Comment: I agree with you on the former, and change the title. Kitten: That's 1 vote for Monolithic Q&A Comment: Also, a suggestion. It's hard to separate the questions from the answers. Can you put a number in front of the questions? Or make the questions darker? Kitten: Okay, I'm going to experiment with a format closer to how magazines use to print interviews. Reader questions will be prefixed with Question:, non-question reader comments with Comment: and character responses with the character's name. As the person behind this author avatar is blind, I can't really judge hhow it looks, so let me know if it helps. Comment: i like the idea of doing other Q&A's fics like Lewd Loli Q&A(For non-futa loli content), Poke-Digi Q&A(for Pokemon and Digimon stuff) and maybe one for crossovers as well. Kitten: and that's 1 vote for separating Q&As by topic. Also, I did say in the opening chapter of this that I'm good with crazy crossover and time travel shenanigans. So I'm totally okay with say, Cure Muse and Chibimoon helping each other blow off some steam, Onpu time travelling for some fun with her mom during her own idol days, Hana-chan getting hooked on Tokyo Mew Mew and magicing herself into the DVD to meet pudding, or Hermione using a suped up time turner to go to the 70s and compare notes with Lily. Quessstion: (Fifth year Hermione) Hermione, how did you turn Draco Malfoy from a arrogant first year brat into the self-proclaimed 'Mistress Hermiones' Slutty Fatass Fairy Faggot Cumslut' he is today? Did your other secret cumslut, Pansy had any hand in it? Hermione: Oh, it certainly helped that the Parkinson and Malfoy families had a betrothal contract and expected their respective heirs to spend as much time together as possible, and Pansy was more than happy to help in Draco's transformation into Cassiopeia... at first, I just had her extracting my semen to use in enemas she'd sweet talk Draco into accepting... though swelling solution was added to later batches to plump up that cute rump of his... didn't need to use much shrinking solution in front, he was already suffering from micropenis and undersized testicals... and when I had Pansy blind fold and bind him to present to me, he was enjoying what I was doing to his bowels so much, he couldn't bring himself to utttter his former favorite word when I removed the blindfold and revealed it was me and nottt Pansy reaming his arse. Question: Draco & Pansy, you pretend to be enemies with your mistress in public. How does your mistress punish you when you cross the line? And Hermione, how much does your slaves beg for secret public sex/threesome a day? Pansy: Mistress gave me somethhhing she calls a vibrator and told me to keep it inside me at all times when she isn't using me... She claims it's a muggle toy, but the way she seems to be able to activate it with a disapproving look, forcing me to focus on self control entirely to avoid moaning like a kneasel in heat, if she weren't such a goody goody Gryffindor, I'd swear it's some kind of dark artifact! She's also fond of making us watch while denying us the ability to touch ourselves as she fucks the other. Draco(in falsetto): Mistress gave me what she calls a vibrating cockring to wear on my dicklet, and like Pansy, I struggle to believe the bloody thing is muggle made... and when she needs to punish both of us, she sometimes brings in Mistress Luna or Mistress Ginny, both of whom are on more even standing with Mistress despite being a year lower than us and forces us to watch as they have their fun. Trixie and Starlight, how do you like working as Twilight's personal cumtap for doing evil across Equestria? Kitten: Okay, my google-fu is failing me, but I'm going to make an educated guess and assume a cumtap is a cock owning sexual servant kept by someone who loves the taste of semen to be milked or sucked whenever their mastere or mistress desires. If I'm off the mark, please let me know. Trixie: The Great and Powerful Trixie loves being milked by Princess Twilight! I don't even mind the rings of mithril she seared into the base of my horns to ensure my magic always flows away from my upper horn and towards my lower horn to keep it big and hard. Though my ovacals do get rather heavy when Twilight goes on one of her week long research binges and forgets to milk me. Starlight: It's rather embarrassing, but considering what I did, I feel like I got off easy... When I was first told I'd be sentenced to sexual servitude, I was expecting something along the lines of being locked in the pillory in the town square, my tail being bobbed, and being left as a free use brood mare. Question: Mamoru, is it true that Usagi fucked your ass and spanked it so much that now whenever she gropes or lightly spanks your ass you can't help but cum gallons of cum? Mamoru: Um, well... *Blushes furiously* Usagi: Don't be shy, Mamo-chan! No shame in being a future queen's butt-slut consort! *Smacks Mamoru's rear, an explosion of jizz splatters all over his jeans and shirt.