find out, often several times a day.
Question: Saria, is it true that all the female Kokiri are futanari, and had never even seen an actual girl before Linkle showed up? How well would you say becoming the designated Kokiri Forest Cumdump prepared her for the surprisingly slutty life of being the Heroine of Time? Saria: Oh, it was quite surprising when a little one with a slit but no stalk was left in the care of the Great Deku Tree and we got a stalkless sister... The way she squirmed and squeaked whenever one of us slid our stalk inside her and spilled our nectar were quite adorable... Not sure if her time with us helped prepare her for when the Deku Tree sent her out into the world...
Question: Impa, how surprised were you when Zelda ordered you to turn your "intimacy training" into a threesome when that strange forest girl barged in on the two of you in the courtyard? And I know Zelda's your prized pupil, and all, but be honest: how did Linkle's BJ skills compare to Zelda's? Impa: My dear Zelda inviting another girl to join was no surprise... the castle maids learned some time ago not to disturb the princess and me during our private sessions unless they wished to be fucked... As for her skills, while not as refined as Zelda's technique, I could tell that Linkal girl had a wild passion born of long experience...
Question: Rudania (female Darunia, just to keep with the futa theme), Goron tradition dictates that non-Gorons can only be declared honorary Sisters after bringing the chieftain to climax. However, your dick is at least twice as big as the average Goron's, and was roughly the size of Linkle's torso, if not longer. How the hell did you manage to make that work? Rudania: It was quite a tight fit, that's for sure... and I only managed to get about half of my pillar inside that plucky girl, but she took the stomach bulging pounding nearly as well as any of the gems at the mountain's brothels... Shame she wouldn't survive a trip to the lava springs near the crater.
Question: Ruto, how did your father react to the news of you taking a non-Zora bride immediately after being rescued from Lord Jabu-Jabu? Did the fact that Linkle was already bloated with your eggs help matters, or did that just make things awkward for everyone present? Ruto: Father fainted at the sight of me and my betroved, though I'm not sure if it was just relief that I was okay or from seeing my betroved bloated with my caviar and being overwhelmed from the prospect of becoming a grandfather...
Question: So, Nabooru, it looks like that little Linkle kid actually managed to get the Silver Gauntlets for you. I'll bet she wasn't expecting them to increase your (already impressive) cock size, too, but at least this means her "reward" will be EXTRA special, right? Nabooru: Oh, she certainly didn't see it coming, especially not since I waited until I was hilted in that cozy, little cunt before donning the gauntlets... She also wasn't ready to deal with my breasts swelling as big as her head and producing gallons of milk.
Question: To the Ojamajos (Poppu and her friends can join in too): During your sleepovers at MAHO-Dou, do you girls often get into magical dick measuring contests to see who can make their girlcock grow the biggest using magic? Afterwards do you then compete with each other to see who can shoot their cum the furthest with your super-sized girlcocks? Who usually comes out on top and is the loser forced to take the victor's gargantuan girlcock? And to Momoko specifically, have you and Beth ever tried this before back in America. Onpu: Before Hana-chan grew up, Hazuki-chan, Ai-chan, Momo-chan, and I each won about a quarter of the time... Even when we go easy, Doremi-chan just can't seem to match any of us... the game kind of lost any point once Hana-chan joined us... even if the five of us use magical stage on just one of our girlcocks, we can't come anywhere nearing the monster Hana-chan can summon... at her largest, all five of us can straddle Hana-chan's colossal cock like riding a pony with enough space between us we can't reach out and touch the girl in front of us... and when Hana-chan cums with her mega member, it's like dumping out a tanker truck... Poppu: When Sayaka-chan, Kumiko-chan, and I have such contests, I usually win... though sometimes they'll team up and Sayaka-chan will use her magic to enhance Kumi-chan's cock or vice versa... when that happens, the one who got the assist usually wins... Momoko: I tried playing such a game with Beth once... but apparently,, what they say about big, black cocks is true, because even when we both used magic on my own girl cock, I could never match what a single spell could do to hers.
