Question: Sakura don't you think you are abusing your powers by making all the female cards have sex with you? Sakura: I don't make them do it... Ever since Kero made me the Cardcaptor and this weird thing grew between my legs, whenever I summon one of the girls... *Blushes furiously* When the danger has passed, they always insist on sucking out my cream or that I stick it up her kitty or butt... It's kind of exhausting, but it feels so nice and they all seem to enjoy it just as much... I'm not sure I could bring myself to tell any of the girls no.
Question: To Aiko: Since Minto is always speaking ill of you behind your back, don't you think she deserves to be taught a few manners? Perhaps this will be a great opportunity to start fresh with each other. Aiko: Oh, I think I've found a much better use fer her mouth. *Aiko's hand is buried in Minto's hair as the blunette fources the blonde to bob her head along the tomboy's shaft.* Minto: *Muffled sounds slip out around the cock in her mouth as she kneels on the classroom floor, completely naked except for having her arms tied behind her back and bullet vibrators taped to her rock hard nipples and dripping pussy.* Aiko: Minto-chan is so good at sucking cock, I'm thinking of rewarding her by either bending her over one of the desks or laying her atop one, popping her cherry, and giving her a creampie. *Starts thrusting her hips in time with how she's forcing Minto's head to bob.* Don't you think Minto-chan would look really cute with my baby squirming in her belly? Minto: *Eyes widen as she tries to scream around the cock fucking her mouth and throat.* Aiko: Here it comes, Minto-chan! *Fists both hands in Minto's blonde lockes before forcing her girl cock pussy deep down Minto's throat, the blonde's stomach soon bulging visibly from the volume of cum being shot down her gullet.* Question: To Erika Tamaki: How did you get revenge on Poppu and her friends for knocking up all of the Primula girls before you could? Did you also feel the need to impregnate every Sonatine girl in response? Erika: Well, I was planning to knock up all of those Sonatine Brats regardless... Didn't want to face Poppu and her two sidekicks directly, too much risk they'd take me down with them if I tried sniping their eggs the normal way... In the end, I decided to sneak a portable Glory hole into class, and whenever one of the Sonatine girls would be called to the board, I'd tune the glory hole to her pussy and furiously pump it on my shaftunder my desk, leaving her a moaning mess with no idea what's happening while the whole class watches her... As for Sayaka and Kumiko, I didn't want them to get any pleasure from me fucking their pussies, so I used magic to summon their ovaries, took them home with me, used more magic to make them permeable, and left them soaking in a bucket of my cum overnight before returning them the next day... If all went to plan, I've fertilized all of their eggs, and everytime they ovulate, they'll end up pregnant with my baby... Thought about doing the same to Poppu, but I wanted to try and think of something extra special for her... Maybe I should use magic to make her ovaries permeable and then use portable glory holes to fuck her pussy while forcing her to fuck her ass... and then make both of our cocks grow to horse-like proportions inside her... Question: To Nobuko and Miho: Is it true that you two have written smutty futa-themed stories about your fellow classmates? What pairings have you found to be your favourite and which girls do you think make the best futas? Nobuko: Oh yes, and their some of our most popular H-Manga... though naturally, we use a different pen name on them than our shounen and shoujo works. Miho: I really enjoy doing self portraits of myself with Nobu-chan, but I've drawn pretty much every girl in both Class 1 and Class 2 as a futanari at least once. Nobuko: I particularly like writing scenarios where Doremi-chan is a dog girl and one of her friends makes her their bitch... And Hazuki-chan is great for stories where a shy girl grows a cock and becomes addicted to using her new cock on all her friends. Miho: Sachiko and Natsumi are both great for stories where a futanari finds her urges shameful and tries to be a good girl, only to give into her lust, and Tamaki and Shimakura are perfect for Domsub stories... And of course, Onpu-chan is perfect for stories where the futa idol charms all her fangirls into letting her breed them.
