Question: Pansy, did you really force McGonagall to teach an entire class with your cum in her mouth? Is it true some of it ended up leaking on top of Hermione's work? Pansy: Oh yes, and it was quite impressive how well she can speak with cum pooling around her tongue... and it was quite gratifying to see Granger's essay get stained with cum...
Question: Umbridge how has your plan of using love potions to teach Mudbloods a lesson gone? Any favorite new pets? Umbridge: Why waste perfectly good potion? Mudbloods are barely human, so I just use the Imperious curse on the little slags... Miss Granger has proved elusive, but miss Johnson is proving surprisingly skilled at polishing her better's wand...
Question: Lavender is it true that you beat Fleur in a blowjob competition? It must feel great to be a Veela slut. Lavender: Oh, Fleur was so used to effortlessly dominating girls and so proud of her stamina... she was totally surprised when I managed to make her cum first and that I managed to swallow every drop without trying...I've had to resort to feeding her virility potions and she's still struggling to keep up with my appetite...
Question: Pansy is it true that you are the biggest futa in the entirety of Hogwarts? And that your 'Pansy Appreciation Club' is rapidly growing in popularity? How did Hermione end up as your vice-president/girlfriend? Pansy: My pet mudblood didn't think it was possible with I told her I was packing two feet of futacock, and I managed to goad her into putting her money where her mouth is... or rather her pussy... The know-it-all was prideful enough to put her virginity on the line because she didn't think a human could have more than 15 inches... Naturally, when she saw what I was packing and so thoroughly proven wrong, I claimed my prize before she could recover and the rest is history... one fuck and she was addicted.
Question: McGonagall is it true that the only thing a student needs to plow your GILF bubblebutt is a gift of milk and tuna? How many times have your students impregnated you? Luna: Oh yes, the Professor really is as easy as an alley cat... especially if you catch her while on patrol in cat form... I don't know about the other students, but I've sired at least 3 litters on her personally...
Question: Sailor Senshi, last we checked in (around chapter 11) you were on a quest to breed as many girls as possible with the help of your powerful, entrancing, aphrodisiac Lunarian pheromones. How have your quests been going -- any closer to founding Crystal Tokyo's nobility? Developed any new strategies for spreading your genes or focusing your pheromones? How are the new mommies helping you on your quest? Who's in the lead for most babies sired, or most women entranced? Ami: By my estimates, at least 80% of the women of childbearing age in Tokyo have concieved at least once since Usagi handed down her decree... As for exact numbers... Honestly, with the near constant orgies and the debated paternity of most of the kids, even I'm not sure.
Question: Sailor Uranus, your fantasy was always to grab a beautiful woman and take her by force. Now that your aura is so powerful it makes women instantly fall in love and beg for your children, does that make ravishing them easier, or does it make it not count? Haruka: Honestly, I've had to learn to suppress my sexual aura to avoid being jumped by random women on the street... I can handle even an entire bus of students from an all-girls school ganging up on me and come out on top, but it's still kind of annoying when I'd rather be the one doing the jumping.
Question: Sailor Jupiter, you love bearing children more than anything. What are your tips to get the most enjoyment out of childbirth? Makoto: Well, doing power squats on a cock in my pussy while a second guy does me from behind and massages my milky boobs helps through the early part of labor, and I like to continue getting it up the ass even once I'm dilated and need to clear out the birth canal...
Question: Sailor Mars, is it true you have a severe breeding addiction? If so, how would you suggest others develop a similar addiction? Rei: Does using my sixth sense to track down and creampie an average of 108 ovulating women daily count as an addiction?
