Question: Tsunade, Sakura, Hinata and Ino, ever since you got turned into Loli's does Naruto take it easier on you or does he still treat youas his personal cumdumps? *The quartet of loli kunoichi are surrounded by shadow clones, a Cock each in their mouths, ass, pussy, and each hand. Each clone poofs away as they cum, only to be replaced by a fresh clone. Tsunade, the only Oppai loli of the bunch is even being titty fucked and all of the girls have cum plastered all over them.* Naruto: Why would I go easy on my girls just because they got smaller and cuter? If anything, it just makes them easier to manhandle and all that much tighter!
Question: Hermione, how does it feel to be a knocked up slut after being fucked by that American Muggle while visiting America. Hermione: It feels kind of weird having a baby wriggling around inside me, but I kind of want to go back to America next summer and see if I can track down the father for another round... and perhaps give our child a little brother or sister...
Question: Cream, was your mom angry after your human stepdad knocked you up or is she trying to give you a sibling? Vanilla: *Rubbing her daughter's plump, bunny bump.* Oh, I'm quite excited about becoming a grandmother... *Rubs her own bump.* and giving my little cream a little sibling... I hope my grandchild gets along with its aunt/uncle since Cream and I are due about the same time...
Comment: I hope the lack of prompts wasn't a worry. I think everyone was dialing it back under the impression that you were overwhelmed by the excessive amount. Kitten: No worries, and I'll admit I did get a bit overwhelmed between how many prompts I got across all Q&As, Gmail not threading comment notifications properly, and warm weather and no AC making it hard to concentrate while at my Desktop. ---
Question: Codename: Kids Next Door - Numbuh 5 (Abigail) & Henrietta Von Marzipan So, have you two managed to get in any wild Candy Hunting Expeditions since the Caramel Curse was broken? More importantly, have either of you done any intense lezzing-out on those adventures? Numbuh 5: Well, there was this one time we busted A Chocolate Baron who was working kids to the bone in his Chocolate mines deep in the Congo and somewhere along the line, the refrigeration went on the fritz and the jungle heat ended up melting enough chocolate to flood the place... Naturally, we chose to lick each other clean than to let all of that chocolate go to waste... and than there's the time we stumbled upon the tomb of Candida, Cleopatra's bratty little sister... that girl's love of candy was so great she not only had gemstones made of the stuff, but had her tomb decorated with anatomically correct statues of both cute boys and girls carved from solid candy and there was even a chest of candy dildos among her treasure... Question: And Henrietta, have you had a chance to pay ol' Sticky Beard and his crew a vissit, since you went back to being a sexy german girl? Henrietta: I did, though mainly to loot their candy coffers since most of the crew are more than just candy pirates and only have use for cabin boys, not girls...
Question: The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy- Mandy & Mindy So, Mandy, word on the street is that Mindy has made herself the "Queen" of the public pool, by being a total slut. Any plans to dethrone your rival? I'm sure Erwin would be happy to help you pick out a sexy swimsuit & practice your "technique. Mandy: As much as Mindy being on top annoys me, I'm tempted to let the slut continue to degrade herself for the approval of others... As for Irwin... I'd sooner burn any swimsuit that meets with his approval...
Question: Mindy, think there is any chance Mandy can wrest the pool from your iron, cock stroking, grip? Just how much work goes into being the biggest little slut in town? Mindy: Oh, having boys worship at my feet just because I'm willing to stroke their willies is so much fun I don't even think of it as work... As for Mandy... she might have bimbo blonde hair, but that girl's too much of a prude to even try, and aside from that Irwin nerd and maybe Billy the idiot, I doubt any of the boys would even be willing to get close to little Miss goth in girly girl clothes.
Question: Impa, don't you think the swimsuit Zelda is wearing, is to skimpy? Why would you let her pick and wear that at a public beach? And why are you naked and not doing anything to the group of men that are starting to surround her? Impa: What she's wearing isn't too different from traditional Sheikah training garb for a young lady... Especially when she's training to use her feminine wiles to distract men or sparring with a male who is training to resist such... If anything, I'd say my young pupil is doing quite well at distracting the men on this beach... Let's see how well she puts to use the other things I taught her...