Question: So, Hermione. That was one hectic night. Death Eaters rampaging through the Quidditch World Cup campgrounds. But how did you end up in the same tent,with Narcissa Malfoy of all people? The last time anyone saw you both is when Narcissa went into the Top Box lady's room after you went in. Hermione: *Moaning into a pillow as Narcissa rails her like a bitch in heat.* Narcissa: What can I say, seducing and fucking cute, little mudbloods is a guilty pleasure of mine... And after following this delectible, little treat to the loo, walking in on her with her knickers down, and showing her what I was hiding under my robes, it didn't take much to convince her to forget about the game and sneak back to the Malfoy tent... I was rather cross with my husband for that stunt he and his boys' club decided to pull after the game and how it forced me to cut my fun short... thankfully, my new pet was more than eager to meet me for a rendevous in Hogsmeade during the first visit of the year. Question: Cho, is it true that it was suggested that every girl in DA wear a chastity belt to raise their focus, but it only backfired and the DA turned into a raunchy debaucherous orgy club? I can see some of the inquisitorial squad getting banged by Luna and Ginny over there. Cho: Oh yes, it got so kinky... and there aren't nearly enough Inquisitorial squad members to go around... Hermione, Ginny, and luna usually get dibs on Pansy, Daphne, and Tracie, and I'm pretty sure Susan and Hannah knocked each other up... as did the Patil twins... It got so raunchy, I'm not sure what had Umbridge more incensed when she found us, All the sex or the name of the group... Though I'm willing to bet the toad is just jealous not even a pent up futa is willing to touch her... Though, one silver lining to getting caught... I have no guilt about making the sneek my cock sleeve. *Cho can be seen using a levitation charm to move her former best friend up and down her shaft.* Question: Myrtle, is it true that you can slowly brainwash any boy or girl into being a anal sex addicted faggot or slut? And you enjoy watching them whore themselves out for cock? Is that why Harry, Draco and Hermione are working a secret gloryhole in your bathroom right now? Myrtle: *Giggles.* Oh yes, and it's a lot of fun to watch... Ghosts can't really have sex, so we have to get our jollies in more creative ways... Helps I was a bit of a voyeur when I was alive.
Question: Usagi is it true that the real reason Galaxia was so bitchy is because she was pent up? Is it also true that the two of you frequently meetup to fuck each other with your massive futa cocks. Usagi: Oh yes, turns out galactic level power comes with an extremely high libido. Most humanoids just break under the force of Galaxia's thrusts, and most lesser Sailors just don't have the stamina to keep up... Before we became fuck buddies, she could fuck like a hundred sailors raw without trying... I never had the trouble she had, but I'm the first to fully satisfy her since she started her conquest of the galaxy... and when I'm on the giving end, I can really cut loose with her in a way I can't with the Sol Sailors. A follow up: Sailor Moon and Galaxia, how do your cocks compare to each other? Galaxia: I have a truly magnificent 25 inches, though Usagi's foot long girl cock is quite satisfying in its own right... and honestly, so few girls, even among sailors, are capable of taking all of me.
Question: Princess Celestia, you've impregnated many mares with your secret love foals in secret scandalous cuckolding sex not just because of Alicorn's natural high libido, but also to produce more candidates for Alicorn princesses. So is it true that Princess Twilight Sparkle and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza is one of them? Do they know their secret of their birth now they are Alicorns with high sex drives as well? Celestia: Oh yes, my faithful student and her foalsitter are two of my favorite daughters... as are the other element bearers... Cadence actually figured it out early on and even asked why no one questioned why no one saw through the ruse of her being my niece... after all, I have no brothers, Luna is my only sister and had been in Lunar timeout for over nine centuries when Cadence was born, and her mother wasn't considered royalty... Twilight proved a bit more slow on the uptake... I eventually had to tell her she was my heir by blood and magic when I decided to step down as Ruler of Equestria... she did not take the news that Blue Blood is her half brother too well though... Oh, how glad I am that disgraceful son of mine never saw through the ruse of him being my nephew. Question: Mane 6, is it true that you've grown huge stallion dicks and balls as well as gained high sex drives as side effects of becoming the Bearers of the elements of Harmony? How are you putting up with your new found sexual frustrations? Rainbow Dash: Yeah, and these things. *Waves a hoof at her engorged balls.