Question: Sailor Pluto, is it true you've been using your time powers to age up your friends' children to the perfect breeding age? What kind of favors do you ask for in exchange? And how many layers of incest breeding have you reached in your own lovely harem of offspring? Setsuna: Oh, seeing newborns turned into preteen preggos is enough reward all on its own... and not only do I age up the breeding stock, but once they're bred, I like aging them to 9 months pregnant and then de-aging them back to virgin after they give birth... As for my own knotted bloodline... *Can be seen plowing what looks like a preteen version of her self in a standing doggy style, holding the loli's wrists for extra leverage.* I believe this is Setsuna XXX or maybe XXIX or XXXI... might have lost count at some point, but I'm her father, grandfather, great grandfather, etc. going back so many generations basically none of her eldest sister's mother's genes remain
Question:Sailor Scouts (Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, & Neptune)- So what exactly have you Sailor Scouts all got swinging under your skirts? There's no way the lot of you haven't had a propper dick measuring contest amongst yourselves, so let's hear the pecking order. Rei: It's hard to get an accurate measurement since most of us can use magic to adjust the size of our erections to best fit the hole we're fucking and none of us can quite remember what our natural sizes are... Question: And out of curiosity, do you girls prefer classic panties, or ones with built-in cock-socks? I know a futanari's panty buldge can be a point of pride, but more than a few of you seem pretty fashion forward? Haruka: I actually prefer boxers and only wear panties on the rare occasions I actually have to dress like a girl... Michiru goes for a bulge minimizing support garment similar to a corset. Rei: I wear panties with a cock sock when in my school uniform or casual clothes, but I let it hang loose under my miko robes since they're so baggy. Usagi: Me and Minako go for normal panties, but like walking around with our girlcocks tucked up inside us because of how good it feels. Makoto: Normal panties and I just let it dangle to give the pervs trying to look up my skirt a little something extra to look at. Ami: *In a whisper.* I use a harnish of my own design to hold it in place... Pluto: I wear normal panties... though I do like opening time portals that lead to my past or future self's pussy to keep it out of the way... Hotaru: Chibiusa and I use cock socks when we need to be alert, but when we're just hanging out, we like to use mini-portals connected to each others' cunny for some mutual cock warming... Question: Also, who has the duty of keeping your carnal urges in check? Is the roll of Sailor Scout Cum Dump something that everyone cycles through on a schedual, or does it just go to the girls with the smallest cocks? Rei: Mostly, it's just who's closest when the urge hits, Though Michiru is Haruka's personal cumdump, Hotaru and Chibiusa are big fans of reciprocal creampie, and Usagi and Minako aren't reluctant to self-inseminate.
Question: Stares in shock at Buttercups near-litteral 3rd leg] Woah! That's crazy big! And kind of intimidating... Bubbles, Blossom; are you both packing something this impressive too!? Also, she was pretty quick to just whip that massive thing out. I don't blame her for being proud of it, but doesn't that seem like it'd cause her all kinds of trouble? Blossom: Bubbles and I are just as hung, but we actually have a sense of modesty... and respect for indecent exposure laws... Question: Ms.Keen & Ms.Bellum- It must be pretty exciting, working so close with such adorable superheros. But those superpowered cocks seem like they'd come packed with a superpowered libido! Are those big things ever a distraction in class, or at town events? How exactly do you two deal with such "impressive" girls? Ms. Keane: Umm, well... While its true that they are very well endowed for children of their age, you need to keep in mind that the girls are only a bit over 2-feet tall when standing on the ground and their endowments would, while still on the large size, be much less imposing on a full-grown man... that said, while Blossom and Bubbles are generally well-behaved in class, I can tell they often get antsy and more than once I've had to have them help me pull Buttercup off one of their classmates because a game of doctor or house got a bit too rough... I've actually been given special dispensation by the Mayor's Office to cater to their needs while the other children are taking their naps... Admittedly, with how petite I am, their endowments were a bit much to handle at first, and if it wasn't for Blossom and Bubbles holding her back, I'm sure Buttercup would have put me in the hospital a few times as she tends to lose herself in the act and forget her strength... Ms. Bellum: Don't let the girls short stature fool you, their cocks are only about 8 or 10 inches long... Still enough to fill most women, but not as monsterous as you might think from how big they are relative to the girls' bodies... They do tend to get antsy during public appearences if I don't milk them before hand though...
Ojamajo Doremi: Question: Kaori, what kind of requests from Reika do you accept at the rich blonde's home? How do you feel when your body is bound by something? Reika: Oh, I've yet to find something my shutterbug plain out refused... I'll admit, she looks rather cute incased in skin-tight latex with removable dildos in all three of her holes and nipple vibes integrated into the chest... Question: Noriko, what futa abilities do you get tested during health exam? Who has the greatest performance for each checklist? Noriko: They really only measure lenght and girth both flaccid and erect... and unlike for the weight and height parts, each futa goes behind a screen for measuring. Question: Onpu, after the recorder case, what did you punish Minto for suspecting you to Nishizawa-sensei? (I'm asking about the episode when Onpu took blame for for damaging Sachiko's recorder instead of Masaharu) Onpu: Oh, I used magic to conjure a portal over her pussy and left the other side on the wall of a stall in the girls' restroom at school, basically making her a gloryhole girl for all the futanari in the school... and made it so nothing would seem out of the ordinary if she examined herself, so she has no idea what's making her feel like she's being fucked... and I put a random time delay on it, so she feels all of the girls using her throughout the day instead of all during between class breaks... I'm sure she's even done herself without knowing it thanks to the delay. Question: Hana-chan, when you get milk from your mama's cock, how do you use magic to turn cum tasty? Does it taste like actual milk or other drinks? Hana: Sometimes Hana-chan makes Hana-chan's mamas' milk taste like pudding, and sometimes Hana-chan makes it taste like chocolate milk, but most of the time, Hana-chan just drinks it straight! Question: Fami, during time travel, you masturbated in the toilet in the school to get ready to meet Doremi. How did you feel when you left cum trace in the past? Fami: Well, I was going to just deposit my cum in the toilet and flush like I often do back home... but then I noticed a gloryhole on the stall wall... with a very cute cunny framed within... don't know who was on the other side, but I couldn't resist and now I wonder if I ended up becoming the grandfather of one of my classmates because I creampied their grandma in that gloryhole...