Question: To the Teachers at Misora Elementary (All female): While teaching at Misora Elementary, have you ever asked some of your futa students to stay behind after lessons, only to seize the opportunity to receive cock from them? In addition, do you often offer yourselves to get gangbanged by your entire class when teaching sex education? And in Yuki-sensei's case, do you enjoy receiving cock from the students whenever they visit the nurse's office? Seki: Some of the girls get really antsy during class if they go too long without relieving their erections... Harukaze and Makihatayama are particularly bad for this... if I don't take care of them between classes they won't pay attention at best and at worse will start trying to masturbate without me noticing... I even caught Makihatayama trying to perform fellatio on herself on one occasion. Nishizawa: Oh, I love it when one of the girls bends me over my desk and lets me have it... Ai-chan is particularly enthusiastic... though its also fun to coax Hazuki-chan out of her shell... Hinako: Poppu-chan and Erika-chan are often a handful, especially with how they like to stir up class conflict based on which kindergarten my students attended... I try to get them to cooperate and work together whenever I'm alone with the two, though I confess they often end up competing for who can fuck me harder... being spitroasted by two such young girls is quite an experience though... Yuki: Naturally, I'm always willing to help out when one of my charges is pent up and their homeroom teacher isn't available to help out...
Question: To the Ojamajos: During the time you girls when to volunteered at the local nursing home - Misora Hope - alongside Yuuko and Minto, did you soon find yourselves getting into a gangbang with all the grandmothers and grandfathers there? Were you surprised by just how high their libidos were despite their old age? Hazuki: *Glasses foggy.* That was quite an eventful visit... I don't know about the others, but I'm pretty sure I passed out from exhaustion at some point during the orgy... and I was walking funny for at least a week afterwards... Comment: (This question is based on episode 28 of Dokkan. Considering the fact that this episode premiered after the episodes you've previously mention watching before going blind, you're welcome to skip it if you're unable to recall enough details about it. Also you're welcome to exclude Yuuko if you don't have a good mental image of her appearance, especially considering she's one of the more obscure classmates in the series). Kitten: I believe that was one of the episodes Doremi-Fansubs released after my vision started heading south, but before I lost the ability to read fansubs altogether... I did actually read the translated scripts all the way to the end of Dokkan, though naturally, reading a script of just the dialogue isn't the same as watching the episode or even listening to it in a language one understands. Comment: I must confess that I'm starting to draw a blank in regards to further ideas for this Q&A at moment, especially for Futagohime and Heartcatch Precure. At the same time, I'm becoming increasingly interested in contributing to some of your other Q&As (mainly Bursting Bladder), so do look forward to that in future. I should also mention I'm going to be very busy with my personal life real soon, so expect me to be contributing less often for awhile. Kitten: Totally understandable... and if you want another way to contribute, you might be interested in my on-going Interactives for Ojamajo Doremi, which are a bit more narratively structured and which can be found on my website at Ccurrently, the Livestream series, based on what's been translated of the Light Novels has Onpu holding in front of the camera, Witchy Edition is at a lull in the action with Momoko and Onpu in New York with Beth and Mary, and Unwitchy edition has Kaori, Reika, Hazuki, and Onpu in a holding/dare competition...
Question: Usagi, is it true that Sailor Chibi came about because of your continued self insemination? Must be nice to be a dad and a mom, eh? Usagi: Yeah... apparently its a tradition among the line of Serenity, which is part of why there was never any mention of Queen Serenity having a consort, both me and Chibiusa are the product of selfcest, or I was in my first life...
Question: Minako, do you and Usagi ever compete to see who cums more inside their own pussy? Surely you win, right? Minako: Oh, Usagi gives me a run for my money, but I'm still the undefeated queen of the self creampie!
Question: Ami, is it true that you actually cum the most out of the Sailor Scouts? Having to fill a bathtub with cum must be stressful. Ami: Um, well... I don't like to brag, but I do get really pent up if I don't masturbate regularly... and it feels nice to let it all out... my sheer volume does make disposal difficult though...
