Hey sailor scouts (mainly the original 5) I've heard you gals went to an all female brothel by mistake and each one of you had sex with a couple of old bbw futa women.... How was the experience for each of you? "Oh yeah," Comments Sailor Venus, nothing but her long, golden lockes and elbow gloves obstructing the view of her super model, jailbait body as she rides cowgirl upon the thick pole of a very milfy youma, "That was one of Malachite's more enjoyable plans." "The Dark Kingdom setup what was obstensibly a spa and massage parlor called the Pampered Princess," adds Mercury, still fully clothed, but with her skirt hiked up and grinding her clothed crotch against the thick cock of another youma as it hugged her from behind and teased the blunette's nipples. "The seemingly all female staff would pamper the girls so they let down their guard and were relaxed into helplessness, then they would drop their disguises and rape their victims with their huge, hermaphrodite penises." Done with her explanation, she pulls the crotch of her leotard aside, the youma taking this as the cue to penetrate the Senshi of Water. "Of course, we kicked their asses," adds Mars, pausing her make out session with Jupiter as the Senshi of Fire and Lightning ride reverse Amazon on a pair of twin youma. "Couldn't let them get away with leaving normal girls battered, bruised, and catatonic more often than not." adds Jupiterr, "Especially since they just dumped the girls in back alleyes just far enough away to avoid suspicion. "But we enjoyed it so much when we fell into their trap, that instead of just dusting them, Usagi purged them of evil, and they've been serving our sexual needs ever since." Sailor Moon's only contribution to the conversation is to flash a peace sign as the so-called leader, stripped to her gloves and boots, enjoys a spitroasting, arms and legs wrapped tightly around the waists of the Youma whose cocks are buried down her gullet and up her pussy. ### Rainbow Dash when did you become a free use cumdump for futa mares? And who of your friends has the biggest cock? "Heh, heh," laughs the rainbow maned mare nervously as she rubs a hoof on the back of her head, "It all started with a bet at the Wonder Bolts Academy... I had just done amazing at one of the training exercises and bet no one else could do better... well, Lightning Dust took the bet, beat my performance, and the penalty she decided on was from me to kiss the clouds, raise my tail and shake my flank in front of the whole cockmare section of the barrackss." Blushing she adds, "It was meant to be humiliating, and it was, especially with how many of the other cadets decided to mount me, but I ended up enjoying it so much, I continued doing it even without being made to... ended up earning the nicknames Rainbow Spunk and Creamie Dash for that, and even Spitfire took a few turns when she found out about me and the other cadets foaling around. By the time I was done at the academy, I was hooked, and just kept doing it with the cockmares of Ponyville... though it did take quite the milking to convince Mayor Mare to let me setup a sex stall in the market square. As for my friends and their sizes, well, Unicorns can change size to fit any hole, and Twilight has enough magic to gorw big enough to fuck a full grown dragon or Ursa Major, and Pinkie is... well, Pinkie is Pinkie, her marecock does weird things and never seems to be the same shape twice... Of the three of us with normal cocks, both me and Applejack are well hung even for cockmares while Fluttershy is made for, as she puts it, 'cuddling furry, little friends'." As a knock is heard, the pegasus gets excited, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got customers to service and my cunt is starved for fresh foal funnel cake."