Question: Saria, is it true that the real reason kokiri are forbidden from leaving the forest is because you get too horny from meeting actual adult cock you swear yourselves to them and become their living sex toys forever? Is that the real reason so few of you remained those years after Link left? Was it too disappointing when he "rescued" you from Phantom Ganon, or was the adult Link a step up? Saria: I don't know if that's the reason for the taboo, but Kokiri girls have been known to get so addicted to being filled by the Hylian woodcutters who venture into our forest that they end up leaving with them, never to return... As for Link... *rubs thighs together* He grew up quite nicely... Phantom Ganon might have been larger down there, but Link is certainly much nicer to look at, and while he's still as quiet as he was as a boy, he can play my body better than he can the Ocarina and knows how to vary his technique to match my body's moods while the phantom just hammered my holes relentlessly.
Question: Nabooru, is it true that all those muscled lumberjacks your girls kidnapped to repopulate the Gerudo were only interested in the younger, barely breedable ones? And what did you do with those green-wearing sex toys they also had, did you let them keep them, drove them away or trained them into honorarily joining the tribe? Nabooru: Quite, not a one of those men would give any of the mature warriors a second look... Still, they had knocked up all those fair skinned nymphets, so they were too prime as potential studs to just toss out and try again. Did decide to put those nymphets to work with the same training regiment as our own girls, and of course, we're not going easy on them just because they're with child.
Question: Maron, after taking over did Ingo ever enjoy your young body himself or did he only humiliate you by making your the horses' breeding mare without ever feeling a real hylian cock? Do you think he ever noticed you were already doing it by yourself for years before then? Maron: He did try to have his way with me the night father was kicked out of the ranch, but gave up in frustration when his tiny 8-incher couldn't get any friction inside me... The next day he threw me to the stallions saying the horses were all a loose, little whore like me is good for. I pretended to hate it, but the jokes on him since I've been playing with horsecock since I was old enugh to reach up and grab hold of one.
Question: Ruto, Zelda, is it true that to judge who would be Link's future wife you two had a competition of anal sex with dildos? Or are the rumors that you went to town with real cocks and bet it on who would get pregnant first instead true? Both? Who won? Was it disappointing or not when he decided to just take both? And did him saying the size of his cock was because of time-travel make sense to either of you? Zelda: Honestly, I lost track of how many competitions Ruto and I had to decide who would make the better wife... I think we actually lost track of our shared affections of Link and were using the challenges as an excuse to ease our loneliness over his absence... and even with some memories from my future self, the time travel doesn't make much sense, especially not how it supposedly is the reason Link went from being what I'm pretty sure is typical for a boy of his age to putting most grown men to shame.
Question Cremia, how did it feel to learn that not only was your sister right about the aliens kidnapping your cows, but she was also tentacle-raped by them so hard her mind may never recover? Were you glad or sad that they did not notice you playing with yourself while watching and pull you in to join? Cremia: I was shocked when I came upon those strange creatures ravaging Romani, but it is to my great shame that the sight also aroused me... and I am not sure whether I would have preferred to take her place or join her... Question: Romani, do you think your sister noticed how you came even harder after you saw her watching you be gangraped by the aliens? And you barely woke up from your haze and they should arrive again in less than an hour, do you think you will ever recover if you are taken for a second go, or maybe even a third one? Romani: Romani doesn't know if Romani can endure another round of such intense sensation... Romani is both excited and scared... Question: Cremia, how did it feel to watch your little sister be taken by that young boy after "helping her drive the aliens away"? Do you think she will ever recover after having so many gos in one night of his adult-sized member in all of her holes? After he helps you with the milk delivery, are you going to seduce him for yourself, or just watch as he breaks your sister's brain again? Cremia: For such a young boy, he is certainly well-endowed and has quite the stamina... I confess it was tempting to join in last night and even more tempting to offer him a reward for helping with the deliveries... Question: Romani, after the boy that helped you protect your farm took your first time you took a go at a gangbang with the Bomber Squad. Did you enjoy being taken by so many kids younger than you with tiny cocks more or less that just that one guy with his adult-sized one? If you had to choose only one, which would you go for? And would you share it with your sister, or give her to the other option? She seemed very interested in that guy when you noticed her watching, and you DID enjoy it more after noticing you were giving a show. On the other hand, it means either less time with him inside you, or less guys in you at a time (depending on what you choose)? Romani: Romani liked both Link's thing by itself and the boys things all at once... Having all of us together with big sis sounds like a lot of fun...