Question: Aiko, is it true you often fall asleep sucking on your dick? Aiko: Yeah, nothin' better than a fresh load of cock cream straight from tha source to help a girl fall asleep... and when yer hung enough ya don't even need ta curl up ta wrap yer lips around yer own cock head, thar's no better cock ta get it from than yer own... Also helps avoid messes from wet dreams since I just swallow it all down in my sleep. Question: Aiko, what's the biggest orgasm you've ever had? Aiko: Thar was this one time, I had Doremi-chan, Hazuki-chan, Onpu-chan, Momo-chan, and Hana-chan all in a line. They were all bent at the waist, their cute butts sticking out and their pretty pussies ripe for the takin', their arms pulled back and suspended from the ceiling with shackles and spreader bars between their ankles... Anyways, I kept goin' down the line, fuckin' each of them for about 30 seconds each, and when I started cummin' in Doremi-chan, I just kept fuckin' her til her belly was draggin' tha floor, and then I pulled out and slammed into Hazuki-chan as quickly as possible and did tha same... Not sure if it was one long orgasm or an incredible string of multiple orgasms, but by tha time I stopped cummin' I had given all five of them cum balloon bellies they could lay atop not to mention tha cum I splattered on their backs and in their hair in my haste to switch girls while still cummin'.
Question: Rarity, how do you deal with being more hung than most guys or stallions? I'm sure the girls around town love you. Rarity: Oh yes, I'm quite popular with the Mares... and even some of the fillies... Aloe and Lotus even refuse to let me pay when they provide special services... And Cheerilee is particularly appreciative after I've helped her put her youngest charges down for their naps...
Question: Twilight, is it true you tried to knock yourself up? Twilight: *Blushing and rubbing a hoof over her very obvious foal bump.* I wasn't trying to... I was just experimenting with a portal spell, and when I realized it would let me slide my own marecock into my own marehood, I couldn't resist... I thought I would have the self control to pull out, but it just felt so incredible that before I knew it, I was ejaculating straight into my own womb... Not sure why I even gave it a try, I know coitus interruptus is a very poor means of contraception, but I just couldn't hold back long enough to get hold of some condoms...
(A follow up to Rei challenging Usagi in chapter 19) Usagi hows it feel to have finally regained your position as leader from Rei? Hows Rei handling being temporarily demoted to the team cocksleeve? Usagi: *plowing Rei, the Miko kissing the ground and with her rear in the air, an intricate shibari binding criss crossing her otherwise naked body.* It feels pretty damn good!
Question: Neo Queen Serenity, is the reason that Chibi-Usa is such a brat because every time you tried to discipline her, she'd fuck you senseless with her stupidly large loli cock? Chibiusa: *In her royal regalia, the dress hiked up to let her plow the queen doggy style, the blonde's dress in disarray and a fucked silly expression on her face, her odango half undone.* Oh, mama is a total slut for ludicrously large loli love rods like mine... I hope to put a little sister in her soon... and I kind of wonder if I didn't knock her up in the pass and am actually my own father... perhaps I should plow Usagi the next time I head back to the 20th century...
Ojamajo Doremi] Question: Doremi, how did you pay back Kotake after he threw a basket of lemon jelly on the riverside? Did you use magic or dominate him directly? Doremi: Oh, I decided to follow him home one day... and used magic to set things up so he'd end up tripping and getting stuck in something... I then pantsed him and decided to satisfy my curiosity of what it feels like to fuck a boy's butt...
Question: Poppu and Erika, you asked your sisters help to compete for who can control girlcock well. When Doremi rode on Erika and Reika took Poppu, who came first? Reika: Oh, I think my little cousin and Harukaze's Imouto were enjoying the sensation of being ridden by mature, preteen pussy too much to keep track of who came first, and Harukaze and I certainly weren't keeping track as we tried to help the little girls bury the hatchet like Harukaze and I have done.