* Comment: I think both ideas have their merit but I would personally prefer making a new Q&A. Kitten: Two votes for separate Q&As. Comment: Nice Job with the questions! Kitten: *Bows* Why, thank you. Question: Pansy how did you end up with Mcgonagall as your personal cocksleeve? Pansy: Her weakness is her pride on the quidditch pitch. As much as she insists placing wagers is highly inappropriate, enough bad mouthing the Gryffindor players coming and going from her class and in the Great Hall with a reverse eavesdropping spell targetting her, it was easy to get her to put her money, or rather her cunny, where her mouth is... and luckily, Potter was off his game at the last match. Questions: Princess Celestia is it true you offer your cock to any mare that wants to have fun with it? Celestia: Why, of course. It would be rather cruel of me to deny my little ponies the pleasures of the solar shlong... besides, prior to my sister's return, and my niece and student's respective ascensions, I had what was unquestionably the most magnificent member this side of the dragon lands. Comment: I like staying with magical girls, maybe add some more series, like Madoka Magica or Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne? Kitten: Okay, counting that as 3 votes for separate Q&As... Also, I only listened to Madoka Magica after I went blind and am completely unfamiliar with the other. Question: So Ami like all the other scouts you have an old fat Futa lover. So tell me what is it about her you like and what you both love to do together as well as why you girls are attracted to them? Ami: Well, my chubby bear is quite nice, and no offense to my friends, but quite a bit smarter. I can actually hold an intelligent conversation with her without having to dumb down anything I say... We often spend quiet evenings just enjoying each other's presence as we read... though the sex is pretty good too and she's super cuddly. *blushes* Comment: I like the magical girl theme, it has a central thread even beyond "everything is futa". But if you want to split things off, then "the futa Q&A," "the non-futa loli Q&A," "the pee Q&A," seems like the way to go. Then people follow the one with the content they like to focus on. Kitten: And that's 4. Comment: Also, I loved the response my question got! I hope you don't mind me asking a very similar kind of question to the same girls, because I love the framing of having everyone answering that same central question with their own lewd twists! Kitten: Glad your enjoying it. Question: To the Sailor Senshi: Now that your powers are developing, it seems like you're gaining the ability to mind control others. Everyone who has awakened from your influence has had a great time so far, but how has the ability to casually control each other's minds changed your relationships? What's your favorite ways to use your powers? And what's the most fun way to spread Crystal Tokyo's population -- entrancing ladies into loving subjects of their Princesses, or making a new batch of royal heirs? Ami: It's less true mind control and more like we give off pheromones that cause any girl nearby to go wild with lust and only several orgasms and a thorough insemination can return them to normal. *Doggy fucks a nerdy girl who is panting like a bitch in heat.* Though, regarading heirs, with how many commoners we've impregnated lately, I'm advising that royal lineages be made strictly matrilineal once Crystal Tokyo is properly established. Rei: It's been a bit of a mixed bag. On the one hand, nearly no one has put up any resistence as we've expanded our efforts beyond Juban, on the other, we each only have one cock, and sometimes stepping into a classroom is enough to have the female half of the class, and if the teacher is a woman, them as well ripping their panties in an effort to let us under their skirts. Makoto: and any boys who get caught in the crossfire tend to get fucked to exhaustion, if not hospitalized, they just don't have the stamina, endowment, or cumshots to satisfy the enthralled girls the way we Sailors can... and while we have some resistence to each other, Lunarian musk seems to be particularly potent. Minako: Yeah, none of us are showing yet, but I'm sure Usagi has knocked the four of us up already... and I'm pretty sure Chibiusa has gotten both Hotaru and the Asteroids. Followup to the Bitches 5: Now that you're utterly enthralled to your Senshi rulers, what kinds of lewd technological devices have you made for them to use, mind controlling or otherwise? What are your favorites to have used against you? Eudial: I modified an old Heart Snatcher gun so instead of extracting the target's Heart Crystal, it causes innnnstant Orgasm. Mimete: I modified my Charm Buster to make the sonic waves trigger arousal and pleasure. Tellu: I altered my plants so the electric shocks they give those wrapped up in their vines are pleasureable... plus, they the vines now try to pleasure their captives instead of strangling them. Viluy: I've modified my Nanoray so it only affects clothing. Cyprine: Me and my twin are working on a device to let others split themselves in two... Because Twincest is wincest. Question: Sailor Pluto, do you worry that your love of looping your timeline back around to have sex with your own time duplicate might be destabilizing the spacetime continuum? How many versions of yourself have you had participate in a single orgy? Setsuna: It would be disastrous if anyone walked in on us or if my other selves and I were too far apart in our personal timeline... Which is why I make sure I won't be disturbed for anything short of an Avatar of Chaos about to plunge the world into darkness, limit myself to repeatedly jumping back one hour, and make sure I can sleep for a full day afterwards... longest my stamina has held out was for 24 hours for a total of 23 