Question: Gwen why did you pick Halloween to make Ben your slave? Gwen: Halloween is a magically powerful day and my magic still falters sometimes... I figured the power boost would be helpful in my plans for Ben. Question: First you lure him to a pumpkin patch, how much fun did you have controlling those vines to strip and molest Ben? Gwen: Oh, watching him squirm under those vines was a lot of fun. Question: Once Ben is your slave, what costumes did you give him to wear and what costumes did you pick for yourself? Gwen: Went with something a bit traditional, dressing myself up as a classic witch and dressing Ben up as my black cat familiar.
Question: Sakura, how did Syaoran react to you wanting him to wear the princess costumes for Halloween? Sakura: He got all red and insisted it was bad enough during the play. Question: Since he refused, you challenge him to spend the night in an abandoned house all night. How did he reacted? Sakura: He was sure he would have no trouble and voiced doubts the house was really haunted. Question: So which cards did you use to scare him and did you add any erotic twist to the scares? Sakura: Well, I had Windy rattle the windows and blow through the trees for that Spooky ambience...And had Shadow sneak around and move things when Syaoran wasn't looking... Maze to make the house's floor plan shift, create to conjure ghosts... and I may have used erase on his clothes... Question: Of course Syaoran ran out completely naked, what was your reaction? Sakura: I was so stunned to see Syaoran naked that I got caught... didn't expect Erase to affect his underwear as well... Question: So what did you make him wear for Halloween? Sakura: Since I got caught trying to scare him, he still refused to wear the princess costume... Did talk him into going as a cute witch though... though I think Tomoyo catching him streaking on camera helped... and I did end up going as his feline familiar... Question Lastly was there any erotic treats you had with Syaoran? Tomoyo: Let's just say, the witch got to bury his wand in the kitty's kitty... and that Neko Sakura looks really cute when she's being mounted...
Question: the Girls at Misora Elementary: Have you ever had your skirts flipped by the boys in your classes, or in the case of the girls who typically wear pants or shorts - being pantsed instead, leaving your panties on full display for everyone to see? Were you in a partially crowded area while it happened, only adding to your embarrassment in the event you're wearing an especially childish pair of panties, or even going commando? Nobuko: None of the boys have, but Miho occasionally flips my skirt under pretense that observing such situations is the best way to know how to accurately draw them... Naturally, I pants her in return every so often for research on how to accurately write such characters from a third person perspective... and while we never subject other girls to such, we both keep an eye out for whenever one of our classmates has her undies exposed. Marina: *Blushing* Ki-Kimura-kun has flipped my dress in less than private places several times, though he does try to only do it when its just the two of us. Mutsumi: Oh, I actually flipped my own skirt in front of the boys once in an effort to entice them to try and wrestle me into submission... I even went commando that day to moon them... Told them if they could manage to cop a feel on my bare butt, they could fuck it, and if anyone managed to pin me, not only could they have my cherry, but they could dump their load balls deep in my cunt. Even with that encouragement and with me regularly going commando, none have even come close... Hasebe has managed to catch the hemn of my skirt, and I've sat on his face for managing that much, but all of the other boys are so slow I catch them by the wrist before their fingers touch my clothes. Naomi: The SOS Trio are notorious skirt flippers, but I seem to be Sagawa's favorite target... Can't help wondering if its because he's barely more than waist height on me... I did manage to pants him in front of a bunch of first grade girls, briefs included and they had a group giggle fit over his little dick... Kayoko: *Blushing.* I never managed to figure out who was doing it, and they always timed things for when a teacher wasn't around, but it seemed like I was getting pants daily before I stopped going to school... Natsumi: *Blushing.