Question: Saria, nice day to swim in the river with the other Kokiri, isn't it? Have you or any of the other Kokiri, know what a swimsuit is? With how small Link is, if it wasn't for him missing a slit, you could mistake him for a girl, right? But you seem to have eyes for Mido, why is that? And is it true you've encounter men while swimming and they had their way with you, while swimming alone in a river near the edges of the forest? Even the smallest cock among the men, any Kokiri boy to shame. It seems despite you warning the other girls about being rape, you've gone back and hope other men find you, so what happen to you can't be call rape, right? Saria: A swim suit? Do hylians really have garb specifically used for swimming? How strange... Kokiri usually either just jump in wearing our usual garb and let the sun dry it afterward or discard our clothes to swim skyclad... And yes, Link does make the other boys look like mighty oaks next to a pine needle... It's a bit of a shame... Link is so sweet, but he llooks like a girl the Great Deku tree forgot to split under those shorts... And I have met a few Hylian wood cutters, who thinking me some runaway offered to show me a good time before exposing their stalks to me... And their stalks really are like mighty oaks compared to any boy of the forest... Mido comes closest to resembling a Hylian man, but he's still a sapling by comparison... When I told my sisters of my experience, some were scared, some intrigued, and some disbelieving... Whether any of them have sought out the Hylians who venture into the forest, I know not, but I confess it's tempting to seek them out now that I know of what they hide in their breeches.
Question: Sakura, since you and the other girls are at the river, who has the skimpiest swimsuit? You don't count, since you are nude. Heard you lost your virginity here at this spot, is this the reason why you recommended this spot to the other girls? And how you lost you virginity, was straight from a extreme porn, with how many men and other things used you that day, is this true? Kitten: Okay, either the questioner didn't specify the fandom or it got lost in transmission somewhere, so... Sakura Haruno: Ino showed up in a violet bikini to match the pink one I put on just for the sake of stripping out of it... and while she was shocked at first, our old rivalry wouldn't let her back down... Hinata is the most modest of us, wearing a swim dress over some midnight purple bikini bottoms... though I don't think she took her recent growth spurt in the chest into consideration... Tenten is possibly the boldest, yet with the least exposed skin... She may look like she's wearing a full wetsuit patterned to resemble a panda, but if you look close, it's actually waterproof body paint... Ans Tsunade-sensei's swimsuit is basically just a ribbontied around her waist in back, looped through her buttcrack and over her vulva, separated in two across her nipples and the ends tied behind her neck... As for losing my virginity... Well, a group of rather strapping carpentors and masons is supposed to be meeting us here... and are looking forward to having fun with a few more kunoichi... Tomoyo Daijouji: Naturally, I caught every explicit detial of that group of highschool boys gangbanging Sakura-chan... As for me and the other girls... While Sakura-chan is trying to cover herself with her hands and looking like a cherry blossom, Mei-Ling is doing Katas in the buff to show off her martial artist physique... Naoko and CHiharuare sporting matching bikinis in blue and red respectively, and Rika is looking like a proper lady in a modest, black one-piece... As for myself, I went for a violet bikini with a bit less strap on the top than Naoko and Chiharu and with a ruffle around the waistband...
