Comment: Love to hear you are adding more franchise to the Q&A, Love Zelda, and Kodomo no Jikan has some of my favorite Lolis, and would definitely love to see more of them. Kitten: Nice to hear! There really isn't enough fanfiction of quite possibly the two canonically lewdest lolis not originally from a hentai and their comparatively naive friend. Comment: Also, there's technically already is a Magical Girl version of Rin Kuro and Mimi. In the Game AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed, a version of them appears as part of a fictional game franchise: "Akiba Shoujo Stripism", dressed in things right out of a slightly lewder version of Pretty Cure costumes, fighting monsters. Kitten: I wish I could play this game if only to see the Magical versions of Rin, Kuro, and Mimi. Question: To the Kodomo no Jikan girls: Who do you like to fuck more, and who do you like being fucked by more? Rin: I love knotting in Kuro-chan's kitty kitty and riding Aoki-sensei's cock! Kuro: I love being knotted by Rin-chan and depositing my cream in her in return. Mimi: Um, well... I like bouncing in Reiji-kun's lap... as for giving... I cant pick a favorite between Rin-chan and Kuro-chan. Question: To Zelda (Ocarina): How much is it true of the rumor, that after defeating Ganondorf, you didn't send Link back in time, to "relive his childhood", but instead, used your magic, to transform him into a Loli, keeping him as your personal sex toy/breeding sow? Zelda: Oh yes, little Linkal has been the best little princess consort a Queen of Hyrule could ask for, and unlike the daughters the nobles try to marry off to me, her time as the Hero of Time has given her the stamina to keep up with one who has mastered the Sheikah's shadow arts. Question: To Aryll (Windwaker): How old were you when when you first fucked your big brother? How good is he? Has he ever fucked you? Aryll: I think I was like four or five when I walked in on big brother taking a bath and the sight of his bare boy butt made my thingy get all stiff. Not sure what made me want to stick it up big brother's butt, but we both had a lot of fun that day and ever since, we bathe together as often as we can... and while Big brother's thingy isn't as big as mine, it does feel good whenever he sticks it up my kitty or up my butt, though we both prefer when I'm the one sticking it in. Question: Also, a small question: Is it OK to use Characters from Majora, just interested in Romani, Cremia, Anju and Kafei, her shotafyed husband. Kitten: I've never played Majora's Mask, but considering Romani is basically young Malon with a more childish, carefree personality, and Cremia is basically adult Malon with a more motherly and less traumatized personality, or at least that's the impression I've gotten from their portrayals in fanfic, I'm willing to do the sisters... or anything set in an AU where Romani and young Malon are twins. Have no reference for Anju and the shota's name doesn't ring any bells, though if they have Ocarina counterparts you can point me to, I might consider them. Question: Pansy now that you have love potioned all the female teachers are you capable of doing whatever you want? Pansy: Not quite. Professor Snape might favor Slytherins in most things, but even we aren't completely immune to his intolerance for stupidity,and both Flitwick and Dumbledore are not easy to fool. Does make things easier though, and there are some nice fringe benefits. Question: Hermione since when do you rim Mcgonagal for better grades? Hermione: It started not long after the Polyjuice incident. The botched potion permanently infusing me with a bit of cat DNA and the professor being a cat animagus... well it lead to a mutual attraction... though she's the one who insisted on giving me extra credit for our after hours rendevous. Question: Hey Mamoru what's your opinion with all the sailor scouts-including your girlfriend mind you-all in a relationship with fat Futa older women? Mamoru: Um... well... *blushes furiously.