* They didn't flip my skirt... but the SOS Trio Yanked it to my Ankles while Nobuaki was standing where he would get the best view of... *blush intensifies* down there... Nobuaki later told me the SOS Trio tried talking him into flipping my skirt, but no matter how they insulted him, he refused, having no idea they would embarrass me themselves in response to his chivalry. Noriko: Oh, a few boys have flipped my skirt... though they usually get flustered and runaway when I offer them to get a look at my breasts as well or to find someplace private and let them explore my body... Boys immature enough to think it funny to flip a girl's skirt usually get super shy when a girl starts flirting aggressively... Yoko: Junji pantsed me once, and I'm pretty sure one of the other boys put him up to it as he's too much of a wuss to try something like that on his own... Didn't show him any mercy though when I pantsed him back in front of a larger crowd... Sachiko: I was shocked and embarrassed when Masaharu flipped my skirt, but he later begged my forgiveness and admitted the SOS Trio put him up to it... He even volunteered to drop his pants in front of the whole school... I didn't make him go that far for forgiveness, though the curiosity to see what a boy's penis looks like in real-life did have me asking him to drop them in private... Kumiko: Sayaka-chan isn't as good at defending herself, but me and Poppu are so used to Kimitaka trying to flip all of our skirts that those Primula brats never get close. Poppu: Its nice to see Kimitaka flipping Tamaki's skirt and the other Primadonna's since he knows he can't get any of his fellow Sonatine alumni. Question: Kaori (Continuation of question above): Is it true you've secretly been photographing the other girls having their skirts flipped or being pantsed by the boys, which you when proceed to feature front and centre in the school newspaper, much to their annoyance? Have you received compliments from Reika your work? In addition, is it also true that you've been secretly paying some of the boys for them to skirt lift or depant any particular girls? Kaori: I haven't been able to get any of my pantyshots into the official school paper, but Ojousama has funded the printing of several issues of the "Panty Press" as I've dubbed it and is quite fond of my work. Question: Sayaka: Is it true that you personally have a macro/micro kink and enjoy shrinking yourself down by transforming into a mouse whenever you're sleeping over with Poppu and Kumiko? Is one of your favourite activities to perform while pint-sized to squeeze yourselves into either Poppu or Kumiko's cunny and fall asleep whilst cosy and comfy curled up inside their womb? Kumiko: Not just mice, Sayaka-chan enjoys turning into hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, ferrets, and even triedddd a hedgehog one time... that last one wasn't so nice when she tried crawling up mine and Poppu's cunnies and wriggling around, but she enjoys being anything small and fluffy... Though there was this one time she reverted in the middle of the night and I awoke looking ready to give birth to a whole soccer team. Question: Majo Tourbillon and her Grandchildren: Is it true that you and your grandchildren are actually proud nudists and are completely unashamed of going out in public while in the nude? How has your local acquaintances reacted to your lifestyle? Furthermore, what's your solution to keeping warm during cold weather? Majo Tourbillon: It's True, and I don't know if my grand children ever noticed, but I kept a pair of spells over them. One was an illusion to make them appear clothed to any of the prudes who would make a fuss, and the other to keep the air around them at a constant temperature... Not sure what they did after leaving...
Hotaru Tomoe, what was your first porn movie about? Hotaru: Doctor Tomoe recorded the procedure where he inserted the Daimon Egg containing the consciousness of Mistress 9 up my pussy... Which sprouted in my womb and produced a mass of tentacles that would thoroughly violate my body until I was too weak to resist the possession... He ended up selling that video to help fund the Death Busters and Mistress 9, even in her weakened state, would go on to star in several more films... I only found out what Doctor Tomoe and Mistress 9 did with my body after my second awakening as Sailor Saturn... I've resumed my porn career, but now that I'm in control, I do mostly lovey dovey scenes, preferably with Chibiusa while Mistress 9 did a lot of monster rape scenes with herself as the victim of a Daimon deemed unsuitable for battle.
Chibiusa, do you often get fucked while hunting demons? Chibiusa: Oh, pretending that a demon got the drop on me and letting them think they're raping me is one of my favorite tactics to use, especially on hunky male demons and cute girl demons... None of them seem to realize that Moon Orgasmic Scream is actually one of my most potent attacks until they're making me cum so hard I use it reflexively.