Question: Gwen Tennyson, How did you get Ben's ( All Boy) little league team to agree to face your ( All Girl) little league team in a game, with the loser's team being made into the winner's slaves for the rest of the summer? Gwen: Wasn't hard, I just asked them if a bunch of big, strong boys were afraid of losing to a geeky girl and her geeky friends... Question: What modifications did your team do to their uniforms to help to distract Ben's team ? Gwen: Oh, we imported some elementary school gym uniforms from Japan and had them dyed in our team colors... We also ordered them a few sizes too small and skipped panties and training bras for the girls who normally wear them... We were all exposing just slightly less skin than we would in a modest one-piece, and those buruma were hugging our butts and girlhoods so snuggly the boys could se every contour... and to add to how the shirts accentuated our budding breasts, we swapped out the usual vertical name tags used with such uniforms for horizontal name tags over our hearts... Half the boys didn't know what hit them, and if anything, the half who recognized the style of uniform we were wearing had been jacking to freeze frames of anime girls in the same kind of uniforms for months, if not years, so it was like a wet dream come true for them. Question: During the game, what did you girls do to tease and distract Ben's team? Gwen: Oh nothing too special... we might have stretched to show off our bare legs or bend over to emphasize our buruma-clad butts a bit more than necessary, but nothing explicit enough the boys could call us out on it. How did Ben and his team react when your team crushed them? Gwen: Oh, they were shocked when we finished the first inning several runs ahead, and I think half the team had given up by the seventh inning stretch... Ben was the most defiant, demanding a rematch when it was all over, but his team mates were too demoralized to back him up. Question: How did your team celebrate beating Ben's team ? Gwen: For starters, we all went out for Ice Cream on the boys' dime, with the threat of spreading the news of their defeat if they tried to weasel out of it. Question: When your team went to Female Little League World Series, how did Ben and the boys react when you made them be your cheerleaders and more importantly how did they react to the skimpy and sexy uniforms? Oh, by that time, most of the boys took it in stride... Ben had to be wrestled into his cheerleading costume though... fortunately, the boys were more than willing to help with that... The boys all looked rather cute in their pink panties, pleated micro skirts, and tube tops... Ben even tried covering his chest when he got his first look in the mirror despite the fact he'd normally go topless at the beach...
Question: This one goes out to all the girls of Kokiri Forest, in general: There are all sorts of stories about people getting lost in the woods and meeting a grim fate, but every so often, there are those who speak of the friendly Forest Children who will help travelers exit the forest, safely. Some of these stories involve said children asking to experience some "adult fun" in exchange for their help, with some even returning to the forest just for the chance to re-live the experience. Care to talk about some of those "stories" from your perspectives? Fado: Oh, it's a lot of fun to spook a Hylian Woodcutter who gets lost in the woods... but not as much fun when he stretches my little girl parts around his mighty oak and hugs me to his chest as he bounces me in his lap... The boys of the forest are mere saplings by comparison and none of them can provide that sense of both being completely at another's mercy and yet perfectly protected...
Tetra, is it true you lost your virginity in a gangbang with your crew? If so, what makes Link so much better that the two of you fuck like rabbits almost every chance you get, but threaten to castrate Niko or Gonzo anytime they so much as mention a handjob? For that matter, have you even told Link that story, or are you afraid he'd think less of you? Tetra: That first time was one hell of a party, especially since we had just looted a shipment of great ale, mead, and wine... But I itched in my unmentionables for weeks afterward... Link might be a lanlubber who'd have drowned a long time ago without that talking boat of his, but he at least keeps himself clean better than a weekly dip in the ocean and none of me men will pay any heed to an order to at least use soap every moon or so. Question: Speaking of gangbangs, Aryll, about how many times a day did the monsters at the Forsaken Fortress have their way with you and the other girls while you were captives, there? That one freaky girl in Windfall certainly seems to have enjoyed her stay, so how would you say your experience compared? Aryll: *Bouncing on a broken off tree branch that's been stripped of bark and polished smooth.* I lost track of the days, but it seemed like the only time one of the creatures didn't have his thing in me was when they let us sleep, fed us, or one was pulling out to make room for another... Ever since Big brother rescued me, my tinkle has been craving to be filled like that again and again... and I keep wearing out the fallen tree branches I sneak from the wood pile. Question: Romani, most people are unsure whether or not Gorons even have genitalia, but I hear that you and Cremia found out first-hand with the help of a strange, green-hatted Goron that visited your ranch, the other day. Care to share your findings? Romani, Romani was surprised when that strange Goron showed Romani the stone spire between his legs... it was hard as a rock like the rest of his skin, but smooth and slippery like glazed pottery instead of rough like a boulder... and it was rather big... not as big as as the bulls or stallions fleshy shafts, but still as long as Romani's forearm and thick as Romani's thigh... Romani didn't believe the strange Goron when he said it would fit in Romani's special place, but using quite a lot of a purple potion that made Romani's special place tingle and which had a sweet scent that made Romani's head fuzzy, he somehow managed to get it inside Romani's special place and it made Romani feel better than Romani has ever felt before... Romani wants to take another ride on that Strange Goron's spire...