Question: Hermione, as we all know, all witches are Futanari. It's like the symbol of their magic. The more powerful the witch is, the bigger their cocks and balls are. Now, witches born in a muggle family are born without a cock. They grow one on their eleventh birthday after their magic has awoken. Being the most powerful witch in your generation, you must've had a big cock even back then. And a powerful lust for breeding as well. Is it true that you fucked your mom and dad into being your permanent cock slobbering sex pets on the morning of your eleventh birthday? Being too late to prevent the threesome, the Ministry had to clean up the aftermath because the noises were too loud and the entire house reeked of your semen? And is it true that your mom got pregnant with your child after this event? Hermione: *Blushing.* Yeah, witch puberty hit me in a hard way and I completely loss control... My parents were never quite the same afterward... I think that's part of why they never made a fuss about any of the dangerous situations I got involved in at Hogwarts... and yeah, the little girl my Mum is breast feeding is actually my daughter, though as far as the muggles know, she's my baby sister.
Question: Malon, is it true that you inherited your horse cock from your late mother? And it was her (Goddesses bless her soul) who taught you how to breed mares and take care of your massive junk? Malon: *Looking wistful.* Yeah, mommy taught me everything I know about taking care not only of the mares, but of the cows as well... and I difinitely take after her side of the family... I've seen Papa's and it's rather tiny.
Question: Impa, as being the caretaker for the princess, it is also your duty to punish the princess if needed. Is it true that you punish the princess by locking her cock inside a chastity belt and forbid her from touching her pussy and ass? How effective is it? Impa: Dear Zelda has a very healthy libido, so it usually only takes a few hours of having her cock caged before she's begging for relief... though I had to have a chastity belt custom made to not only cage her cock, but block her pussy as she's proven on many ocassions she can't be trusted not to masturbate.
Question: Great Deku Tree(Ocarina of Time), You see all that goes in the woods as well as glimpses into the future. So did you let Saria turn Link into a Faggot because you saw his future as a Faggot Hero of Hyrule, getting fucked by various Futas of Hyrule? Great Deku Tree: I don't really get the strange games my children and the animals of the forest engage in, but I forsaw no reason to reprimand Saria or her sisters for playing with the Hylian boy the way they do. *Branches rustle in the closest approximation to a shrug the tree can manage.*
Question: Impa. I see you've started teaching Link the Sheikah techniques of bedding people as well as the seduction techniques along with the princess. As I'm concerned, those techniques were only passed down strictly within the Sheikah tribe and the royal family. What made you decide to teach him? And how's he faring? Kitten: Didn't I answer this one already?
Question: Saria, Malon, Zelda and Ruto. You've all fucked Link in the Ass more then once. And rode on him occasionally. (Well, he does have decent sized cock & balls. And he has thicker seed then any other boy his age. And he CAN get hard from fucking girls. It's just that he was trained and loves to be fucked in the ass and mouth then fuck other girls' holes.) Did you ever want, desired or dreamed of getting pregnant by his thick fertile cun? Saria: As nice as his ass is, I wouldn't mind bearing Link a child... though I wonder if Kokiri can even get pregnant... I mean, most of what my sisters and I know about such games, we learned from watching the animals of the forest and we've noticed that only the she beasts that had been mounted by a male bare young, but we've never heard of such happening to a Kokiri girl, and the Great Deku Tree has always been vague about where the new Kokiri who sometimes emerge from the Lost Woods came from and what happens to the ones who wander off and never return... Though, I'm sure me and my sisters will have lots of fun figuring out if we can have Link's children... Malon: Fucking the mares and cows on the ranch usually keeps my urge to have children under control... though I do wonder if bearing a child myself with Link as the sire would let me have a Hylian child... whenever I breed one of the mares or cows, the child is always a foal or calf, and if I wasn't so careful about tagging who I've bred and tracking my children's pedigrees, I'd have trouble telling mine from those sired by normal stallions and bulls... Zelda: Well, I do need to continue the royal line... I could always take a female consort, but bearing Link's child wouldn't be a bad option either... plus, I wouldn't need to explain as much to the common folk... Royal records suggest Hylia herself possessed both male and female parts, but that's a detail omitted from public scriptures and even in the royal family, individuals so blessed are only born once in several generations... and I quite like surprising my lovers with my divine sword... a joy I'd have to give up for a child sired by me to be recognized as a legitimate heir. Ruto: This pregnancy thing you mammals have seems so strange to me... but I think I would like having a clutch of egss with Link... though I wonder if an outsider can even fertilyze a Zora's eggs... I mean, I've never heard of a Zora taking an outsider as their mate...
Question: Aryll, is it true that you turned Tetra into your loyal cock loving bondage-loving anal slut after she attempted to take you in as her lover? I heard she submitted right after seeing you had superior manhood than hers. And that you also had experience on training sluts as you turned your brother into one. Aryll: Oh yes, Miss Tetra was quite impressed with the size of my peepee and even more impressed when I told her I'm the reason big brother is the way he is... and now I have both a big brother and a big sister to play with!
