So Usagi if you had to choose would you stay with Mamoru or a MILF Futa? "OOh, That's a hard one..." moans Usagi, the blonde on her hands and knees as one of her Youma turned sex slaves reams her from behind. "fortunately, concubines of both sexes were common both on Earth and on the Moon back during the Silver Millenium, and Mamo-chan is happy to keep the tradition alive when we establish Crystal Tokyo." On the other side of the room, Mamoru is plowing another futa youma, giving a thumbs up to his future wife's statement. To Luna Lovegood: Do you want to tell about that time you won a bet with Ginny and Hermione? When you spent a day wandering Hogwarts with Harry. Naked. Under the Invisibility Cloack. Were you tight under there? "oh, that was a lot of fun." comments Luna, "Neither Harry or myself are all that bulky, but to make things a little easier, I spent most of the day with a featherweight charm on myself, my arms around his neck, my legs around his waist, and my pussy around his cock. Of course, by the end of the day, my own cock was harder than a crumple-horned snorkack's at the height of mating season... Fortunately, Harry was more than happy to lend me his yummy bum to polish my wand." To Tonks: Is it true that your cock's shape (and number) is whatever you want it to be? What shapes do you like best to use on Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Fleur and Gabrielle? Which of them do you like most/least and why? "Yep, metamorphmagi can reconfigure our junk anyway we like, I can even go full tentacle monster on a whole gaggle of witches." comments Tonks, stroking twin cocks as they shift through a variety of shapes and sizes. "As for each of my playmates, Harry likes it when I go stag, I can't talk Ron into anything involving him on the recieving end, I swear Hermione purrs like a cat whenever I rake her insides with feline barbs, Ginny likes horse cock, though it did take some time to work her up from miniature pony to well hung stallion. Luna is easily the most adventurous, wanting to try something new almost every time I shag her, be it a mundane animal, a fantastic beast, or her challenging me to take on some wacky shape she came up with. Still working on getting in to Fleur and Gabby's no doubt very silky and lacy knickers, but I bet at least one of the sisters would love getting double knotted. To Fleur and Gabrielle: Which of you is the biggest sub? Did your mom and dad spank you or were they the spanked? "Veela are naturally very dominant." comments Fleur as she bounces a very thoroughly bound, gagged, and blindfolded Gabrielle upon her shaft. "Ze only reason I can play with dear Gabby like zis is because my magic is fully mature while she is only starting zo come inzo her powers." Pinching one of her little sister's nipples, she adds, "And despite knowing she's no match for me, her instincts won't let her just submit, and while I know she loves being my playzing, she'll futilely zy zo exert dominance every zime. I was ze same way zowards Maman and grandmere before I came inzo my full power, and, even now, grandmere still gets ze upperhand in our fits of passion about half ze zime." To the author: Do you think Marvel's Power Pack could count as Magical Girls? "Hmmm, Power Pack?" comments Kitten, "I think I vaguely remember them featuring in a work by Palcomix over a decade ago, and I think they showed up or were at least mentioned in a Harry potter/Marvel crossover fic I read quite some time ago, but I'm going to have to file them under 'not familiar enough' to include."