Question: Miss Tetra, as the ship's doctor I simply cannot help with your pregnancy if you refuse to tell me the details about how you were defeated and subsequently bred by monsters. Tetra: *Scowling with pinkened cheeks.* Fi-fine, I tried to make a jailbreak from the Forsaken fortress, and one of those damn Moblins snapped the sword I found like a twig... then he and his whole gang decided to take turns using me like an Onnahole... And that Aryll girl who tried to tagalong with me got it just as roughly as me from those brutes. Now are you going to tell me something useful or do I need to make you walk the plank!?
Question: Saria, how do the Kokiri deal with Hylian lolicons sneaking into the forest to plant their seed in the girls? Have you heard the rumor that some of the girls willingly let outsides creampie them, despite the risk of pregnancy? Saria: *Bouncing in the lap of a particularly well hung Hylian woodcutter* YES! Stuff me with your mighty oak! Plant your acorns in my tummy! Woodcutter: *Yanking Saria balls deep upon his shaft as he unloads inside her.* I don't know where all these forest nymphs come from, but they're easier than the cheapest whores in Castle Town and seem to actually be eager for a man's seed... and never seem to age a day... pretty sure I've seen this little green haired tart with a flat tummy in the spring and a big belly in the fall every year for the last decade or so.
question:: Miss Granger, I require a report on this outbreak of non-human pregnancy among our youngest students. Which creature is to blame, and how many girls are now carrying his offspring? Was your own big belly caused by the same creature? Hermione: Please don't inform the elders of the Centaur herd of this, and especially not Bane, but one of the colts has developed a kink for making tender love to young witches... and despite the stories in muggle mythology about centaurs raping human women, any kind of sexual contact between a centaur and a human is a grave offense in their society, punishable by gelding or worse... As for prevalence... by my best estimate, he's impregnated about half of the female students third year and under and about a third of the girls ages 9-11 living in Hogsmeade, with the lower fertility rate in the village mostly attributed to girls who haven't started ovulating... As for myself... I was actually his first and started introducing him to other students when I realized a centaur's stamina was more than any one witch could keep up with...
Question: Zelda, you always loved sneaking down to Castle Town to whore yourself out as a common loli whore. But now, it's Halloween, and you are wearing your princess clothes for Halloween! Did it excite you when those filthy men fucked and degraded "Princess Zelda" as a sex-crazy royal whore? Zelda: It is quite liberating to be able to parade about the back alleys as myself with no one the wiser... well, except Impa, who insists on watching... She says its in case any of the men get too rough with me, but I think she's just a voyeur... Still, I love this festival so much that I wish I could convince my Father to hold a masquerade festival every full moon instead of just once a year.
Question: Amy, is Big really so oblivious - even when he's horny - that you can actually sneak up on him, impale yourself on his gigantic dick, and have him walk around wearing you as a cock-sleeve for hours, somehow even cumming inside you several times, before he even notices you're there? Amy: Honestly, at this point, I think he's just so chill with the idea of casual sex he's content to let me do whatever I want. Question: Since both his size and barbs make it impossible for you to force yourself off his dick on your own, what's the longest amount of time you've spent stuck on Big's dick before either he finally pulled you off, or the weight of your own cum-bloated belly made you pop off like an over-inflated water balloon? Amy: Not sure, but I've spent a full 24 hours stuck of his shaft on more than one occasion, even sleeping while impaled. Question: Cream, have you ever tried to "play" with Mr. Big like Amy does, despite the fact that his dick is probably longer than your entire body? And have the two of you ever tried playing with him at the same time? Cream: Oh, I actually have an easier time getting Little Mister Big in side me, though I can't quite take him balls deep... Miss Amy may be taller and already starting to develop a bosom, but I have what Miss Amy calls child bearing hips, making it easier to handle Mister Big's girth. Amy: Yeah, Cream is pear-shaped in the exact right way for managing Big's monster... And she has enough bunny booty for two girls... and we have tried tag teaming Big... and Cheese is strong enough to pull us off of Bigs thing when Cream and me want to trade places...