Question: Shiori, while you are in the hospital, who often visits you to play with your cock? How do you feel when someone is riding on the bed? Shiori: The nurses do their best to help milk me when I have uncontrolled erections so I don't overexert myself masturbating, but a gloved hand with latex safe lube or even the onnahole they bring out when I'm realy pent up can't compare to when Hazuki-chan or Masaru-kun visit and climb up on my bed... not sure if I prefer her pussy or his butt... though Hazuki-chan is more willing to help out while half the time, Masaru-kun excuses himself and gets a nurse to take care of me...
Miho, when you draw a manga featuring your classmates, do you make the characters more matured than reality? How does your manga help you for self-masturbation? Miho: It annoys me when doujin artists age up characters for no apparent reason beyond being afraid to draw loli or shota content, so unless Nobu-chan comes up with a really good idea that needs characters inspired by our classmates to be older, I try to stick to portraying them at their real age...
Question: All four questions take place in the fifth year) Pansy and Daphne, and Hermione and Ginny. You two are the de-facto representative of the Futanari students of Slytherin and Griffindor. Is it true that, unlike the popular misconception, the Griffindor futanari and Slytherin Futanari don't mutually hate each other, but are on relatively okay terms? And this is due to Griffindors providing Slytherins with submissive Mudblood holes and Slytherins providing Griffindors with superior Pure-blood cocks and cum? Ginny: Oh, that silly rivalry is almost entirely dick waving among the boys. Us witches have far more sense than that... admittedly, the inter-house futa-on-futa sex is pretty great as well... Question) Pansy, you are the head of the Inquisitorial Squad. As Umbridge's right-hand witch, what do you think of her latest education decree? The one about forbidding Slytherin Girls from fucking Gryffindors to keep the filthy Mudbloods soiling Pure-blood Witches. I heard Hermione has connections to a secret club that plans to bring Umbridge down. Are you willing to take her hand to bring down Umbridge? Pansy: That bent is utterly nutters, like makes the Quibbler sound sensible levels of should be in the spell damage ward at St. Mungo's levels of mental, and not even worth a laugh like most of what comes out of Loonys mouth and her father's magazine. Only reason me and the other girls on the squad haven't organized a mutiny and gang banged some sense into her is because we're afraid seeing what the toad has under those robes will act like an impotency curse. *shudders* Actually, we suspect Umbridge is a virgin spinster who's jealous her students are getting more action in a typical night than she'll ever get. Question: Pansy and Daphne. Voldemort's manifesto states that Pure-blood Wizards and Futanari cannot breed with Mudblood or Half-bloods. Your parents followed this manifesto with vigor. But what about you? What do you think of this manifesto? Would you give up having sex or knocking up Griffindor whores to join the Death Eaters? Or would you rather turn your back on Voldemort? Daphne: I knew the Dark Lord was a lunatic, but this is just beyond the pale. Sure, only a child I sire with another pureblood is suitable heir material, but there's no way I'm giving up my harem of lower class whores. Moldy Shorts might as well be asking his followers to become monks and nuns or eunuchs. Pansy: *Nods in agreement with Daphne.* Question: Narcissa, is it true that you are acting against Voldemort now because he is forbidding Pure-blooded witches from breeding Mudbloods? And that you reject not being able to fuck your pets, Hermione and Angelica? Narcissa: My weak-willed husband and our son might have no balls, but the noesless bastard will need to slit my cock or throat before I give up my pets.
(Takes place in the first year.) Question: Minerva, why are you encouraging your futanari students to lock up their cocks in chastity cages and be submissive to Slytherin Cocks? Aren't you supposed to be teaching students that blood doesn't matter? I mean, you are half-blooded yourself! Professor Vector: *Plowing Minerva.* Oh, my colleague tows the party line in public, but in private, she knows the proper pecking order among witches... Kitten: Consulting the Wiki, we don't know if Vector even attended Hogwarts, but I'm pretty sure at least one fanfic that promoted her from professor Harry never had a class with to an actual character made her a pureblooded Slytherin, if not made her Head of Slytherin following a overhaul of the Hogwarts Faculty.
