Comment: Thank you for the Penny/Brain answers, they were great! Kitten: Glad you liked them.
Disgaea 1! Question: Flonne, I hear that Celestia is very sex-positive and has the best (theoretical) sex ed courses, so how surprised were Laharl and Etna when -you- seduced -them-? Laharl, have you gotten over your fear of affectionate phrases yet, and is it true that Overlords are allowed to equip the Tentacle monster weapon outside of combat? Etna, what's the best part about threesome sex? Etna: She might be a ditz and constantly preach love and peace, but Flonne is an absolute freak in the bedroom... And apparently the reason angel soldiers seem so emotionless isn't military stoicism, but because they're so blissed out from the various toys under those robes they don't have the capacity to show emotion without turning into sex addled messes... And it was actually Flonne's idea to try out the tentacles... only monster type characters can effectively use them in battle, but anyone can use them in the bedroom... Flonne: As for Laharl's supposed weakness... I think he enjoys my lovey dovey dirty talk more than he'll admit and that the weakness is because it sends all of his blood rushing to his love rod... which is rather large when fully powered up... I do like that I don't need to waste rope tying him up or SP to cast a binding spell and can just start whispering sweet nothings in his ear when I'm in the mood to go full Mistress Flonne and want some bondage lolidom play. Question: Laharl, whose pussy tastes the best, and who gives the best blowjobs? (Don't worry, we promise never to tell the girls your answers or that we asked.) *Laharl is preoccupied as Flonne and Etna have used the Doppelganger technique and have him trapped in a reverse gangbang. One pair of Flonne and Etna are making out as they sit together upon his face, a second pair are double teaming his cock and balls, and a third pair are being fingered as Etna #3 eats out Flonne #2 and Flonne #3 does the same to Etna #2.* Question: All: Did you grind the Horse Weiner to level 100? Who uses it on who the most? Etna: Not only grinded it to level 100, but stole another from the Item God to repeat the process... And did it with a full set of level 19998 Gladiators. Me and Flonne mostly use them on each other, though we did give the Princess a good, hard double dicking that time he was turned into Laharl-chan. Question: How do you satisfy each other's kinks? Is it even possible to fuck Flonne in her Godzilla suit? Etna: Oh yeah, Flonnezilla is rather a handful, though I did convince Flonne to teach me the spell she uses so she can wear the costume and we can act out a loli porn parody of Godzilla versus the 50-foot woman. Question: How many kids do you want, and do you have plans to head off succession disputes? Flonne: I love babies, so as many as Laharl and Etna are willing to give me. Etna: Ugh, I always feel so bloated while pregnant, but Flonne keeps swapping my birth control for fertility drugs, and I can't get either her nor Laharl to wear condoms... And Flonne gives me the puppy dog eyes whenever I even think about an abortion.
Disgaea 2! Question: Hanako, have you had sex with your brother? What non-humanoid demons are the best in bed? Hanako: Don't tell Rozy, but I did sneak into Adell's bedroom a few times to bounce on his demoness slayer... and me and Tardo did have pity sex following Adell's wedding to Rozy... Actually, don't let his scrawny build and crybaby attitude fool you, tardo is hung like a full grown bull.
Disgaea 3! Mao and Raspberyl, are you able to work around your mutually opposed lifestyles in the bedroom? Do they complement each other or do you need to find compromise? Do Kyoko and Asuka ever join you? Mao: Oh, sometimes I think those delinquents lose to me on purpose because they enjoy being tied up or chained in my sex dungeon, but their pride won't let them admit it and just ask to be bred like honor student whores.
Question: Kushina, Tsunade and Mito ever since you got hit with that jutsu that turned you into horny Lolis how does it feel to bring back the Uzumaki clan with Naruto? Kushina: (arms tied behind back, being plowed doggy style.* Yes! Use your loli mama's red hot loli fuck hole and put a little brother or sister in your Mama! Tsunade: *Bouncing in one Naruto's lap while using her loli oppai to give another Naruto a titjob.* I'd have been glad to help even before, but at least Naruto-sama doesn't call me granny anymore. Mito: *Too busy sucking cock to reply as she services five Naruto, one with each of her holes and two more with her hands.*
Question: Ginny and Hermione, so after that American exchange teacher turned you 2 into his personal pregnant schoolgirls is it hard to keep up appearances? Ginny: I didn't even bother, proudly parading my pregnant preteen status around the school... And Mum was rather proud that I'm already working on matching her record... Hermione has been far more self conscious, but as baggy as the school robes are, she won't be able to hide it for much longer.