Question: To the Cutie Mark Crusaders. I've heard you three beat off more than any of Cheerilee's other students. Is this true, and if so, which of you clops the most? Applebloom: We definitely clop a lot... but we also mount each other and our classmates a lot... kind of hard to keep track. I also wanted to ask about some other school rumors. Any truth to the rumor that Sweetie Bell & Scootaloo are premature ejaculators? Is it true that Diamon Tiara can't "get it up"? And who has the smallest dick in your class? My money is on Silver Spoon or Cheerilee. Sweetie Belle: Yeah, I don't have much stamina... its part of why I prefer to be mounted instead of being the on doing the mounting. Scootaloo: It doesn't take much to make me squirt, but I'm not a one and done kind of filly. I've got a hair trigger, but I've also got the stamina to keep going non-stop through dozens of squirts...I can't always keep count, but I'm sure I've managed over 50 in a single session before. Applebloom: Honestly, I think ee-rect-tile dish-funk-shon ispart of why Diamond Tiara is always so grumpy... as for smallest in the class, I've never seen Miss Cheerilee's, but I'm not sure Silverspoon even has one. Kitten: I'm open to a better way of writing someone with a strong, deep south accent tripping over the expression "erectile dysfunction".
Question: Fleur, the legends say that Veela turn Futanari witches into their thralls by fucking them until their mind breaks. And you met hermione during her vacation in France. Is it true that you fucked her and turned her into a thrall for her to help you seek out candidates for you to fuck with when you arrive at Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament? Fleur: Ze legends are a bit exaggerated... Eet is true zat a girl who 'as been bedded by a Veela becomes quite loyal to zat Veela, but eet is rare zat we will fuck one to ze point of her becoming a mindless slave... We usually reserve zat for girls who have committed a grave offense towards a Veela... And at ze time I met 'er, I 'ad no idea zat 'Ermione attended 'Ogwarts or zat I'd be visiting for ze tournament... Zough, eet was nice to see 'er again, and zhe 'as been quite 'elpful in introducing me to ozer cute, British girls. (Follow up question) Hermione. Are the rumors true that you're addicted to deepthroating Mistress Fleur's thick cock? And that you're acting as a spy against Harry to help your mistress in the tournament? Fleur: *Hermione sucking her cock.* Oh, zhe is certainly quite fond of zervicing me orally, and zhe does keep me appraised of what ze leettle boy is doing to prepare for each task, zough I never asked 'er to.
Question: Ginny, is it true that Luna corrupted you into being an Exhibitionist when you were a little girl? And is it true that you two wander the school halls at night with invisibility cloaks to have public sex, jerk off each other, and squirt, piss, and cum all over the place? Ginny: Sometimes, we don't even bother with an invisibility cloak and run starkers through the halls... and before we started at Hogwarts, we sometimes snuck out of our homes to go for a skyclad flight or wonder the streets of Ottery St. Catchpole.
Question: Luna, I heard you found a unique way to handle your bully problem. Is it true that you sneaked into Cho and other girls' dormitories to rub their faces with your heavy sacks and face fuck them with your horse penis? To make them from your bullies to your horse musk & cum addicted followers? Luna: Oh yes, it was a lot of fun fucking their faces as they slept... and their fannies and bums as well... I did leave them wondering where the cum stains and lingering musk were coming from for a few months before channeling my inner Gryffindor enough to reveal my Hippogriff openly and watching as the familiar scent hit their noses and they started worshipping at my feet.
Question: (Third year Harry Potter) Harry, you look more slutty and cock hungry this year. So the rumors are true that you accidentally worked as a part-time streetwalker in Knockturn Alley this summer and got hooked on getting fucked by futanari cocks? Did you service anyone you know? Do you plan on working there full-time next summer? Harry: *Blushing.* It was an... interesting experience... I wouldn't mind doing it again next summer, but I doubt I'll be so lucky to get away from the Dursleys for so long.
Question:So Hermione. I heard you met Narcissa during your first visit to Hogsmeade? Did you enjoy your time with your new mistress? Hermione: *Blushing* We had a lovely time... If it wasn't for the Yule Ball, I'd be tempted to try and spend the Christmas Hols at Malfoy Manor... and I'm thinking of spending part of next summer there... shame I can't invite a date from outside the school and the visiting students to the ball and that Hogsmeade weekends aren't more often.
Question: To Sailor Jupiter and Mercury. It's finally your turn to look after Usagi's little brother. Makoto, is it true that caring for Shingo awoke your maternal instincts? Did your mistress Ami enjoy watching you breastfeeding the boy or did she join in? Ami: Watching Shingo sitting on Makoto's lap and drinking from her breasts was every bit as adorable as I thought it would be... I'm glad I decided to slip Makoto drugs to induce lactation... and I did decide to join in, not only drinking Makoto's milk, but letting both of them drink my own.