jumps and 24 of me being involved. Question: Sailor Quartet, how are you preparing the world to embrace Sailor Chibi Moon's loli lust? What does the next generation of lolitas have to look forward to, in terms of a world that openly yearns for them? Ceres: Chibiusa wants to use the Pink Moon Crystal to extend the Silver Crystal's immortality field, not just to let people stay in their adult prime for centuries, but to let them remain as eternal children like her if they so wish. She's already given the four of us and Hotaru, as her highest ranking consorts this boon, but she has special plans for the daughters we've sired on the local preteens and precocious puberty cases... I'll be in charge of teaching our children proper etiquette... You know, things like giving blowjobs without messing up their hair and make up, looking innocent when bouncing on their daddy's dick at a banquet, ensuring the ones that inherit enough magic to grow girl cocks of their own are properly dominant over their dickless sisters and cousins, that kind of stuff. Juno: I'll be training the crotch goblins to make sure they have the stamina to be proper fuck toys for their daddies and their more endowed sisters. Pallas: Pallapalla will be in charge of the nersery! Pallapalla can't wait to stuff her loli lolly in those cute, little toddler twatties and pump their baby bellies full of baby batter! Pallapalla will be the best daddy and aunt the little ones could ask for! Vesta: Chibiusa hasn't decided on a role for me within the Rorikon Ward she wishes to establish within Crystal Tokyo, but I'm sure she'd be open to suggestions. Question: Naru, with everyone getting all these crazy magic powers and sexual abilities, how is your wife Usagi keeping you involved and empowered with no magical powers of your own? Naru: *Is moaning her head off as she lays on her back, Legs over Usagi's shoulders, her modest breasts and the beginning of a baby bump bouncing in time with the blonde's thrusts as she reams her oldest friend's pussy.* Usagi: Turns out Naru-chan is actually descended from a cadet branch of the royal family of the old earth kingdom. Her blood line is a bit too diluted for her to naturally awaken as a senshi, but Helios is certain that regular exposure to the Silver and Golden Crystals should eventually draw out the power of her domanent blood line and allow her to fill the vacant Sailor Earth position Tuxedo Mask can't truly fill... and Naru-chan has already told me the first thing she wants to do with her girl cock once she awakens is knock up her little sister... I just hope Chibiusa and her posse remember little Naruru-chan is off limits. Question: Sailor Venus, how come you hog-tie evildoing women with your Love-Me Chain and fuck them silly as a punishment, but you also use your chain to hog-tie all the women you save and fuck them silly as a reward? Is that kind of a mixed message? Minako: Honestly, I just like chaining up random women and having my way with them. Punishing ne'er do wells is just a convenient excuse, and most of the girls I rescue are too greatful to mind me using them all that much... Besides, as the avatar of the Goddess of Love, even the reluctant ones are screaming for more by the time I'm done. Comment: Maybe keeping themes separate would be better. Keeps things more ordered. Kitten: And that brings my count to 5. Question: To Gabrielle Delacour: you Vs Luna Lovegood. Who wins? Luna: I like to think we both win. *Gabrielle is contorted into a chair-like shape, head and shouldes on the ground, rear and thighs forming the seat and legs vertical to form the back reast, Luna bouncing as she sits atop Gabrielle, the two blondes fucking each other's pussy.* Question: To Luna Lovegood: I was worried learning Draco sicced Crabbe and Goyle on you to get back for whatever happened in the bathroom. What did you do to them to make them carry you like a princess all day? Luna: I showed them what I'm hiding under my robes. In their simple world view, whoever has the biggest wand between their legs is top dog. They aren't particularly unendowed for boys their age, but they're hulking size makes their cocks look much smaller than they actually are while I'm so petite mine, already bigger than most wizards, looks even bigger. They were practically begging to worship my cock as if I were the second coming of Morgana. Question: To Makoto: Ami says your ass is the most comfortable thing to sit on. Do you agree? Even when Ami runs icy fingers on your spanked red skin? Makoto: *Shivers* I do like being sat on... and the icy chill is kind of soothing when my ass is on fire from a good spanking. Question: To Sailor Mars: Are you glad Usagi finally decided to invite her little brother to your weekly Sailor Scout Sleepover? You insisted so much to have Shingo over Rei: Oh yeah, been wanting to sink my teeth and cock into that yummy boy butt... Of course, he was a bit surprised when he first saw I was packing a cock big enough his little pecker could fit in my peehole, but he was too excited to be surround by 5 sexy, teenaged girls in just our sleepwear to put up much resistence. Comment: Well, regarding the thing about either changing the name of the story, or making new ones, I like the idea of adding new stories, but I would be OK either way. Kitten: Six. Question: To Tomoyo (a follow-up of my last question to Sakura, the one about the Big/small card) How was entering Sakura's "special place"? Ever think about doing more like that with her? Playing with her huge dick? or playing with your own Sakura doll? Tomoyo: Oh, crawling up inside Sakura-chan was wonderful, very warm and cozy... I wanted to just curl up and take a nap in Sakura-chan's womb, letting her heartbeat lull me to sleep, but she insisted on waking me up by rubbing her tummy, she wasn't certain how long she could keep the Big going or what would happen if she returned to normal size with me inside her..makes me jealous of the daughter I have growing in her tummy. I did have a lot of fun hugging her giant girl cock like a body pillow and grinding against it... kind of want to try having Sakura using Big on herself and Little on me so I can crawl feet first into her urethra and then give her jerk off instructions ending in me getting the ultimate, point blank bukkake... and Sakura-chan is even cuter shunken to doll size... It's so much fun getting to pose her and previewing new costumes at doll clothes size before making the full-sized versions... I also like the way she reacts when I fuck her with a cotton swab, start kissing her, sucking on her arms and legs, or slide my thumb under her knees, pressing her knees to her chest, and lowering her bottom into my mouth and licking her all over her butt, pussy, thighs and lower back... that draws the most adorable squeaks from her. Question: To Onpu: Has becoming a Futa full time affected your career as an idol? Have there been any problems? Any new, naughty benefits? Onpu: It's been great for the most part, though I do occasionally have to do extra takes because I pop a boner whenever I have an intimate scene with another actress, especially since I've been doing a lot of shoujo-ai roles lately... Does help me and my co-starlets have the right chemistry on camera since we often end up fucking in my dressing room between scenes. Question: To Fami Was it ever part of your plans when traveling to the past to get in an orgy with your grandmother, grand aunt and great-grandmother, impregnating them, and being impregnated by them? did you get in trouble for it? Who was your child? Fami: It was actually the main reason I went back in time. Obaachan only realized the mysterious girl who fathered her second little sister, her first daughter, and her first niece was me after I became a witch apprentice, so when I went back in time, my mission was to make sure I knocked up Obaachan, Hiiobaachan, and Ohobachan like history said I did... Plus, Mama is obaachan's first daughter, so if I hadn't done so, Mama wouldn't have been born and so couldn't grow up to have me. Comment: For the last one, don't know if it is Ok to use Fami (Doremi time traveling daughter), she being a Oneshot character. Ir not, justo ignore that. Kitten: Fami might be a one-shot character, but she's easily one of the most memorable of the one-shot characters. As is Non-chan(the girl who dies, persumably of cancer, in Naisho 12). Question: To the Heartcatch Precure: Is it true that in addition to the Heart Perfume allowing you to transform into Pretty Cure, it can also be used to give yourselves mighty girlcocks? (In Yuri's case, can she do the same with the Heart Pot?) Has your new anatomy proven useful in your battle against the Desert Apostles, as well as making sure everyone's Heart Flowers are well-nurtured? Do you find yourselves regularly engaging in orgies with the fashion club, or perhaps having some intimate bonding with close-ones? Yuri: Growing a girl cock comes as part of being a Cure, but it isn't tied to our transformation, are girl cocks are there 24/7 from the moment we accept the mantle. Tsubomi: I freaked out a bit when I first discovered mine after saving Erika... Obaachan had her work cut out calming me down enough so she could give me the cure version of hte talk. Itsuki: While Tsubomi and Erika helped me learn to express my feminine side, having a cock has helped me be more confident about handling the duties of clan heir in my brother's stead... and getting to fuck the girls on the student council is a lot of fun. Erika: Fucking the fashion club is fun, but the best is getting to double team my supermodel oneechan with Yuri... turns out Momoka and Yuri had been dating since Yuri first became Cure Moonlight. Kitten: Okay, by a vote of 6-to-1, it would seem the overwhelming preference is to have multiple Q&A for different themes. I want to finish the last day of the Advent Calendar before opening other Q&As, but I'll probably create a series to keep all of my Q&As grouped while also adding them to appropriate seris I already have(e.g. Magical Futa Q&A will remain in Fun with Futanari, Lewd Loli Q&A will probably be added to Young Love, and Poke Digi Q&A will probably be added to To Beast or not to Beast since I'll be allowing human/mon asks in additon to human/human and mon/mon ones). Also Kitten: Also, I'd like to declare Powerpuff Girls Z, Legend of Zelda(primarily Ocarina/Wind Waker), and the first 3 Disgaea games as fair game for this Q&A... and while it's canonically as mundane as settings go, I want to do futa stuff with its main characters, so I'm throwing in Kodomo no Jikan, but all asks for that will assume an AU where Rin, Kuro, and Mimi are a Fox, Cat, and Rabbit Youkai respectively and use their Youkai powers to do the magical girl heroine routine in their spare time. Kitten: Also, feedback on the new format would be much appreciated.