Question: Karin, Yuzu, Nel, Orihime, and Rukia, how do you gals feel when Ichigo decides to go all out on breeding you, and how does Hime-chan feel now that she's found a way to make herself into an oppai loli so she can get that strawberry dick? Karin: *Grumpy* I told Ichi-nii not to cum inside me, but he wouldn't listen, and Yuzu egged him on and threatened to deny me her home cooking for a year if I went through with an abortion... I'll be glad when this kid is out of me and I hope I can get Goat face to sign off on me getting my tubes tied... Yuzu: *Over the moon.* I couldn't be happier to be carrying Onii-chan's baby! And I'm glad to have karin by my side through this process even if she's a bit of a sourpuss... I can't wait to meet my baby and hope Onii-chan gives me many more! Now, what color to paint the nursery my child will be sharing with Karin's child... Nel: *Rubbing her baby bump, which is nearly as big as her whole body.* It hurt so good when Itsygo put on his mask and fucked Nel... Nel can't wait for Itsygo's baby to split Nel apart. Orihime: *Chibified and rubbing her own swollen tummy.* I already loved bouncing in Kurosaki-kun's lap before, but since Urahara-san figured out how to duplicate what happened to Nel without having to give me a spiritual concussion, I have even more fun than before! Rukia: *Grumpy* I'm not as upset about Ichigo failing to pull out as Karin is, but still, it doesn't look good for a newly promoted Lieutenant to immediately have to go on maternity leave, and Shirayuki is being such a mother hen she refuses to even let me practice her dances in my current condition.
Question: I have a question; Has there been any progress on Nocturn Alley street walking twink Harry Potter I asked in chapter one? Kitten: Honestly, I discarded those questions and never revisited them... and the same goes for any other questions that stumped me. I try to answer every question, but I make no guarantee I'll actually manage it, and with the volume of questions and how disorganized the label I made for archiving comment notifications until I'm ready to post a compilation(Why, Google why? Why doesn't Gmail have the option to manually merge conversations when your auto-threading fails? My Q&A label should never have more than six threads(unless I make a seventh Q&A), but it's gotten as high as 27, more than half of all my archived e-mails at that point... and I don't like having any label hitting the double digits or my all mail folder passing 20), it's hard to fight the temptation to just pick and choose the questions that appeal most instead of trying to answer them all... Readers are welcome to repost questions in the event something genuinely got lost in the shuffle or in hopes that putting the questions in my ear again in a fresh batch of questions will inspire me, I've got enough on my plate without adding deliberately carrying the stumpers forward from one batch of questions to the next... After all, the main reason I created these Q&As was to give myself something relatively easy to keep the kinky, creative juices flowing when I can't muster the focus to make progress on my longer form fiction.
Question: Gwen, is it true that you are a huge pervert for outdoor sex? And that you and Ben made a goal to have sex in different & various places as much as possible over the summer? Where was the riskiest and thrilling place you had sex in? Gwen: I'd say the boldest we've gotten was probably that time at the beach when I buried Ben in the sand except for his head and crotch and rode him in front of the crowds, nothing but a light swim skirt to hide that I had my bikini bottoms pulled aside to give him access... Of course, we kept up the act of bickering like we hated each other's guts to sell the idea that what passerbys were seeing was just some cousin rivalry with Ben swearing he'd get me back for getting the drop on him.
question: Charmcaster, Gwen. Is it true that female witches grow a cock when they first get in touch with their magic? And Gwen, how did Ben react when you grew a cock when you first became Lucky girl? How did that change the sexual relation between you two? Charmcaster: Yes, a witch's fleshy wand is the clearest sign that a female with magical potential has awakened... and while experienced mages can control the size and shape to some extent, inexperienced mages tend to have proportions relative to the maximum amount of mana they can channel. Gwen: I'm not sure who was more shocked when this thing sprouted between my legs. *Sways her hips, making the girl cock as thick as her thighs and hanging past her knees swing side-to-side.* Me or Ben... Ben's totally jealous though, unless he goes Four Arms, Wild mutt, or one of his other alien forms with very large equipment, I'm more hung than him. Kitten: I'm going to let this one slide even though this Q&A is supposed to be strictly for little boys and girls with only one set of genitals... Though I'm thinking of creating a "Cartoon Cockgirls" Q&A to catch the largest chunk of stuff that neither fits the Magical or Shounen Futanari Q&As... though I hesitate with how behind I've gotten on replies...