Question: To the magical girls Rin, Kuro and Mimi. Oh no! A monster cursed Magical Kuro-chan with boobs bigger than Hoin-sensei's and the milk is overflowing! Rin, Mimi, how did you convinced prof Aoki to drink her dry and how did you keep Kuro calm while he sucked? Did you enjoyed yourselves? Rin: At first, Mimi-chan and I tried to drain Kuro-chan's boobies, but when our bellies got close to bursting without Kuro-chan's getting any smaller, we knew we needed a male to help... but since Aoki-sensei is too prudish to just suck on an Oppai loli's breasts, I had to use my fox magic to cast an illusion to make Kuro-chan look like Houin-sensei... and since Kuro-chan doesn't like boys, Mimi-chan and I were there, hidden under another illusion as we took turns sucking Kuro-chan's cock and licking Kuro-chan's pussy to distract her from having her breasts drained by a man. Fortunately, Kuro-chan's oppai started to shrink back to normal as soon as Aoki-sensei started drinking, thinking it was Houin-sensei he was drinking from... I'm kind of jealous it wasn't me who got hit with that particular curse.
Question: To Kaori: Is it true you've been secretly taking pervy photographs of the other girls in your class to use as fap material? Has there been a time where that prominent tent in your pants almost gave you away? Kaori: Oh yes, I'm a master at capturing candid photos of cute girls... My personal fap album includes upskirts of pretty much every girl in both class 1 and class 2 who routinely wears skirts or dresses, several shots from various angles of everyone in their gym uniform or school swimsuit, dozens of locker room shots, and even a few hidden cam shots of girls using the toilet... Reika knows about my fetish... but she's happy to model for me so long as I share copies of the photos I take of the other girls with her and am willing to pose for her.
Question: To Manda Twins: What's it like having to share ache other's clothes, seeing as Yoko is significantly bigger compared to her little brother? How was your experience when you two tried switching places with each other at school? Yoko: Junji's tighty whities are way too tight! Squeezing my girl cock into his pants was hard enough, but I had no choice but to wear my own panties under his clothes... and it was still uncomfortable when I got an erection talking to that cute boy about model planes!
Question: To Noriko (Female), Yukari and Aya (Futa): How committed are Yukari and Aya at satisfying Noriko's needs? Does Noriko use those especially well-endowed breasts of hers to give them a good titty fuck in return? Noriko: *Stroking Aya and Yukari's cocks as they suckle at her breasts.* Oh, I just love teasing Yukari-chan and Aya-chan's little cocks while they suck on my oppai... I never let them cum from my handjobs, so they're always frantic when I let them spitroast or sandwich me... and they do enjoyfucking my titties... especially when I let one of them sit on my face and lick her pussy as she fucks my tits. Kitten: I confess, Aya is one of the classmates I don't have a good mental image of... I'm pretty sure her focus episode was subbed before I went blind(I can remember watching the Tanabata episode, and consulting Majopedia, that was a few episodes after Aya's spotlight episode, though Doremi-Fansubs was still working their way through Dokkan when I went blind, so their are later episodes of that season I've only read the scripts of instead of watching subbed).
Question: -Heartcatch Precure- To Tsubomi and Kaoruko: Since Kaoruko was a Pretty Cure herself in the past, has she taught her granddaughter well in the art of pussy pounding through special family-bonding sessions? Does her girlcock truly live up to her legacy as Cure Flower? Tsubomi: *In cure form, naked, andResting on her shoulder blades, feet next to her ears and butt elevated as Cure Flower piledrives her pussy.* YES! Obaa-chan's cock is amazing! I don't know how I managed to live without it! Please, Obaa-chan, never stop fucking me! Kaoruko: Despite her shyness, my grand daughter has taken quite nicely to her lessons in the sexual arts... it this rate, it won't be long before I test her by having her double team my daughter-in-law with me.
Question: To Rumi and Haruka: How often do you two double team Noriko-sensei while at kindergarten? Does your class usually tend to quarrel over who gets to have sex with her? Rumi: *pounding her teacher's pussy.*Noriko-sensei can't get enough of our thingys! Haruka: Yeah, Noriko-sensei replaced nap time with sex time to make sure she gets plenty of our cream everyday! Isn't that right, Noriko-sensei? Noriko: YES! I'm a slut for little girl cocks! I need little girl cum in all of my holes to live! Be good little girls and keep pounding your naughty teacher's ass and pussy! Pour all of your hot, gooey cream in your slutty teacher's tummy!
Kitten: Reminder that Hana-chan from Ojamajo Doremi has a birthday right around the corner on March 25... Ichigo from Tokyo Mew Mew also has a birthday coming up on March 15, though I doubt I'll get around to this Q&A again before then.