Question: Saria, Halloween is said to be the time of year when the living world is closest to the spiritual one. Is it true that on the night of Halloween, you and other futanari Kokiri go out to castle town and other Hyrule settlements? And that children who want to be fucked by Kokiri's cock leave their candy buckets outside their doors as an invitation for you to come in and fuck them? Saria: Oh, yes, it's easily one of the funnest festivals out of the whole year... an one of the few times we get to play with children from the outside... and the candy the little bigs give us in thanks for playing with them is a nice bonus. Question. Saria, Malon, and Zelda are all Futanari.) Malon and Zelda, the Kokiri takes your Trick-Or-Treat candies in exchange for sex. But they also refill them with cum based on how much candy was inside the basket. Do you put all of your candy out so you can get more cum to drink in the morning, or do you put aside some candy to enjoy later? Malon: Oh, I keep some of my candy for myself since its a rare treat on the ranch... Zelda: Oh, I often put out multiple buckets of candy... perk of being a princess, I can bribe the merchants who deliver supplies to the castle to bring me more candy than I could ever eat. Question. Saria and Impa are all Futanari.) Impa, I heard it is both a test and a challenge for the Sheikah children to make a Kokiri cum before you when having Halloween Sex. But that's almost impossible, as Kokiri futanari are the most dominant Futanari in all of Hyrule. Did you ever get a win against a Kokiri when you were young? Do you think Zelda has a chance with all of her sexual Sheikah training? Impa: I managed to outlast a Kokiri once... I was the only one of my generation to manage such... As for my little protege, while she didn't manage to outlast that little, green-haired girl, they did end up spilling their seed in unison and falling asleep together... Whether she'll manage to improve enough to win next Halloween or that green-haired girl will return better prepared... only time will tell.
Question: Malon, a futanari with a horse cock is rare even among the futanari. And your family has been producing horse cock futanari for generations. What's your family secret? Do you have to drink a tonne of horse cum while pregnant? Or is there something else? Malon: Oh, girls in my family guzzle horse cum pretty much daily from the time we are born until the day we die. All that thick, foal funnelcake helps ensure are babies come out well-endowed and grow up to be even better endowed...
Question: Luna Lovegood, you have a horse cock. A futanari with an inhuman cock is not unheard of but is rare. So do you know how you ended up with such a cock? Is it good genetics from your mother's side? Did your mom have sex with a magical beast or ingest potions or magical beast semen? Or something else entirely? Luna: Daddy says its because him and Mummy had a threesome with a Unicorn stallion and that the two most likely outcomes of such are a human child and a foal who are of opposite genders or a hermaphrodite that is part unicorn... as you can see, I ended up as a girl with a unicorn's cock instead of a girl and a colt or a boy and a filly. question: Luna, I heard the Centaurs protect and keep an eye on you whenever you visit the Forbidden forest to collect ingredients for your odd experiments. Is it true that during your first year, you were accepted into the Centaur tribe because you had a Horse cock that put many colts to shame? Have you ever fucked a Centaur? If so, how does it feel like? Luna: Oh, not just the colts... I also have Bane beat... which I think is the main reason he's so grumpy all of the time... Oh, and mounting one of the fillies feels amazing... as does letting the colts mount me...