Question: Gwen and Julie after that white guy that found that alien tech that turned you two into Lolis do you feel bad for abandoning Ben and Kevin or are you too happy bouncing on his cock? Gwen: It's great being ten again, I always felt puberty did me no favors. Julie: I've lost track of how many times I've watched some loli hentai where some college-aged dude plows his little sister and wish I could be the loli... and now I get to live that fantasy!
Question: Sailor Scouts, ever since Queen Beryl's magic turned you all into horny lolis and were found by that American are you gonna try to get you bodies back or stay young? Usagi: Are you kidding, I love being a kid again! And America-san lets me have all the candy and sweets I want! Minako: I'm with usagi, being a kid rocks! Ami: As nice as playing doctor with America-san is, I'm never going to be a real doctor stuck like this! Rei: It's not too bad, though now none of my miko robes fit properly, so taking care of my duties at the temple are a bit harder... Makoto: Kind of wish Beryl had de-aged me further, I'm still taller than any of the other girls and now I'm all arms and legs.
Question: Fado: since the Moblins have moved in and basically established a free use system for all female Kokiri, it seems the monsters are actually quite accommodating, and will even walk around the village while casually using girls as onaholes to help complete any tasks they were interrupting. So, how much has life around the Forest actually changed? Would you even go as far as to say it's improved? Fado: Oh, the Moblins are actually quite sweet, and once you get used to how big their tunic twigs. *Giggles* Though that term doesn't fit the moblins like it does Kokiri boys... are, riding around on them is quite nice, and the Moblins make it easy to reach things we use to have to climb for. Question: since the magic from your Guardian Fairies helps Kokiri stretch to take monster dicks bigger than their entire arm, are you any Kokiri girls even still satisfied by Hylians and Kokiri boys, anymore, or do Mido and the others need to find other fuck-buddies? Fado: Oh, I've heard the boys have taken to having their fairies rub against their twigs since the girls can't really clamp down on their twigs anymore...
--- Question: Ruto: while wanting to be a good wife for your future Hylian hubbie, Link, is a worthwhile goal, doesn't whoring yourself out in the back alleys of Castle Town to learn more about pleasuring Hylian men seem a little... counter-intuitive? That said, how have you found Hylian and Zora biology to compare? Ruto: At first, it was more out of curiosity than anything... though I'll admit, whenLink vanished, I got lonely... and Hylians aren't quite as agressive as the typical Zora... also, did you know Hylians only have one clasper instead of 2 like Zoras do? Question: Would you say your "training" turned out to be a waste when Link suddenly showed up with a mask that lets him transform into a hunky, adult Zora, or is he still "Hylian enough" that your training only makes things better? Ruto: I'd be lying if I said my caviar didn't nearly go everywhere when I saw Link's Zora form, but I quite like the way he makes me feel whether we mate with him in his Zora form or his Hylian form... And the woody appendage he has in his Deku form, which is rather adorable, and the stone pillar he has in his Goron form are nice changes of pace, though my cloaca is always left a bit extra sore following a mating with Goron Link...
--- Question: Saria: is it true that you are Link the Goron's mother? If so, how did that happen; did you and Darunia get to know each other after he finally followed your music all the way to the Sacred Forest Grove, and let one thing lead to another, or did he just barge in and demand to fuck to the creator of his favorite song? Saria: Well... It was a rather warm, Summer day in the Sacred Forest Meadow when this bearded boulder of a creature the likes I'd never seen before came rolling in... and I had not long taken a dip in one of the forest ponds and had barely started playing after hanging my tunic and shorts from a tree branch to dry... He didn't react to my nudity at first, and I was happy to perform for him, but as I danced and frolicked sky clad as I played my ocarina, something awoke in him... and when I stop to catch my breath, a Stone pillar as thick as my waist and nearly as tall as me was jutting from his lap... After he explained it was due to how much he enjoyed my performance and me being the cutest non-Goron he's ever met, I agreed to help him out... and eventually ended up impaled on that stone pillar... It felt incredible though I thought it might rip me apart even with my fairy's magic to protect me... a moon or two later, a watermelon-sized boulder did come out of me and unrolled into a smaller, beardless version of Darunia, though my little boulder did vanish as mysteriously as Link did... Question: how are you and Darunia's sex lives now that you're both Sages? Have you used your Sagely gifts to spice things up in any meaningful ways? Darunia: Things in the chamber of sages weren't much different from when we met in the meadow, though becoming a Sage did let my pixie ride me for longer without needing a break... Did get harder to have fun once the fish and the two older ladies joined us, finding privacy when it was just the two of us and the old man wasn't hard, but I don't think the Temple of light was built with enough room for 6 to live comfortably.