question: (Not related to the previous question.) Ben, is it true that during the battle with the Negative 10 in Mount Rushmore, you captured Charmcaster and fucked her into being a loyal servant to you and your cock? How's Gwen taking the news that the relationship between you and her just turned into a three way? Ben: Gwen seems pretty happy about it... pretty sure both of the girls are bi and enjoy fucking each other as much as they enjoy getting fucked by me. (Follow up to the last question. And variant of the question of Gwen moving to Ben's neighborhood and going to same school.) It was nice of Max to take you in, Charmcaster. And it was surprising to know that Gwen moved to Ben's neighborhood Now, Ben, Gwen and Charmcaster. You three all go to the same school now. Has there been any sexy escapades between you three? Has it been hard to pretend to be 'normal' around your master, Charmcaster? And Gwen, are you getting along with Charmcaster? Charmcaster: I'll admit, being a good girl... or at least no more of a delinquent than Ben instead of an outright villain took some getting used to, but I'm quite enjoying my new life... and Shutting up those bullies Ben is too much of a white knight to go Alien and take much deserved revenge on give me the perfect excuse to be openly flirty with Ben. *Giggling* He's still seen as the scrawny geek at school, but having the hot goth girl as his girlfriend has done wonders for his social standing... Gwen is probably my best friend, though I do think she's a bit jealous she can't be as openly affectionate since Tennyson is too uncommon a family name for them to deny their kinship... Hasn't stopped her from joining us for afterschool threesomes in the Chemistry lab, especially not after I started teaching her some of the fun bits of alchemy and potions I know.
question: Chibiusa, is it true that your love of shota cock and ass got you into a intimate relationship with your uncle Shingo? That you two fuck like Rabbits every time you get the chance? Chibiusa: Oh yes, though, he still thinks I'm his cousin... I've also fucked him as Chibi Moon... who he's admitted to having a huge crush on, though he thinks I've just got a really good cosplay... I half expect him to jizz in his pants and pass out if I ever tell him the truth... Kitten: I confess, I've been wanting to write a Chibiusa/Shingo oneshot where Chibiusa transforms and pretends its cosplay to seduce him for literal years... and a sequel where they role play her as Chibi Moon and him as the evil mastermind trying to corrupt the heroine... I swear, I'm not sure a solid year of writing 2k words every single day would be enough to completely clean out the back log of story ideas swimming in my head.
question: To Rin, Kuro and Mimi. What did prof. Aoki gave you for your birthdays? Did you get what you wished for? What did teacher Kyoko Hoin got you? Rin: Aoki-sensei just wished me a happy birthday... which was kind of disappointing... especially when I went to the trouble of wearing a skirt and a special pair of panties to give him a nice show when I bent over his desk and offered him to give me my birthday spankings... I did manage to steal a kiss as consolation though... Kuro: Honestly, It weirded me out the way the virgin went out of his way to wish me a happy birthday... Had he actually gotten me a gift, I'd probably have given the lolicon a swift kick between the legs. Mimi: It was nice of Sensei to wish me a happy birthday... I wonder if Reiji thought to get me anything...
question: To Gwen Tennyson. Do you enjoy joining Ben in the shower of your grampa's van? They are cramped. Did you ever make things more cramped for you two in there using that good old tentacle spell? Gwen: I'll admit, it was a bit awkward the first few times, but once we got use to the small space, it's actually quite cozy... even with dozens of tentacles sprouting from my back and probing and prodding at our every nook and cranny... besides, showering together helps stretch the limited capacity of the Rustbucket's water tanks.
question: Ben 10: Gwen did you and your Grandpa Max do anything on days when Ben was out of sight? Gwen: Oh, Grandpa would sometimes start reminiscing about one of his many lovers from his Plumber days just to get Ben to runoff as XLR8 to get away from the mushy stuff... and then Grandpa would show me hands-on just what he did with all of those alien ladies... *Giggles* he really knows how to make a girl feel special... it's no wonder he's remembered so fondly by the various alien women who have visited over the summer.
question: Yachiru, who is the hottest woman in the Seireitei and why is it Nemu? Yachiru: I don't know if I'd call Nemnem the hottest in Seireitei, though she's definitely the best winggirl to team up with when I want to play adult games, both being a playmate and helping me wrangle other playmates.