Question: Rouge, has being turned into a loli by a Chaos Control misfire affected your usual activities as the biggest slut on Mobius? Has taking your bigger customers become a problem, or is some extra lube and determination really all it takes? Rouge: If anything, I've only become more popular as the cubcons came out of the woodwork for a chance to plow some lolibat booty. Question: How surprised were you to find out what Amy had in mind when she invited you to "play" with her and Big? And how close have you come to beating Amy's record? Rouge: I wasn't too surprise she found herself a good fuck with how she's stopped grouching about Sonic constantly running off... that Big really lives up to his name was a bit more surprising... Anyways, I've set a goal of spending at least 72 hours straight impaled on that cat cock...
Question: The Wind Waker) It's Halloween, and you know what that means! Halloween masquerade festival on Windfall Island! Tetra, is it true that you go there every Halloween, dressed as a princess so you can get dominated by men and futanari while keeping your reputation as pirate captain Tetra, the scourge of the Great Sea? Tetra: Ahoy, it be pretty awesome to scratch that itch with a bunch of strangers without anyone either thinking I've gone soft or risk of being arrested for the crimes they think I've committed... Though, some years I do actually show up in costume, and on one occasion, I even showed up to the festival dressed as Princess Zelda from the lost kingdom of Hyrule... *Winks.*
Question: So sam [[ or maybe i should call ya Samantha ]] ,there is a rumor going around, the rumor is that after hearing how a new medafighter [[ shota naruto ssame age as Samantha ]] in town has beaten not only koji and his Sumilidon but Ikki and metabee as well, you challenged the new medafighter and his female medabot Blackbeetle [[ nicknamed kiki ]] and you lost bad, and after losing the new medafighter fucked you and Peppercat so hard and so good he pretty much broke ya both and turned you two into his sex slave/girlfriends? also if this rumor is wrong then can ya explian where ya going while you Samantha are waering a tiny tub top and a skirt so short anyone can see the tiny thong your waering and Peppercat there has the armor on her chest and crotch removed showing her meda-tits and meda-cunts in tiny bikini top and thong buttom and her arm parts have been replaced with ones that are far more feminine and human like? Sam: So what if me and Pepper Cat are now Boss Naruto's main arm candy? He's more Medafighter than anyone else in Japan and ain't bad in the sack either. Comment: If ya seen samurai pizza cats before then picture a medabot version of Polly Esther's arms in place of Peppercat's. Kitten: Interestingly enough, Samurai Pizza Cats, along side Medabots, was among the anime I binged over the summer while it was too hot to be at my computer. Sadly, While I saw a decent amount of Medabots when it aired on television back when I was in Highschool(I went blind in my mid-20s), I'm pretty sure Samurai Pizza Cats not only predates me learning what anime was, but predates when my family got cable television and I only ever saw a few episodes when it was on television... In other words, Medabots I listened to out of nostalgia, Samurai Pizza Cats, I listened to out of its reputation for being one of the best gag dubs ever made and went in knowing next to nothing.
Question: so hermione is it true ya been using a lost spell ya found to shrink certain female students so ya can take them back to harry so he can use them as living mini sex dolls and once he is done and bloated there tiny wombs with his seamen you take them and drink/suck/lick harry's seamen right out of them, then put them in your trunk to take home and train them to be better sex slaves/maids for you and harry? Hermione: Oh, I rather enjoyed putting Parkinson and Greengrass in their place... and Lavender and Parvati actually volunteered when they found out what I was doing...
Question: Hey Ginny, did you enjoy your secret meetings with Harry before he knew he was a wizard? Ginny: Greatly... wish I could have hexed that juvenile troll Harry introduced as his cousin, but when it was just me and Harry, we had tons of fun. Question: How hard was it for you to keep the secret from him? Ginny: Not too hard... didn't have a wand yet, so its not like I was tempted to cast spells, and Harry seemed so happy to have a friend who didn't run off at the sight of his Troll Cousin to notice if I said something that should have sounded weird to a muggle-raised wizard. Question: How hard was it to pretend you have never met him before platform 9 3/4? Ginny: That was much harder, especially since I wanted to give him a hug and knew I wouldn't see him for nearly a year. Question: How did you feel when he started hanging out with Hermione? Ginny: I was a bit worried at first, but once I was at Hogwarts, I could tell right away that they had the kind of relationship I have with my brothers.