* Usagi: Mamo-chan is a bit too embarrassed to admit that he enjoys having threesomes with me and my girlfriend. Question: Saria, is it true that you trained Link into a Submissive Anal addict faggot when he was living in the lost woods? How did you train him? Saria: Oh yes, I just couldn't resist the shy boy... As for how, well with the bullying he got from Mido and how none of the other boys were willing to risk Mido's wrath and the other girls just teased him for not having a fairy, it was easy to sweet talk him into trying just about anything. Question: Malon, when you first met Link you were surprised Link had a rather big cock for a faggot. How did he react when he saw you had a horsecock? Malon: Oh, the little fairy boy's eyes bugged out quite a bit... and he nearly fainted when I showed him how I used it to help keep Epona calm. Question: Impa, is it true that Link offered you his body in exchange to meet the princess? And is it true that you got your sex pet, Zelda to fuck Link in the Ass in a followed threesome? Impa: the little boy slut offered his ass not just to me, but pretty much every guard that tried to prevent him from reaching Zelda's private courtyard... Though my little lady was quite happy that I was finally letting hersink her cock into a warm body, even if it was just a boy's butt and not a real pussy. Question: Link, how are you taking your position as a royal faggot slut knight to not just princess Zelda, but Ruto as well? Are those two getting along sharing you? Link: *Flashes a thumbs up at the fact he's the official cumdump for two princesses before cringing at the thought of either girl learning of his duties to the other.* Question: Is it true Sailor Chibi knocks other girls up? Kitten: intuition is that you probably mean Chibi Moon,, but since it is ambiguous and Chibi Chibi has yet to appear and needs to be lewded more often... Chibiusa: Oh yes, the only thing better than shooting into an unprotected womb is watching a girl's belly swell up with my baby and getting to rub that belly as I repeat the act that caused it. Chibi Chibi: Chibichibi! *Chibi Chibi is trembling in Ikuto's arms as the milf strokes an 8-inch cock protruding from the toddler's skirt.* Chibichibi! * Ikuto takes a seat on the couch as she sits ChibiChibi down, spreading her legs as Chibi Chibi crawls between them and sinks into milf pussy.* Ikuto: Oh my, you're really energetic today, dear. *Chibi Chibi shoots her load in Ikuto, the mother unaware the toddler isn't shooting blanks.* Question: To the Heartcatch Precure: During the time that you girls and the fairies put on a puppet show at the local kindergarten (Episode 41), did you take the opportunity to give the class their first sex education lesson afterwards? Since little Rumi and Haruka know about the fairies' true identities, were you able to give them girlcocks of their own so they could pound their fellow pre-schoolers' tight twatties as well. Tsubomi: We actually included a scene of two futa puppets making passionate love in the puppet show. Erika: It was a lot of fun sewing thos puppets! Yuri: Naturally, when Rumi and Haruka discovered the fairies weren't plush dolls, they also discovered the four of us were futanari... and naturally, they wanted in... each fairy can only truly bestow cure powers on one girl, but the three together were able to grant the little cuties girl cocks of their own... which they tested out on the fairies. Itsuki: No clue if they decided to use their new toys and what they learned from the show to instigate an orgy with their classmates... but if the transformation affected their libido like it did us, its probably inevitable. Question: To Poppu and Erika: Do you two often butt heads over whose penis is bigger, who can shoot the further, or who can bring their respective alumni to orgasm fastest? Poppu and Erika: *are staring each other down, their identically sized cocks pointed at each other like weapons, lightning flashing between their eyes. Sayaka: They've never gotten along,, but their rivalry in sex is fiercer than their rivalry in everything else combined. *places hands over her crotch protectively* Poppu-chan gets a bit too rough when she's trying to make all the sonatine girls cum before Erika-chan can make all the Prima girls cum. Question: To the Ojamajos: With the ever-increasing number of young mothers at Misora Elementary, have you girls decided to open a day-care service at MAHO-Dou to help look after their new-borns, as well as your own? Hazuki: We haven't considered it, and I'm not sure Majorika would want a bunch of babies around at the same time, but we do get many requests to baby sit for our classmates since most of them know we took care of Hana-chan even if they don't know the full extent. Question: Chibiusa what made you along with Hotaru fall for an overweight old woman (you know besides the fact that she's a futa) like the rest of the scouts? Chibiusa: Well, it helps that the twins Hotaru-chan and I are dating don't mine us playing with each other... in fact, they encourage it. Hotaru: and they're both cuddlier than a giant teddy bear! Chibiusa and Hotaru: Plus, we love being smothered in those giant, flabby marshmallows! Question: Second match: Fleur Delacour and Gabrielle Delacour Vs Luna Lovegood. Who wins? Fleur Delacour Vs Nymphadora Tonks. Who wins? Fleur: Ze little girl was no match for my zister and moi. *Luna is being spit roasted by the veela sisters, Fleur pounding her pussy, Gabrielle fucking her mouth.