Question: To all of the sailor Scouts! What is your favorite thing to do with all of your fat futa girlfriends and perhaps soon to be wives if this keeps going. Kitten: While I don't mind the pairing characters with random fat futa OCs questions, I confess the near constant stream of such with little variation makes it hard to think of responses to such. Please try to mix it up some or I might start ignoring questions like this altogether.
Comment: First off, let me say that I really like your works. Even the ones besides from the Q&As. I started watching Sailor moon through reading your stories. So I have you to thank for that. I hope you have great time writing these as I am having great time reading them as well. Kitten: Glad you're enjoying the show. Question: So, Naru-chan and Usagi-chan. You two have been flirty with each other even before Usagi became Sailor moon. How did your romantic relationship change after she became Sailor moon and became a Futanari Sailor Senshi? Naru: Honestly, I would've sworn I was into boys before that sleepover where I first got a glimpse of Usagi-chan's girl cock. Usagi: Yeah, before this thing sprouted between my legs, I thought the crush I had on Naru-chan was just platonic affections towards a best friend. *Naru nods in agreement* and before Naru-chan saw it, I thought the erections I was getting were just the result of this thing being indiscriminant. Question: Chibiusa-chan, is it true that your mother is Naru and not Mamoru? How is she in the new Silver millennium? (Both of the questions above, and the question in this chapter is based on the question answer idea about Naru Osaka being old Earth Royalty in chapter 12.) Chibiusa: I'm not sure... the way things have been going since I came to the past don't match the history I was taught... Endymion is certainly king in the future I came from... and the only one with any resemblance to Osaka-san I can remember is one of my mother's ladies in waiting...
Question: Aryll, how did you get used to moving with a dildo shaped like Tetra's cock inside your ass 24/7? Link's spurting from his cock each time he takes a step! Aryll: *Giggles* Big brother is such a quick shot... though I've been playing with myself since I was really young... not sure Big brother ever had something up his butt prior to Lady Tetra deciding to take us as her lovers.
Question: Princess Celestia now that you and your sister Luna admitted to loving each other who is getting pregnant first? Luna: *Floating on her back in the reduced gravity of the Royal vacation home she built on the moon.* After a thousand years of mutual pining and neither of us wanting to end up old mares, we're going for mutual impregnation. *Uses magic to line up Celestia's cock with her marehood and her own cock with her elder sister's entrance, the solar alicorn, less used to moving in low gravity laying on the floor, letting Luna take the lead.* Celestia: *moaning at her reciprocal union with her sister.* I'm hopeful our heirs will be born on the same day so as to avoid the issues their mothers dealt with regarding sibling birth order.
Question: Daphne how does it feel to know that your little sister is MUCH bigger than you downstairs? Astoria: *slamming her cock of centaur proportions repeatedly into Daphne's pussy, the elder Greengrass screaming into a pillow.* I don't think my big sister minds all that much... she rather seems to like it, even if I struggle to go more than one round without getting winded... though Daphne is happy to let me lay back while she rides me. Question: Hermione how did you end up shaking your ass and pole damcing for the Slytherin girls? Pansy: I was wondering what would happen if one mixed some misbrewed wit sharpening potion with a larger than recommended dose of the kind of love potion that's used as an aphrodisiac... turns out the combination leaves the target highly suggestible, dull witted, and horny as bloddy hell. *strokes her cock alongside Daphne, Tracey, Millicent, and the other Slytherin girls as Hermione grinds against the pole they transfigured in the center of their dormitory.*
Question: To the Desert Apostles Generals and Dark Precure: Throughout your many confrontations with the Precure, has Sasorina usually found herself ending up as their fuck-toy? How do Kumojacky and Cobraja's manly members compare up against the Precure's girlcocks? When Dark Precure and Cure Moonlight are engaged in fearsome combat, who is most successful in asserting sexual dominance over their arch-nemesis? Erika: Sasorina makes a great cum dump... did take some convincing to get Tsubomi to join me in spitroasting the exotic bitch though... And Cobraja is rather teeny. Itsuki: Kumojacky is actually fairly well hung... and isn't a bad fuck either... Sometimes have to remind myself he's the enemy when he manages to get his cock in my pussy. Yuri: Dark Precure is rather... dispassionate... her lack of emotion takes the fun out of managing to dominate her... and the rather mechanical way she raped me after she murdered Cologne only added to the shame that lead to my heart flower wilting...