Question: Nel, if you had to fuck one guy who isn't Ichigo, who would your pick be? Nel: Nel wanna be impaled on Itsygo tha most, but if Nel had to choose another guy... That giant who smells like a Hollow who came with Itsygo seems nice... and I bet he has a big thing that would split Nel real good! And while the way he beat up that Mantis was kind of scary, Yatsyru says Kenny is really nice when he isn't fighting and that he has a really big thingy... Kitten: I don't know if little Nel would've remembered Chad's name or any of the rest of the version of Team Kurosaki that invaded Heuco Mundo to save Orihime, but I figured Chad would make the strongest positive impression based on the rather short time between Meting Nel and her brothers and the group splitting up... Also, if memory serves, there's a series of between chapter sketches that suggest Kenpachi and yachiru find Nel after Kenpachi takes out Nnoitra, so I'm going with Nel being barely aware during that part of the fighting and becoming instant friends with Yachiru given their shared tiny girls with huge power and carefree personalities archetype.
Question: Moegi, questioning minds would like to know what is going on between you and Konohamaru. Moegi: Um, well... He's my boyfriend... Though he did teach me the Boy-on-boy version of the Sexy Jutsu... and I sometimes use it while he uses the normal sexy jutsu for some role reversal... Ebisu-sensei gave us a real earful the first time he caught us sharing a bedroll during a C-rank mission...
Question: Numbuh 3 (Kuki Sanban) & Numbuh 5 (Abigail Lincoln) Settle a little debate for me, Girls. Which of you two is the bigger slut!? And just out of curiosity, what are the boys of Sector V all packing down there? I've heard conflicting rumors about dick size for all of them... Numbuh 5: Don't let that sugary sweet exterior fool ya, Numbuh 3 is the lewdest loli in all of the KND... She makes most of the adult comics the Japanese branch smuggle to the rest of the Operatives look tame... and there's things in those comics Numbuh 5 wouldn't do for all the candy in the world... As for the boys, Numbuh 1 is all backside below the belt, and Numbuh 2's is about as short and squat as he is... Numbuh 3 is more familiar with Numbuh 4's than I am. Numbuh 3: Numbuh 4's is long and slender... He doesn't stretch me very much, but he gets way up in there... not as well as the tentacles on a S.Q.U.I.D, but better than most of the boys in the KND. Kitten: I have no idea what S.Q.U.I.D. expands to, but needless to say, it's a 2x4 Tech sex toy straight out of a mad science tentacle hentai and probably made by the Japanese KND's tech wiz and given that name by KND Global command given the series love of acronyms... If you have any suggestions for how to expand it, or an alternative acronym for it, feel free to drop it in a comment.
Question: Hey, Lisa. I'm not sure how much of a size queen you are, but of the boys you've dated in the past, who was packin' the biggest dick? And who was sportin' the smallest? Lisa: *Blushing.* Milhouse is rather small... and it barely takes running a finger along his shaft to set him off... Nelson already has a length and girth most grown men would be proud of... *blushes deepens.* and his womb punches are as impactful as his normal punches...
Question: Actually, while we're on the subject of dongs around Springfield, what's the Futanari population like around there? Are any of the women you know packing a little something extra? Lisa: Well, there's this rumor about the twins, but nothing I can confirm... Kitten: Okay, definitely need a Q&A for futanari with western animation... and I've had to move a question over to the Shounen Futa thread... Wish me luck on catching up...
Question: Yachiru did you expect that your teasing would end up with you impaled on Nemu's huge strapon? Yachiru: *Smiling as she stands naked over Nemu, the taller girl passed out from exhaustion.* I was hoping to make her try and have her way with me... didn't know she was working on a strap-on to let the wearer feel the pussy they're pounding... and I had hoped she would last longer... now my kitty feels unsatisfied... Hmmm, who should I tease next...
Question: Hanabi did you expect to be assigned to a secret mission for the Hokage? What are your thoughts on being Tsunade's rimming girl? Hanabi: It's an honor to beselected to serve the Hokage directly, especialy as a Genin... admittedly, it was a bit surprising when I learned what my duties would be... Fortunately, Lady Hokage lets me use my Byakugan to see people approaching her office, making it easy to maintain cover as merely being a page instead of everyone knowing of the more intimate duties I perform... though, I suspect she has me watching out so no one catches her slacking off on paperwork to enjoy my services...
Question: Tetra, you tease Link on a regular bases. But is it true that you've gone too far teasing him with your huge bubble butt? And that sissy Link finally manned up and fucked your ass hard in doggy style? That's why you've been so submissive toward him for the last few weeks, isn't it? Tetra: I'll admit, I was as surprised as anyone when that yella-bellied landlubber finally grew a spine and took me like a real man would... Kinda nice being on bottom for a change though...