* Gabrielle: Zough, if ze way zhe is moaning is any indicator, zhe probably doesn't zink of zis as a lost eizer. Tonks: *Shrunken so she's the perfect height to suck Fleur's cock with both of them standing, the Veela's cock shoved so far down her throat she's practically fucking the shrunken girl's stomach. At the same time, two very long cocks protrude from Tonks's crotch, reaching up to Fuck Fleur's ass and pussy, their shafts elongating and contracting to fuck both holes while both are standing still. a trio of tentacles emerge from Tonks's upper back, two of them sucking on Fleur's breasts, the third shoved down Fleur's throat.* Kitten: Since neither can talk, I'll let the reader decide who's winning there. Question: Usagi, what did Rei do to make you choose her to look after Shingo for the weekend? To Rei Hino: did you had fun looking after Shingo? Tell us something To Makoto and Ami: were you sad Usagi entrusted her little brother t Sailor Mars and not to you two? Usagi: All four of my guardians wanted some one-on-one time with Shingo, so I had them draw lots. Rei just got the slip of paper with 1 written on it. Rei: I spent all weekend reshaping Shingo's rectum to my cock... and training his dick and prostate to endure more stimulation before erupting. Ami: I'm a bit disappointed I got 4, but Shingo is such a cutie, I'm sure it'll be worth the wait. Makoto: I still swear Rei used her psychic powers to pick the right slip and shouldn't have been allowed to go first. To Magical Rin, Kuro and Mimi: what happened the first time you showed prof. Aoki your Magical girl form? Rin: Well, we actually have three transformations... when he caught us returning to school still in our base transformation after defeating a monster of the day, I'm pretty sure he just thought we were cosplaying... Then again, our base uniform just looks like a very risque version of a serafuku... skin tight leotard with no underwear that becomes translucent when wet, elbow high gloves and kneehigh boots, a miniskirt that only hides the crotch of our leotards if you're tall enough to look down on us, very frilly sailor collar... the kind of thing Sailor Chibi Moon would wear in an H-doujin that exaggerates the sexiness of the Sailor Senshi's costumes... Oh, and the illusions on our ears and tails that let us blend in with normal humans are dropped in that form, but Kuro-chan pretends to wear fake cat ears and tail while dropping her illusions that Aoki-sensei barely reacted to seeing my fox ears and tail or Mimi-chan's bunny ears and tail. Mimi: I don't think it was until the school was attacked and we had to transform into our Miko forms that Aoki-sensei truly realized we weren't normal girls. Granted, our base forms at least provide some modesty and the leotard keeps our penises close to our torsos...when the costumes turn into a sleeveless, crotch length kimono with no hakama,our privates are completely exposed to anyone who can get an upskirt. Kuro: But when he saw us in our ultimate forms, where our clothes vanish completely, our bodies shift to quadrupedal digitigrade, our fingernails extend into claws and we grow fur to above the knee and elbow, he fainted and had a nosebleed... I gave him a swift kick to the balls for that. Kitten: A parting word, I've created new Q&As this evening. They can be found on my profile's works page or by checking out the series I created to group this and the others. Also, of the girls elligible for this Q&A, two of them, Flonne from Disgaea and Hazuki from Ojamajo Doremi have birthdays coming up. Appropriately enough, the trope namer for Love Freak and the sweetheart of the Ojamajo where both born on Valentine's day... so be sure to get in any birthday asks for those two... as well as any Valentine's asks... and reminder, most of these characters are Japanese, so the tradition of girls giving homemade chocolate to their significant others is appropriate here.