Question: Fine and Rein, Upon visiting the Waterdrop Kingdom and finding out that a pair of young girls were knocking up all the kingdom's locals whilst impersonating you two, did you give those little imposters a taste of some actual royal-blooded girlcocks? Fine: When we first heard about someone impersonating us while doing something like that, I wanted to lock away their limp noodles for life before bending them over and making them royal cum dumps... though, when we found out about how they were actually trading sexual favors for food to feed the birds... Rein: Anger gave way to passion... We still made Ada-chan and Ida-chan part of our harem, but we made them official secondary consorts instead of cum dumps and left their thingies uncaged... though they're only allowed to cream each other's cunny, have to wear condoms when we let them pound our princess pussies, and can only watch when we do our other girls... Fine: I can tell they really want a turn whenever I sneak up on Loulou and cream the kitty's kitty, but while we understand why they did what they did, pretending to be us wasn't very nice and they need to earn their creampie privileges. Question: Nacchi (Female): Upon regaining the confidence to continue your circus career, did you invite the Fine and Rein to act as assistants for your returning performance? During which, did combining your trapeze act with receiving cock from the twins make the crowd go absolutely wild? Nacchi: Oh, my special performance with the twins went over quite well... So well in fact that it's become a new tradition that whereever the Circus stops, we hold at least one show where I forego my leotard and invite a lucky boy or girl to join me... *Rubs her swollen belly* I've had to cut back a bit since I started growing plump, but the circus is still bringing in larger crowds than ever. Kitten: I must confess, I don't actually remember these characters, I guess that's the downside of having only watched the series once through, especially when the fansubs of the first season finished years before I went blind, giving my memory even longer to degrade... admittedly, writing these snippets with forgotten characters of the day is easier than writing a full fic with one of them would be... Admittedly, which of Ojamajo Doremi's minor characters have stuck in my mind seems to be a function on which ones had some good Rule 34 art or were the focus of a Doujin as which has the most memorable focus episodes... and Fushigiboshi no Futagohime had next to no Rule34 art compared to Doremi... which is a royal shame with how Futagohime felt like a spiritual successor to Doremi(Though HeartCatch Precure is arguably even more of a Spiritual successor)...
Question: Haruka, After reconciling with your parents following the argument you had over the summer (see Episode 30 for details), is it true you've been allowed to join in on their love-making sessions after revealing you're a futanari? During which, what are your favourite acts to perform with both your mama and papa respectively? Haruka: Oh, I really like it when we make make a Haruka sandwich with me sticking my thingy in Mama's kitty while Pap sticks his thingy in my kitty! I can't wait until I'm old enough to put a little sister in Mama and have Papa put a little brother in me!
[Ojamajo Doremi] Question: Poppu, Kumiko and Sayaka, Following the School Arts Festival at Misora Elementary, did you girls decide to put on an erotic version of your Cinderella play for the Witch World Kindergarten? Did you reprise the same roles you had previously, in addition to having your senpai join in the fun by taking up the remaining roles? Poppu: Oh, yes, and it was a real hit with the witch babies... so much so that we ended up going back to perform other Fairy Tales for them... I quite enjoyed playing the prince to Sayaka's Sleeping Beauty, especially since we based our show on the original instead of the Disney version... Question: Sayaka: Whenever you're by yourself, is it true that you've secretly been masturbating with your favourite Onpu plush doll that you've turned into an onahole via magic? In which case, have you made it so that the doll's vagina is one-to-one with Onpu's, or even make the doll sentient so that it can respond to you in Onpu's sweet, seductive voice, all in perpetration for the day you finally get to pound your favourite idol's pussy for real? (You could also include a little nod to this question in your upcoming reader's choice entry if that's alright with you). Sayaka: *blushing* I...I hump chibi Onpu-chan every night before bed and sleep with my thing buried deep inside her... I don't know if I could bring myself to do the real Onpu-chan... I...I think I might faint just from Onpu-changiving me a kiss or stroking me... question: Erika, Whenever you invite your fellow Primula alumni over, do you typically have them serve as your personal sex servants, making them devote themselves to pleasuring their mistress' mighty girlcock? In addition, do you also enjoy dominating the boys as well as the girls, or even tried using a little magic in secret? Erika: Oh, my fellow alumni know quite well that I'm the Queen and are eager to serve me as proper princes and princesses should... especially after I told the girls that, if they are good, I could give them girl cocks like mine to put those Sonatine brats in their place... Did make the boys' butts as slick, stretchy, and sensitive as a girl's cunny... been trying to think of how to give the boys proper cunnies and move their balls up inside them where they're safe if any of the Sonatine brats get kicky without the boys complaining...