Question: To the Ojamajos: What costumes did you girls decide to wear to the Halloween party at Misora Elementary? How well did your respective costumes conseal your girlcocks? In addition, did any of your fellow classmates' costumes give you an erection? Onpu: Oh, the succubus costume I wore had a hemn that barely went past my crotch... and I skipped panties, so anyone who got an upskirt saw everything... also, if the dress hadn't been made of latex, I'm not sure my cock bulge wouldn't have ripped through it... and I lost count of the number of girls I wanted to seduce, bend over, and seed... Hazuki: I went as a Vampiress in full victorian finery... I was probably the most modestly dressed girl in attendence... Momoko: I went as Wonder Woman! Showing off my erection in that star-spangled one-piece... and I wanted to bend Reika over when I saw the results of talking her into coming as Cheetah! Especially once I realized she went the body paint route instead of the skintight spandex route! Doremi: I went as a werewolf... and my costume had a latex sheath sewn to the crotch to hold my girl cock and give me the look of having a red rocket ready to breed the nearest bitch... Aiko: I went as Frankenstein's monster... and spent the whole evening tenting my pants... Hana: Hana-chan went as a goblin that pops out of a pumpkin! Though, Hana-chan's puffy, pumpkin pants weren't quite baggy enough to keep Hana-chan's tip from making the jack-o-lantern's nose stick out.
Question: To Poppu and her Friends: While out trick-or-treating on Halloween night, what kind of tricks did you girls decide to play on any Primula brats that refused to give you any candy? Poppu: Oh, we mostly used magic to make them trip and get stuck in things... after which we would either strip the lower half of their costumes or rip open the crotch and give them massive creampies... and then leave them for others to free use...
Question: Usagi, I heard you've had trouble handling your new Sailor Senshi cock and futanari libido. It must be hard to have a cock that keeps getting hard and gives you weird desires to breed Naru-chan and Haruna-sensei. On an unrelated note, the girl's toilet at Juban middle school has been constantly getting clogged. With thick gooey chunks of cum, no less. This isn't related to your newly found masturbation addiction, right? Usagi: Wait, cum can clog toilets? I thought it would flush as easy as anything else that comes out down there... Oh, and what I wouldn't do to bend Haruna-sensei over her desk and plow that milfy ass until she gives me straight A's... or to get Naru-chan into my bed and fuck her silly until she forgets about trying to get me to do homework...
Question: Chibiusa, I herd that it is tradition among those of the moon to have there first time taken by there mother. How did that go? How big was Neo-Queen Serenity's Futa cock? Are you possibly pregnant (Neo-queen serenity can answer if Chibiusa is unable to. Chibiusa: Mama's thing is about as long as my arm and thick as my thigh... and feels absolutely incredible inside me... Not sure if I'm pregnant or even old enough to get pregnant with how my growth is slowed... Question: Chibiusa, Is it weird to see your mother when she was younger after the event Above? Chibiusa: Not really... though I do wonder if Usagi is aware of the tradition...
Question: Tetra, which was better: Aryll's tighter, less experienced holes you got to enjoy while returning her to Outset, or her big sis Linkle's more experienced technique and stamina she displayed on the way to the Forsaken Fortress? Has your opinion been influenced at all by the fact that you and Linkle have been fucking practically every day since beating Ganondorf? Tetra: Aryll is the tighter, finer piece of booty and while Linkal is more experienced, the lil lass is more than eager to surpass her sister's skills in the bedroom. Question: Does the crew ever get turns with Linkle, or is she your booty, alone? If so, is there any doubt that the child she's starting to show signs of carrying is yours? Tetra: Honestly, after trying out Aryll and finding her much tighter than Linkal ever was, I mostly let the crew have their way with the heroine while keeping the lil lass for meself... Pretty sure that bountiful baby bump is too big to be anyone's handiwork other than my own, Linkal's too far along to have gotten shot down by any of the boys. Question: What's Linkle's opinion of being fucked on deck in front of (or by) the entire crew? Were Aryll's feelings any different? Tetra: Linkal got all shy when I suggested she strip sky clad on the open deck for the crew's entertainment... and she got even more embarrassed when I gave the crew the go ahead to gangbang her... Aryll was much more eager when I ordered her to help me put on a show for the boys... naturally, they only got to watch as my lil lass proved herself a born nymph and not only did a strip tease and lap dance for her captain, but proceeded to ride me like a pro.
Kitten: Note, there was a batch of Cardcaptor Sakura questions about a fight for dominance between Sakura and Syaoran I decided to postpone to the next installment of this Q&A.