Question: Tayuya (younger, but still a bit older than Naruto), I hear you betrayed the Sound Village for the Leaf and now you're pregnant with one of Naruto's babies. Of course, I doubt you ever had any real loyalty to Orochimaru anyway Tayuya: Yeah, got away from Mr. Pedosnake at the first chance... half expected that creep to use me as breeding stock for his twisted experiments if I ever showed any weakness as an Otonin... *Rubbing her belly.* Sure, I ended up preggers anyways, but at least Naruto-kun knows how to treat a girl and wouldn't keep me hooked up to machines the whole time I'm pregnant then take my baby to be a test subject like Pedosnake did with the other girls that didn't get training...
Question: Hogwarts first year: Luna is it true you measured all of the male student and staffs cocks? If so who's the biggest, smallest, and which one you find the most appealing? Luna: Oh, the biggest is Hagrid's by a long shot, His is easily as long as I am tall and as thick as my waist... I'm sure he would intimidate even a thestral or centaur mare... I'd like to give my fellow misfit a ride, but I'm going to need to perfect the potion I'm working on to give the drinker's body the properties of this muggle material called silicone... The smallest is Ronald Weasley's... Even the houseelves too young to start working around the castle are better hung than Ginny's youngest brother. Most appealing is Harry Potter's, a respectable eleven-and-a-half inches and thick as my wrist... enough to give my little, loli lovehole a good work out without needing any magical help fitting it inside me. Oh, and the best hung students are the Weasley twins at identical 14-inches, though I'm always a bit sore after they thank me for letting them pick my brain, and if we ignore the house elves, the smallest wand among the staff is Kettleburn, who only has 4-inches after one of his many accidents, and Professor Flitwick has the most appealing... only 8-inches, but with ridges from his goblin heritage. Question: Hogwarts first year: Professor Snape how is your de-aging potion side business doing? Has there ever been Surprising customer? Minnie(Lolified Minerva): Severus will deny that he runs such a business, but he gives me a massive discount so I don't inform the students the boy selling de-aging potions is their potion's professor using his own product to disguise himself. ... that, and he indulges one of my fantasies. Snape: Miss McGonagall, how many times must I reprimand you for addressing me in such a familiar manner? Minnie: Sorry Professor Snape. *Drops her robes to reveal nothing underneath before laying across Snape's lap to take her punishment.* Question: Hogwarts first year: So Hermione how long did it take you to realize you're a witch when trap in a devil snare after Harry and Ron were knocked out? Hermione: *Blushes.* I think it was around the time my vagina started feeling raw from the vines sliding in and out of it and when my uterus started aching from how many seed pods it deposited inside me... pushing those out was only slightly less uncomfortable then when they were forced in... I did have my first six orgasms before losing count and kept one of the seed pods to grow in one of the extra compartments of the multi-compartment trunk I asked my parents to buy me for getting top grades during my first year at Hogwarts.
Question: Ben 10: Ben and Gwen who's you favorite and least favorite aliens to use during sex? Gwen: Some of my favorites are Four Arms, Wildmutt, Upgrade, and Greymatter... Four Arms because of having two extra thick cocks, Wildmutt for his knot, Upgrade because he can turn just about anything into a sex machine, and Greymatter because, while small enough he could climb up into my womb, he knows exactly where to touch, when, and with how much pressure to drive me crazy... As for the worse... Diamondhead's cock has edges that are like broken glass, XLR8 can't slowdown enough to not give me friction burns, Heat Blast's cum is white hot, literally, and getting a creampie from stinkfly is like getting pumped full of raw sewage. Question: Ben 10: Charmcaster what did Villgax do to you after you failed to get the omnitrix for him? Vilgax: since she proved worthless as a minion, I decided to try her out as an incubator. *Flashback to a naked charmcaster held in vilgax's grip, her legs over his shoulders, her head dangling in front of his abdomen as his face tentacles rape her virgin holes before depositing a clutch of eggs in her womb and marinading them in semen.* Kitten: One of a male octopus's arms is actually it's penis, and I'm assuming the same is true for squids... Therefore, for Hentai purposes, my head canon is that Vilgax and Cthulhu's face tentacles are their genitals.
Question: Hotaru Tomoe: who was your first man? Your PE teacher or school janitor? Hotaru: Actually, it was Papa... though when I got pregnant, Papa agreed it was better to let some no body take the credit... and of course Papa was able to fudge the dna tests to point the finger at my Janitor... and then we let the coach take the fall for child #2...