hey Meiling, since Syaoran is involved with Sakura I heard your family has set you up with an old Futa woman....how's it going? "I don't think my student wife is in any condition to respond." States the silver haired Chinese Amazon, her arms hooked under Mei Ling's legs and her hands firmly gripping the much smaller girl's shoulders as she pistons the Li squib upon her shaft, easily as thick as the thigh of the girl it's plunging into, said girl drooling and with her eyes rolled back. "She has potential to be a great warrior lady, but she is young and a bit arrogant, instead of patiently following the lessons I put forth to her both as her sifu and effectively as her husband, she insists on trying to best me in direct combat with the stakes that the loser has to submit in the bedroom... and as much as I'm sure she enjoys being fucked silly, I can tell she has too much pride to deliberately throw a fight... too much to just ask for it as well." To Parvati and Padma Patil: How did you get back at Harry and Ron for ditching you at the Yule Ball? Did you fuck them before or after you had them fuck each-other? "I'll admit, I kind of wanted to use a space expansion charm to shove a whole broomstick up their arses." comments Parvati, "And ones splintery from rough treatment and poor maintenance." "But I managed to talk my sister down from anything violent." adds Padma, "Instead, we used a variant of the body bind that leaves the target kneeling with their arms behind their back..." And made them watch, fully clothed as we first made out with each other, performed a traditional dance while stripping, and then fucked each other." adds Parvati. "We might have also added in some teasing since it was clear what they were packing in their trousers was much less than what we stuffed in each other... needless to say, those two won't be forgetting the case of blue balls we gave them anytime soon." To Hermione: Is it true that your father asked you to go back to sleep in the big bed with mom and dad? What happened that night? Did he teach you something or you did the teaching? Details, please. "Turns out there's an interesting exception to how the trace works." comments Hermione conspiratorially, "In addition to not being triggered in magical homes, villages, and quarters under the assumption purebloods will keep their children in line, it isn't triggered by any spell that's considered to be sexual magic under the assumption that no underaged witch or wizard would know such spells. Naturally, growing up in a sexually liberated household and knowing they would be some of the few spells I could show my parents before Christmas of my sixth year, I took advantage of the pass to the restricted section we got off of Lockhart to take down as many titles on the subject as I could to have my parents owl order for me to read in my spare time... Needless to say, Daddy was more than a bit surprised on the night I turned him into an adorable little girl, turn Mummy and myself into buxom, supermodel librarian types with girlcocks to make a mare blush and spent the evening being strict disciplinarians to the bratty, little girl. Spitroasting Daddy with Mummy was lots of fun... and then there was the time we managed to smuggle some amortentia across the channel to feed to the Devil's Snare I grew in our basement from seeds I harvested from the plant we had to burn during the Philosopher's Stone incident. That stuff does wonders for the plant's temperment." "Hmmm...." Interjects Kitten from Author space... "If I decide to adapt this snippet into an Installment of parental love, anyone have any suggestions for what the incantation for a charm that turns the target into a loli or shota could be?" Sailor Pluto: Had any adventures with students when you worked as a nurse at school? "naturally," starts Setsuna, casually stroking the cock protruding from the skirt of her nurse's uniform, "I can't go into detail due to patient confidentiality, but let's just say that quite a number of students find my special cream quite soothing when menstral cramps bring them hobbling to my office door. Some find the treatment so enjoyable they stop by even when they aren't on their periods." "Ugh, Setsuna-sensei!" comes a cry from the entrance of the Infirmary as Naru hobbles in, clutching her abdomen and clearly in pain. "I'll be right there, Osaka-chan." calls the disguised guardian of time as she stands up. "Hey, Setsuna, got time for a quickie?" Calls Usagi, skipping in on her best friend's heels, the front of her uniform rounded out by the beginnings of a baby bump. Giving the blonde a disapproving look, Setsuna declares frostily, "You can wait, Tsukino-san,, Osaka-chan is actually in pain." as she helps the unpowered girl onto a bed. Daphne Greengrass: How do you like to make Gryffindor girls your cocksluts and tame them, since they're known for being pretty rebelious bitches? "Well," comments Daphne, "There's an advanced version of incarcerus called the shibari charm. It makes quick work of trussing up the target in fancy knot work and ensures everything is secure and properly tightened. That's usually enough to keep them contained." Surrounding the ice queen of Slytherin are several Gryffindoor girls bound in various poses. Ginny is on her back, both arms and legs crossed beneath her, knees bound to elbows and rope criss-crossing her torso in a diamond pattern, framing her petite breasts and navel and leaving her arse and cunt exposed. Meanwhile, Hermione is on her knees, arms behind her back, kissing hte carpet, a particularly tight length of rope giving her the mother of all wedgies both between her arse cheeks and against her slit. The Chaser Trio are bound in a triangular configurations, heads touching and legs spread eagle in a way that if any of them try closing their legs, they risk dislocating the hip of the other two. Romilda Vane, the youngest of the girls on display, is hanging from her ankles, rope spirallying all up and down her body as she hangs in the posture of the body bind. "Of course, for the more mouthy ones, there's always silencio, and there's a variant of the lockjaw curse that forces the target's jaw open as far as possible to ensure they can't bite... and there's always the threat of amortentia or Draught of Living Death, both of which I can brew easily."