Question: To the Ojamajos: During your sexually activities with each other, have you ever used magic to either age yourselves up into busty MILFs, or perhaps de-aged back into kindergarteners so that your twatties are extra tight? If you prefer, do you even transform into oppai lolis for the best of both worlds? Hazuki: I wouldn't describe myself as a milf, but I do like roleplaying as a kindergarten teacher and rewarding my cute, little students with creamed cunnies... Doremi-chan in particular makes the cutest noises whenever I reach under her skirt to pull her panties aside, impale her on my girlcock, and start bouncing her in my lap. Aiko: I prefer to turn the others into first graders, put them in gym uniforms, and run them through their paces...A little girl running around in skintight buruma is much sexier than a little girl running around in those white gym shorts they wear for gym at Sonatine... plus, the buruma let them just pull them aside when I order them to do squats on my shaft... Surprisingly, despite her usually weak performance in gygm class, Hazuki-chan is very good at riding coach's cock as a first grader. Onpu: Oh, I love shrinking down to a kindergartener and seeing who can withstand a standing blowjob the longest... and having my womb blown up like a balloon by the winner. Momoko: I love blowing up my boobs and giving titties fucks! Hana: Hana-chan likes timing it so Hana-chan is riding one of her Mamas when the new moon rises so Hana-chan's horny hole can squeeze super tight around one of my Mama's members! Doremi: I want to try babysitting a bunch of kindergarteners, but I always draw the short straw whenever we decide who gets to stay big when we do little play. Question: To Poppu and her friends: Do you girls often invite any of the boys from Sonatine Kindergarten to join in on your orgies as well? Are their wieners all typical size for their age, or are any of them early bloomers? Poppu: Naturally, we invited all 5 of my former boyfriends... but they didn't want to play with Kumiko, sayaka, or me when they saw how big us girls are... Masaki is bigger than the other boys, but even Sayaka has him beat... I hear Masaki sometimes sneaks off with Tomomi and Rie, so its mainly Sayaka, Kumiko, and me for our naughty sleepovers.
Question: Link, is it true you got caught working a gloryhole in Windfall island when Tetra recognized the tightness of your throat on her cock? Tetra: I suspected it was him on the other side of the wall when I felt him deep throating my cutlass, but it wasn't until he started using his poop deck that I was certain. *Smacks Link's ass.* Of course, once I found out, I insisted on taking a cut of any rupees the johns and janes left for him if he didn't want me telling the whole town what a glory hole twink their hero is! Question: Malon, is it true that you are Epona's real father? When did you start being one of the main studs in Lon Lon Ranch? Malon: *Thrusting her horse cock breeder into Epona.*Epona here was the product of my first time mounting one of hte mares... and I'm hoping she bears me my first grandchild. Question: Fado and Redo, is it true that Saria gave you two futanari sex education along with all other Kokiri girls and used Link to teach how to pleasure a male faggot? Did all the Kokiri girls get a chance to fuck Link's Rosebud before he left? Does any of the boys know about it? Fado: Oh yes, Little Link was a lot of fun to play with... and no offense to my sisters, but his rosebud is tighter than any girl's flower. Redo: As for the boys, I suspect the Know-it-all brothers know, but are keeping it to themselves... I'm sure Mido wouldn't act half as cocky if he knew the smallest of the girls was better hung than him. Question: So, Zelda. You lost your male virginity to Link's ass when you first met him. You've had chances to fuck pussies later. You've been moaning how Malon's pussy was the tightest you've ever fucked. So, whose are better? Link's Ass or Malon's Pussy? Zelda: I just couldn't decide... Thankfully, I found the perfect spell in a tome of tantric magic in the Royal library. *Zelda lets her royal gown fall from her shoulders to pool around her ankles, revealing the pale flesh of her naked body beneath, not one but two erect girl cocks jutting from her pubic mound.