To (Futa) Queen Beryl, how does it feel that you have made the sailor scouts your harem and which one is your favorite? "It has been a most excellent outcome." comments the ruler of the Dark Kingdom, Princess Serenity's guardians kneeling before her, jostling each other in an effort to get a taste of their new queen's magnificent member. "All of these Sailor Sluts have taken quite well to their new role as my cock addicted concubines, and each has their own charms... Mars has by far the hottest twat and Jupiter has the stamina to ride my pole for hours and leaves me tingling head to toe from the flavor of her magic, Mercury has by far the wettest pussy, and while Venus isn't naturally tight, her internal muscles squeeze me the tightest of all my sluts." Standing up and waving her hand for the quartet to move back, the evil queen steps down from the dais her throne sits upon, "But my favorite has to be Princess Serenity." At the bottom of the steps, said princess awaits on all fours, wearing nothing but a too short negligee in the same style of her usual regalia, shaking her ass in invitation for her queen. "She doesn't excel in any one thing, but she has the best cunt all around." Kneeling behind the prone princess, Beryl drives her dick home in the former champion of love and justice as she comments, "'Tis a shame that prudish milf Queen Serenity wasn't reborn in this era, I so would have enjoyed corrupting both mother and daughter." To Majo Tourbillon's grandchildren (Ingrid, Natasha, Mary-Anne, Laura, Angela and Roy): Is it true your grandmother was kind enough to turn you girls into futanari with her magic? In Roy's case, are you well-endowed enough to keep up with your sisters? If not, has grandmother ever used an enlarging spell to help out? Do you often engage in fun activities with your grandmother, as well as with each other? Has Laura been fucking Baba's little kitty cunny? How does Baba feel about it? After the author presents the fairy with a six pack of Oy! Cola to jog her memory and she has drunk a can of the modern beverage, Baba starts reminiscing, "I don't know if any of the girls ever figured out it was due to their grandmother's magic, but my mistress did give each of her newborn grandchildren a blessing that let the girls' cute, little clits grow into throbbing girlcocks whenever they desired and ensured little Roy would never be picked on by other boys for being less than well-endowed... and prior to Ingrid's wedding, moments of intimate bonding between sisters, brother and sister, or grandmother and grandchild were common." Starting on a second can of soda, Baba continues, "As for Laura... that girl took cat lover to an extreme. I swear that girl popped a boner just at the scent of a female stray walking by, and I saw her more than once getting a bit more touchy feely with a cat she got hold of than just petting... Don't know if she ever got her cock in another cat, but she mounted me on several occasions." Blushing and lowering her voice, "I actually kind of liked it... good thing fairies don't need to focus to maintain our feline forms though... She tended to have the smallest cock out of her sisters, but even a modest human cock is huge compared to a house cat's cock... I would have been reduced to a living onnahole had I reverted to my true form while she was pussy deep in me." Gabrielle did you expect that it would be that easy to convince Luna to rim your ass? "Non!" cries the young quarter Veela, holding on for dear life to a metal railing that had been conjured in the Room of Requirement as the older blonde sits serenely on a velvet cushion behind the bent over girl, the tips of their respective, rock hard girlcocks nearly kissing tip-to-tip. "Girlz uzually accept my advancez eazily, but I uzually 'ave to 'it zem with at leazt a bit of ze allure zo make zem agree zo partake of my derriere, but zis Lovegood girl, zhe offered before I could ask! and zhe iz better with 'er tongue zan any of ze girlz I've uzed my allure on!" Pansy how have you been using Hermione since you drained all her brainpower into her tits? "Oh, the usual things one does with a mudblood, bimbo hucow." replies Pansy, "Dumping my load in her ass, mouth, or pussy several times a day, giving her now pumpkin-sized knockers a regular glazing of jizz, and whoring her out to the rest of the school... charging double to the Claws and Puffs, and quadruple to the Gryffs." As Pansy says this, Hermione, her upper body resting atop her gigantic breasts and her eyes empty of conscious thought, slobbers all over her new mistress's foot-long fleshy wand. "Of course, not long after I gave her the Brain Drain potion, I gave her one to burn through all of her eggs. As amusing as it would be to see the former brightest witch reduced to a brainless broodmare, we can't have her filthy blood diluting any pureblood lines, or worse, risk one of the mudbloods standing in line for their turn to degrade one of their own knock her up with a second gen mudblood... Though, I hear Draco is working on adapting an old potion Dark Wizards of past ages used to breed chimeras to work on human mothers, so maybe I'll get to see her bred by a hippogriff or cerberus."