Question: Chihiro, how did you and Haku deal with being told you had to drink his seed to avoid fading away? What else did the two of you do before you left? Chihiro: It was a bit weird to have a boy's thing in my mouth... though swallowing his salty seed was worth it to not disappear... Did make me feel strange between my legs, and he licked me down there to help with that feeling... later on, he would sneak me into one of the private baths he was suppose to be cleaning while I was off duty and invited me to bathe with him... Which lead to him sliding his thing up my special place and spilling his seed in my lower belly. Question: What was your reunion like after the two old ladies managed to get Haku a new job as the god of a river tributary near your new house, less than a month after you thought you'd never see each other again? Chihiro: I was delighted to see him again, especially since I had been puking up my guts every morning for a week at that point... I ended up ruining the moment by puking all over him... it would be a few more months before we would find out why when my belly started swelling... Question: Was Haku in human or dragon form for your first time? Which do you prefer? I hear sex with a river dragon god can be a cosmic experience - how does it feel to be penetrated by a penis that shouldn't be able to fit inside you at all but somehow does? Is he still supernaturally pleasing as a shota, maybe in different ways? Chihiro: He was in human form for my first time... We never really had a chance to try in his dragon form before I had to leave...Though it was quite nice when he took me in his dragon form... It's also nice when I go swimming in his river and he pleasures me with his waters... especially after he convinced me to go skinny dipping instead of wearing my school swim suit or a modest bikini... And when he fills me in dragon form, its like my special place expands to fill my entire body... Question: Which is better, making love flying high in the air or under the surface of Haku's river, where his blessing lets you breathe? Chihiro: Both are so nice... Sometimes he wears me like what he calls an onnahole and takes me on a tour of both his river and the surrounding mountins. Question: Your parents seem very unobservant - how much have you and Haku gotten away with under their noses? Chihiro: Haku has used the guise of tutoring me to take me in my own bed while Mama is making dinner and Papa is watching television downstairs... Mama has even knocked on my door while Haku is inside me and if she suspects anything, she hasn't said anything... I'm not sure she even realizes I'm pregnant and not just gaining weight... Granted, Haku really is helping me study, he even sits at my desk with his thing up my special place and rewards my correct answers by rubbing my love button, but half of the time we say we're studying is spent playing with each other. Question: Haku, what kind of deal did you make with Yubaba and Zeniba for your new job? Is it something you feel you can discuss with Chihiro? What's your favorite position with her? How is life posing as a human schoolboy with Lin working as your single mother? Has Lin given you two any good relationship and sexual advice? Haku: I'm top of mine and Chihiro's class and got assigned to be the expectant mother's tutor since the Principal thinks her an idiot for getting knocked up at such a young age, though with my help, she's already in the top ten and I plan to make my fiancee #2 by graduation... As for how I convinced the hag twins to find me a way to be with Chihiro... Well, let's just say, Boh is about to be a big brother... and a cousin... and that Chihiro's child will have a few half-siblings I don't want to tell her or our child about... *cringes I nearly rubbed my skin raw in the bath in human form and nearly scrubbed my fur off in dragon form after paying the price they asked... and still felt like I needed a week of spiritual cleansing before taking up my new post... As for Lin, Mostly, she just likes teasing Chihiro for "having a dragon bun in the oven" and me for having a human girl as my mistress... in both senses of the word.
Question: Chihiro: Did you enjoy being a sex worker in the bathhouse? What were your better experiences, and did you ever have to be rescued from a bad one? Will you take Yubaba's offer to come back as a paid part-timer? Chihiro: It was really rough at times... some of the clients are nice, but some are really rough and a couple nearly drowned me... I am thinking of accepting the part time offer if Ubaba will let me pick which clients to serve...
question: So Lisa, word is you've got a bit of an "oral fixation". Do you spend more of your leisure time sucking off & eating out the Staff or Students of Springfield Elementary? Any of the men or boys been particularly well-endowed? And how do you decide who you will & won't blow? Because I could sure use a blowjob right about now. *wink* -- Lisa: *Blushing.* I'm less discriminating than I'd like to admit...I've blown pretty much every boy from Bart's class and my own as well as both Principal Skinner and Superintendent Chalmers... I do carry around a pack of food safe sanitary wipes for the boys who are a bit remiss in their personal hygiene though...
