Question: Prof. McGonagall did you really make that firstie Granger into your foot slave? McGonagall: I didn't have to make Miss Granger do anything... she's so eager to please her teachers she volunteered for the position.
Question: Pansy did you really give Prof. McGonagall a love potion and made her eat your ass? Pansy: Of course... and I must say, for a Gryffindor, she's quite talented with her tongue...
Comment: Inspector Gadget is on the list? Hooray, Penny was my first loli crush when it was first broadcast and we were the same age! Though it was obvious she had a steady boyfriend. Kitten: In retrospect, Penny was probably my first crush as well, though I think I was too young to realize it at the time(the original show is older than I am, and I don't think it saw reruns in syndication nearly as much as many other old cartoons... Question: Penny and Brain, all questions for both of you unless otherwise noted: what was your first time like? A moment of desperate lust when you thought you wouldn't survive, or happily riding the post-victory high? Did you realize and confess your love for each other before or after you'd done the deed? Penny: Our first time was kind of by accident... Uncle Gadget's latest assignment had brought us to a tropical resort, and I had been investigating in just a bikini when MAD agents caught me... As Brain was trying to untie my arms from behind my back, my butt rubbed against his crotch and his doggy dick slipped from his sheath... feeling it rub against my butt got me hot in turn, and between him trying to undo the knots, both of us squirming in arousal... well, my bikini bottom got out of place and his tip eventually hit the bulls eye... Once he was knotted inside me, he managed to undo my bonds and we poured our hearts out to each other while we waited for him to deflate, the moment tense since we didn't know if MAD agents would catch us like that... Question: What's your favorite non-doggy-style position? Penny: I like hugging Brain to me in missionary... especially when he takes advantage of the size difference to lick my nipples while balls deep in me... Question: What are the riskiest/most potentially public/nicest/strangest places you've ever had sex? Where would you want to do it again? How many of Doctor Claw's abandoned desks have you defiled? Penny: Oh, I've lost count of the number of times we nearly got caught tied to each other in some dark corner of a MAD facility... and how many times we've done it in one of Claw's abandoned offices... Question: Penny, what's it like being bound and gagged and worried that Brain might not find you in time? What's the closest you've ever come to being molested before he rescued you? If you had no other choice, would you use your body to accomplish the mission? Penny: Surprisingly, most of MAD's agents seem to have a policy against hurting children... which I suspect is why I just end up tied up instead of having my throat slit... There's been a few that have given me a lecherous look, but Brain's the only one who's ever actually done anything to me while I was tied up... Question: How was it realizing you both had feelings for Atsuko, and then that she returned them? Penny, what was it like living with Atsuko for a couple of weeks before Brain could come to Japan? Brain, how frustrating was the wait? Both, how bittersweet was your one night all together before you had to go back to America? Kitten: Okay, I have no memory of Atsuko or any episodes set in Japan... then again, I lost saw the show when it aired on television when I was a kid and have never binged it as an adult, something I really should remedy.