* threw my balance in flight off for weeks... and I've become addicted to humping clouds, sometimes seeding a cloud to the point of making it rain cum. Applejack: I ended up hollowing out an old tree trunk to use as a cock sleeve...and ended up cracking the darn thing from the force of my thrusts... I'm running out of fallen trees on the farm to use for materials! Fluttershy: Um, well...*blushes before replying in a whisper.* There's this nice Ursa Major who's often willing to help me out... and that nice Manticore I helped out on the long night... Oh, and I did get to try doing a dragon when one picked a nearby cave to take a nap in. Rarity: I had to design a special, silken stocking to go over it and needed to use some of Spikey Wikey's shed scales to fashion a harness that was both fashionable and strong enough to keep it girdled to my trunk instead of awkwardly tenting and even tearing through my dresses! Pinkie Pie: *Too busy sucking her sweet cream from her tip to reply.* Twilight: *Vanished into the Library shortly after the Sun rose after the long night and hasn't been seen since, though loud moans can be heard coming from the library.* Question Zecora, is it true that the ponies of Ponyville were right and you were up to no good? Poisoning the town's food and water supply with brainwashing potion so you'll have the Mane 6 as your personal secret big dicked ass waving submissive sluts? And is it true that Applejack and Fluttershy were your sluts since they were foals, even before they were part of the futanari elements of harmony? Kitten: Okay, I'm in a bit of an awkward position... On the one hand, rhyming dialogue is hard to write on demand beyond a couplet or two... on the other hand, I feel like the rhyming is such an integral part of Zecora's character that writing her without rhyming wouldn't feel or sound right... If I ever right a full story with Zecora, I'd probably want to put in the effort, but for these Q&As, it, I think I'll keep Zecora's verbal responses to a minimum. Twilight: *Displaying immense composure for being in the middle of having her plot plowed by a Zebra shaman.* To call it a brainwashing potion is a bit strong... I tested the well water... all I found was high levels of equine estrogen and alchemically concentrated zebra pheromones... Enough to put mares in a near constant state of heat and make them attracted to Zebras, but not enough to instantly render us mindless, sex-crazed broodmares. *Twilight's eyes go crossed eyed and her body trembles as Zecora brings the Bearer of Magic to climax and dumps her load.* Applejack: Eeyep, Been lifting my tail for Zecora's plow since I was small as Applebloom. *Lets out a whinny as Zecora mounts her.* I-in fact... probably 'bout time I show my little sister how to pplease Zebra cock. Fluttershy: Um, well... It wasn't long after I moved to Ponyville after getting my Cutie mark that Applejack introduced me to Zecora and the fun they have with each other... and it wasn't long afterward that Rainbow started joining me for my romps with Ms. Zecora... Question: Pinkie Pie, is it true that your secret ingredient to your pastries and cakes are your fertile cum? I've heard they're quite addictive. Not just in taste but also the smell. How's Mrs.Cake putting up with all your musk lingering in the kitchen? Not to mention the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who're your regular customers and baking assistants in getting a cutie mark in baking. Pinkie: Yepperoonie! My secret sweet sauce has the perfect consistency, sweetness, look, and texture for glazing just about anything... As for Cuppy... she can't help but lick up any that's leftover after glazing something... and Don't tell Carrot, but Pumpkin and Pound are actually mine from where Cuppy couldn't resist having me glaze her insides... and with how our baking sessions tend to turn into orgies, the CMC are as likely to earn cutie marks for me putting buns in their ovens as they are for putting buns in Sugar Cube Corner's ovens. Question: Cutie Mark Crusaders, congratulations on gaining your Cutie Marks. It it true that you three found your main interests when you were fucked by Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow dash, and later the whole Mane 6? Will you be still activating as the Cutie Mark Crusaders, now renamed Cutie Mark Cum-dumpsters? Applebloom: *busy getting spitroasted by Applejack and Pinkie Pie, her gravid belly hanging near the ground from the incestuous foal in her womb and the gallons of syrupy sweet seed swelling her stomach.* Sweetie Belle: *Licking the tips of Twilight and Rarity's cocks while giving the older unicorns hoof jobs, and letting out a loud moan when her efforts result in the two cockmares drenching her face, flat chest, and the filly's foal bump in pearly white jizz.