Question: Codename: Kids Next Door - Numbuh 86 (Francine "Fanny" Fulbright) What kind of boys do you prefer to dominate? Boys who are defiant & need to be put in their place, or boys who already know they're pathetic & inferior to you and other girls? Have you ever gotten to femdom any evil adults? 86: Oh, as much as I enjoy seeing boys in maid outfits eager to drop to their knees and lick my boots, Its the challenge of breaking some wannabe macho man and making him admit he'd be lost without a Girl to tell him what to do that I live for... As for Domming the Adults... Well, after learning my own Father is Mr. Boss, I decided some parental rehabilitation was in order... He's nearly as strong willed as myself and we constantly vie for dominance, but we've grown closer as a result... and he's even made me his Junior Secretary in charge of putting male office drones and interns with ideas above their station in their place, which gives me a steady supply of teens and young adults to convince that the Boss's Daughter is their rightful Goddess... as well as any evil adults he recruits who prove to violate the code of honor He, Father, and their allies follow... Admittedly, mostly sick pedos who care nothing about the child's pleasure. Question: Oh, and what kind of cocks do you like to torment or tease? Long, fat cocks, average sized cocks, or tiny, weak, loser cocks? 86: Depends on my mood. If I'm in the mood for physical abuse, nothing beats giving a hung boy an indian burn on his pride and joy, but the dicklets are so much fun to tease when I'm in the mood for more psychological warfare.
Question: Numbuh 362 (Rachel McKenzie) How do you usually like to dominate Numbuh 86? Do you prefer fucking her hard in rough with toys, or laying back and ordering her to worship your body? Have you ever made her suck or get fucked by any boys while acting as her mistress? 362: The Sex division of 2x4 R&D has developed some rather interesting toys, including the D.I.C.K. that lets girls feel what it's like to be a boy without any of the gross downsides, and the T.E.N.T.A.C.L.E. that's like an artificial octopus that can either act independantly or attach to an operative and be controlled like extra arms... And I've used both on 86 as well as many others... and while not strictly a product of the Sex division, there is also the P.O.R.T.A.L. which I sometimes threaten to place in the crotch of a Girl-type Chastity belt with the other end mounted as a glory hole in the boys' latrine... though 86 has yet to push me far enough to enact that particular punishment. Usually, I just lock a V.I.B.E. inside her and order her to pleasure me, using the remote to adjust its settings as needed to motivate her... I did sometimes invite 274 to join us before his defection, but no boy has proven worthy to be let in on our special sessions since. Question: Are there any other agents, on the moon base or abroad, that know you as Mistress 362? 362: There are a few, mostly brown nosing Sector Lieutenants who think I can be sweet talked into promoting them to sector leaders instead of trying to prove their worth to earn the promotions they seek.
Comment: I'd seen in the Cartoon Cockgirls replies that you're familliar with Ed, Edd, n' Eddy. So I'm just gonna re-post this prompt, since I'm not sure if it was skipped deliberately, or on purpose. Sorry if it's a bother. Kitten: I skipped it deliberately, but thinking about it, I think it comes down to me not knowing the Kankers as well as the Cul-de-sac kids... I struggle to even remember which is which or anything about them beyond their Crushes on the Eds and their G-rated sexual harassment fuelled by said crushes. Sorry, but any Ed, Edd, and Eddy asks should be limited to the Cul-de-sac kids.
Tomoyo, since Sakura loves seeing Syaoran wearing girly and sexy clothes but he usually refuse to wear such clothes. So how did you get him to agree to do a photo shoot wearing nothing but girly and sexy clothing? Tomoyo: Oh, it was easy once I realized Li-kun and Sakura-chan share the same fetish... seeing their significant other in embarrassingly cute and sexy clothing... When I told them I wanted to take advantage of their similar builds and nearly identical hair color to do a twin show, they both put aside their own embarrassment to see the other model the clothes I made. Question: What were some of your favorite outfits you made him wear ? Tomoyo: Oh, I started simple with matching sundresses with sailor collars, then went a bit fancier with an understated gothic lolita dress with matching bonnet and parasol... Question: How did you get him to agree to do a lingerie photo shoot? Tomoyo: Oh, as the show went on, I put them in some frilly silk pajamas with long sleeves and ankle length pantaloons... then a camisole with knee length bloomers... a school swim suit, a bikini... by the time I switched to the actual lingerie, they had gotten so use to me putting them in gradually more revealing outfits I think they missed the change altogether. Question: What were some of your favorite lingerie sets you made him wear? Tomoyo: Well, there was this very pretty powder blue panty and training bra combo... and then the kiddy panties with Kero's face on the front with no top... and the pink ribbons held with a brooch modeled after Sakura-chan's star staff... Question: How did you get him to do those erotic bondage poses? Tomoyo: Oh, I had to blindfold them for the first couple of those, making them think there was more to what I was putting on them than there really was. Question: Finally how did you get him to agree to do it all in Penguin Park ? Tomoyo: Oh, I didn't tell them about any of the more risque outfits in the line-up, and by the time I got to them, they were so into studying each other it was easy to talk them into not cutting the shoot short.