Mane Six, what are your sizes? Masturbating habits, and who's the biggest/smallest in Ponyville? Also, is Dash a premature ejaculator? "Um, well," comments Twilight, a magenta blush showing through her lavender facial fur before she clears her throat and adopts a professorial tone, "It's not really fair to compare unicorns to Pagasi and earth Ponies, be they mare or stallion. For you see, a unicorn's lower horn channels magic as well as their upper horn, and it is always the right size for the orifice in question, provided the unicorn's magic is strong enough." "Come on Twi," interjects Rainbow Dash, "Just admit you can grow big enough a full grown dragon can use you like a dildo." Twilight's entire coat turning magenta. "Anyways, disregarding magic, size-changing unicorn cocks and whatever Pinkie has going on, I've got the largest normal horsecock... and I might be the fastest thing in the skies and capable of putting most mares in the hospital if I go full out, but I ain't no quickshot, I just produce copious amounts of extra thick pre." "Who's got the biggest?" butts in Applejack, "Last Ay checked, Ay had at least an inch on ya, Dash." The farm pony and wonderbolt getting into a literal dick measuring contest, both whipping out cocks longer than their bodies, their endowments looking more or less identical to a third party observer. "Hem hem," Rarity clears her throat, "Normally, a lady doesn't kiss and tell, but since this is the place for lurid gossip... It's true that unicorns aren't a fixed size, though I don't have anywhere near the magic to satisfy a full grown dragon... makes me glad my dear Spikey Wikey is fun sized... and so willing to please I never need to polish my lower horn." To emphasize her point, she runs a hoof along the scales of the baby dragon whose cloaca she's currently hilted in. "Dash is the best hung pegasus in Ponyville, but Big Mac isn't called that just for his stature and muscles. Stallions are usually less endowed than horned mares, But Big Mac puts every marecock in town to shame with the tree trunk he's packing... and I'm not sure what's going on with Pinkie Pie, but Pinkie is Pinkie, so I suppose that's to be expected." "I'm everythingsexual!" cries Pinkie, "So I never have to rub one out, because I can always find something to stick my funstick in!" With that, Pinkie starts dancing on an invisible pole, her definitely not horse-shaped member seaming to change shape every time it vanishes from view. "Worse come to worse, I can always help Fluttershy with taking care of the animals who are in heat and without a mate, isn't that right Flutters?" "Ah, yes..." Speaks up Fluttershy for the first time, her voice even shakier than normal, "P-Pinkie is... oh my... great with the animals... especially with how...with how...she can any animal...and how needy Angel can be... and me not being big enough to s.satisfy some of hte larger animals." Upon closer inspection, Angel can be seen sitting on Fluttershy's lap, bouncing like a bunny possessed. "Af-Afterall... I-I'm smaller...Aaah!... than mo-most of the colts and fillies." "Though, Dashie is one of my best fuck buddies," resumes Pinkie, "Though she's also a fan of hitting up the glory holes for anonymous blowjobs and marehoods, and while they can be fun, on either side of the wall, I prefer to see whoever I'm fucking or is fucking me!"
Mew Mews, are you ticklish? Where are you most sensitive? Do you like being tickled? "Mmm, kitty likes tickles, nyaa!" declares Ichigo with a purr as she reclines sideways in Masaya's lap, her boyfriend tickling her under the chin, "especially under my chin and on my tummeow, nyaa." Masaya's hand dropping to her belly, not far from her feline erection to tickle her there. "And don't forget your ears." Comments Masaya, raising his other hand to tickle one of the cat girl's furry ears. Mewling at having her ears played with, Ichigo replies, "Yes, my ears are really sensitive, the lightest touch sends a shiver down my spine and straight to my kitty cock, nyaa!" With that, Masaya wraps a hand around Ichigo's tapered shaft, the futa catgirl bucking her hips as her boyfriend continues teasing her ears and showing her just how accepting he is of her feline half. ### "I usually prefer to be the one doing the tickling." declares Zakuro as she bounces Mint in her lap, the wolfgirl's thick, lupine member stretching the petite bird girl's passage quite a bit, "As for my little birdy, she won't admit it, but her ribs are quite sensitive." As Zakuro tickles both sides of Mint's ribcage, the avian mew is clearly struggling not to laugh as she protests, "Pl-please st-stop, Zakuro-sama!" Doubling the rhythm of her fingers, Zakuro replies, "If you dislike it as much as you claim, why do you tighten up whenever I tickle you?" ### "Pudding loves tickle fights, na no da!" cries the monkey mew, "but Pudding isn't going to just give away Pudding's weak spots, na no da! You'll have to challenge Pudding to find out, na no da!" the blonde holds out her hands, wiggling her fingers threateningly. "Though, ever since Pudding became a monkey, the banana that came with Pudding's ears and tail gets all stiff whenever Pudding has a tickle fight, na no da." Wrapping a hand around the bulge in her shorts, the monkey girl adds, "And even just thinking about it get's Pudding's banana hard, na no da." Walking off while stroking herself, she calls out, "Oh, Heicha-chan, Onee-chan wants to play, na no da!" ### "Um, well, I..." Lettuce is utterly incoherent as she writhes in a shallow pool, the dolphin-like dick protruding from where her human half meets her porpoise tail rubbing against the bottom as Pai tickles the flukes on the end of the mermaid's tail. "As you can see," comments Pai, his tone more like a professor doing a demonstration than someone teasing his lover, "Lettuce's flukes are quite sensitive... and do to how her nerves are rerouted as part of her transformation, tickling her feet has a similar effect when she's in human form.