* Kitten: To interject here, anyone know a word starting with 'F' that could be alliterated with "foal" to have a similar effect to "baby bump"? The only thesaurus entries I could find for bump online was for the verb sense of "to run into or jostle" rather than the noun sense of "A protrusion, especially a rounded one". Scootaloo: *Performing a forehoof stand as she deep throats Fluttershy's horsecock, her hind legs spread in an inverted split to give Dash ample access to pound her proudly pregnant protege's pussy. Question: Zecora, how did sexual activities change between you and your sex sluts when Applejack and Fluttershy turned into hung futanari subs from squirting mare subs after becoming element bearers? Zecora: I must confess, I rather like, being the one to ride a mare's spike. *Zecora can be seen riding Fluttershy's cock, the pegasus blissed out from the tightness of the shaman's snatch.*
Ojamajos: Do your families know that you are futanari? If so, is there any advice or adult product for sexual play? Doremi: Okaa-san caught me and Poppu when we got a bit too loud during a bout of make up sex after one of our sisterly spats... Once she got over her shock and got a good look at how much bigger me and Poppu are than Otou-san, she stripped down and insisted on joining us... and now we have a little sister on the way... Hazuki: My parents don't know... but Baaya-chan noticed that some of my panties were crusty with my dried cum and I had to reveal my girlcock to her to convince her it was mine and not from an older boy taking advantage of me. Aiko: Otou-chan is clueless... but I got the full talk fer both boys and girls tha last time Okaa-chan visited... Got her back fer that long-winded lecture by pretendin' ta fall asleep then takin' advantage of sharin' a bed ta use her pussy... She woke up before I could finish, but I was too strong fer her to throw me off before I cam in her... I hope I have a little sister on tha way. Onpu: Mama doesn't know, but Papa has a special onnahole he likes to use on me when I ride his lap... sadly, we don't get to bond as often as I'd like... And Mama looked really cute in her idol days... kind of wish I could openly use magic to turn Mama into a little girl and then pound her pussy like one of my fangirls. Momoko: Neither of my parents know... Hana: Of course Hana-chan's mamas know! Hana-chan loves fucking Hana-chan's mamas and getting fucked by Hana-chan's mamas! Question:Misora classmates: In the swim class, how do you girls deal with concealing your cocks in your swimsuits? Do you let your cocks tent in the tight swim uniform or do you have other suits that are permitted from teachers? Mutsumi: I use to wear the boys' swim trunks... but then my breasts started to bud and now I either have my cock outlined for all to see or expose my AAA-cups... Reika: Naturally, I had a special girdle custom fitted to keep mine pressed against my stomach in a way that's comfortable and doesn't show under my school swimsuit... my personal one-pieces have it built into the suit itself. Marina: Um, well... I keep mine tucked up inside me... works well enoughh for the most part, though it feels rather intense if one of the other girls bend over at the wrong time and I grow hard inside myself... or if Kimura-kun starts teasing me... *Blushes.* Kitten: We'd be here all day if I tried writing every female classmate's but let's just say these are three of the most common strategies. Poppu, Sayaka and Kumiko: Did you ever tried peeing or cumming seeds in front of boy's toilet? How does it feel when you do it in standing form? Poppu: Oh, I pee standing up all the time... even with squat toilets, it's just more convenient to whip it out and let loose... Only snuck into a boys' bathroom to use a urinal once or twice... I do rub one out in a stall from time to time though. Kumiko: Like Poppu-chan, I pee standing up all the time... and I like the trill of using the boys' bathroom... sometimes not ebothering to wear shorts instead of a dress on days I do it... And I regularly jack off at the urinal... there was even this one time I wore nothing under my dress,,, barged into the boys' room, hiked my dress to my arm pits and jacked off in front of the urinal closest to the door, practically naked and so anyone coming in would see everything. Kind of wonder what one of the boys would do if they caught me... Or what an Onii-chan would do to me if I tried it somewher other than at school and got caught. Sayaka: *Blushing* I...I forget that peeing while standing is an option now... I've done it standing up, but I usually just sit if its a western toilet or squat if its a Japanese toilet... and i...I've never j-jacked off in the bathroom... or snucked into the b-boys' ba-bathroom.