Question: Lolified rukia, orihime, nel, and tier, how do you gals feel getting dicked down by Ichigo in your new forms? Do you think his spunk will be able to knock you gals up like it did his sister's a while ago, and if it did how many babies would you girls want from him? Rukia: It feels nice, but I'm not sure I'm ready for motherhood, so I kind of hope I'm now too young to ovulate. Orihime: Bouncing in Kurosaki-kun's lap is the best thing ever! As for Kids, I've always wanted a big family, so a dozen to start sounds nice. Nel: Itsigo's big thing hurts Nel's tiny twatty so good! Nel hears childbirth is supposed to hurt a lot, so Nel hopes Itsigo gives Nel lots of babies! Harribel: I never thought I could feel so warm and safe in a man's arms... as for children *places a hand over her lower abdomen* that would be nice... Not sure its possible though... I remember that my human life ended with me dying after a stillbirth... and my hollow hole was right through my womb... still, wouldn't be the first time Ichigo has performed miracles...
Question: Hey, Nazz; how's 'work' been? I'm curious How & Why you decided to start hooking for quarters on behalf of the Edds? You don't really seem like you need physical protection in the Cul-de-Sac, and I doubt they'd be all that great at providing it, if you did. So what exactly do Ed, Eddy, & Double-D do that makes them worthwhile to have as your pimps? Nazz: Oh, they aren't much for protection... if I wanted a bodyguard, I'd have stuck with Kevin or hooked up with Rolf... As for my boys... Well, once you get past subpar hygiene, Ed has one of the biggest cocks in the cul-de-sac, only Rivalled by Rolf and without having to put up with the bizarre foreign culture. Once you get him to stop hyperventilating in the presence of a cute girl and to stop talking like an encyclopedia, Double-D is actually the best person I know for intelligent conversation... plus big words isn't the only thing his tongue is good at... Eddy is the most obnoxious of the trio and I sometimes wonder why the other two put up with him, but the eds are a matched set, and his cock is the perfect size for when I'm in the mood for anal. Question: Oh, and are their any clients you are particularly fond of working with? Nazz: Believe it or not, Jimmy is actually a lot of fun. He's almost too cute for his own good, super easy to tease, and as eager to please as be pleased.
Question: Gwen Tennyson So, Gwen, have you been making much use of that penis shrinking spell, since you got the hang of it? Have you tried it out on Ben yet, or do you even need to bother using it on him? Gwen: On Ben? not much point, only Grey Matter causes a reduction in his endowment... I have tried it on a few of his better hung aliens though... Four Arms looks rather comical with a 4-incher... As does wildmutt with his knot shrunk to the size of a golf ball. Question: Speaking of sexy magic. Are their any other spells in that book you swiped from Charmcaster that you like to use to sexually torment your cousin, or any other boys who cross your path when you're feeling naughty?" gwen: Well, there's this rather nice combination I like to call the Blue Balls Curse... It combines an aphrodisiac spell that leaves a boy rock hard until he's completely drained his balls, a spell that accelerates sperm production by a few orders of magnitude... and a spell that renders the penis almost completely numb to pleasurable stimulation... Combined, a boy could fuck an entire strip club worth of girls into a coma without relieving even a tiny bit of the pressure... and even with just the first two, the boy would have to be a fucking machine to drain his balls faster than they refill.
--- --- --- --- --- Comment: Oh, and wanted to pitch some other ideas for western loli's by you: Comment: Fairly Odd Parents Trixie & Tootie are obvious, but would you consider fairy's like Wanda to be lolis, given their body proportions? Kitten: Considering the human children by and large have the same huge heads, small bodies and twig limbs as most of the fairies, I'm going to count adult fairies as legal lolis and shotas for the purpose of this fic... Naturally, Fairies with abnormal for their species bodies such as Jorgen and the Tooth Fairy are exempt... Then again, aside from Cosmo and Wanda, the only other named fairies I can think of and put a face to the name are Cupid and Cosmo's mother... Comment: Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius Kitten: Yes, I've seen it, though beyond the Trio, Cindy, and Libby, I can't say I remember any of the child characters well... Also, I've seen the whole Jimmy Timmy Power Hour Trilogy, so I'm also familiar with the Quintet's 2-d versions and Timmy's 3-d version.