* This way, I can ravage both my hansome knight and my beautiful milk maid at the same time. *Zelda kneels behind the blond boy and the redheaded farmgirl, the pair bound face down, Malon atop Link, her pussy drooling upon his buttcrack. Lining the royal cocks up with Malon's pussy and Link's anus, Zelda hilts herself in both of her lovers, vigorously fucking the pair of commoners.* Question: Link, when inside Lord Jabu Jabu, you've carried princess Ruto around over your head. How did you refrain yourself from collapsing from lust over her thick cock and musky balls dangling over your face? Ruto: The pathetic mammal found my equipment quite distracting... You'd think he never saw a cute girl walking around in her full glory. It was actually kind of flattering, but I more than once had to shove myself down his gullet or up his cloaca and fill him with my swimmers to remind him that there was work to be done. Question: Ruto, you've been infamous for your promiscuous relationships with both Zora male and female. But you've never been in a in depth relationship like the one you're having for Link, even if he saved you from Barinade. What makes him so special? How did you fall for him? And does Link knows about your special affections for him? Ruto: He may be easily distracted, but he does have an exotic beauty about him... *blushes* and his cloaca is tighter than any Zora I've been with.
Question: Ginny and Hermione, is it true that you two cheated on with each other? And your daughters Rose and Lily are actually each others' child, and not Harry and Ron's? Hermione: Cheating would imply Ginny and I went behind the boys' backs... Harry and Ron knew full well that even straight witches have needs they can only satisfy with another witch and that Ginny and I were each other's girlfriend. Ginny: It did take a bit of convincing for the boys to be okay with me and Hermione knocking each other up instead of taking the potion prior to all of our girls' nights. Question: So... Hermione, Ginny and Luna. During that incident at the department of Mysteries, I heard you three went into a room with Bellatrix Lestrange during battle and came out as futanaries and Bellatrix as your threes' dick addicted slut. I mean, she's in better mental condition then the time she was under Voldemort, but what happened in there? Hermione: It was a room dedicated to sex magic and the unlying principles of how love potions work... Spells were shot, glass jugs were shattered... Luna, Ginny, and I were doused with a potion that caused our transformation... and Bella was drenched in what I can only guess was concentrated amortentia. Luna: Next thing we knew, Trixie had dropped her wand, dropped to her knees, and was trying to swallow all three of our new, fleshy wands. Ginny: For being crazy and having spent over a decade in Azkaban, Belle was quite good with her hands and mouth... so it only seemed natural to fuck her like a proper bitch...Fortunately, after all three of us deposited several loads on and in her, Belle was happy to turn on her fellow Death Eaters to serve her new mistresses.
Question: Twilight, is it true that you don't go out with colts or mares because they can't satisfy you after you got accustomed to Princess Celestia and Cadance's Cock when you were in her school? How're you taking Luna's? Does her cock satisfy you? Celestia: *Fucking Twilight's throat while Luna takes her pussy and Cadence takes her plot.* I doubt my faithful student could bring herself to admit it aloud, but behind her bookish exterior, she really is quite a little slut for alicorn cock.
Kitten: For those who are unaware of this, I recieve an e-mail notification everytime someone posts or edits a comment on one of my stories, and it is these e-mail notifications that I extract questions from. It doesn't matter which chapter questions are posted on, and reposting a comment on a different chapter just clutters up my inbox. Also, I already make an effort to proofread questions as I compile these posts and don't always have the patience to spot the difference when I get notifications of edits or reposts. I don't mind readers posting additional questions, but it does streamline things on my end and make it less likely I'll miss something if new questions are posted as new comments instead of editing existing comments to add questions.